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1、石家庄铁道大学毕业论文中国巨额国际储备的管理问题分析The Analysis of Chinas Enormous International Reserves management Issue20102010 届届 经济管理经济管理 学院学院专专 业业 国际经济与贸易国际经济与贸易 学学 号号 2005105020051050 学生姓名学生姓名 白鹭白鹭 指导教师指导教师 李利军李利军 完成日期完成日期 20102010 年年 月月 日日摘 要国际储备是指一个国家的货币当局所持有的用于弥补国际收支赤字,维持本国货币汇率稳定的国际间普遍接受的一切资产。国际储备对于一个开放经济体而言至关重要,是


3、家制定出台相关政策也具有高度参考价值。本文分析了中国外汇储备迅猛增长以致规模巨大的原因,针对中国国际储备规模及结构的不合理性,并在全球新型金融危机的背景下,提出了中国必须改变外汇储备思路,增加黄金储备,实现人民币国际化等调整战略措施,为整个国民经济的健康运行奠定基础。关键词:国际储备规模; 金融危机; 外汇储备; 黄金储备AbstractInternational Reserves refers to all the assets which held by a country monetary authorities to cover the balance of payments defi

4、cit, maintain the national currency exchange rate stability, and generally accepted by the international community.For an open economy, international reserves is so crucial,which is a guarantee for financing the external deficit, intervening in the foreign exchange market,maintaining the local curre

5、ncy exchange rate stability,borrowing and repaying the foreign debt and so on.However, there is a certain degree of price to hold international reserves,rapid growth in reserves will bring inflationary pressure,make a revaluation of the currency, restrict the autonomy of the Central Bank monetary po

6、licy,cause a negative impact the adjustment of industrial structure and so on.With Chinas economic development and international reserves dramatical increasement, Chinas national economy meets with a lot of influence, and needs new measures to manage international reserves. The size of Chinas intern

7、ational reserves, the structure and investment strategies of international reserves ,Chinas role in the international monetary system.There is great practical significance for continuing healthy and stable development of Chinas economy to study these issues timely, which is also valuable for making

8、relevant national policy. This paper analysis the causes of the rapid growth of Chinas foreign exchange reserves resulting in large-scale, under the background of the new global financial crisis and on the irrational nature of Chinas international reserves scale and structure, China should actualize

9、 some strategic measures such as change the line of foreign reserves , increase gold reserves, realize the internationalation of RMB to lay the foundation of the national economys healthy running.Key Words:Scale of International Reserves,Financial Crisis,Foreign Exchange Reserve,Gold Reserve目 录第一章 绪

10、论 .1一、选题的背景和意义.1二、国内外研究现状 .2三、研究内容和创新点.3第二章 中国国际储备面临的主要问题.4一、国际储备的基本知识.4(一)国际储备概念及构成 .4(二)国际储备来源及特点 .4(三)国际储备的作用及意义:.5二、全球新型金融危机背景下的国际储备问题.5三、中国国际储备结构现状.6(一)中国国际储备资产结构的不平衡 .6(二)外汇储备自身结构的不平衡 .8四、中国国际储备规模的情况.9(一)国际储备量.9(二)中国国际储备规模问题.10第三章 中国巨额国际储备的成因和危害.12一、中国巨额外汇储备成因.12(一)经常项目保持较大顺差.12(二)资本和金融项目不断增长.12(三)国际游资以各种形式进入中国.13(四)人民币还未实现完全可自由兑换的目标 .13二、巨额外汇储备的负面影响.13(一)对货币政策的冲击增大.13(二)易致国家间经济摩擦增多.14(三)外汇储备成本提高.14(四)储备风险增大.14第四章 中国



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