新标准外研高二渊辽宁冤尧 ( 韶关)实验

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《新标准外研高二渊辽宁冤尧 ( 韶关)实验》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《新标准外研高二渊辽宁冤尧 ( 韶关)实验(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、叶学英语曳20072008 学年第二学期编辑计划期数截稿日期辅导内容2107.10.14Module 1, Book 7Topic: Basketball语法院1. 词的转化院名词转化为动词2援 词的派生院名词加后缀构成形容词词汇院bound, absorb, dominate, rely, nationwide, selfish, instant, be basedon, take possession of, draw sb爷s attention to.2207.10.15Module 2, Book 7Topic: Highlights of My Senior Year语法院主语从句

2、尧表语从句词汇院innocent, cushion, kettle, issue, dynamic, certificate, punctual, nursery,botanical, as far I爷m concerned, be considered as噎版数听力6有6有新标准外研高二渊辽宁冤尧(韶关)实验版普通高中课程标准实验教科书叶英语曳 (顺序选修 7尧顺序选修 8) 外语教学与研究出版社 主编院陈琳 Simon Greenall渊英冤第一版 World & information Focus:回顾国内外热点新闻袁关注社会各领域的最 新动态遥 Around the world:

3、介绍国内外的著名建筑尧旅游 景点尧民风民俗袁体验异域生活袁感受异国风情遥 Sports: 体坛资讯遥 People: 走近名人袁从他们的人生经历中得到启迪遥 Discovery: 介绍各个领域的新发现和新动向遥 Life: 美文要要要睿智尧感触尧狂想袁尽在其中遥 In brief: 图片新闻集锦遥 第二版 In class Pre-reading院提供与课文单元同栏目材料的练习题 目袁有利于学生自我检测以及理解和把握课文的情况遥 Reading practice: 根据本单元同栏目文章袁设置是 非辨析题尧短文填空题遥 Cultural corner: 根据本单元同栏目文章袁设置阅 读理解题遥

4、Grammar: 对本单元语法以句型转换尧单句改错尧 以所有单词正确形式填空等题形进行强化训练遥 For MET: 对本单元重点语法进行讲解袁同时配有 历届高考题或相关习题袁加深学生对该语法现象的理解遥 Key points: 将本单元学到的重点词尧短语尧句型进 行讲解尧拓展尧辨析袁并配有相应的练习遥 Vocabulary: 将本单元的新词尧短语以不同形式的 练习进行考查遥 第三版 Basic trainingParallel practice: 根据模块听力材料改编短文填空尧表格填空或选择 题遥 根据模块重点词汇填空完成一篇对话或短文袁要求 背诵遥 帮助同学们在自我考查的基础上袁更深刻地记忆

5、 单词遥 Reading: 精选阅读理解作为加强练习袁题材多样遥 Translation: 刊登短句翻译小练习遥 Word puzzle: 刊载本模块重点词汇及常用词汇的 填词游戏遥 Street talk: 总结常用口语句型并以实例详解其用 法遥 Idioms in use: 讲解常见俚语袁介绍其起源并提供 相关练习遥 第四版 Out of class Reading online: 提供与相应模块话题一致的文章袁 材料难度与课文相当袁目的在于加深学生对所学内容的 理解袁拓宽学生的知识面遥 Nick爷s column: 编读往来遥 由我社特聘美国知名外 教为学生解答在英语学习过程中遇到的问题

6、袁让同学们 感受地道英语的魅力遥 Leisure center: 刊登幽默尧笑话和漫画以及一些益 智类的游戏尧文章遥 Learning express: 写作指导袁写作题目与课本话题 同步袁并配有相应练习遥 Film: 经典电影台词或经典影片介绍袁使学生进一 步感受原声电影所带来的快乐遥 第五尧六版 Test center Test yourself: 单元同步测试题遥 按照现行高考模 式进行袁同时又不拘泥于高考袁难度适中袁以检测并提高 学生应用英语知识的能力为宗旨遥47叶学英语曳20072008 学年第二学期编辑计划期数截稿日期辅导内容2310.20Module 3, Book 7Topic

7、: Literature语法院倒装渊为强调冤尧强调句词汇院accomplish, ambassador, anchor, nutrition, sparrow, trial, welfare,compass, bring sth. to the attention of sb.2410.25Modules 1-3, Book 72510.30Module 4, Book 7Topic: Music Born in America语法院1.复习时间状语从句 2. 学习省略词汇院allowance, arise, pension, deadline, refreshing, fancy, cons

8、ensus,schedule, be blessed with, be bored with, beg for.2611.4Module 5, Book 7Topic: Ethnic Culture语法院学习过去分词作状语的用法词汇院adjust, arch, grain, framework, furnish, spear, spade, lame, fibre, jun原gle, in the distance, has a population of.2711.9Module 6, Book 7Topic: The World爷s Cultural Heritage语法院1. 虚拟语气2

9、. 地点状语从句尧条件状语从句尧让步状语从句词汇院advocate, agenda, assistance, compromise, mercy, undertake, remains,enlarge, diplomacy, at the mercy of., symbolic ambassador.2811.14Modules 4-6, Book 72911.19专项训练渊一冤3011.24期中测试3111.29Module 1, Book 8Topic: Deep South语法院1. 复习主语 2. 复习动词词汇院abnormal, annual, battery, balance(v.

10、), reliability, sunburnt, tiresome,promote, glare, ecology, extreme, laundry, adapt to, set foot on, in case of.版数听力6有4无6有6有6有4无4有渊2套冤4有6有48叶学英语曳20072008 学年第二学期编辑计划期数截稿日期辅导内容3207.12.4Module 2, Book 8Topic: The Renaissance语法院复习非谓语动词词汇院antique, authentic, calculate, frontier, inspire, precise, movable

11、, blame,substitute, take up, on behalf of, leave for, at liberty.3307.12.9Module 3, Book 8Topic: Foreign Food语法院复习定语尧定语从句词汇院abundant, altogether, ample, buffet, casually, dessert, peach, breast,requirement, recipe, grill, consume, end up, make out, set fire to.3407.12.14Modules 1-3, Book 83507.12.19

12、Module 4, Book 8Topic: Which English?语法院复习状语尧状语从句词汇院absurd, abuse, acquire, explicit, splendid, superior, dilemma, dialect,clarify, prejudice, tendency, curiosity, in conclusion, tell.apart, let sb. down3607.12.24Module 5, Book 8Topic: The Conquest of the Universe语法院复习名词性从句词汇院accustomed, abstract, d

13、ignity, commitment, consistent, assumption,consult, devotion, random, be similar to, in spite of, pray for, set in motion3707.12.29Module 6, Book 8Topic: The Tang Poems语法院复习情态动词词汇院approve, arbitrary, barrier, expense, dynasty, cater, donate, enterprise,merchant, reflection, correspond with, take hold of, a chorus of3808.1.5Modules 4-6, Book 83908.1.10专项训练渊二冤4008.1.15期末测试版数听力6有6有4无6有6有6有4无4有渊2套冤4有49


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