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1、 1 北京外国语大学北京外国语大学 MTI 口译考研口译考研口译翻译技巧口译翻译技巧(二)(二) Chapter Three 分句分句 合句法合句法 一分句法一分句法 (一) 把原句中一个单词译成句子 1 副词 They, not surprisingly, did not respond at all. 他们根本没有答复,这是不足为奇。 2 形容词 He talked with understandable pride about his daughter. 他在谈到他女儿的时候很自豪,这是可以理解的。 3 名词 The inside of each house depended on th

2、e personality of its owner. 每个房间内怎样的布置,这要看各个使用者的性格了。 (二) 把短语翻译成句子 1 名词短语 Energy can neither be created nor destroyed, a universally accepted law. 能量既不能被创造也不能被消灭,这是一条普遍公认的规律。 2 介词短语 Their power increased with their number. 他们人数增加了,力量也随之增加。 (三) 把原文中的一个句子拆开, 变成两个句子 Another round of war in the region cl

3、early would put strains on international relations. 如果该地区再次发生战争, 显然会使国际关系处于紧张状态。 His failure to observe the safety regulations resulted in an accident to the machinery. 因为他没有遵守安全规则,机器出了故障。 二合句二合句法法 (一) 把原文中两个或以上的简单句译成一个句子 2 There are men here from all over the country. Many of them are from the nort

4、h. 从全国各地来的人中有许多是北方人。 (二) 把原文中的主从复合句译成一句 When we praise the Chinese leadership and the people, we are not merely being polite. 我们对中国领导人和中国人民的赞扬不仅仅是处于礼貌。 练习 Americans pride themselves on their independence and their right to make up their own minds. 美国人有独立的精神,有自主的权利,并为此感到自豪。 The popularity of televisi

5、on and the serious problem of piracy have contributed to the decline of movie industry. 电视普及,盗版问题严重,导致了电影业的衰落。 Hawaii enjoys a mild climate year-round because of the season winds, the temperature varies little from day to night and from summer to winter. 由于受季风影响,夏威夷一年四季如春,春夏秋冬,白天黑夜,温差很小。 Americans t

6、ake shorter and fewer vacations than people in most other industrialized countries. 与大部分工业化国家相比,美国人休假时间短,休假次数少。 The importance of strengthening ties between the US and China will grow even greater with the beginning of a new century. 随着新世纪的开始,加强美中关系变得越来越重要。 Growing labor shortage in some field will

7、give workers more rights to demand higher wages. 某些产业劳动力日益短缺,将使工人更有权利要求较高的工资。 New York has become one of the largest and most powerful cities in the western world with a population of more than 8 million. 纽约已经成为西方世界最具影响力的大城市之一,目前人口已达 800 万。 Despite its national wealth, poverty and serious income dif

8、ference exist throughout 3 the US. 虽然美国是个富裕的国家,但全国仍然存在着贫穷和严重的收入差别问题。 The researchers want to perfect cloning in cows because of the large market for expensive high-quality beef. 科研人员希望完善克隆牛技术,因为昂贵的高质牛肉市场庞大。 Chapter Four 定语从句定语从句 一限制性定从一限制性定从句句 (一) 前置法 There will come a day when people of the world l

9、ive a happy life under the sun of socialism. 全世界人民在社会主义阳光下过幸福生活的一天是会到来的。 (二) 后置法 1 译成并列分句,重复英语先行词 They are striving for the ideal which is close to the heart of every Chinese and for which, in the past, many Chinese have laid down their lives. 他们正在为实现一个理想而努力,这个理想是每个中国人所珍惜的,在过去,许多中国人曾为此牺牲了自己的生命。 He u

10、nselfishly contributed his uncommon talents and spirit to this career which today helps him reach his goal. 他把自己非凡的才智和精力无私地献给了这项事业, 而这项事业今天已使他实现了目标。 2 译成并列分句,省略英语先行词 It is he who received the letter that announced the death of his uncle. 是他接到那封信,说他的叔叔去世了。 (三) 融合法 There are many people who want to se

11、e the film. 许多人要看这部电影。 二非限制性定语从句二非限制性定语从句 (一) 前置法 4 Her laughter, which was very infectious, broke the silence. 她的富有感染力的笑声打破了沉默。 (二) 后置法 1 译成并列分句 (1) 从句后置,重复关系词代表的含义 They toured the Forbidden city, where the Chinese emperors had once lived in lofty splendor. 他们参观了紫禁城,从前的中国皇帝曾在那里过着奢华显赫的生活。 (2) 从句后置,省

12、略关系词代表的含义 After dinner, they resumed their talk, which continued well into the night. 饭后,他们继续会谈,直到深夜。 (3) 从句前置,重复关系词代表的含义 This war, however, more complex than the last one, which was a collision among the imperialist powers over the spoils of markets, resources and territories. 上一次战争是帝国主义列强之间争夺市场,资源和领土的冲突,而这次战争却比上一次复杂。 2 译成独立句 He had talked to the president, who assured him that everything that could be done would be done. 他和总统谈过话,总统向他保证,凡是能作到的都将去做



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