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1、 变异理论指导下的新闻文体英译汉研究变异理论指导下的新闻文体英译汉研究 A Study of E-C Journalistic Translation from the Perspective of the Translation Variation Theory 学科专业:外国语言学及应用语言学 研 究 生:孙宁 指导教师:杨福玲 教授 天津大学文法学院 二零壹叁年五月 独创性声明 本人声明所呈交的学位论文是本人在导师指导下进行的研究工作和取得的研究成果,除了文中特别加以标注和致谢之处外,论文中不包含其它人已经发表或撰写过的研究成果,也不包含为获得 天津大学天津大学 或其它教育机构的学位或证

2、书而使用过的材料。与我一同工作的同志对本研究所做的任何贡献均已在论文中作了明确的说明并表示了谢意。 学位论文作者签名: 签字日期: 年 月 日 学位论文版权使用授权书 本学位论文作者完全了解 天津大学天津大学 有关保留、使用学位论文的规定。特授权 天津大学天津大学 可以将学位论文的全部或部分内容编入有关数据库进行检索,并采用影印、缩印或扫描等复制手段保存、 汇编以供查阅和借阅。 同意学校向国家有关部门或机构送交论文的复印件和磁盘。 (保密的学位论文在解密后适用本授权说明) 学位论文作者签名: 导师签名: 签字日期: 年 月 日 签字日期: 年 月 日 I 摘摘 要要 翻译方法的研究是为了促进译

3、者翻译能力的完善和提高。 但历年来, 国内外翻译研究以文学翻译为主流研究对象, 翻译方法则主要集中在全译的角度,提出的多种翻译理论也多基于全译的“忠实”和“对等”原则;对于某些实用文体翻译中出现的变译现象 (如新闻报刊的编译和科技信息的摘译等) 则多持消极态度。随着对翻译客体认识的逐渐深入,翻译研究学者对事物外延的把握更为精准, 进而形成了“全译与变译”这种较为明确的划分法。针对变译现象,西方学者纷纷从各种理论出发对其进行充分解释, 这类研究解释性很强,但由于并未对变译现象进行充分观察和充分描写,因此操作性不强,能解释现象,但不能切实指导实践。 新闻文体翻译活动中所使用的编译方法是一种常见的变

4、译现象。 新闻文体常见的体裁包括消息、特写和新闻评论等。 新闻文体的产生主要是为了满足人类在社会实践活动中信息交流和沟通需要,因此新闻文体翻译也多以实用性为原则,以传递信息为主要目的,偏重读者需求。在新闻翻译研究领域,国内学者大多选择基于国外某个现有翻译理论对新闻文体的翻译技巧进行分析总结, 或分析某个相关因素对新闻翻译产生的影响; 国外现有成型翻译理论则大多将新闻编译作为一种特例现象,并没有将其作为一种正规翻译类型纳入理论框架。 变译理论是中国翻译学者黄忠廉教授基于翻译领域的变译现象所提出的一种独立的翻译理论体系。 变译理论的基本原理是通过采用适当的变译手段,对原文进行合理调整, 以适应目标

5、读者的阅读需求。 这一理论的提出为翻译类型的划分确立了一种全新的视角。 变译理论与西方研究变译现象的其他理论的一个重要区别在于, 变译理论更注重对变译现象的实例分析,注重理论的可操作性和实践指导价值。 新闻文体翻译与变译理论有很多共通性, 将变译理论与新闻文体翻译相结合将对二者研究均大有裨益。本文旨在借助变译理论框架中的“增” 、 “减” 、 “编” 、“述” 、 “缩” 、 “并” 、 “改”这七种变通手段对不同类型的新闻文体翻译具体案例进行分析评价和策略指导, 验证变译理论作为新闻文体翻译系统理论依据的可行II 性, 并基于变译现象基本特征演绎推导不同类型的新闻文体翻译相对应的有效策略。

6、关键字:关键字:变译理论,新闻文体变译理论,新闻文体翻译翻译,变通手段,变通手段 III Abstract The researches on translation approaches are carried out so as to improve the translators translating ability. Till now, researches at home and abroad mainly focus on literature translation with complete translation as the most preferred translat

7、ion type. The existing translation theories are mostly based on the principles of fidelity and equivalence, taking a relatively negative attitude towards the translation variation in some types of pragmatic translation (adaption in news translation and abridged translation in scientific and technolo

8、gical information, etc.). As the understanding towards the translation object improves, translation theorists develop a more accurate conception of the objects extension, which leads to a clearer division of complete translation and translation variation. Western translation theorists try to explain

9、 translation variation on the basis of various current translation theories. However, it helps more to explain the facts than to solve the problems in practice. Adaption in journalistic translation is a common type of translation variation. According to the features of the content, journalistic text

10、s can be divided into three types: news, features and commentaries and columns. Journalistic texts are used to meet the need of information exchange in social activities, so journalistic translation pays much attention to the target readers need and is based on the principle of practicability with i

11、nformation presentation as the main purpose. In the realm of journalistic translation, domestic researchers tend to analyze and summarize the translation skills on the basis of existing translation theories, or analyze the effect that a certain factor has on journalistic translation. Most of the exi

12、sting translation theories abroad take journalistic adaption as a special case in translation activities and exclude it from the current theoretical frame of translation. The Translation Variation Theory, established by Prof. Huang Zhonglian, is an independent and systematic translation theory that

13、focuses on the phenomenon of translation variation. The main methodology of the theory is to represent the main contents or keynote of the original text by using proper accommodation to meet the IV particular needs of the target readers. The proposal of the theory sets up a new perspective for the c

14、lassification of translation types. There is an important difference between the western researches on the phenomenon of translation variation and the theory of translation variationthe Translation Variation Theory pays more attention to the case studies of translation variation and lays more stress

15、 on the practical value in guiding translation practice. Journalistic translation and the Translation Variation Theory have a lot in common. For a very good reason, the Translation Variation Theory can be connected with journalistic text to guide its translation practice. In this paper, seven variat

16、ion strategiessupplement, deletion, edition, paraphrase, compression, conflation and rewriting, in the framework of the Translation Variation Theory will be used to analyze and evaluate the techniques and strategies in different cases of journalistic translation. Appropriate translation suggestions will also be proposed afterwards. This research is carried out in order to verify the practicability of th



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