托福听力tpo22原文 lecture 4-智课教育旗下智课教育

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1、智 课 网 托 福 备 考 资 料托福听力TPO22原文 Lecture 4-智课教育旗下智课教育以下是小编为大家整理的托福听力TPO22原文中Lecture 4的文本 内容,希望大家能够认真阅读,不懂的地方可以参考翻译,相信会有所 收获。 下面就让小编来为大家介绍一下托福听力TPO22原文中Lecture 4 的文本内容吧,大家要好好把握,这些都是非常有价值的材料,同时, 大家也可以登录智课教育论坛进行TPO练习辅导,希望能够给准备托福 听力的同学带来帮助。 TPO22 Lecture 4 (Music History) Professor: So, uh, if you are a mus

2、ician in the United States in the early twentieth century, where could you work? Student: Same as now, I suppose. In an orchestra, mainly. Professor: Ok. And where would the orchestra be playing? Student: Uh, in a concert hall or a dance hall? Professor: Thats right. And smaller groups of musicians

3、were needed in theaters as accompaniment to visual entertainment, like cabarets and variety shows. But the largest employer for musicians back then was the film industry, especially during the silent-film era.Student: Really? You mean being a piano player or something? I thought movie theaters would

4、 have used recorded music. Professor: Well, no. Not during the silent-film era. We are talking a period of maybe thirty years where working in movie theaters was the best job for musicians. It was very well-paid. The rapid growth of the film industry meant movie theaters were popping up everywhere.

5、So suddenly there was this huge demand for musicians. In fact, over 20,000 jobs for musicians were gone, disappeared at the end of the silent-film era, 20,000. Ok. So from the beginning, music was a big part of film, even at the firstStudent: Excuse me, professor. I think I read somewhere that they

6、used music to drown out the sound of the film projectors? Professor: Yeah. Thats good story, isnt it? Too bad it keeps getting printed as if it were the only reason music was used. Well, think about it. Even if that were the case, noisy projectors were separated from the main house pretty quickly, y

7、et music continued to accompany film. So, as I was saying, even the very first public projection of a film had piano accompaniment. So music was pretty much always there. Whats strange to me though, is that at first film music didnt necessarily correspond to what was on the screen. You know, eh, a f

8、ast number for a chase, deep bass notes for danger, something light and humorous for comedy. And thats instantly recognizable now, even expected. But in the very early days of film, any music was played. A theater owner would just buy a pile of sheet music and musicians will play it, no matter what

9、it was. Pretty quickly though, thankfully, everybody realized the music should suit the film. So eventually, film makers tried to get more control over the musical accompaniment of their films., and specify what type of music to use and how fast or slow to play it.Student: Are you saying there was n

10、o music written specifically for a particular movie? Professor: Yeah. Original scores werent common then. Rarely a filmmaker might send along an original score composed especially for a film, but usually a compilation of music that already existed would be used. Yeah, that was a good time for a lot

11、of musicians. But that all changed with the introduction of sound on film technology. Actually, even before that, organs could mimic a number of instruments and also do some sound effects. So they were starting to replace live orchestras in some movie theaters, and it only takes one person to play a

12、n organ.Student: Ok. But even after that someone still had to play the music for the sound for the sound recordings, the soundtracks. Professor: Yeah. But think of all the movie theaters there were, most employing about six to eight musicians, some even had full orchestras. But in the early 1930s, m

13、ost theater owners installed new sound systems. So suddenly a lot of musicians were looking for work. Once recording technology took off, studio jobs working exclusively for one film company, eh, studio jobs did become available. But the thing is, each major movie company pretty much had only one or

14、chestra for all their productions, a set number of regular musicians. So if you could get it, studio musician was a good job. If you were cut out for it, musicians had to be able to read music very well, since the producers were very conscious of how much money they were spending. They didnt want to

15、 waste any time. So a musician was expected to play complicated pieces of music pretty much without any preparation. If one couldnt do it, there were plenty of others waiting to try. So there was a lot of pressure to do well. 教授:嗯,如果你是美国二十世纪早期的音乐人,你会在哪里工作 呢?学生:我想和现在一样吧。主要在管弦乐队里工作。 教授:好的,那么管弦乐队又在哪里演奏

16、呢? 学生:呃,在音乐会或者舞厅? 教授:是的。还有一些视觉娱乐项目,如卡巴雷歌舞及各种各样的 表演等也会需要一群音乐人在剧场里伴奏。但是那时候最需要音乐人的 产业却是电影业,尤其是在无声电影时代。 学生:真的吗?你的意思是钢琴家之类的?我以为电影剧场里会用些 录制好的音乐。 教授:不是的。在无声电影时代不是这样的。那三十年,音乐人最 好的工作就是在电影剧场里面工作,他们薪水很高。电影业的迅速发展 使电影剧场到处涌现。所以突然间对音乐人的需求非常大。事实上,在 无声电影时代结束的时期,有两万多的音乐人失业。好了,那我们从头来说。音乐是电影中非常重要的一部分,即使是在在最初 学生:打扰一下教授。我想我在哪里读到过,他们是用音乐的声音 来淹没电影放映机的声音是吗? 教授:是的。很有意思的事吧。问题是人们总在这样说,好像这是 放音乐唯一的原因一样。但是你们想想,即便如此,不久之后有噪音的 放映机就与放映厅分割开来了,但还是有音乐继续来为电影伴奏。所以 正如我说的,即使是第一个公映的电影也有钢琴的伴奏。音乐一直都在 。而让我感到奇怪的是,起初的电影配乐是不需要和荧幕上的内容


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