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1、智 课 网 雅 思 备 考 资 料源自英国:英国地道口语举例你知道吗?英国人买东西用“Im after somthing”,而不是“I want somthing”。下面,我们就通过一个场景对话,来了解英国地道 口语吧。更多英语学习信息,请持续关注智课外语。 英国人买东西用“Im after somthing”代替“I want somthing” 先来看一个场景中的对话。此场景发生在酒吧里,服务员是Barma n,Yang Li排着队等着点酒。 Barman: (Shouting)Whos next please? Drinkers: Me, me, me. Barman: OK you.

2、What are you after? Drinker: Could I have a gin and tonic please. Barman: Thatll be 3.60. OK. Yang Li: Oh, I think Im next. Barman: Hi, are you next? Yang Li: Yes, yes, its me now. Barman:What are you after? Yang Li:What am I after?No, its my turn now, thank you.Barman: OK, I know that. What are you

3、 after? Yang Li: Im after. eh? Im after. the person before me? Barman: Dont try to be funny. What are you after? Yang Li: Sorry barman, Im really confused. 雅思(IELTS)优质课程 点击咨询 我们看到服务员第一次对Yang Li说“What are you after?”的时候,Yang Li以为谁排在她后面,服务员第二次对Yang Li说“What are you after?”的时候,Yang Li以为她排在她后面,服务员第三次对Ya

4、ng Li说“What are you after?”的时候,Yang Li是真的茫然了那么“Im after”到底是什么意思呢?When you say youre after something, it means you want it, especially in situations like shopping, or when buying things. 当你说after something, 意思是你想要什么东西,特别是你在商 店里或者想要买什么东西的时候。 Like this: A: Im after a pair of formal leather shoes. B: Co

5、me this way sir. We have a great selection. A:我想要买一双正式的皮鞋。 B:跟我来吧,先生,我们有很多供你选择的。 A: Hello, what are you after? B: Id like a glass of white wine please. A:你好,请问你想要点什么? B:请给我一杯白酒。 所以在此文场景里,服务员一直在问What are you after?的意思是,“What would you like?”,“你先要点什么酒呢?”好了,打比方,Yang Li想要点一杯Margarita的话,可以说“Im after a glass of Margarita。所以当你到了英国,买东西的时候,可以说“Im after.balabala”,够地道哦。



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