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1、Henry James(1843-1916) An American novelist and literary critic亨利詹姆斯(HenryJames, 1843年4月15日1916年2月 28日),英国以及美国的作家 。詹姆斯的主要作品是小说, 此外也写了许多文学评论、游 记、传记和剧本。他的小说常 写美国人和欧洲人之间交往的 问题;成人的罪恶如何影响并 摧残了纯洁、聪慧的儿童;物 质与精神之间的矛盾;艺术家 的孤独,作家和艺术家的生活 等。Life of Henry James Born in a wealthy cultured family in New York with a

2、 philosopher and theologist father Brother William James is also a famous philosopher, psychologist, and founder of utilitarianism. At the age of 25 he was recognized as the best short story writer in America. He never married.詹姆斯出身于纽约一个有钱的 知识分子家庭,父亲是个哲学家、神学家. 长兄威 廉也是一名哲学家,同样也是实利主义的创始人 。Frequent tou

3、r to Europe included London, Paris, had a profound influence on Jamess life and writing. European art and culture, the trip exposed him to the erudition of European society. New and Old World values, a conflict that appears repeatedly in Jamess fiction as “the international theme.”1869年游历了英国、法国和意大利等

4、国后,决定离 开美国。移居欧洲; 18751876年住在巴黎,结识了屠格涅夫、左 拉、都德等作家; 1878年后迁居伦敦; 1879年中篇小说黛西密勒使他一举成名; 1881年出版的一位女士的画像,是他早期 创作中最具代表意义的作品; 19041905年曾回美国; 20世纪初,詹姆斯接连发表鸽翼、使节和金碗3 部长篇小说,使他的创作达到高峰。鸽翼写一位英国记者为钱 财追求一个患有不治之症的美国姑娘的故事。使节描绘一位高 雅的法国女人对一个美国阔少所产生的难以抗拒的魅力。金碗 通过一段继母与女婿私通的故事引发出了许多涉及道德问题的思索.这些小说大多颂扬美国资产 阶级高尚的品德。它们基本以人 物微

5、妙的内心活动为主,有时冗 长烦琐 ,并显得晦涩难解。詹姆 斯的作品还有波士顿人、 卡萨玛西玛公主、美国人 、波英顿的珍藏品等。除小 说外,还写过一些重要的文学评 论以及剧本、游记等。詹姆斯被 誉为西方现代心理分析小说的开 拓者。 Henry James亨利詹姆斯Henry James亨利詹姆斯 18431916 The American美国人 Daisy Miller戴希米勒 The Portrait of a Lady一个青 年女人的画像 The Turn of the Screw拧螺丝 The Ambassadors使节 The Wings of the Dove鸽翼 The Golden

6、 Bowl金碗黛丝米勒 Daisy MillerDaisy Miller(戴斯米勒) and Winterbourne (弗雷德里克)first meet Switzerland, where he is vacationing from his studies. They are introduced by young Randolph Miller, Daisys handsome brother. Randolph considers his hometown of Schenectady, New York, to be absolutely superior to all of Eu

7、rope, especially for the number of candies. Daisy, however, is absolutely delighted with the continent, especially the high society which she wishes to enter.Winterbourne is at first confused by her attitude, but soon determines that she is nothing more than a young flirt. He continues his pursuit o

8、f Daisy in spite of the disapproval of his authoritarian and snobbish aunt Mrs. Costello, who thinks Daisy is a shameless girl for agreeing to visit the town with Winterbourne after a mere half hour together. The two have a fine time touring the Chteau de Chillum, then Winterbourne informs Daisy tha

9、t he must go to Geneva the next day. Daisy extracts a promise from him to meet her in Rome, and they part.In Rome, Daisy meets another man named Giovanelli, a fellow of Italian. Days after,she takes him to Mrs. Walkers party. in the parlor of Mrs. Walkers, Daisy meets Winterbourne unexpectedly.Daisy

10、 is undeterred by the open of the other Americans in Rome, account for her puerility, ignore the manners of the upper-class society, The gossip soon widespread. Winterbourne doesnt believe until one night he saw Daisy with Giovanelli in the place of entertainment.her mother seems quite unaware of th

11、e underlying tensions. Winterbourne attempts to extricate Daisy from her situation, but she refuses to take any of it seriously.At last, Daisy was infected with a Roman fever. On her deathbed, she left a message expressing her loyalty to his love. But to Winterbourne, its too late to repeat.黛丝米勒 Dai

12、sy Miller在到欧洲看望姑母之际,弗雷德里克与下榻 在同一旅馆的米勒先生一家相识。米勒先生的女 儿黛西可爱天真,十分迷人,弗雷德里克对她一 见倾心,黛西似乎也对弗雷德里克有好感,两人 来往十分频繁,并约好在罗马相见。弗雷德里克 的姑母对他们的交往极力反对,并告诉他黛西的 为人十分轻浮,弗雷德里克对此并不相信。在罗 马,弗雷德里克听到了人们对黛西的议论,说她 同很多男人保持来往,此时正同奥瓦纳利打得火 热。在亲眼目睹了黛西和奥瓦纳利在深夜出入于 娱乐场所时,弗雷德里克才相信了一切。不久, 黛西染上热病死去,在她临终前留下的字条里, 她向弗雷德里克表白了她对他的忠贞爱情。追悔莫及的弗雷德里克

13、怀着伤感回到了美国。 黛丝米勒 Daisy Miller (1974)黛西米勒是个典型的美国姑 娘。她年轻,漂亮,热情奔放,无拘无束 ,同时又略显粗俗。作者在塑造她的动人 形象时,花费了不少笔墨。当她身着洁白 的平纹细布裙,撑着一把饰有绣花宽边的 太阳伞,睁着闪闪发亮的大眼睛,出现在 旅居欧洲的美国青年温特博恩面前时,小 伙子一下子就动心了。于是,他的眉光自 始至终追随着黛西米勒的身影,也就成 了自然而然的事。就是这样一个美丽动人 、天真活泼的姑娘,在欧洲游历期间,由 于单纯,直率,不拘小节,无视上流社会 的礼教,处处遭人物议,最后不幸染上恶 疾,过早地离开了人世,为自己的自由奔 放付出了生命的代价。 Thank you!



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