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1、 发电机发电机发电机发电机水冷系统水冷系统水冷系统水冷系统 操作操作操作操作维护维护维护维护手册手册手册手册 B4212 艾维恩能源设备艾维恩能源设备艾维恩能源设备艾维恩能源设备(苏州苏州苏州苏州)有限公司有限公司有限公司有限公司 A V N E N E R G Y 2A V N E N E R G Y 3A V N E N E R G Y Installation/安装安装安装安装 Mounting of the LCU/冷却系统的安装冷却系统的安装冷却系统的安装冷却系统的安装 1. Mount the frame of the unit safely supported./将冷却系统安全的

2、固定在支架上。 2. Connect the hoses according to the “Diagram for component placement” and make sure they are safely fastened./根据零配件装配图将管路接好,并确保接口已经接牢。 3. Connect transmitters to the control unit. Use the datasheet for each transmitter for correct connection./将传感器接入控制单元。请严格按照要求将传感器安装在正确的位置 4. Prepare the w

3、iring to the pump motor according to the datasheet./根据说明书的要求准备好连接泵电 机的电线。 Electrical connections./电路接法电路接法电路接法电路接法 The electrical connections should be carried out by an authorized electrician in accordance with local regulations. We are not responsible for any accidents which are caused by non obse

4、rvance of this instruction. 仅允许获得授权的专业电气工程师进行电路连接作业。由于违反此规定而引起的任何事故,我们 将不承担任何责任。 Wiring/线路线路线路线路 1. Use an electromagnetic switch that conforms to specification (voltage, capacity, etc.) of the pump motor./仅允许使用符合泵电机技术要求的电磁开关。 2. Electromagnetic switch and push button switch should be firmly install

5、ed at the place reasonably distant from the pump./电磁开关和按钮与泵应当保持合理的距离。 4A V N E N E R G Y Operation/操作操作操作操作 Precautions on operation/操作提示操作提示操作提示操作提示 Never operate the LCU pump dry or with the suction valve closed, except for the application of coolant, see chapter “Applying coolant to the system”.

6、Otherwise the pump will be damaged. Check the direction of pump rotation indicated on the motor and pump. 本系统严禁在无水状态下工作!也禁止在泵的进口阀关闭的情况下工作(除非是为了加液)。具 体请查阅冷却系统加液指导。否则泵将会损坏。注意泵的转向必须与电机与泵外壳的标识一 致! 5A V N E N E R G Y Applying liquid to the system/冷却系统冷却液灌装冷却系统冷却液灌装冷却系统冷却液灌装冷却系统冷却液灌装 The positions mention

7、ed below refer to “B4212-D Diagram for component placement”. 下文所提到的位置请参考B4212-D 零配件装配图。 Expansion tank:/膨胀水箱膨胀水箱膨胀水箱膨胀水箱 - Check that the pre-charge pressure in the expansion tank is 0,5 bar at 20C. 检查膨胀水箱的初始压力是否为在20C时为0 .5 bar。 - Measure the pressure at the valve under the top cap of the tank. 检测膨胀

8、水箱顶部保护盖下面的阀的压力。 - The cap can easily be removed with a screw driver. 该保护盖可以用螺丝刀轻松取出。 - If pressure is to low, then charge gas (Nitrogen) until 0,5 bar is reached. 如果压力过低,请充入氮气,直至达到0.5bar。 Filling device:/加液装置加液装置加液装置加液装置 - Before applying coolant to the system, place the filling device in a high pos

9、ition (higher than the highest point in the system). 在系统加液之前,请将加液装置置于较高位置。(高于水泵系统的最高位置) Connection of external coolant tank:/外部冷却液容器接法外部冷却液容器接法外部冷却液容器接法外部冷却液容器接法 - Connected coolant tank to valve pos. 10 (Closed position). 将外部冷却液容器接到位于10号阀。(阀门必须关闭) Open valves:/打开阀门打开阀门打开阀门打开阀门 - Open all valves in

10、the system: LCU pos. 3, 11, 12 (Except Pos. 13) and valves in the generator, except bleeding valves. 打开系统中所有的阀门:冷却系统的3,11,12位置( 除了位置13)和发电机端的阀 门,除了排气阀 - Turn the red cap on the air vent valve pos. 7 anticlockwise for quick filling. 逆时针旋转7号排气阀顶部的红色盖子。 - Open valve pos. 10 (coolant is now supplied). 打

11、开10号阀(现在液体正在加入系统)。 Bleeding the system, phase 1:/系统排气第一阶段系统排气第一阶段系统排气第一阶段系统排气第一阶段 - Connect each of the bleeding lines in the system to a barrel. 将所有的可能出水的管路连接到一个可以盛放废液的容器,以防废液污染。 - Open each of the bleeding valves in the system until all air is removed. 在系统中空气排尽以前不可关闭排气阀。 - When all air is removed

12、leave bleeding valves closed. 在系统中空气排尽后必须关闭排气阀 - Finally bleed the pump by loosen the air vent screw in the pump head. 最后,拧开泵头部的螺丝以排出泵中的空气 - Tighten the air vent screw when the pump has been completely filled with coolant. 在系统中空气排尽后,拧紧螺丝。 Prepare pump operation:/准备泵操作准备泵操作准备泵操作准备泵操作 - Close valve po

13、s. 11. 关闭11号阀。 - Connect the pump motor and run the motor instantaneously to check for correct direction of rotation. The motor should run in the direction indicated with the arrow on the pump. If the direction is reversed, exchange any two wires of the three phase power wires. This operation should

14、 only be carried out by authorized personal. 6A V N E N E R G Y 将泵电机接线接好,并尝试接通电源,检测泵的旋转方向是否正确。泵的旋转方向应 当与箭头指示一致。如不一致,应当由电气工程师对换三相电线中的任意两根的位 置。 Base pressure:/基本压力基本压力基本压力基本压力 - Start motor and apply coolant to the system with pump pos. 1. 开启电机通过1号泵向系统内加液 - When the base pressure on the pressure gauge

15、 pos. 4 is 1,5 bar, shut off valve pos. 10. 当4号压力显示器显示压力为1.5bar 时,关闭位于10号阀门。 - Stop the pump. 关闭泵 7A V N E N E R G Y Bleeding the system, phase 2:/系统排气第二步系统排气第二步系统排气第二步系统排气第二步 - Wait until the air vent valve pos. 7 is closed (no noise of leaking air). 观察7号排气阀直到其关闭(即没有排气的声音) - Open valve pos. 11. 打开位

16、于11号阀。 - Run the pump for 2 sec. 运行泵2秒钟 - Wait until the air vent valve pos. 7 is closed (no noise of leaking air). 观察7号排气阀直到其关闭(即没有排气的声音) - Repeat the 2 last steps (6-10 times) until all air is removed from the system. 重复以上步骤直到系统内的空气被排尽。 - If the base pressure is 1,5 bar after removing all the air, the system is ready torun. 如果在系统中空气排尽后显示压力为1.5bar,则说明系统已经加液完成,可以 运行。 Base pressure adjustment



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