爱爱医资源-邱录贵 多发性骨髓瘤的治疗目标PPT课件

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1、多发性骨髓瘤的治疗目标:多发性骨髓瘤的治疗目标:控制(控制(control)control)或治愈(或治愈(cure)?cure)?邱录贵中国医学科学院 血液病医院 淋巴瘤114(22):1228sus-CR:3年持续CR状态;non-CR:未获得CR;los-CR:获得后3年内失去CRHoering A, et al. Blood. 2009;114(7):1299-305.82%59%24%P0.0001 入组3年标志性分析后的时间(年)患者生存比例(%)持续CR 38/258 未获得CR 78/218 丧失CR 27/37获得持续CR与总生存显著相关新药诱导治疗免疫学检查阴性高, ASC

2、T后更增高ASH,2010, Abstract 1910GIMEMA研究证实,VTD巩固治疗显著提高缓解率, 并可获得显著更高的分子学缓解VTD vs TD巩固治疗Cavo et al. ASH 2010. Abstract 42.Terragna et al. ASH 2010 . Abstract 861. 移植后巩固治疗疗效VTD (n=161)TD (n=162)P巩固治疗 nCR60%44%0.001分子学缓解(n=67)巩固前 PCR阴性43%37.5%NE巩固后 PCR阴性67%52%0.05巩固后肿瘤负荷减少情况 (实时定量PCR)中位减少5个对 数级中位减少1个对数 级0.0

3、5评估巩固治疗作用的符合方案集分析:VTD组和TD组的缓解提升率分别为55%和37%( P=0.01) VTD巩固组比TD组有着明显更高比例的巩固后PCR阴性患者数(P=0.05) 与TD相比,双次ASCT后的VTD巩固治疗可以显著增加分子学缓解率并减少肿瘤负荷VTD方案用于移植后患者的巩固治疗可获得完全分子学缓解患者(n=39),ASCT后达到CR或VGPR 治疗:4个疗程VTD,6个月内开始 硼替佐米:1.6 mg/m2, d1, 8, 15, 22 沙利度胺:起始剂量50 mg/天,逐步增加到 200 mg/天 地塞米松: 20 mg/天,d1-4, 8-11, 15-18 随访:RT-

4、PCR,中位32个月结果:Ladetto et al. ASH 2009 . Abstract 960.6例患者获得了分子学缓解;没有1例临床复发50个月的PFS:获得MR患者为100%,而未获得MR患者为62%Mehta, J. et al. Blood 2010;116:2215-2223MM整体治疗策略:包含诱导/巩固-维持/挽救治疗国内MM疗效判断现状v 国内目前MM治疗的疗效评判不统一v 免疫固定电泳及游离轻链检测技术尚未普及v 更敏感的检查方法几乎为空白v 不同中心检测结果差异较大v MM规范化治疗缺乏标准v 大多数患者未获得最大疗效即停止治疗v 巩固和维持治疗尚未被普遍接受v 未

5、能贯彻“整体治疗”的模式MM 治疗的里程碑MelphalanThalidomideBortezomibLenalidomidePrednisoneACTH Autologous transplantation1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010BisphosphonatesAdapted from Kyle RA, Rajkumar SV. Blood. 2008;111:2962-2972.2nd Generation proteasome inhibitors2nd Generation IMiDsHDAC inhibitorsMonoclonal anti

6、bodiesCytogenetics in IFM DatabaseAvet-Loiseau, H et al. Blood 109:3489, 2007.*IFM 99:高危预后因素l520例患者,中位随访9.5年 l高危因素包括:t(4;14)、17p-、1q+、高2-MGJCO,Prepublished online April 30, 2012新药物对高危细胞遗传学异常的影响硼替佐米VMP一线线治疗疗:对对具有(4;14), t(14;16), del 17p的患者有效 (Mateos 3859)VD一线线治疗疗: 对对有或没有t(4;14) +/- del 17患者的疗疗效相当 (H

7、arousseau 353) 对对具有del17患者的疗疗效差 (Avet-Loiseau 957)VTD, VMP, VMPT一线线治疗疗克服了与 t(4;14) +/- del17相关的不良预预后 (Cavo 351, 1868) VCD一线线治疗疗:消除了13q-或t4;14的负负性预预后影响;有消除del17不良预预后影 响的趋势趋势 (Einsele 131) PLD (聚乙二醇脂质质体阿霉素)、硼替佐米、地塞米松一线线治疗对疗对 t(4;14)患者 有效 (Reece 3861)沙利度胺沙利度胺/地塞米松一线线治疗疗不能克服del13、t(4;14)或del17 (Zamagni

8、349)来那度胺往RD中加入硼替佐米可以克服经经FISH检测检测 的细细胞遗传遗传 学异常 t(4;14)、del13q 和+1q21的不良预预后,但不能克服 del17p的不良预预后 (Dimopoulos 958)From 1st Randomization Proportion Progression-Free1. 01 5202 5303 54 0 MonthsStandard-risk, 2-year PFS: 55% High-risk, 2-year PFS: 58% Mon

9、thsProportion Progression-FreeStandard-risk, 2-year PFS: 55% High-risk, 2-year PFS: 58%From 2nd Randomization Mateos MV, et al. Blood. 2009;114(22). Abstract 3.PFS: High- vs Standard-Risk CytogeneticsVMP vs VTP, Followed by VP or VTGIMEMA研究: VTD vsTD+2ASCT+VTD vsTDBlood,Prepublished online April 12,

10、 2012因素不良预预后建议议治疗疗方法ISS3期硼替佐米为为基础础的化疗疗(多疗疗程)2MG5.5mgt(4;14)阳性浆细浆细 胞白血病巩固和/或维维持治疗疗?17p-阳性剂剂量增强的化疗疗? Allo-SCT?基因表达探针针UAMS 70-基因 或IFM 15-基因模型极高危MM的识别和治疗定义:中为生存期小于24个月的MM亚型虽然目前治疗取得了很大进步,仍保持15-20%的比例Herve Avet-Loiseau. Hematology,2010:489-493高危细胞遗传学和多色流式MRD阳性 不能持久维持ASCT后CRl西班牙PETHEMA/GEM 2000/2005 241例患者

11、 lFISH高危患者(HR 17.3,p=0.002)和+100天MRD(+)者(HR 8.0,p=0.005)Blood,2012,119:687-691.del(17p) is associated with poor outcome del(17p) is associated with poor outcome in MM independently of treatment typein MM independently of treatment typeAvet-Loiseau H, et al. Blood. 2009;114:abstract 1817.Median event

12、- free survival, monthsMedian overall survival, monthsdel(17p) present1828 del(17p) absent3069del(17p), t(4;14) present4.512Analysis of 1,324 MM patients according to del(17p) Most patients (85%) were 65 years Induction with either VAD or VD, followed by high-dose melphalan del(17p) was observed in

13、10% of patients and associated with poor outcome independent of treatment type (thalidomide, bortezomib, melphalan)基因表达探针Gene Expression ProfilingGEP: 70 genes linked to early disease-related death 30% on chr 1 Independent predictorHR 5.16, P 0.001Shaughnessy, JD et al. Blood 109:2276, 2007.更加简易的17-

14、gene panelAlloSCT in Myeloma for ultra high-risk?EBMT Retrospective StudyBjrkstrand, Blood 1996Allogeneic Transplantation in MM Induces the highest rate of CR compared with other modalities (Up to 60%) durable in 30-40%. Traetment modality associated with the highest NRM though improving (between 19

15、94-98 38%24%, EBMTR). Conventional Allo-BMT offered to patients 50 yrs with MRD. Effectiveness due to: HDT associated cyto-reduction Adoptive immunotherapy (Graft-versus-Myeloma effect)Mini Midi Maxi?KrKr ger N, Leukemia 2007 ger N, Leukemia 2007 Tandem ASCT/RICAlloSCTKrKr ger N, Leukemia 2007 ger N

16、, Leukemia 2007 BMT CTN 0102: Tandem ASCT/RICAlloSCT vs Tandem ASCT 低危患者高危患者存在缺陷:危险度分层标准移植前治疗多为传统药物Figure 2 Clinical trials of novel agents targeting myeloma cells and their bone-marrow microenvironmentMahindra, A. et al. (2012) Latest advances and current challenges in the treatment of multiple myeloma Nat. Rev. Clin.



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