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1、智 课 网 托 福 备 考 资 料托福双语阅读:女人28岁时最快乐托福阅读备考重点之一便是提高英语阅读量,下文智课小编为大家 分享一篇托福双语阅读材料:女性在“奔三“前的28岁会感到最幸福快乐 ,一起去看看吧! 托福阅读备考重点之一便是提高英语阅读量,下文智课小编为大家 分享一篇托福双语阅读材料:女性在“奔三“前的28岁会感到最幸福快乐 ,一起去看看吧! Women are at their happiest at the age of 28, a study has found. Researchers discovered women feel most confident and hap

2、py with their love life and body shape shortly before they reach 30. It is also the period in their life when they enjoy the best sex but the happiness is relatively shortlived. Because by the time they have turned 30 they start worrying about growing old and developing grey hair and wrinkles.A spok

3、esman for home hair colour brand Clairol Perfect 10, which carried out the study of 4,000 women, said: “Everything in life hits its peak at some point, and nearly reaching your thirties isnt so bad now. “The age of 28 has been pinpointed as the time in a womans life their hair looks the best, body s

4、hape is at its peak and confidence is at an all-time high. The survey of 25-65 year olds recorded the age at which women were most content in 12 key areas of their life. According to the results, women are happiest in their career at 29 and most content with their relationships one year later at 30,

5、 despite having the best sex at 28. But all is not lost for the over 30s, as women feel most content with their financial situation at 33 and at ease with their home and family life at 32.The research found two thirds of women feel they age more quickly than men. It also emerged that 56 per cent of

6、women worry about losing their looks as they get older. But drinking from the fountain of youth doesnt come cheap as the average woman will spend 600 every year on beauty products in a bid to stay looking young. The research also found women spend over five days a year on their beauty routine an ave

7、rage of 22 minutes every day. 一项最新研究表明,女性在28岁时最幸福。 研究人员发现,在即将“奔三”之际,女性对自己的爱情生活最自 信,感觉最幸福,同时也对自己的身材最满意。 也正是在这段时期,女性享受到质量最高的性生活,但这种幸福感 持续的时间相对较短。 因为到那时,已届30岁的女性们开始担心衰老、长白头发和出现皱 纹。 (英国)国内染发品牌“伊卡璐10分钟快速完美染发”对4千位女性 进行了此项调查,该品牌的一位发言人说:“人生的每种经历都在某一 时期达到顶点,现在看来,接近30岁并没有那么糟。” “28岁被认定为女性一生之中头发最健康,身材最棒,最自信的年 龄。”受访女性年龄在25岁至65之间,研究人员记录了她们何时对生活中 12个最关键的领域感觉最满足。 结果显示,女性29岁时在职场最开心,一年之后的30岁时对感情生 活最满足,而在28岁时性生活质量最高。 但对女性来说,过了30岁也不会失去一切。女性在33岁时对经济状 况最满意,在32岁时感觉家庭生活最舒心。 研究结果表明,2/3的女性认为自己比男性衰老更快。结果还表明 ,56%的女性担心随着年龄的增大,自己容颜尽失。 但想要容颜永驻可不便宜。为了看上去一直年轻,每位普通女性每 年会花费600英镑购买美容产品。 研究还发现,女性每年用于日常美容的时间累计多于5天,平均每 天22分钟。推荐


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