2014年1月一期,旅行去哪儿?where to travel

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《2014年1月一期,旅行去哪儿?where to travel》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2014年1月一期,旅行去哪儿?where to travel(27页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 本 期 目 录 微聚焦【微聚焦】2014,旅行去哪儿?2014,Where to Travel? 微课堂【微口语】旅行必备口语:学会在餐厅点餐 English for Dining【微听力】互助旅游,你准备好了吗?Traveling by Mutual Help【微翻译】与“拍照”相关的英语翻译 Translations Concerning“Taking Photos”【微阅读】带你去旅行:5 大最美落日 Top Five Places With Beautiful Sunset 微情调【微语录】每一天都是新的惊喜 Every Day Is New【微智慧】在路上:今年应该出去旅行的 6

2、大理由 6 Reasons for Traveling【微星座】双子座和射手座可以在一起吗?Are Gemini and Sagittarius A Match? 微分享【微音乐】 What Now (Rihanna)【微影评】 圣杯神器:骸骨之城 (The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones)【微书评】 环游地球八十天 (Around the World in Eighty Days) 微动态【成功在 Spiiker】恭喜 Spiiker 电话英语学员 Sunshine 获得 2013 年 10 月成人组最刻苦学习奖【微聚焦】旅行去哪儿?2014,Where

3、to Travel?2014 来了,你还一个人躲在格子间没完没了地忙着吗?不要再给自己找任何借口了,在新的一年里,放下忙碌的工作, 走出格子间,给自己定个旅行计划,看看远方的风景,品味异域的文化,感受不同的风土人情。也许在旅行中,还会有意想不到的惊喜等着你!那么,2014 旅行去哪儿呢?【编者语】Attention, travel lovers. You may not have made any travelplans yet, but the choices for next years best destinations are already out. Recently, the we

4、ll-knowntravel guide publisher Lonely Planet issued its Best in Travel 2014 selection. Here, we pick a few countriesfrom its top 10 list to give you a taste.旅友们,注意啦!尽管你可能还没制定好旅行计划,但“2014 年最佳旅游目的地榜单”已经新鲜出炉了。近日,著名旅行指南出版商孤独星球出版社发布了“2014 最佳旅游”排行榜。下面我们就从排名前十的国家中挑选出一些目的地让你先睹为快。No matter whether youre look

5、ing for big international events, delicious food, natural wonders orsimply relaxation on a beach, these places should be on your checklist.不管你是想参加国际盛事、品尝美味佳肴、领略自然奇观、还是仅仅想在沙滩上放松身心,以下这些地方都值得一去。(1)Brazil 巴西Attractions: Festivities for the 2014 World Cup 上榜理由:2014 年世界杯庆典活动The world is casting its eye on

6、 Brazil for hosting two of the most coveted sporting events the 2014 FIFAWorld Cup and the Summer Olympics two years after. Except for watching exciting games and cheeringfor your favorite team and players, you can also take a trip to “the lungs of the earth”, the Amazonforest, to escape the crowds

7、and embrace nature. Either way, Brazil is sure to leave you with anunforgettable memory.全世界的目光都在聚焦巴西,因为这个国度将举办最令人期待的两大体育盛事2014 年世界杯足球赛和 2016年夏季奥运会。在巴西,你不仅可以观看精彩赛事,为你最喜欢的队伍及运动员欢呼,还可以前往“地球之肺” 亚马逊雨林旅行,体验“与世隔绝,拥抱自然” 。不管你如何安排行程,巴西之行必定是一次难忘之旅。(2)Antarctic 南极洲Attraction: The adventure of a lifetime 上榜理由:探险

8、之旅Bored with your day-to-day life? Its time to go on an adventure and refresh yourself! The Antarctic isundoubtedly a good choice. Watching native penguins playing and seeing millions of seabirds flyingacross the sky is much more exciting than watching TV documentaries. Imagine how cool and fascinat

9、ingit is to be in a world of majestic icebergs and unexplored mountain ranges. But remember, its a polarregion, so prepare well before you set off. Insulated boots, warm coats, gloves, wool socks and hats are amust.厌倦了一成不变的生活?何不去探险, 让身心重新焕发活力?毫无疑问, 南极洲会是个好去处。 亲眼目睹企鹅嬉戏,成群结队的海鸟飞过天空,要比观看电视纪录片更令人兴奋。想象一下

10、,置身于雄伟冰山和原生态山脉构成的世界中,是多么刺激和美好的一件事啊!但要注意的是,南极洲地处极地,因此行前要做好充足准备。保暖靴、防寒外套、手套、羊毛袜和帽子一样都不能少。(3)Sweden 瑞典Attractions: Food, culture and scary stories 上榜理由:食物、文化和恐怖故事Most peoples impression of Sweden is that its cold, gloomy and beautiful. But thats not the wholestory. As the largest Scandinavian country w

11、ith a small population, its a paradise for people who hatecrowds and love their peace and quiet. Its the perfect setting in which to enjoy the countrys localdelicacies, such as fresh seafood, berries, and regional cheeses.大多数人对瑞典的印象是“一个阴冷而美丽的国度” 。但这并非概括瑞典的全部。作为斯堪的纳维亚半岛上面积最大的国家,瑞典人口却十分稀少,对于那些厌倦嘈杂、喜爱静

12、谧生活的人来说,瑞典可以说是人间天堂。在这样舒适的环境中,品尝新鲜海鲜、浆果以及特色奶酪等当地美食,是再合适不过了。(4)Seychelles 塞舌尔Attractions: Paradise within reach. 上榜理由:天堂近在咫尺This so-called “playground for millionaires” is now open to everyone. The wallet-friendly hotels,guesthouses and self-catering apartments make tours affordable. With more than 10

13、0 divine islandsscattered on the Indian ocean, many activities await, such as sunbathing, fishing, diving, sailing, andgoing on boat tours. The Seychelles islands are blessed with a warm tropical climate all year round, soyou can go there whenever you want.这个所谓的“百万富翁的游乐场”现已向所有人敞开怀抱。经济型的酒店、家庭旅馆以及带有自助

14、厨房的公寓,都使得塞舌尔之行不再价格高昂。塞舌尔由 100 多个散布在印度洋上的岛屿组成, 这里有多种多样的娱乐活动供您选择,诸如沙滩浴、钓鱼、潜水、航海和乘船游览。塞舌尔群岛一年四季的热带气候可谓得天独厚,所以你随时都可以开始你的塞舌尔之行。(5)Belgium 比利时Attractions: Europes underrated gem. 上榜理由:被低估的欧洲瑰宝Many grand and spectacular museums are located in picturesque cities like Bruges, Antwerp and Brussels.Art lovers

15、can fully engage themselves in the numerous treasures dating back to the medieval period.Exploring the quiet towns and appreciating their Gothic architecture is also an opportunity not to bemissed. As the hometown of the worlds best beers, chocolates and fries, everyone can be a gourmethere. With th

16、e 100th anniversary of the outbreak of World War I approaching, Belgium is set to drawmany tourists in the coming years.很多宏伟壮观的博物馆坐落在布鲁日、安特卫普和布鲁塞尔等风景如画的城市中。艺术爱好者可尽情徜徉在中世纪时期的大量艺术瑰宝中。同时,你也不要错过造访宁静小镇、参观哥特式建筑的机会。比利时拥有世界上最好的啤酒、巧克力以及薯条,因此,在那里人人都是美食家。随着第一次世界大战爆发 100 周年纪念日的临近,未来几年,比利时将成为更多游客的首选。【微口语】旅行必备口语:学会在餐厅点餐English for Dining出去旅行,当然要品尝当地餐厅的特色美食啦!然而,倘若语言不通,大概就很难品尝到餐厅最受欢迎的美食了。因此,学会基本点餐的英语说法, 不仅可以让自己吃得好, 还可以为自己的旅行增光添彩哦! 【编者语】(1)May I order,please? 我可



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