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1、 硕士学位论文 论文题目 从关联理论角度看红楼梦中歇后语的翻译 研 究 生 姓 名 罗 婉 指导教师姓名 杜争鸣 专 业 名 称 外国语言学及应用语言学 研 究 方 向 翻译理论与实践 论文提交日期 2013 年 5 月 A Study of the Translation of Xiehouyu in Honglou Meng from the Perspective of Relevance Theory By Luo Wan Under the Supervision of Professor Du Zhengming Submitted in Partial Fulfillment o

2、f the Requirements For the Degree of Master of Arts School of Foreign Languages Soochow University February 2014 i ii iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS My special and heartfelt thanks first goes to my supervisor, Professor Du Zhengming for his illuminating guidance, incessant encouragement and thought-provoking

3、instructions without which this thesis would hardly have been possible. Also, I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to all the teachers at Schools of Foreign Languages in Soochow University, especially Professor Wang Rongpei, Professor Wanghong, Professor Fang Huawen and Professor Ding Wanjian

4、g, whose lectures have evoked my interest in translation and broadened my horizon in the field of translation. Finally, I am greatly obliged to my friends and my parents for their meticulous care and whole-hearted support. W. Luo iv Abstract Sperber “癞蛤蟆想吃天鹅肉”(used by Ping-er to make fun of Jia Rui)

5、; “可着头做帽子要一点富余的都不能” ( used by Yuan-yang to describe the financial situation of the Jung Mansion, etc. Last but not least, personalities of the characters in the novel get depicted incisively with the employment of a lot of XHYs. For example, in chapter sixty-five, when introducing the personality of

6、 Lady Wang to Second Sister, Hsing-erh employed “上头一脸笑,脚下便使绊子;明是一盆火,暗是一把刀”, a vivid expression of Lady Wangs double-faced tactics. In chapter forty-six, Jia She wanted Yuan-Yang to be his concubine, which is flatly refused by Yuan-Yang with a rhetorical XHY “牛不喝水强按头”, reflecting her strong self-este

7、em and determination. Such examples are too numerous to enumerate in this novel and they remarkably enhance the impressiveness of the novels characters. 3.2.2 Features of XHYS in Honglou Meng Statistics indicate that there are around 180 XHYs in Honglou Meng, each of which performs its own functions

8、. These XHYs are of distinctive features enabling them to better 19 convey the intended meaning of the communicator. As a special form of language, XHYs in Honglou Meng are of great diversity without fixed structures. The content of these XHYs cover many aspects ranging from marriage, occupation, re

9、ligion, clothing, cooking to animal habits. For example, “嫁出去的女儿扑出去的水”(marriage); “卖油的娘子水梳头”(occupation); “和尚无儿孝子多着呢”(religion); “谁家没有个碟小碗大磕着碰着的?”(cooking); “黑母鸡, 一窝儿”(animal habits). Moreover, XHYs in Honglou Meng fall into different types, concerning homophone, metaphor, hyperbole, contrast, meton

10、ymy, etc. For example, “宋徽宗的鹰, 赵子昂的马都是好画儿?”(“画”is homonymous with “话”; “没药性的炮仗只好装幌子罢了”(“炮仗” in this XHY is a metaphor referring to those who are not warm and sincere); “千里搭长棚没有个不散的筵席”(“千里”) meaning a thousand miles is a hyperbole. Common sense tells us that a shed of a thousand miles does nt exist a

11、t all); “瘦死的骆驼比马大”( the size of a camel and a horse is totally different and they are in contrast with each other); “谁家没有个碟小碗大,磕着碰着的?”( Here a metonymy is adopted with “碟” and “碗” used to represent containers). Different in types as they are, XHYs in Honglou Meng are also flexible in structure. In g

12、eneral, XHYs can be divided into two parts “description+explanation”. However, in Honglou Meng, this basic structure is adjusted with consummate skills and great ease. “description+explanation”, “explanation+description”, “only description”, “only explanation” and “XHYs in other forms” are all deriv

13、atives of the basic structure. In addition to flexibility, XHYs in Honglou Meng are also of colloquial style. Most of the XHYs appear in the conversations of various characters giving full expression to the personalities of different characters. One point worthy to be noted here is that the distribu

14、tion of XHYs in the conversations, to some extent, depends on the characters cultivation, education and living background, which ensures full display of their different sorts of personalities. Lastly, some XHYs in Honglou Meng are evidently connected with custom and 20 tradition of that time. For ex

15、ample, in the XHY “状元痘儿灌的浆儿又满是喜事”, “状元痘儿” actually refers to chicken pox which was then regarded as a good sign. “嫁出去的女儿, 泼出去的水” is another XHY reflecting a fact that in feudal society, once a daughter is married, she belongs to her husband and does nt have much connection with those relatives of he

16、r maiden home. In this sense, XHYs in Honglou Meng are carriers of social ideas, social values as well as social custom of feudal society. 3.2.3 The classification of XHYs in Honglou Meng There is not a general consensus among scholars on the classification of XHYs in Honglou Meng as different researchers have offered different ways to classify these XHYs. According to Professor Shao Zhihong, XHYs in Honglou Meng fall into two groups: metaphorical and



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