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1、2015 年北京师范大学翻译硕士考研真题汉语写作与百科知识2015 年北京师范大学翻译硕士考研真题汉语写作与百科知识一.选择题1.王微 以一管之笔 拟太虚之体的美学原则A.游目 B.遗神取貌 C.以大观小2. 禅宗的代表人物A. 慧能 B.达摩 C.道安 D.玄奘3. 全真道教“识心见性”,它的主张有?4. 晋葛洪 : 凡草木烧之即烬,而丹砂烧之成水银,积变又成丹砂A.阐述水银和硫磺相互作用相互影响的关系B.阐述草本、硫磺、水银相互影响的关系C.逻辑不成立,但有其借鉴意义5. “王子猷(王徽之)出都,尚在渚下。旧闻桓子野善吹笛,桓于岸上过,王在船中,客有识之者,云是桓子野。王便令人与相闻云:闻

2、君善吹笛,试为我一奏。桓时已贵显,素问王名,即便回下车,踞胡床,为作三调。弄毕,便上车去。客主不交一言。”这首曲子演变成后来的琴曲梅花三弄A.胡床是一种坐具,类似”交椅”B.作三调指吹了三首曲子C.胡床是一种卧具,类似”马扎子” D.作三调指弹了三首曲子6.京剧有其虚拟化和程式化,下面选项体现其虚拟化的是A.绕场一圈表示日行千里B.用紫色脸谱表示人的刚正威严C.在唱法上面,文小生刚柔并济,武小生刚健有力D.正直官员戴方翅纱帽,贪官污吏为圆翅纱帽7.市民绘画主要是A.与传统习俗有关的画B.小说或戏曲中的插图多为艳情小说8.班固删定刘歆七略,着于汉书,然后有了艺文志A.是最早的艺术理论总集B.是最

3、早的关于绘画评论文集C.分经史子集,四库全书沿用此例。9.梁启超在什么是文化一书中说道,文化者,人类心所能开释出来之有价值的共业也。此处的共业是指A.包括道德法律信仰等的社会制度层B.关于,的意识层10.藏族人民集体创作的也是世界唯一一部活史诗的是A.格萨尔 B 萨格尔11.下列说法正确的一项是A.五谷是稻、黍、稷、麦、菽。小麦去皮在传入西域。B.烈性酒的传入.的C.汉代衣服棉麻织品.D.“立嫡以长不以贤,立子以贵不以长”夏朝(或者商朝)是母系氏族社会影响下的兄终弟及制,周的宗法制下的嫡长子继承制12.我国农耕经济的影响下,古代汉服的特点是A.上衣下袴 B.博衣宽带 C.褊狭圆领 D.鞍褡13

4、“仁者爱人。孝悌也者,其为人之本也。”孝悌的内容是A.弟子入则孝,出则悌 B.父慈子孝,兄友弟恭 C.子女尊敬父母,兄弟友好14.学者有四失,教者必知之。人之学也,或失则多,或失则寡,或失则易,或失则止。此四者,心之莫用也。知其心,然后能救其失也。教也者,长善而救其失者也。体现的教学思想是?选扬长避短15.唐朝的书院制度16.西汉 博士设立的职能是A.主管太学 B.孝廉方正啥的17.王羲之兰亭集序真迹失传,摹本最好的是A.虞世南 B.欧阳询 C.诸遂良 D.冯承素.二.应用文写作:2015 年 1 月 1 日是令堂的生日。令堂是某中学的老师,工作多年,值 50 岁生日之际,学生从全国各地来为他

5、祝寿。令堂嘱托你发表祝酒词。注意礼貌原则。考生的名字用白矾来代替。不少于 450 字三.大作文:论任务与义务议论文政府工作报告热词宏观经济篇政府工作报告热词宏观经济篇从紧货币政策 tight monetary policy稳健财政政策 prudent fiscal policy宏观经济调控 macroeconomic regulation政府临时调控 government interim intervention经济增长模式 mode of economic development固定资产投资反弹 a resurgence in fixed asset investment货币信贷投放仍然偏多

6、 continued excessive supplies of money and credit流动性过剩 excessive liquidity转型过程 transformation process行政手段 administrative measures螺旋式通胀 spiraling inflation通胀压力 inflationary pressure抑制通胀 to hold down inflation次贷危机 subprime mortgage crisis经济剧烈波动 drastic fluctuations in the economy经济过热 economic overheat

7、ing防止经济过热 to prevent the economy from overheating促进结构调整和协调发展 to promote structural adjustment and balanced development减轻弱势群体负担 ease the burden on the disadvantaged group增加对薄弱环节、 改善民生、 深化改革等方面的支出 to increase expenditures necessary “toshore up weak links, improve peoples lives and deepen reform“政府工作报告

8、热词就业篇政府工作报告热词就业篇严厉打击非法用工 to severely punish illegal employment加强劳动争议处理 to improve the handling of labor disputes加强劳动保障监察 to improve oversight for worker protection measures就业促进法 Employment Promotion Law劳动合同法 Labor Contract Law城镇登记失业率 registered urban unemployment rate鼓励创业 to encourage business start

9、ups公共就业服务体系 public employment service system完善再就业扶持政策 to improve the aid system for job seekers“零就业”家庭 zero-employment families就业机会 employment opportunities非农产业 nonagricultural sectors失业保险制度 unemployment insurance system劳动力总量大增 a large increase in the total workforce支持创办小型企业 to support citizens to e

10、stablish small enterprises鼓励自谋职业和自主创业 to encourage people to find jobs on their own or start theirown businesses加强就业和创业培训 to strengthen vocational training and training in how to start abusiness城乡劳动者平等就业制度an employment system that treats urban and rural workersequally落实促进残疾人就业政策 to carry out policie

11、s to find more jobs for people withphysical and mental disabilities建立帮助零就业家庭解决就业困难长效机制 to create a permanent mechanism to helpzero-employment families find jobs通过加强就业和创业培训,鼓励自谋职业和自主创业,以及支持创办小型企业来扩大就业 toexpand employment “by encouraging and training business start-ups, strengthening jobtraining, enco

12、uraging people to find jobs on their own, and supporting theestablishment of small enterprises政府工作报告热词国企篇政府工作报告热词国企篇国有企业 state owned enterprises (SOEs)主要产业 core business税收贡献 tax contributions民航 civil aviation所有制结构 ownership structure发展大型粮食基地 to develop large grain production bases国有资产所有权转移 transferr

13、ing ownership of state-owned assets完善所有制结构 to improve ownership structure实行政策性关闭破产 to carry out policy-mandated closures and bankruptcies建立国有资本经营预算制度 to set up a budget system for managing state capital国有企业资产总额 the total value of assets of state owned enterprises (SOEs)国有资产管理体制改革 reform of the manag

14、ement system for state-owned assets国有经济布局与结构调整 adjustment of the distribution and structure of the statesector建立和完善国有资产出资人制度 to set up and improved a system for investors of stateassets引入国有企业股份制 to institute a stockholding system in SOEs邮政体制改革 reform of the postal service system振兴老工业基地战略 strategy of

15、 rejuvenating the old industrial bases国有企业改革改组改造 reforming, reorganizing and upgrading SOEs深化国有企业股份制改革 to deepen the reform to convert SOEs into stockholdingcorporations加强公司化管理 to improve corporate governance实行政策引导关闭和破产 to carry out policy-mandated closures and bankruptcies加快资源枯竭型城市经济转型 to transform

16、 the economies of cities dependent on resourceexploitation扩大建立国有资产管理预算系统试点 to expand the experiment of setting up a budgetsystem for managing state capital引入竞争,加强政府管理和公共监督,深化垄断企业改革 to deepen the reform of monopolyindustries by introducing competition and strengthening government regulation andpublic supervision严格国有资产转化为股份制企业的标准程序 to strictly standardize procedures fortransforming SOEs into stock companies资源型城市经济转型试点to transform the economies of cities



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