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1、 1广西师范大学申请硕士学位论文 生命之路与临渊之歌 论新时期寻根诗歌的史诗性倾向 The Road of Life and the Song of Facing the Abyss On the Epic Trend of “Searching Root” Poems in the New Era 系 别中文系 年 级2 0 0 0 级 专 业中国现当代文学 研究方向中国当代诗歌 导 师李 江 教授 研 究 生魏庆培 完成时间二零零三年四月 2目 录 中 文 摘 要 (1) 英 文 摘 要 (2) 引 言 (3) 正文 一诗 界文 化 寻 根的 缘 起 ( 3 ) 1朦 胧 诗的 双 重 困

2、 境 (4) 2文 化 寻 根的 自 觉 转 向 ( 4 ) 二史 诗 性诗 歌 的 现 代 建 构 ( 6 ) 1史 诗概 念范 型 的 回 顾 与 重 释 ( 6 ) 2史 诗 性诗 歌 发 展 的 动 态 行 程 ( 8 ) 3史 诗 性诗 歌 营 筑 的 个 体 化 图 景 ( 1 3 ) 1 江河英雄主义与民族文化精神复呈与重塑 ( 1 3 ) 2杨炼人 类 生 命 存 在 的 精 神 苦 旅 ( 1 6 ) 4史 诗 性诗 歌 建 构 的 模 式 范 性 型 ( 2 1 ) 1空 间 性内 结 构 的 创 建 ( 2 1 ) 2崇高野性力等风格表征的美学风貌 ( 2 4 ) 三史

3、诗 性诗 歌 自 辩 及 价 值 评 估 ( 2 7 ) 四史诗性诗歌存在的问题与必要的探讨 ( 2 9 ) 结 语 (31) 注 释 (31) 参 考 文 献 (32) 后 记 (35) 3生命之路与临渊之歌 论新时期寻根诗歌的史诗性倾向 广西师范大学中国现当代文学专业硕士研究生 魏庆培 导师李江教授 内 容 摘 要 上世纪八十年代初当代表新诗潮的朦胧诗走入困境之时一批更年轻的诗人随即把目光转向中华民族古老的传统文化他们在现代人思辩精神和现代艺术视野观照之下深入东方文化传统的沉积层冀求开掘出当代中华民族重新振兴腾飞所亟须具备的精神养料借以完成对民族文化心理重构的历史使命在艺术表述方式上他们趋

4、向于西方现代主义诗歌大师艾略特和埃利蒂斯等人所设制的现代史诗的艺术呈现形态但返观诗学传统民族艺术阳光的强力照射又使他们呈露出过多的迷恋姿式于是在这相反相成的两极边限寻求之中一代青年诗人以少见的诗学才情和艺术雄心设计并建造了独属于自己艺术特证的史诗性诗歌景观 文章正是从江河杨炼等主要代表诗人的作品入手采用历史和美学相结合的研究方法来具体阐释确证史诗性诗歌的主题意蕴与艺术创建特色同样是面对古老而深邃的传统文化江河与杨炼的行为方式却迥然相异江河从开始对英雄主义的召唤等一系列深沉豪纵的强力情绪逐渐把目光过渡到古代神话原型精神的现代转换上诗作也显示出旷达与平和的外在形质这由此派生出的以宁静和谐等风格为一

5、路的诗歌类型被后来的整体主义诗歌所趋从而杨炼则从生命存在的内部进入历史文化他把对现实的强烈关注转化为对生命存在的体悟与感知在宏远的想象世界里复现原始文明的苍凉荒蛮悲疠的生命状态并借以张扬由人类在苦难生存中所弥散出来的生命强韧以及拼力超越的悲剧精神这类追寻生命原生动力的诗歌被后起的诗人廖亦武和海子推演到了一定的高度 史诗性的诗歌在承接经典史诗的风格结构基础上又有自己的创造在诗歌内部它致力于空间性结构的开掘以适宜现代人多层次多维度的审美渴求呈现于诗歌美感形态上则是多元化的艺术风貌这样在提高诗歌美学品格理念的导引下创建了史诗性诗歌的模式范型 此外文章还就史诗性诗歌与原始史诗在存在方式品格类型及内容构

6、成等一系列关系上进行了一番梳理与辨证并列举出史诗性诗歌存在的几项主要的现实意义和历史成就连同后面提出的几点不成熟的建议以期窥见中国4新诗在未来艺术天空下的那更加优美的腾跃身姿 关键词:寻根,史诗,史诗性 5Abstract In the early 1980s,when dim poems representative of new poetical tide plunged into predicament, many younger poets fixed their eyes on the old Chinese traditional culture. In order to reju

7、venate anew, they dug down into the sedimentary rock of the Oriental cultural tradition to mine the spiritual nourishment whereby they could accomplish the historical mission of reconstructing national cultural psychology. As far as their techniques of expression, they tended to the form of expressi

8、on of modern epic devised by western modern poets Eliot and Elitis, however, the rich poetic tradition and national arts offered their poems very nostalgic nature. In this way, a generation of young poets devised and constructed the exclusive poetic landscape with their rare talents and lofty artist

9、ic aspiration. By analyzing the representative poets such as Jiang He and Yang Lian, the thesis would attempt to expound and prove conclusively the subjective implication and creative characteristics of “epic poetry” by historical and esthetic research means. Facing the same old and profound traditi

10、onal culture, Jiang He and Yang Lians artistic treatment are utterly different. Beginning with the call of heroism and other deep, firm and strong feelings, Jiang He gradually changed his theme into the modern transformation of the archetypal spirit and his poems began to grow broad-minded and moder

11、ate in the external appearance and texture. A new kind of poetry derived from his poems was characterized by tranquility and harmoniousness and followed by later wholist poetry. Nevertheless, Yang Lian expressed his theme of the history and culture from the inner world of life. By transforming the p

12、assionate concern over the realities into the realization and comprehension of life, he conveyed bleak, wild and tragic state of life in primitive civilization and praised mans resoluteness, steadfastness and transcendence when they were confronted with suffering and hardship. The new kind of poetry

13、 characterized by quest for the primitive virility of life carried on by later poets Liao Yi Wu and Hai Zi to a new height. The “epic poetry” has haven their own artistic creativity on the foundation of classic epic. In content, it sought for the extension of the special structure so as to meet mult

14、imensional esthetic needs of modern people; In the form, it represents pluralistic artistic style and features. In this way, It has established the model and type of epic 6poems. In addition, the thesis generalizes and analyses a series of relations between modern epic and primitive epic form, style

15、 and model and content levels and enumerates several main practical significance and historic achievements. Combined with the suggestions put forward at the thesis hopes to detect even more elegant prancing figure under the future artistic sky in China. Keywords: xun gen, epic, epic quality 5生命之路与临渊之歌 论新



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