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1、华中科技大学硕士学位论文建筑师视野中的可生长建筑材料姓名:熊燕申请学位级别:硕士专业:建筑设计及其理论指导教师:李保峰20050513I摘摘 要要 生态建筑作为未来建筑发展的大趋势,受到越来越多专家和学者的关注,建筑材料作为建筑的物质基础,极大程度上决定了建筑对环境的影响。建筑活动是 对自然环境破坏最严重的人类活动之一,大规模的开发建设不仅造成了对资源、能源的肆意攫取,同时又对大气、水土等产生了严重的污染。人类若希望长久的在地球上生存下去,就必须时刻保持与自然和谐共处的思想,正视建筑材料可持续发展的问题。 本文首先阐述可生长建筑材料的生态意义。生态建材可分为可生长建筑材料、可循环建筑材料及各种

2、具有生态意义的改性建材,其中可生长建筑材料因来自于自然界中的植物或动物资源,本身参与自然界生态大系统的循环,较另外二者具有更好的环境协调性,其生态意义重大。笔者通过调查及实例说明可生长建筑材料较其它普通建材更有利于减少资源、能源消耗,降低对空气及水土的污染;更有益于创造安全、健康的高品质人居环境。 具体分析各种可生长建筑材料在建筑中的应用情况。通过对其结构组成、物理特性、生产工艺的说明以及大量的实例引证来介绍每一种材料作为结构构件、维护构件及装饰构件在建筑中的应用。本文还试图通过对影响可生长建筑材料在建筑设计应用的因素分析,针对我国建筑市场为建筑师提出正确使用这些可生长建筑材料的方法和途径,为

3、建筑师提供更加广泛的设计思路和设计方法。 最后探讨可生长建筑材料如何实现建筑学上的表达。作为立足于建筑师的材料研究必须揭示材料是如何表达建筑这一关键问题。 “建构”作为一种建筑观真实的展现了材料与结构、构造的关系,本文通过对“建构”的理论思考与相关实例分析,试图寻找材料(尤其是可生长建筑材料)表达建筑的途径和方法。 本课题研究是导师生态建筑研究大框架下在的子课题,从环境学、材料学和建筑学等多学科的角度综合认识各种可生长建筑材料,并着眼于建筑师在设计中如何使用它们提出相关意见和建议,具有一定学理和实践上的指导意义。 关键词:关键词:生态建筑、生态建材、可生长建筑材料、建构 IIABSTRACT

4、The ecological building is paid close attention to by more and more experts and scholar as the main trend of development of future architecture, and at the same time the building materials determine the impact on environment of the building on the great degree. As one of the human activities, the bu

5、ilding activities destroy the natural environment seriously. So many projects are built to not merely cause seizing wantonly to the resource and energy, but also born serious pollution to the atmosphere, water and oil. If we hope for a long time survivance on the earth, we must keep harmonious with

6、the earth constantly, facing the question of sustainable development of building materials and choosing the ecological building materials. The first chapter talks about the ecological value of vegetal building materials. Ecological building materials include vegetal building materials, recycling bui

7、lding materials and ecologically reformative building materials. The vegetal building materials come from plants or animal resources of nature and they participate in nature ecology big circulation of system, so they have kind environmental harmony than other two. There are so many dates and example

8、 in this article, so we can find the vegetal building materials are favorable to reduce resources, energy consumption, reduce the pollution of the air, water and soil than other ordinary building materials. They are more helpful to create the safe, healthy and high-quality living environment. The se

9、cond chapter talks about the using of vegetal building materials. Also, various kinds of the vegetal material are introduced particularly their organic structure, physical characteristic and production technology. A large number of instance of these materials are recommended for explanation how they

10、 used as the structure components, protecting components and decorating components. Besides the understanding of knowledge and instance, in this article the author also attempts to give some advice and design method to architect through the analysis of the factors influencing the architectural desig

11、n course. IIIThe third chapter talks about the architectural presentation of the vegetal building materials. In this article, it is very important to explain how the materials express architecture. As a kind of building view, “Tectonic“ can represent the clear relation between the material, structur

12、e and the details. By the thinking in theory about “Tectonic“ and some relevant instance analysis, we attempt to look for the method that the materials (especially the vegetal materials) express architecture. This research is base on the research of my tutor-the study of ecological design for buildi

13、ng. The main work is not only focused on the comprehension of various kinds of vegetal building material from environmentology, architectural material and architecture, etc. multi-disciplinary angle, but also the relevant opinions and suggestions for architect . So, it has doctrinal and practical di

14、rective significance. Key words: ecological building, ecological building material, vegetal building material, tectonic 独创性声明独创性声明 本人声明所呈交的学位论文是我个人在导师指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研究成果。尽我所知,除文中已经标明引用的内容外,本论文不包含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的研究成果。对本文的研究做出贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中以明确方式标明。本人完全意识到,本声明的法律结果由本人承担。 学位论文作者签名: 日期: 年 月 日 学位论文版权使用授权

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16、:20 图 11 建筑对生态环境的影响 1 绪论绪论 1.1 课题背景 1.1 课题背景 人口急剧增长和人类物质活动规模扩大引起了全球性的环境危机,历史上没有任何一个时刻比 21 世纪人类面临的环境问题更为严峻:温室效应、酸雨、臭氧层破坏、气候异常、荒漠化、土壤衰竭等等正严重威胁着人类的生存。大规模的污染在灭绝某些生物种类的同时也威胁着人类自身的安全,全球有限的自然资源正日趋枯竭,煤炭、石油等不可再生资源行将耗尽,水资源严重短缺等等一系列自然危机使得人类不得不重新审视自己的生活方式并积极努力应对这一挑战。 建筑活动是人类最主要的生存劳动活动之一。伴随着人类社会的不断进步与科学技术的日新月异,现代建筑不论在设计手法、空间造



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