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1、双峰辣酱的传统制作工艺与发展研究摘要湖南永丰辣酱是我国历史上历史上著名的风味小吃和调味品,属国家地理标志产品。具有特殊的营养价值,永丰辣酱制作过程无公害,无色素,使用方便,在 19 世纪末随着侵华势力传扬到世界各地,并被誉为“天下第一酱” ,成为家喻户晓的辣酱产品。永丰辣酱经历了 100 多年的传播和发展,在名声和产量上出现了一定的衰落,曾经的辉煌不再,给我国的辣酱产业留下了一笔遗憾。随着我国辣酱产业的不断兴起,尤其是在老干妈等辣酱产业获得巨大成功之后,对于传统工艺的重视让许多国内外学者重新投入到对永丰辣酱这一古老品牌的研究之中,并取得了一系列成果。按照史料记载,永丰辣酱兴起于公园 16 世纪

2、,在 17 世纪中叶由蔡氏兄弟在永丰镇开设厂房投产而兴旺,发展到清朝晚期,曾国藩将永丰辣酱带到京城,谨献给咸丰皇帝后而名扬天下。在民国时期,永丰辣酱盛行,远销海外多个国家,创造了我国辣酱产业最早的神话。永丰辣酱以天然辣酱作为原料,配合以小麦、黄豆、糯米等作为,在一定的温度区间中酿造而成,长期使用对身体健康有益,再加上良好的口感支撑等,使得永丰辣酱在新中国成立之后又得到了很快的发展。按照史料记载,1954 年,永丰辣酱在双峰县设立了辣酱蜜饯厂,到 1965 年发展到年产 40 吨的规模。然而随着现代工艺的不断发展和国内辣酱产业的不断兴起,永丰辣酱在发展形式上拘于传统,没有能够及时跟上时代发展的步

3、伐,在其他辣酱产品迅速成长的背后逐渐衰落,目前双峰辣酱的市场份额较小,仅限在湖南双峰和附近的一些城市,产量和销售区域对比其他产业也有着严重的不足。永丰辣酱是我国辣酱产业历史上著名的民族传统工艺产品,本文结合永丰辣酱的制作工艺和现代制作的发展,探索永丰辣酱传统制作工艺背后的影响因素和辣酱产业之间的相互关系,探索永丰辣酱传统制作工艺和永丰当地气候、地域因素之间的影响关系,寻找现代制作工艺对传统制作工艺的影响,并通过对比探索真正有助于永丰辣酱发展的科学改良模式,对永丰辣酱未来的发展提出自己的建议。本文整体分为 5 个部分,分别对永丰辣酱的历史,永丰辣酱的传统工艺,永丰辣酱的工艺发展,永丰辣酱的衰落以

4、及永丰辣酱传统工艺与现代工艺之间的对比进行分析,探索改良永丰辣酱工艺的科学办法。第一部分介绍了永丰辣酱成名的由来,永丰辣酱在明朝成名之后后的影响,以及由清朝名士将辣酱带到皇宫之后后对永丰辣酱发展的影响,永丰辣酱曾经的辉煌地位,介绍永丰辣酱辉煌的历史。第二部分介绍永丰辣酱传统制作工艺,对永丰辣酱的制作步骤以及每一步的具体作用进行介绍, 对永丰辣酱制作过程中涉及到的对材料的选择要求,对工艺参数的设定,辣酱制作所使用到的工具,辣酱采用的发酵手法和发酵时间控制,传统制作工艺产生的永丰辣酱还有的成分以及这些成分对身体的好处等进行介绍。第三部分介绍了永丰辣酱现代生产工艺的发展,包括自动化生产线、专业加工车

5、间和现代化细菌发酵工艺的植入对永丰辣酱生产和口味的影响。分析领域内对永丰辣酱现代生产工艺的探讨第四部分介绍永丰辣酱在现代社会发生衰落的原因,包括营销模式、生产模式和当地产业结构的发展以及存在的问题。第五部分结合传统工艺和现代制作工艺,对永丰辣酱现代制作工艺可行的改良之路,结合永丰辣酱曾经辉煌的历史与现在衰落的原因,分析永丰辣酱需要进行的推广之路,进行分析和研究。关键字:永丰关键字:永丰 双峰双峰 辣酱辣酱 传统工艺传统工艺 酿造酿造 辣椒辣椒 AbstractHunan yongfeng hot sauce is the history of our country in the histor

6、y of the famous delicacies and spices, belong to national geographical indication products.Have special nutritional value, yongfeng hot sauce production process pollution-free, no pigment, use convenient, proclaimed to the world in the late 19th century as the forces of aggression against China, and

7、 is known as the “world a sauce“, became a household name chilli products.Yongfeng hot sauce through the dissemination and development of more than 100 years, in a certain reputation and production decline, former glory, no longer sauce industry in China was a pity.With the constant rise of hot sauc

8、e industry in China, especially in the hot sauce industry, such as old dopted mother after a huge success, for the traditional process of attention to many scholars at home and abroad back into the study of the old brand yongfeng hot sauce, and a series of achievements.According to historical record

9、s, yongfeng hot sauce which began in the 16th century park, in the middle of the 17th century by tsai brothers in YongFengZhen plant put into production and prosperity, development to the late qing dynasty, zeng guofan yongfeng hot sauce to city, famous for heshen.In the period of the republic of Ch

10、ina, yongfeng hot sauce, are exported to overseas countries, create the myth of the first hot sauce industry in China.Yongfeng hot sauce with natural hot sauce as raw materials, cooperate with, such as wheat, soy, glutinous rice is produced in a certain temperature range, use for a long time is good

11、 for health, coupled with the taste of good support, etc., makes yongfeng hot sauce after the founding of new China and obtained the fast development.According to historical records, in 1954, set up a chilli MiJianChang yongfeng hot sauce in bimodal county, in 1965 to develop into the scale of annua

12、l output of 40 tons.However, with the continuous development of modern technology and domestic hot sauce industry rise ceaselessly, yongfeng hot sauce is limited in its development of the traditional, failed to timely keep up with the pace of The Times development, rapid growth in other chilli produ

13、cts gradually decline, behind the bimodal chilli market share is small, only twin peaks and nearby cities in hunan, production and sales area compared with other industry also has a serious shortage.Yongfeng hot sauce is spicy sauce industry in China in the history of the famous traditional craft pr

14、oducts, combining with yongfeng hot sauce production technology and the development of modern production, to explore the influence factors of yongfeng hot sauce traditional craftsmanship behind and the relationship between hot sauce industry, explore yongfeng hot sauce traditional craftsmanship and

15、sinopac local climate, geographical factors, the influence of the relationship between looking for modern technology to the influence of the traditional production process, and by comparing the exploring really help yongfeng hot sauce development mode of scientific improvement, development of its re

16、commendations for the future of yongfeng hot sauce.This paper is divided into five parts, the whole of the history of yongfeng hot sauce, yongfeng hot sauce of traditional process, the technology development of yongfeng hot sauce, the decline of yongfeng hot sauce and yongfeng hot sauce contrast analysis between the traditional craft and modern technology, yongfeng hot sauce and research and development process of the scientific method.The first part introduces the origin, yongfeng hot



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