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1、This document is the intellectual property of Acer Inc, and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or re-utilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. 标准质保介绍Jess GaoThis document is the intellectual property of Acer Inc, and

2、 was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or re-utilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. 目录1. Acer2. FounderThis document is the intellectual property of Acer Inc, and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may n

3、ot be modified, organized or re-utilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. Acer笔记本&上网本台式机服务器36个月CPU、内存CPU、内存主板、内存、CPU、硬盘、 电源、服务器网卡、RAID 卡、SCSI卡、SCSI硬盘仓24个月主板、显卡、LCD屏、硬盘、 电源适配器、键盘、鼠标模块主板、硬盘、显卡、电源、 软驱12个月LCD之附件、光驱、DVD、 CDR/W、软驱、Modem卡、 网卡、摄像头等其余功能模块 和部件读卡器、光驱、DVD

4、、 CDR/W、键盘、鼠标、其它 板卡等其余部件液晶显示器、共享器、机 柜、1U机架式液晶共享器、 鼠标、键盘、光驱、CPU风 扇、软驱、磁带机服务方式送修一年上门保内上门l笔记本、上网本、台式机、服务器This document is the intellectual property of Acer Inc, and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or re-utilized in any way without the express written permi

5、ssion of the rightful owner. l显示器Acer产品系列液晶屏保修其他硬件电路保修服务方式AL系列、V系列12个月36个月送修X系列、P系列 F系列、B系列 G系列、H系列 S系列、其他系列36个月36个月送修This document is the intellectual property of Acer Inc, and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or re-utilized in any way without the expre

6、ss written permission of the rightful owner. l投影机、平板电脑、智能手机Acer投影机平板电脑智能手机24个月整机(灯泡及随机资料除 外)、LED灯泡主板及主板不可拆卸的部 件、触摸屏、硬盘、电源适 配器12个月电池、摄像头、数据线等其 余功能模块和部件充电器(充电座)、DC转换 头、数据连接线、数据接口 卡、移动终端卡6个月灯泡(使用小时在1000小 时以内)电池、摄像头3个月外接有线耳机、数据存储介质 (如:光盘、存储卡)服务方式送修送修送修This document is the intellectual property of Acer I

7、nc, and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or re-utilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. Founderl方正家用台式产品服务承诺保修期限保修部件三年主板、内存、CPU、硬盘、电源、显示卡、CRT显示器、显示屏(心逸);一年风扇、低音炮、音箱、耳麦、USB HUB、主控台、开关、游戏柄、摄像 头、遥控器、E-TOY、网卡、多媒体卡(或声卡

8、)及除显卡外的其它插 卡式部件、光驱、数码驱动器、液晶显示器、键盘、鼠标、手写板、 UPS电源、调制解调器、光盘刻录机、软驱服务方式免费享受服务的期限及说明硬件故障现场服务*购机之日起一年内硬件故障送修服务保修期内适用产品系列卓越、飞越、心逸*硬件故障现场服务:无地区限制This document is the intellectual property of Acer Inc, and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or re-utilized in any way

9、 without the express written permission of the rightful owner. l方正商用台式产品服务承诺保修期限保修部件三年主板、内存、CPU、硬盘、电源、显示卡、CRT显示器一年风扇、低音炮、音箱、耳麦、USB HUB、主控台、开关、网卡、多媒体卡 (或声卡)及除显卡外的其它插卡式部件、光驱、数码驱动 器、液晶显示 器、键盘、鼠标、手写板、UPS电源、调制解调器、光盘刻录机、软驱 等服务方式免费享受服务的期限及说明硬件故障现场服务*保修期内硬件故障送修服务保修期内适用产品系列财税、商祺、文祥、君逸Founder*硬件故障现场服务:无地区限制Th

10、is document is the intellectual property of Acer Inc, and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or re-utilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. l方正家用笔记本产品服务承诺保修部件保修时间服务方式笔记本主机主板、CPU、内存、显示屏、硬 盘、键盘、电源适配器自购机之日起两年内送修服务笔记本整机

11、(光驱、软驱、鼠 标、网卡、升压板、标准配置的 电池)自购机之日起一年内送修服务软件 预装软件自购机之日起一年内送修服务随机软件*自购机之日起三个月内送修服务适用产品系列S、T、R系列Founder*随机赠送的学习软件(需用户自行安装)This document is the intellectual property of Acer Inc, and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or re-utilized in any way without the expre

12、ss written permission of the rightful owner. l方正商用笔记本产品服务承诺保修部件保修时间服务方式笔记本主机主板、CPU、内存、显示屏、硬盘、键 盘、电源适配器、笔记本整机(光驱、软 驱、鼠标、网卡、升压板、标准配置的电 池)自购机之日起一年内自购机之日起一年 内提供送修服务软件 预装软件自购机之日起一年内自购机之日起一年 内提供送修服务随机软件*自购机之日起三个月内自购机之日起三个 月内提供送修服务适用产品系列颐和Founder标准质保*随机赠送的学习软件(需用户自行安装)This document is the intellectual prop

13、erty of Acer Inc, and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or re-utilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. Founderl方正服务器、工作站系列系列产品服务承诺保修期限保修部件 工作站系列三年CRT显示器、主板、内存、CPU、硬盘、电源、显示卡一年液晶显示器、鼠标、键盘、光驱、CPU风扇、 除显卡外的其 它插卡式部件(如网卡、

14、硬盘保护卡) 、软驱服务器系列 三年CRT显示器、主板、内存、CPU、硬盘、电源、服务器网 卡、RAID卡、SCSI卡、SCSI硬盘仓一年液晶显示器,共享器、机柜,1U机架式液晶共享器、鼠标、 键盘、光驱、CPU风扇、软驱、磁带机服务方式免费享受服务的期限及说明 美仑工作站硬件故障现场服务保修期内硬件故障送修服务保修期内圆明服务器硬件故障现场服务保修期内This document is the intellectual property of Acer Inc, and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or re-utilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. Thank you



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