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1、Unit4What can you do?A lets talk棉湖镇实验学校 方秋鹏Unit4What can you do?A lets talk教学内容: A Lets try、 Lets talk Group work 教学目标:a.能听懂、会说: Are you helpful at home?What can you do? I can.Youre helpful! 并能在情景中熟练运用。 b.能听懂、说唱歌谣“Dog, dog, what can you do?”教学重点:句型“What can you do? I can”教学难点:句子“Are you helpful at h

2、ome?”以及在实际情景中正确运用所学对话。教学准备:1.教师准备本课时所需的人物头饰和道具。2. 老师准备多媒体课件。教学过程: 一.Warming up1. lets chant. 二.Preview1. do and guessT: T: Now , Look at me “I can”(做扫地的动作)Ss: “sweep the floor”. “sweep the floor”.(展示扫地图片)T:read togetherSs: “sweep the floor, sweep the floor”.(同上 老师连续做三个动作让全班学生猜,再请两个学生分别猜)2. T: Sarah

3、is a good girl. Shes helpfulLook at the picture (由 Sarah 的话引出复习句型 “What can you do?” Im helpful. I can ) T: now I ask you answered(展示 Sarah 扫地的图片)T: (走到一个学生面前) you,please.(把头饰戴在学生头上 )Now you are Sarah T: “What can you do?” S1: Im helpful. I can sweep the floor (展示句子 指着图片)read together(同上)(Sarah 的五个动

4、作融入句型进行操练)3. 创设情境扫地,倒垃圾,提问学生作对话,引出“Are you helpful at home ? Sure ,I can ”T: look at me (师:一手捏着鼻子,一手提着垃圾袋)T: Help me,help me. Who can help me?S1:( 一个学生站起来)meT: What can you do?S1: Im helpful ! I can empty the trash (师:把垃圾袋递给学生)T: Thank you! Youre helpful.T: Are you helpful at home ?S1: Sure , I canT

5、: Great!Youre helpful.4. 展示五张劳动的图片,提问学生,让学生根据所给的图片内容,融入句型回答。Are you helpful at home ?S1: Sure ! I can sweep the floor.T: Great!Youre helpful. 三. Preparation 1.T: Now ,listen to the tape and anwer my question“What can Chen Jie do?”展示 flash 课件 A Lets talk动听完录音后,让学生回答问用 flash 对 A Lets talk 进行反复操练让学生自由朗

6、读,并提问三组学生进行角色扮演朗读T: Now role play. Shou your performanceT: (给学生戴上 teacher 的头饰)now you are teacher(给另一个学生戴上 chenjie 的头饰)now you are chenjie (交换头饰再次让学生分角色朗读)2.T: Now,listen to the tape ,listen and write “Y”or“N”(放 flash 课本听力) (让一位学生回答问题)3.T: lets play a game. “指指你”(简单讲下游戏规则)4. T: Now ,Lets finish grou

7、p work(,分发调查表,让学生用句型在小组内调查)(一组)(抽查调查表完成情况,通过投影仪展示学生的调查表的调查结果,并让其上台作对话表演)5.(展示小结)T: Today we learn ALets talk, and some key sentences- Are you helpful at home ?- Sure ! I can”6. T: OK, now listen to a song.放英语歌曲。四. Homework 板书: Unit4 What can you do?A lets talkAre you helpful at home ? Sure ,I can Great. Youre helpful .


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