1、1Unit1 paragraph 11 A picture flashed into my mind of another little girl who had recently survived a terrible plane crash. It was reported that she had lived because her mother had strapped her own body over the little girls in order to protect her. The mother did not survive. The newspapers had be
2、en tracking how the little girl had been treated by psychologists for weeks afterward to ward off feelings of guilt and unworthiness that often haunt survivors. The child was told over and over again that it had not been her fault that her mommy had gone away. I hoped this situation would not end th
3、e same way. 我脑海中闪现出另一个小姑娘的画面,也在最近的一场空难中幸存了下来。据 报道,她之所以生还,是因为她母亲为了保护她用安全带把她捆在身下,但母 亲却不幸遇难。对于这个小女孩在事后接受的心理治疗,报纸在几周内做了追 踪报道。心理治疗目的是消除常常困扰负罪者的负罪感和自我否定。那个女孩 被一遍又一遍地告知,妈妈的离开不是她的错。我希望今天的情况不会以同样 的方式收场。 Unit 2 Paragraphs1 and 2The simple truth is that if you want to be heard by your husband, you must speak a
4、 language he understands.An example: A friend of mine is married to a wealthy money waster who used to drive like a madman tailgating, speeding, weaving between lanes. My friend repeatedly expressed her fear about his dangerous habits but he didnt modify his behavior; money was the language he spoke
5、. She gave him one final warning: slow down or else. He didnt, so without showing off, she withdrew 40,000 from their bank accounts and bought herself a luxury convertible. I hear hes a pretty safe driver now.如果你想让你的丈夫听你的,你就必须说他能听懂的语言,这是一个简单的 事实。 举个例子:我的一个朋友,她的丈夫很有钱,爱挥霍,开起车来像个疯子: 追逼前车、超速、随意变道。我的朋友不止
6、一次对她丈夫表示这种危险的驾车 习惯让人害怕,但他不曾有任何改变;钱是他能听懂的语言。我朋友给了最后 通牒, 开慢点, 否则他当然没有听进去。于是我朋友从他们的银行账户 风景点取了美元给自己买了辆豪华敞篷跑车,当然这样做并不是为 了炫耀。我听说她丈夫现在开车非常小心。 Unit 3 Paragraph7. By the time a client decides to call us you can bet he or she has been living with the problem for some time, and they have tried all kinds of thi
7、ngs to solve it. A reliable sign that stress is at work can be found where you have a problem and no matter what you do you get stuck with it. The problem seems to grow in weight and size and you get frustrated. This arouses anxiety or worry and the stress intensifies. The problem, which started as
8、a mental or emotional issue, is now a physical one. Next come the headaches, muscular aches and pains, teeth grinding, shallow breathing, insomnia and drop in energy levels.2当有顾客找上我们向我们追诉他们的问题时,他(她)一定已经被困扰有 些时日了,而且试过各种办法却仍未解决问题。 当你碰到一个问题,无论如 何都无法摆脱它的时候,这就是最有力的信号表明你正在遭受压力之苦。这个 问题会被放大,并给你带来压抑感,进而引起烦燥或
9、焦虑,压力也随之增大。 刚开始还只是精神状态或情绪上的问题,此时已在身体状况上表现出来了。随 之而来的便是各种头疼、肌肉酸痛、磨牙、失眠,以及体力下降。 Unit 4 Paragraph 22 I dont know how strong Ill be if I move to a foreign country and try to speak in another language with fluent speakers. Especially, I dont know how strong Ill be if I dont have a network of my friends or
10、 the same white house with green board, the old streets with blinking road lamps, and sounds of cars whizzing by during the dark of night. I cant rear myself away from the scent of jasmine that drifts through my window during long summer nights and the sound of the sprinklers completing a morning ro
11、utine. 我不知道如果我到另一个国家,和另一种语言努力地跟那些说话流利的人 交流,那时我会有多坚强。尤其是,我不知道如果没有一帮朋友,没有和家里 一样铺着绿色木地板的白色屋子,没有那条路灯时明时暗的旧街,没有夜色中 飞驰而过的汽车声,我会有多坚强。我离不开那漫漫夏夜飘散在我空前的茉莉 花香, 也离不开每天早上熟悉的洒水车的声音。 Unit 5 Paragraphs 22 and 23 The biggest challenge of collaborative consumption is streamlining operations. What if all the women wan
12、t the same handbag during wedding season? What if all the renters want the Gulf-facing villa during Christmas? How do you share golf clubs during tournaments, and what if you want to take them for several days during vacations? Rental businesses have come up with temporary blackout dates and adding
13、extra charges for peak times. In the real world, we have to talk, either in person or through social networks to sort out the logistics. 合作消费最大的挑战在于理顺合作关系。要是在婚礼季所有女性都想用同一款 手袋怎么办?要是在圣诞节所有租户都想租海景别墅呢?在锦标赛期间,该如 何共享高尔夫俱乐部呢?在假期里,如果你想用几天又该怎么办呢? 租赁业务提出了在高峰期暂停服务,或者增加额外费用的解决办法。在现 实世界中,我们要么是自己亲自洽谈,要第是通过社交网络来想办法做发院校 在的后勤工作。