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1、TOEFL 群:243745114;GRE 群:243745709;GMAT:243745864托福托福托福托福 24242424 套套套套 TPOTPOTPOTPO 综合写作解析综合写作解析综合写作解析综合写作解析资料来源:http:/ TPO 解析一.2综合写作 TPO 解析二.6综合写作 TPO 解析三.11综合写作 TPO 解析四.15综合写作 TPO 解析五.19综合写作 TPO 解析六.22综合写作 TPO 解析七.25综合写作 TPO 解析八.28综合写作 TPO 解析九.31综合写作 TPO 解析十.34综合写作 TPO 解析十一.37综合写作 TPO 解析十二.40综合写作

2、TPO 解析十三.43综合写作 TPO 解析十四.46综合写作 TPO 解析十五.49综合写作 TPO 解析十六.52综合写作 TPO 解析十七.55综合写作 TPO 解析十八.58综合写作 TPO 解析十九.61综合写作 TPO 解析二十.64综合写作 TPO 解析二十一.67综合写作 TPO 解析二十二.70综合写作 TPO 解析二十三.73综合写作 TPO 解析二十四.76TOEFL 群:243745114;GRE 群:243745709;GMAT:243745864综合写作综合写作综合写作综合写作 TPOTPOTPOTPO 解析一解析一解析一解析一【阅读材料】In the United

3、 States, employees typically work five days a week for eighthours each day. However, many employees want to work a four-day week andare willing to accept less pay in order to do so. A mandatory policy requiringcompanies to offer their employees the option of working a four-day workweekfor four-fifth

4、s (80 percent) of their normal pay would benefit the economy as awhole as well as the individual companies and the employees who decided totake the option.在美国,职员一般执行的一周五天,每天八小时工作制。然而,很多职员希望能够改为四天工作制, 如果能够满足需要可以接受薪水降低。 要求企业提供薪水八成工作四天的工作方式供员工选择对于国家整个经济都是有好处的, 同时获益的还有个人, 以及执行这个政策的公司。Theshortenedworkwee

5、kwouldincreasecompanyprofitsbecauseemployees would feel more rested and alert, and as a result, they would makefewer costly errors in their work. Hiring more staff to ensure that the sameamount of work would be accomplished would not result in additional payrollcosts because four-day employees would

6、 only be paid 80 percent of the normalrate. In the end, companies would have fewer overworked and error-proneemployees for the same money, which would increase company profits.减少工作日会提高公司的利润, 因为员工们会感到很轻松和精神, 这样他们就会在工作中较少犯那些可能会带来损失的错误。 为了完成同样的工作量将需要雇佣更多的人手, 但是这不意味着需要支付更多的薪水,这是因为四天工作日只需支付给每个员工 80%的工资。这

7、样,公司花同样的钱,员工这会过于劳累和失误连连了,这样将会提高公司的利润。For the country as a whole, one of the primary benefits of offering thisoption to employees is that it would reduce unemployment rates. If manyfull-time employees started working fewer hours, some of their workload wouldhave to be shifted to others. Thus, for eve

8、ry four employees who went on an 80percent week, a new employee could be hired at the 80 percent rate.对于国家整体来说, 给职员提供这样的选择选择的好处就是可以降低失业率。 如果原来全职工作的人缩短了工作时间之后,他们的部分工作就需要转给其他的员工。这样,如果每个员工每周都只工作 80%的时间,这样就可以以同样的工作时间来雇佣新员工了。Finally, the option of a four-day workweek would be better for individualemploye

9、es. Employees who could afford a lower salary in exchange for morefree time could improve the quality of their lives by spending the extra time withTOEFL 群:243745114;GRE 群:243745709;GMAT:243745864their families, pursuing private interests, or enjoying leisure activities.最后, 这种四天工作日的选择对于员工个人来说也是有利的。

10、那些可以接受用降低薪水来增加休息时间的员工可以提高他们的生活质量, 因为他们有更多的时间陪家人、 追求自己的兴趣、以及享受一些休闲生活。阅读部分需要提取的观点是:Mainpoint:Amandatorypolicyrequiringcompaniestooffertheiremployees the option of working a four-day workweek for four-fifths (80percent) of their normal pay would benefit the economy as a whole as well asthe individual c

11、ompanies and the employees who decided to take the option.Sub point 1: The shortened workweek would increase company profits.Sub point 2: the country as a whole will benefits.Sub point 3: the option of a four-day workweek would be better forindividual employees.观点抽出方法:这篇文章没有在观点抽取的时候为我们设置障碍,Main poin

12、t 就乖乖地出现在首段段尾,sub points 都是在段首出现的。但是需要提醒的是千万不要把 support 和 detail 作为point 提取出来。在独立写作的时候,大家常犯的一个错误就是把 support 和 detail 作为point 放在段首,在阅读部分也还是难以压抑对 support 和 detail 的重视。在提取 point的时候不要把细节搅和进来。 比如就不能说第一个 sub point 是员工效率更高; 第二个 subpoint 是可以降低失业率,第三个 sub point 是可以提高生活质量。如果用细节当 point,就会在听力部分发现点对点对不上了,因为不是所有题

13、目都是会反驳阅读部分的细节的。 即便是,你貌似对上了,但是逻辑层面不对还是错的。所以,真正的理解 point 的含义是非常重要的,point 的是观点,不提炼出来的态度,而不应该是一些起支撑作用的细节。我们自查 sub point 的方法就是它是否是支持 main point。有的时候 sub point 是main point 的一部分,这段就是一个典型,有的时候 sub point 从不同方面支持 mainpoint。但是如果抓到的是细节,那么就没有这样直接的逻辑关系,则不可用。这样的视角也可以用在独立写作的自查上,看看自己找的 sub point 到底对不对。【听力部分】Offering

14、 employees the option of a four-day workweek wont affect thecompany profits, economic conditions or the lives of employees in the ways thereading suggests.给雇员提供四天工作日的选择不会像阅读部分上所说的对企业、 经济状况和雇员个人的生活带来积极的影响的。TOEFL 群:243745114;GRE 群:243745709;GMAT:243745864First, offering a four-day workweek will probab

15、ly force companies to spendmore, possibly a lot more. Adding new workers means putting much moremoney into providing training and medical benefits. Remember the costs ofthings like health benefits can be the same whether an employee works fourdays or five. And having more employees also requires mor

16、e office space andmore computers. These additional costs would quickly cut into company profits.首先,采用四小时工作制可能会对导致企业支出增加,甚至大幅增加。增加新的员工以为这要再员工培训和医疗保险上花费更多的钱。 别忘了, 无论是四天工作制还是五天工作制,每个人在诸如保健福利金方面的花费是一样的。 而新增的员工统一也需要更多的工位和更多的电脑。这些额外的支出很快就会影响到公司的利润。Second, with respect to overall employment, it doesnt foll

17、ow that oncesome employees choose a four-day workweek, many more jobs will becomeavailable. Hiring new workers is costly, as I argued a moment ago. Andcompanies have other options. They might just choose to ask their employees towork overtime to make up the difference. Worse, companies might raiseex

18、pectations. They might start to expect that their four-day employees can dothe same amount of work they used to do in five days. If this happens, then noadditional jobs will be created and current jobs will become more unpleasant.第二,至于整个社会的就业问题,也不是像阅读部分所说的,只要有雇员选择四天工作制,就会创造更多的就业机会。鉴于我刚才说的,雇佣新员工花费颇多,

19、很多公司都另作选择了。 他们可能就是要求他们的员工加班已完成任务差额。 甚至公司可能会提高它们对员工效率的预期。 它们可能会要求改成四天工作制的员工完成过去他们五天完成的任务。 如果这样,不但没有新的工作机会,而且现有的工作也变得不那么令人愉快了。Finally, while a four-day workweek offers employees more free time toinvest in their personal lives, it also presents some risks that could end upreducing their quality of life

20、. Working a shorter week can decrease employeesjob stability and harm their chances for advancing their careers. Four-dayemployees are likely to be the first to lose their jobs during an economicdownturn. They may also be passed over for promotions because companiesmight prefer to have five-day empl

21、oyees in management positions to ensurecontinuous coverage and consistent supervision for the entire workweek.最后, 虽然四天工作日给员工更多的空闲时间去安排他们的私人生活, 但是他们也会冒有一定风险, 这些风险甚至可能会降低他们的生活质量。 时间较短的工作制将会降低雇员工作的稳定性,同时阻碍他们事业的发展。在面临经济危机的时候,选择四天工作制的员工将会首当其冲地被裁掉。 同时由于公司更倾向于把管理岗给那些五天工作的员工, 这样四天工作制的员工将会错失进行集会。 企业正阳的考虑是为了保

22、证在整个工作周期中都有持续的管TOEFL 群:243745114;GRE 群:243745709;GMAT:243745864理覆盖和持续的监督机制。【词汇补充】阅读部分表达方法:passage, material听力部分表达方法:lecture, the professors says同意: say, argue, claim, opinion, hold the view that, figure, deem, believe,reckon, consider, opinion, proposition,反对:on contrary, by contrast, argue against,

23、 refute, object, hold a totallydifferent view, oppose, be against.TIP:在行文过程中,需要变化的是表示同意或者反对的功能性词汇,而表示阅读部分和听力部分的指代型词汇请不要变化。我们语言多样性的表达要用在需要的地方。【文章结构】第一段:要表达的内容有:passage 部分的主观点,lecture 部分的主观点,以及两者之间的关系。第二段:passage 部分的 sub point 1,lecture 部分对应的 sub point,lecture 里面相对应的 support 和 details。第三段:passage 部分的

24、sub point 2,lecture 部分对应的 sub point,lecture 里面相对应的 support 和 details。第四段:passage 部分的 sub point 3,lecture 部分对应的 sub point,lecture 里面相对应的 support 和 details。TIP:没有必要在文章中出现 passage 部分的 support 和 details,或者说不能出现。TOEFL 群:243745114;GRE 群:243745709;GMAT:243745864综合写作综合写作综合写作综合写作 TPOTPOTPOTPO 解析二解析二解析二解析二【阅读

25、材料】In many organizations, perhaps the best way to approach certain newprojects is to assemble a group of people into a team. Having a team of peopleattack a project offers several advantages.在很多机构里, 恰当完成一个新项目的最好方法可能是把一组人组织成一个团队。 一个团队来完成一个项目有几个优势。First of all, a group of people has a wider range of k

26、nowledge, expertise, andskills than any single individual is likely to possess. Also, because of thenumbers of people involved and the greater resources they possess, a groupcan work more quickly in response to the task assigned to it and can come upwith highly creative solutions to problems and iss

27、ues.首先,一组人员意味着有比任何一个个体拥有更为广泛的知识、技能以及技巧。同时,因为有更多数量人员的介入和更多资源的占有,团队工作可以以更快的速度对任务作出反应。同时,也能创造性地解决遇到的问题和争议。Sometimes these creative solutions come about because a group is morelikely to make risky decisions that an individual might not undertake. This isbecause the group spreads responsibility for a dec

28、ision to all the members andthus no single individual can be held accountable if the decision turns out to bewrong.由于在团队工作中个体无需承担风险, 所以会倾向于作出冒险的决定。 这就导致了团队工作有时候可以创造性地解决问题。这是因为团队把团队决策的责任分摊给所有的成员了,这样的话,即使决策最后证明是错的,也不会有任何个体需要对此负责。Taking part in a group process can be very rewarding for members of thete

29、am. Team members who have a voice in making a decision will no doubt feelbetter about carrying out the work that is entailed by the decision than theymight doing work that is imposed on them by others. Also, the individual teammember has a much better chance to “shine”, to get his or her contributio

30、ns andideas not only recognized but recognized as highly significant, because a teamsoverall results can be more far-reaching and have greater impact than whatmight have otherwise been possible for the person to accomplish or contributeworking alone.加入一个团队对于个体成员来说是一个非常荣耀的。对于那些能够影响决策的成员来说, 毫无疑问, 他们在团

31、队行为中得来的决策快感要优于他们被动地接受别人指派任务时候的感受。同时,团队中的个人有更多“闪耀”的机会,这些机会的实现是由于他们对团队的贡TOEFL 群:243745114;GRE 群:243745709;GMAT:243745864献不但被认可, 而且是高度低认可。 这种高度的认可是因为团队的成就和影响力是要要高于个体。团队可以实现个体所不完成的任务,达到个体所不能达到的高度。阅读部分需要抽取的观点是:Main point: perhaps the best way to approach certain new projects is toassemble a group of peop

32、le into a team.Sub point 1: A group can work more quickly in response to the task assignedto itSub point 2: Sometimes these creative solutions come about.Sub point 3: Taking part in a group process can be very rewarding formembers of the team.观点抽出方法:Main point: 主观点抽取的时候,有些同学喜欢凭感觉。可是如果感觉可靠的话,就没有那么多人失

33、恋了。感觉是靠不住的,我们要找到根据。这篇文章的主观点算是比较好找的。阅读部分从题材上是 essay,这个跟我们独立写作的作文是一致的。对于独立写作我们对开头段的要求是什么呢?那就是一个简短的 drawer 加上一个清晰的 main point。同时如果时间不允许,那么开头直接说观点也是可以的,这篇文章呢,就是开门见山的说出了观点: perhaps the best way to approach certain new projects is to assemble agroup of people into a team。而后面的一句话是过渡句,是预告下文的。也就是说, 我将在团队工作的优

34、势方面来支持我的主观点。我们在独立写作的时候,也可以把 sub point整理之后提前到开头段,因为开头段存在的目的是:what I will talk about。Sub point 1: 简单的 main point 找到之后, 大家就在第一个 sub point 上面折戟了,华丽丽地选择了开头句。是呀,我们都说 TS 前置的呀! ! !但是这是考题呀,就是考我们怎么抽出观点的。同时,经过这个也可以看出来,不把 TS 前置是多么讨厌的事情呀。我们写文章一个要不能用废话去烦考官,另一个是不能去考考官,因为我们是弱势群体。那么, 这个 sub point 是怎么找出来的呢?显然不是凭感觉的。我

35、们先厘清一下一个概念,就是一段里面 sub point 和下面的 support 内容是什么关系呢?唉,是解释的关系。Support 是解释 sub point 的,是支持 sub point 的。因此,所有表原因的部分,都不会是 point,而会是support和details。 因此“because of the numbers of people involved and thegreater resources they possess”这句就华丽丽的不会是观点。而跟着它的那个主句,这很有可能是观点,但目前还不能这么草率的确定。我们沿着这个句子往前看,有个词是“also”。这个词,直译

36、过来就是“也”。如果这样一句话:“, 我也没吃饭,所以我们要一起去吃饭”,那么横线上的内容一定是“我也没吃饭”相平行的,要么张三,要么李四,共同组成“我们去吃饭”的原因。所以 also 之前的内容也是原因,而不是结果,那么就不会是观点。好了,先说到这里,接着说第二个 sub point,然后回过头来这这一段结尾的那个TOEFL 群:243745114;GRE 群:243745709;GMAT:243745864句子。Sub point 2: 这个 TS 就好找多了,开头第一句嘛。但是这样就可以了吗?显然不行,我们这样的判断方法是没有普适性的, 下一次不放在第一句怎么办?好吧, 我们找一个很伟大

37、的词:because。这是一个原因状语从句,在主从复合句中,如果从句放在后半部分,那么就不需要用逗号隔开,这就让我们这个 because 不那么明显,但是,如果我们每次看综合写作的时候都先把 because 念一遍,就找到了。紧接着的这句就更和谐了,“This isbecause”开头了。 那么这句也是表原因啦。 里面有个词, thus 可能会给大家带来一些困扰:这不是因此吗?这不是于是吗?但是在 thus 前面还有一个神一样的词,是 and,好吧, 这and 表示的时候前后的东东是并列的,所以能,前后都是表原因的。这个 thus 的存在表示后面这个原因,其实是 and 前面的这个原因衍生出来

38、的,然后共同充当 sub point 的原因。好了,这一段就只剩下第一句话的主句了,就是 creative solution 了。这时候,我们再回过头看第一段的最后一句,好像也提到了 creative solution 了,但同时也看到了 and。And 前后的东西是并列的,那么 creative solution 是一个 sub point,则 and 前面的句子也是 sub point 的,验证了我们前边的推论。至于这里提到的 creative solution 是对下面的预告。我们总是就接用 linking word 是用 fist 好还是 first and foremost 好,但是

39、很多时候,地道的表达会用句子来做 linking。Sub point 3: 这段的观点也是出现在了开头,rewarding。好了,我们再也不要用感觉去判断了。我们找到一个叫 also 的词,它会告诉我们前后的两句是同等地位的,鉴于每段之后一个 point, 那么这两句都被排除了。 那么除了第一句我们好像也没有更好的选择了。可能有的同学会找到 because,然后认为 because 前面的那半句是 point。但是,因为also 的存在粉碎了这样的观点,同时我们要知道,在使用推理论证的过程中,因果是可以不止一层的,很可能是 ABCD 的过程。我们不能 because A,B 就误认为 B 是

40、point。其实独立写作和综合写作时互通的, 在独立写作中学到的论证方法可以帮住我们阅读, 而阅读中学到的表达方式和行文风格也可以借鉴到独立写作之中。现在观点找到了,我们开始简单猜一猜听力部分的分论点吧。这个嘛,不会太精确, 但是可以给我们指出一个大概分方向。说阅读部分有多重要,可能需要重新开一篇文章了, 但是我们先记住它主要就好了。三个 sub point 分别是:quickly, creative solution, rewarding。那么反驳的时候,就是不 quickly、不 creative solution 和不 rewarding。第一个和第三个是没有问题的,但是对于 creat

41、ive 和 solution 的反驳却有三个角度,一个是不creative,一个是不 solution,一个是两个都反驳。就这篇文章的听力部分来说,是既反驳的 creative,又反驳了 solution。如果在听力部分听不到这个点,那就是一定会丢点的。很多学生都觉得自己听懂了,觉得这个无论是语速还是词汇都远小于单独的听力部分测试。但是,这两者之间是很有很大区别的,听力测试是有题目和选项的,更多的是要求大家抓到主干即可,如果要考细节,那么就会有重听。但是综合写作却考的是精听,要你听到观点和分论点之后,还有写出 support。有的学生说听懂之后,我让他来复述,都会漏掉很多的TOEFL 群:24

42、3745114;GRE 群:243745709;GMAT:243745864细节,因为听的时候要么不记笔记,要么记句子,这些都是不可取的。这部分应该和文章阅读一起单独跟大家说一说。【听力部分】Now I want to tell you about what one company found when it decided thatit would turn over some of its new projects to teams of people, and make theteam responsible for planning the projects and getting t

43、he work done. Afterabout six months, the company took a look at how well the teams performed.现在我要给大家讲讲在一个公司考虑以团队工作的形式进行项目时候的发现吧。 这几个项目是以团队的形式负责和完成的。六个月之后,公司来验收项目进行的如何。On virtually every team, some members got almost a “free ride” . . . theydidnt contribute much at all, but if their team did a good j

44、ob, they neverthelessbenefited from the recognition the team got. And what about group memberswho worked especially well and who provided a lot of insight on problems andissues? Well . . . the recognition for a job well done went to the group as a whole,no names were named. So it wont surprise you t

45、o learn that when the realcontributors were asked how they felt about the group process, their attitudewas just the opposite of what the reading predicts.实际上,在每个团队都会有一些成员选择“搭便车”。这些成员并没有对团队的工作有任何贡献,但是如果整个团队很好地完成了任务,他们也会从团队所获得的认可中获利。那么对于那些在团队中努力工作, 为团队所面临的问题和正义提供很多简介的人呢?没有人知道他们的名字。 当这些真正的贡献者被问及团队工作的感受

46、是, 他们的态度则是和阅读部分所预计的相反的。你应该不会对这样的态度感到意外的。Another finding was that some projects just didnt move very quickly. Why?Because it took so long to reach consensus; it took many, many meetings tobuild the agreement among group members about how they would move theproject along.另一个发现就是, 一些项目进行的速度不是很快。 为什么呢?这

47、是因为团队需要很长的时间达成一致意见,他们需要开很多会才能在成员之间对于如何进行项目达成共识。On the other hand, there were other instances where one or two peoplemanaged to become very influential over what their group did. Sometimes whenthose influencers said “That will never work” about an idea the group wasdeveloping, the idea was quickly dr

48、opped instead of being further discussed.And then there was another occasion when a couple influencers convinced thegroup that a plan of theirs was “highly creative.” And even though somemembers tried to warn the rest of the group that the project was moving inTOEFL 群:243745114;GRE 群:243745709;GMAT:

49、243745864directions that might not work, they were basically ignored by other groupmembers. Can you guess the ending to this story? When the project failed, theblame was placed on all the members of the group.在另一方面, 有些证据表明在团队中会有一到两个人会对整个团队非常有影响力。 有时候,当他们对团队中正在运行的想法说了一句“这是行不通”的时候,这个想法就会在没有进行深入谈讨论之前就被

50、放弃了。同时,还会存在这样一种情况:这些有影响力的人笃定他们相处的方法是“非常有创造性的”。这时候,即便有些成员会试图提醒其他成员项目现在正在沿着一个错误的方向进行,甚至有可能失败的。但是他们的声音会被其他的成员所忽略。 你能猜到这个故事的结局吗?结局就是, 当这个项目失败的时候, 责备会被所有团队成员一同承担。观点抽出方法:听力部分的观点顺序不一定跟阅读部分是完全一致的, 这一点还是比较常见的。 在篇文章里,听力部分的第二段,反驳的就是 rewarding 这个点,第三段反驳的是 quickly,而第四段则分别反驳了 creative 和 solution。先说好的 idea 可能不经深入讨

51、论就 drop 了,这样 creative 就无从实现了,接着说在 influential 的影响下可能在错误的方向上进行, 进而失败,以驳斥了 solution。【笔记内容】需要注意的标志词:Another, on the other hand, because, and then there was another occasion在听力部分,because 后面的话可就变得重要了。笔记上的重点词:记笔记是一定要的,因为考的是精听,细节记不下来就会失分。但是不要记句子,而是记单词。就这篇文章来讲,你的笔记上需要出现以下词:didnt contribute, benefit, no name

52、s were named, opposite of readingpredictiondidnt move very quickly, long to consensus, many meetingsinfluential, never work dropped, high creative warn, direction not work ignore, fail, blame on all members.在实际记笔记的过程中, 你可以选择自己特有的简写方法, 那么你的笔记将会更加简洁。听的时候不要因为一个两个词的纠结影响大片信息的提取。【文章结构】第一段:要表达的内容有:passage

53、部分的主观点,lecture 部分的主观点,以及两者之间的关系。TOEFL 群:243745114;GRE 群:243745709;GMAT:243745864第二段:passage 部分的 sub point 1,lecture 部分对应的 sub point,lecture 里面相对应的 support 和 details。第三段:passage 部分的 sub point 2,lecture 部分对应的 sub point,lecture 里面相对应的 support 和 details。第四段:passage 部分的 sub point 3,lecture 部分对应的 sub poin

54、t,lecture 里面相对应的 support 和 details。TIP:没有必要在文章中出现 passage 部分的 support 和 details,或者说不能出现。TOEFL 群:243745114;GRE 群:243745709;GMAT:243745864综合写作综合写作综合写作综合写作 TPOTPOTPOTPO 解析三解析三解析三解析三【阅读材料】Rembrandt is the most famous of the seventeenth-century Dutch painters.However, there are doubts whether some painti

55、ngs attributed to Rembrandtwere actually painted by him. One such painting is known as attributed toRembrandt because of its style, and indeed the representation of the womansface is very much like that of portraits known to be by Rembrandt. But there areproblems with the painting that suggest it co

56、uld not be a work by Rembrandt.伦勃朗是十七世纪荷兰最富盛名的画家。 然后, 对于有些画作是否确实出自他手却是颇有争议的。 有一副有争议的画归于伦勃朗名下是因为其风格属于伦勃朗, 同时画上女子的面庞也同伦勃朗其他画作中的人物非常类似的。 然而, 这幅画中存在的一些问题却表明这幅画不是伦勃朗的作品。First, there is something inconsistent about the way the woman in theportrait is dressed. She is wearing a white linen cap of a kind tha

57、t only servantswould wear-yet the coat she is wearing has a luxurious fur collar that no servantcould afford. Rembrandt, who was known for his attention to the details of hissubjects clothing, would not have been guilty of such an inconsistency.首先, 这幅画上的一个问题就是画中女子的衣着有些不协调。 她带着一个白色的亚麻帽子,这是一种仆人才会戴的帽子。

58、但是穿的衣服却有一个奢华的皮草领子,这样的衣服是仆人阶层所不能承受的。以关注作品服饰细节著称的伦勃朗是不会在作品中发这样的错误的。Second, Rembrandt was a master of painting light and shadow, but in thispainting these elements do not fit together. The face appears to be illuminatedby light reflected onto it from below. But below the face is the dark fur collar,whi

59、ch would absorb light rather than reflect it. So the face should appearpartially in shadow-which is not how it appears. Rembrandt would never havemade such an error.第二,伦勃朗是光影大师,但是在这幅作品中光影却是不协调的。人物的面庞被来自下面的光照亮了, 但是面部下面却是深色的皮草领子。 这个深色的皮草领子应该是吸光而不是反光的,所以面部应该呈现的是半明半暗的状态,而不是全部都是亮的。伦勃朗是绝不会犯这样的错误的。Finally,

60、 examination of the back of the painting reveals that it was paintedon a panel made of several pieces of wood glued together. Although Rembrandtoften painted on wood panels, no painting known to be by Rembrandt uses apanel glued together in this way from several pieces of wood.最后, 对于画作背侧的检查发现这幅画的木板是

61、有几块木头粘在一起的。 尽管伦勃朗常TOEFL 群:243745114;GRE 群:243745709;GMAT:243745864常会在木板上作画,但是尚未发现伦勃朗使用几块拼接的木板作画。For these reason the painting was removed from the official catalog ofRembrandts paintings in the 1930s.因为上述原因,这幅画在 1930 年代从伦勃朗的官方画作目录中移除了。阅读部分需要提取的观点是:Main point: The painting is not a work by Rembrandt.

62、Sub point 1: There is something inconsistent about the way the woman inthe portrait is dressed.Sub point 2:Light and shadow do not fit together.Sub point 3:Panel made of several pieces of wood glued together which isnever done by Rembrandt.观点抽出方法:这篇文章的阅读部分可以说是非常和谐的,无论是 main point 还是 sub points 都是非常清

63、晰明了的。但是需要注意的是这篇文章段内展开是需要仔细看的。 很多的时候大家都认为只要知道point 就够了,其他的就听就行了。但是,三分钟的时间我们真的足够可以把这篇文章仔细看完,甚至做好笔记。如果你听力足够好,不看可以,但是什么样才是足够好呢?听力部分TPO 满分算吗?答:不算。听力部分是泛听,还有题目和套路去辅助你。但是综合写作部分就没有这么好,这么慢的速度,这么短的文章,怎么可能听个大概就放过你们呢?如果阅读部分的展开是基于事实的, 那么一定一定要认真看, 对于我们听力部分有很好的促进作用。事实是不能被反驳的,有黑色的领子是不会变的,光影不协调是不会变的, 拼接木版是不会变的。那么在听力

64、部分只能是基于这些事实进行 explanation。这样,谈的话题都会是离不开阅读部分的细节的。不看的话就以为这你要在听力的时候记相当多的内容。听力部分有人问要不要记笔记。如果你是个正常人,不是超长的,那么就要记。因为不是听个大概就可以了,要有细节和 reasoning,正常人是记不住的。很奇怪吗?lecture 部分也有 reasoning?当然,你要反驳一个观点,没有推理怎么可以?不是你堆砌听到内容就可以了,写出的文章要经得起问 why。【听力部分】Everything you just read about “Portrait of an Elderly Woman in a White

65、Bonnet” is true, and yet after a thorough re-examination of the painting, a panelof experts has recently concluded that its indeed a work by Rembrandt. Here iswhy.TOEFL 群:243745114;GRE 群:243745709;GMAT:243745864刚才你读到的关于“戴白帽的老妪”的说法都是真的。 但是经过专家小组对这幅画彻底的检查,最近确定这幅画确实是伦勃朗的作品。原因如下:First, the fur collar. X

66、-rays and analysis of the pigments in the paint haveshown that the fur collar wasnt part of the original painting. The fur collar waspainted over the top of the original painting about a hundred years after thepainting was made. Why? Someone probably wanted to increase the value ofthe painting by ma

67、king it look like a formal portrait of an aristocratic lady.首先是皮草领子。专家小组用 X 光检查并分析了画上的颜料,发现这个皮草领子不是原画作的组成部分。 这个皮草领子是在成画后一百年之后直接画在原画上面的。 这么做的目的是什么呢?可能是有人想让这幅画看起来像是一个贵族女子的正式画像, 以为这样可以提高画的价值。Second, the supposed error with light and shadow. Once the paint of theadded fur color was removed, the original

68、 painting could be seen. In the originalpainting, the woman is wearing a simple collar of light-colored cloth. Thelight-colored cloth of this collar reflects light that illuminated part of thewomans face. Thats why the face is not in partial shadow. So in the originalpainting, light and shadow are v

69、ery realistic and just what we could expect fromRembrandt.第二,所谓的光影问题。只要把这个后加上来的皮草领子移除,我们就能看到原画。 在原画上, 这个女人穿的是一个有这单领的浅色袍子。 这个带领子的浅色袍子能够把光反射到女人的脸上。这是为什么这个女人的脸上没有呈现出半明半暗的状态。所以呢,原画上的光影是具备伦勃朗应该具有的写实风格的。Finally, the wood panel. It turns out that when the fur collar was added, thewood panel was also enlarg

70、ed with extra wood pieces glued to the sides and thetop to make the painting more grand and more valuable. So the original paintingis actually painted on a single piece of wood, as would be expected from aRembrandt painting. And in fact, researchers have found that the piece of woodin the original f

71、orm of “Portrait of an Elderly Woman in a White Bonnet” is fromthe very same tree as the wood panel used for another painting by Rembrandt,his “Self-portrait with a Hat”.最后,木板的问题。研究发现,在加上皮草领子的同时,木板也是被认为的增大了。 有人在原画的上边和侧面粘上了木板, 以期望可以使这幅画看起来更大和更贵重。 所以这幅话最初是画在一个单块木板上的,这样就符合我们对伦勃朗风格的期待了。同时,研究人员发现这幅“戴白帽的老

72、妪”上所使用的木材同伦勃朗的另一幅画所使用的木板来自同一颗树。 这幅画是他的“戴帽子的自画像”,这一点更有力地说明了这幅画是伦勃朗所作。TOEFL 群:243745114;GRE 群:243745709;GMAT:243745864【文章结构】第一段:要表达的内容有:passage 认为这幅画不是伦勃朗所作;lecture 部分认可passage 部分说陈述的事实,但是这幅画确实是伦勃朗的作品。第二段:passage 指出这幅画作的人物的衣着不协调,而这不是伦勃朗的风格(具体说存在的不协调) 。Lecture 部分说这个别扭的领子是后人加上去的,其目的是提高这幅画的价值。 (要谈到目的)第三段

73、:passage 指出这幅画作上光影有问题(具体说存在的问题) 。Lecture 对这个问题做了解释, 是由于深色的皮草领子造成的, 如果移除之后可以发现原画衣着的颜色是可以在脸上造成相同的光影效果的。第四段:passage 指出这幅画是几块木板拼接的(要说明这不是伦勃朗的风格) 。Lecture 部分分了两点来支持自己的观点。 首先, 原画是单块木板的, 拼接是后人加上去的,其目的是提高价值。其次,这幅画同伦勃朗的“戴帽子的自画像”是源自同一棵树的。TIP:这篇文章在成文的过程中不可避免的要对 passage 部分进行一定的转述,仅仅写 TS 是不够的。这是因为这些要转述的细节是 lectu

74、re 反驳的基础,如果回避了,就无法逻辑清晰了,因为会给读者天外飞仙之感。在成文的过程中,lecture 部分的细节是重中之重,一定要把那些回答 why 的内容体现出来。这就是为什么要求精听了。听了个大概,然后开始猜细节,这样的结果只有一种,那就是死的很惨。所以,不要随便说自己听懂了, 如果试着一句一句的听写出来,或者仔细看看 lecture 部分的文本,是很容易发现自己漏掉了一些好像很小但是却很重要的部分。TOEFL 群:243745114;GRE 群:243745709;GMAT:243745864综合写作综合写作综合写作综合写作 TPOTPOTPOTPO 解析四解析四解析四解析四【阅读材

75、料】Endotherms are animals such as modern birds and mammals that keeptheir body temperatures constant. For instance, humans are endotherms andmaintain an internal temperature of 37, no matter whether the environment iswarm or cold. Because dinosaurs were reptiles, and modern reptiles are notendotherms

76、, it was long assumed that dinosaurs were not endotherms.However, dinosaurs differ in many ways from modern reptiles, and there is nowconsiderable evidence that dinosaurs were, in fact, endotherms.恒温动物是指诸如现代鸟类和哺乳动物这种可以保持体温恒定的动物。 比如, 人是恒温动物,无论环境温度是怎样,体温都维持在 37。因为恐龙属于爬行动物,而现代的爬行动物都不属于恒温动物,所以长期以来恐龙都被当做

77、是变温动物。然而,恐龙在很多地方都同现在的爬行动物不一致。同时,现在有大量的证据表明恐龙其实是恒温动物。Polar dinosaursOne reason for believing that dinosaurs were endotherms is that dinosaurfossils have been discovered in Polar Regions. Only animals that can maintain atemperature well above that of the surrounding environment could be active insuch

78、cold climates.极地恐龙主张恐龙属于恒温动物的原因是在极地发现了恐龙。 只有能够很好维持体温的动物才能在如此寒冷的地方生存。Leg position and movementThere is a connection between endothermy and the position and movementof the legs. The physiology of endothermy allowsallowsallowsallows sustained physical activity,such as running. But running is efficient

79、onlyonlyonlyonly if if if if an animals legs are positionedunderneath its body, not at the bodys side, as they are for crocodiles and manylizards. The legs of all modern endotherms are underneath the body, and sowere the legs of dinosaurs. This strongly suggests that dinosaurs wereendotherms.腿的位置和运动

80、方式恒温动物和腿的位置及运动方式有一定联系。 恒温动物的生理结构允许它们进行持续的物理运动,比如奔跑。但是,只有当腿长在身体的下部而不是两侧的时候才能快速地奔跑,而像鳄鱼或者很多蜥蜴的腿, 都是长在身体两侧的。 所有现代恒温动物的腿都是长在身体下部的,而恐龙的腿也具有同样的特点。这很有力地说明了恐龙是恒温动物。Haversian canalsTOEFL 群:243745114;GRE 群:243745709;GMAT:243745864There is also a connection between endothermy and bone structure. Thebones of en

81、dotherms usually include structures called Haversian canals. Thesecanals house nerves and blood vessels that allow the living animal to growquickly; and rapid body growth is in fact a characteristic of endothermy. Thepresence of Haversian canals in bone is a strong indicator that the animal is anend

82、otherm, and fossilized bones of dinosaurs are usually dense with Haversiancanals.哈弗森管恒温动物和骨结构之间也有相应的关联。很多恒温动物都有一种名为哈弗森管的骨结构。 这种哈弗森管可以保护神经和血管以保障动物快速地生长, 而快速生长恰恰是恒温动物的一个特征。 哈弗森管的存在可以有力的说明该动物属于恒温动物, 而恐龙的骨骼化石中常常可以观察到哈弗森管。阅读部分需要提取的观点是:Main point: 恐龙是恒温动物Sub point 1: 恐龙的化石在极地发现,而极地只有恒温动物生存,所以恐龙是恒温动物。Sub p

83、oint 2: 恐龙有跟恒温动物一样的腿结构,所以恐龙是恒温动物。 (这个是有逻辑漏洞的,一会在听力部分我再解释)Sub point 3: 恐龙跟恒温动物一样的哈弗森管,所以恐龙是恒温动物。观点抽出方法:这篇文章的观点抽取上难度不是很大,但是问题的关键是要看到这个论证的逻辑链, 而找到的逻辑链有助于我们在听力的时候快速精准地提取有用信息。分论点一的逻辑是:只有恒温动物能适应极地的寒冷气候,而恐龙能适应,所以恐龙是恒温动物。这个只有让这个逻辑关系合格,所以只能翻过极地的状态和恐龙的状态了, 、分论点二的逻辑是:是什么?是“所有现代恒温动物的腿都是长在身体下部的,而恐龙的腿也具有同样的特点”吗?不

84、是的,腿长在身体下部是恒温动物的“必要不充分条件”。段内的逻辑是这样的:腿长在身体下部可以快跑可以持续剧烈运动是恒温动物。然后呢?把恐龙带进去。哪个地方是有可能反驳的呢?听力部分一定是要打碎这个逻辑链。分论点三的逻辑是:有哈弗森管可以保护血管和神经可以快速生长恒温动物。而恐龙恰好有恒温动物。反驳的时候一定也是打碎逻辑链啦。这种科学类的题目, 很多都是建立在推测的基础上的, 所以推理论证就是最常用的方式啦。因为,反驳的时候也一定用打碎逻辑链的方式。【听力材料】TOEFL 群:243745114;GRE 群:243745709;GMAT:243745864Many scientists have

85、problems with the arguments you read in the passage.They dondondondon t t t t think those arguments prove that dinosaurs were endotherms.很多科学家对你们刚刚听到的文章持有不同意见。 他么认为这些理由不能支持恐龙是恒温动物。Takethe polar dinosaur argument. When dinosaurs lived, even the PolarRegions, where dinosaur fossils have been found, we

86、re much warmerwarmerwarmerwarmer thantoday, warm enough during part of the year for animals that were notendotherms to live. And during the months when the Polar Regions were cold,the so-called polar dinosaurs could have migratedmigratedmigratedmigrated to warmer areas orhibernatedhibernatedhibernat

87、edhibernated like many modern reptiles do. So the presence of dinosaur fossils inPolar Regions doesnt prove the dinosaurs were endotherms.先说一下极地恐龙的观点。当恐龙存在的时候,极地,也就是这些发现化石的地方比现在要暖和很多。 而且当极地很冷的几个月里, 这些极地恐龙会迁徙到暖和的地方或者像现在爬行动物一样选择冬眠。所以,在极地发现恐龙化石不能证明恐龙是恒温动物。Well, what about the fact those dinosaurs have

88、their legs placed under theirbodies, not out to the side like crocodiles. That doesndoesndoesndoesn t t t t necessarilynecessarilynecessarilynecessarily meandinosaurs were high-energy endotherms built forforforfor runningrunningrunningrunning. There is anotheranotheranotheranotherexplanationexplanat

89、ionexplanationexplanation for having legs under the body. This body structure supportsmoremoremoremore weightweightweightweight, so with the legs under their bodies, dinosaurs can grow to a verylarge size. Being large had advantagesadvantagesadvantagesadvantages for dinosaurs, so we dont need the id

90、eaof endothermy and running to explain why dinosaurs evolved to have their legsunder their bodies.那么, 恐龙的腿在身体下方而不是两侧是怎么回事呢?这个是不足以证明恐龙是可以进行奔跑类剧烈运动的恒温动物。 腿生长在身体下部对于恐龙是别有的意义的。 这样的结构可以支撑更多的重量。所以腿长在身体下部可以让恐龙长到非常大。对于恐龙来说,巨大的重量是非常有意义的, 所以没有比用要用恒温动物和奔跑来解释为什么恐龙进化出这样的身体结构的。Ok, so how about bone structure? Man

91、y dinosaur bones dodododo havehavehavehave Haversiancanals, and that is true. The dinosaur bones alsoalsoalsoalso have growthgrowthgrowthgrowth ringsringsringsrings. Growthrings are thickening of the bone that indicates periods of time when thedinosaurs werent rapidly growing. These growth rings are

92、 evidence thatdinosaurs stoppedstoppedstoppedstopped growinggrowinggrowinggrowing or grew more slowlyslowlyslowlyslowly during cooler periods. Thispattern of periodicperiodicperiodicperiodic growth, you know, rapid growth followed by no growth orslow growth, and then rapid growth again, is character

93、istic of animals that arenotendotherms.Animalsthatmaintainaconstantbodytemperatureyear-round as true endotherms do grow rapidly even when the environmentTOEFL 群:243745114;GRE 群:243745709;GMAT:243745864becomes cool.恩,那么骨结构呢?很多恐龙确实有哈弗森管,这是事实不能否认。但是与此同时, 恐龙还有生长环。生长环上比较厚的环节说明当时恐龙生长的缓慢。因此,生长环证明了恐龙在冷的时候生长

94、缓慢甚至停止生长。这是一种周期性生长:一段时间不生长或者生长缓慢,然后接着快速生长。 拥有这样生长方式的动物不是恒温动物。 真正的恒温动物可以一年四季保持恒定的体温,因此可以在天气很冷的情况下快速生长。听力笔记内容:Main point:dontSub point one: warmer, migrated, hibernatedSub point two: doesnt necessarily, for running, more weight, advantagesSub point three: Haversian canals, growth ring, slowly or stopV

95、.S.rapid,periodic笔记格式(不能显示我画的表格)阅读主观点区听力主观点区阅读分论点一听力分论点一逻辑链细节阅读分论点二听力分论点二逻辑链细节阅读分论点三听力分论点三逻辑链细节注意:1 在开始听前要画好表格,这样写出来的不会乱,要不笔记就是一坨坨2 阅读时候要做好笔记,记住,一定要用词而不是句子记笔记。用句子是非常不好的习惯,很耽误时间,如果不会误解的话,半个单词也好。同时也不要因为写作文的时候可以看到原文,因为原文很多时候是帮助听力的。比如之前伦勃朗的以事实论证的,以及这篇用推理论证呢的,都能很大程度上帮助听力部分的理解。3 注意要记下概念性或人名类生词,这些词不知道具体意思没

96、有关系,但是听力部分如果听到了,不知道是指哪里就不好了。所以这个要记全词。4 一定要记笔记,不要以为自己听懂的就不用记。综合写作没有题目提醒你,细节又显得十分重要,而且就算记忆再好,写上十分钟也就忘得差不多了,而十分钟你第二点还没写完呢。TOEFL 群:243745114;GRE 群:243745709;GMAT:243745864综合写作综合写作综合写作综合写作 TPOTPOTPOTPO 解析五解析五解析五解析五【阅读材料】As early as the twelfth century A.D., the settlements of Chaco Canyon inNew Mexico in

97、 the American Southwest were notable for their “great houses,”massive stone buildings that contain hundreds of rooms and often stand threeor four stories high. Archaeologists have been trying to determine how thebuildings were used. While there is still no universally agreed upon explanation,there a

98、re three competing theories.早在 12 世纪,美国西南部墨西哥地区查科峡谷的居民就以他们的“巨屋”而闻名。这种石质材料建成的“巨屋”包好有数百个房间,而且通常有三到四层高。很多考古学家都试图解释这些建筑的用途。尽管业界尚未达成一致,但现在有三个比较有竞争力的理论。One theory holds that the Chaco structures were purely residential, witheach housing hundreds of people. Supporters of this theory have interpretedChaco g

99、reat houses as earlier versions of the architecture seen in more recentSouthwest societies. In particular, the Chaco houses appear strikingly similar tothe large, well-known “apartment buildings” at Taos, New Mexico, in whichmany people have been living for centuries.一个理论认为这些巨屋是单纯用来居住的, 每个可以容纳数百人。 持

100、有这种理论的人解释说查科巨屋同时间较近的一些西南族群早期建筑的雏形。 尤其值得一提的是, 查科的这些建筑同新墨西哥陶斯镇著名的“寓所式建筑”非常相似。 这些寓所式建筑供很多人居住了数个世纪。A second theory contends that the Chaco structures were used to store foodsupplies. One of the main crops of the Chaco people was grain maize, whichcould be stored for long periods of time without spoiling

101、 and could serve aslong-lasting supply of food. The supplies of maize had to be stored somewhere,and the size of the great houses would make them very suitable for the purpose.第二个理论认为查科建筑是用来储存食物的。 查科人的主食之一是玉米。 玉米可以不宜变质,可长期储存,因此可以作为长期的食物来源。这些玉米一定是要储存在某个地方的。而巨屋的规模非常适合作为储存地。A third theory proposes that

102、 houses were used as ceremonial centers. Closeto one house, called Pueblo Alto, archaeologists identified an enormous moundformed by a pile of old material. Excavations of the mound revealed depositscontaining a surprisingly large number of broken pots. This finding has beeninterpreted as evidence t

103、hat people gathered at Pueblo Alto for specialceremonies. At the ceremonies, they ate festive meals and then discarded theTOEFL 群:243745114;GRE 群:243745709;GMAT:243745864pots in which the meals had been prepared or served. Such ceremonies havebeen documented for other Native American cultures.第三个理论认

104、为这些房屋是用来作祭司中心的。离一个巨屋不远的地方有个阿尔托村庄, 考古学家在那里发现了一个由古代材料堆积成的山包。 对这个山包挖掘后发现了大量破碎罐子。这个发现佐证了人们聚集到巨屋是为了某种祭祀。在祭祀中他们使用节日佳肴, 然后把做饭和盛食物的器皿抛弃。而这样的祭祀活动在其他美洲土著文化中有所记载。阅读部分需要提取的观点是:这篇文章从结构和内容上看,都比较和谐。但是,考古学的内容可能比较陌生,但是,更多是心理战的成分。Main point: 查科峡谷巨屋的用途Sub point 1:居住Sub point 2:储存玉米Sub point 3:祭祀【听力部分】Unfortunately non

105、e of the arguments about what the Chaco great houseswere used for is convincing.很遗憾,关于查科峡谷巨屋用途的三个理论,都不具有说服力。First, sure, from the outside, the great houses look like later and NativeAmerican apartment buildings. But the inside of the great houses casts seriousdoubt on the idea that many people lived

106、 there. Ill explain. If hundreds ofpeople were living in the great houses, then there would have to be manyfireplaces, where each family did its daily cooking, but there are very fewfireplaces. In one of the largest great houses, there were fireplaces for onlyaround ten families. Yet there were enou

107、gh rooms in the great house for morethan a hundred families, so the primary function of the houses couldnt havebeen residential.首先,当然从外部卡莱,这些巨屋同之后出现的美洲土著居住建筑很相似。但是巨屋的内部构造却反驳着居住说观点。我来解释一下。如果真有数百人居住与此,那么一定有很多灶火坑以便每家都可以用来做饭。 但事实上巨屋里只有很少很少的灶火坑。 在其中最大的一个巨屋里, 存在的灶火坑只够十家人使用。 然而, 存在的空间却可以供一百家人居住。 所以,巨屋的主要功能

108、不可能是居住。Second, the idea that the great houses were used to store grain maize isunsupported by evidence. It may sound plausible that large empty rooms wereused for storage, but excavations of the great houses have not uncovered manyTOEFL 群:243745114;GRE 群:243745709;GMAT:243745864traces of maize or ma

109、ize containers. If the great houses were used for storage,why isnt there more spilled maize on the floor? Why arent there more remainsof big containers?第二,证据也不支持巨屋用来储存玉米的说法。巨大的空屋子用来储存物品,这样的说法听起来挺合理的。 但是对巨屋挖掘后却没有发现太多的玉米以及容器的痕迹。 如果巨屋真的是用来储存的, 为什么没有在地上发现更多的散落的玉米呢?为什么没有更多大号容器的痕迹呢?Third, the idea that th

110、e great houses were ceremonial centers isnt wellsupported either. You know that mound at Pueblo Alto? It contains lots of othermaterials besides broken pots, stuff you wouldnt expect from ceremonies. Forexample, there are large quantities of building materials, sands, stones, evenconstruction tools.

111、 This suggests that the mound is just a trash heap ofconstruction material, stuff that was thrown away or not used up when a housewas being built. The pots in the pile could be regular trash too, leftover from themeals of the construction workers. So the Pueblo Alto mound is not goodevidence that th

112、e great houses were used for special ceremonies.第三,祭祀中心的说法同样也站不住脚。大家知道阿尔托村庄吗?在那里,除了破碎罐子之外还有很多发现,这这些东西是不会出现在祭祀中的。比如,有很多建筑材料、沙子、石头还有建筑工具。 这说明这个山包知识一个建筑材料垃圾堆, 都是一些用后抛弃或者在建筑过程中没有用完的材料。这些罐子也是属于垃圾,是建筑工人吃饭的容器。所以,阿尔托村庄的这个山包不能作为证据支持祭祀说。听力笔记内容:Main point: none, convincingSub point one: fireplaces, ten familie

113、s, a hundred familiesSub point two: not, maize, containersSub point three: would not for ceremonies, trash, mealsTOEFL 群:243745114;GRE 群:243745709;GMAT:243745864综合写作综合写作综合写作综合写作 TPOTPOTPOTPO 解析六解析六解析六解析六【阅读材料】Communal online encyclopedias represent one of the latest resources to befound on the Inter

114、net. They are in many respects like traditional printedencyciopedias, however, is that any internet user can contribute a new article ormake an editorial change in an existing one. As a result, the encyclopedia isauthored by the whole community of Internet users. The idea might soundattractive, but

115、the communal online encyclopedias have several importantproblemsthatmakethemmuchlessvaluablethantraditional,printedencyclopedias.交互式在线百科是互联网上新的资源模式。 在线百科在诸多方面与传统纸质百科全书类似。但是在线百科同传统纸质百科不同的地方在于任何一个网民都可以创建或者编进词条。因而,可以说在线百科是由所有网民共同编辑的。这个想法听起来可能很不错,但是跟传统纸质百科全书相比, 在线百科也因此具有了一些严重的问题。 而这些问题将很大程度地削减在线百科的价值。Fi

116、rst, contributors to a communal online encyclopedia often lack academiccredentials, thereby making their contributioins partially informed at best anddownright inaccurate in many cases. Traditional encyclopedias are written bytrained experts who adhere to standards of academic rigor that nonspeciali

117、stscannot really achieve.首先, 在线百科信息的提供者往往缺乏学术资格, 因为他们提供的信息很多时候不够完美,甚至是不够精确的。传统的百科全书是由受过良好训练的专家编撰的。这些专家符合严格的学术标准,而这一点是业余人士无论如何都达不到的。Second, even if the original entry in the online encyclopedia is correct, thecommunal nature of these online encyclopedias gives unscrupulous users andvandals or hackers

118、 the opportunity to fabricate, delete, and corrupt informationin the encyclopedia. Once changes have been made to the original text, anunsuspecting user cannot tell the entry has been tampered with. None of this ispossible with a traditional encyclopedia.第二,即使在线百科词条最初是正确的,但是其互动的特性允许一些无原则的用户, 蓄意破坏的人以

119、及黑客们伪造、删除和篡改条目。当原始的版本被篡改之后,那些对条目深信不疑的用户不能发现问题。而这样的情况是不会发生在传统百科全书中的。Third, the communal encyclopedias focus too frequently, and in too great adepth, on trivial and popular topics, which created a false impression of what isimportant and what is not. A child doing research for a school project mayTOEF

120、L 群:243745114;GRE 群:243745709;GMAT:243745864discover that a major historical event receives as much attention in an onlineencyclopedia as, say, a single long-running television program. The traditionalencyclopedia provides a considered view of what topics to include or excludeandcontainsasenseofprop

121、ortionthatonline“democratic”communalencyclopedias do not.第三, 在线互动百科对于绯闻和流行话题的关注过多过深, 这一点使大家对孰轻孰重产生错觉。孩子可能会通过在线百科完成学校留的作业。这时,他可能会发现在线百科上面,重大的历史事件所受的关注度跟一档长线播出的电视节目是一样的。 而在传统百科中, 对于内容的取舍和均衡是非常注意的,而这一点在具有“民主性”的在线百科上是没有体现的。阅读部分需要提取的观点是:Main point: 在线互动百科的缺陷种种Sub point 1:最初创建的时候可能不准确Sub point 2:即使初始是准确的,

122、也可能会被篡改Sub point 3:对于琐碎流行的内容关注过多【听力部分】The communal online encyclopedia will probably never be perfect, but thatsa small price to pay for what it doesoffer.The criticisms in the reading arelargely the result of prejudiceprejudiceprejudiceprejudice against and ignorance about how far onlineencyclopedi

123、as have come.尽管在线互动百科永远都不会达到完美, 但是总体看还是瑕不掩瑜的。 阅读部分的批评更多是来自于偏见和对于在线百科发展进程的忽略。First, errors. Its hardly a fair criticism that encyclopedias online have errors.Traditional encyclopediasencyclopediasencyclopediasencyclopedias have nevernevernevernever been close to perfectly accurateaccurateaccurateaccu

124、rate. If youare looking for a really comprehensive reference work without any mistakes,you are not going to find it, on or off line. The real point is that its easy for errorsin factual material to be correctedcorrectedcorrectedcorrected in an online encyclopedia. But with theprinted and bound encyc

125、lopedia, the errors remain for decades.首先,关于错误。对于在线百科有错误的这种批评是很难令人信服的。传统的百科全书也很难做到完全精确。如果你渴望一个完全没有错误的综合参考书,你是不会找到的,无论是线上还是线下。而且事实上,在线百科上的事实性错误时很容易纠正的,而那些纸质的百科全书上的错误,确实数十年难有机会改正。Second, hacking. Online encyclopedias have recognized the importance ofprotecting their articles from malicious hackers. On

126、e strategy they started usingis to put the crucial facts in the articles that nobody disputes in a read-onlyread-onlyread-onlyread-onlyTOEFL 群:243745114;GRE 群:243745709;GMAT:243745864formatformatformatformat, which is a format that no one can make changes to. That way you aremaking sure that the cru

127、cial facts in the articles are reliable. Another strategythats being used is to have special editors whose job is to monitormonitormonitormonitor all changesmade to the articles and eliminateeliminateeliminateeliminate those changes that are clearly malicious.第二,黑客篡改。在线百科意识到了保护条目不受黑客恶意篡改的重要性了。他们采取的策

128、略之一是对于无争议的关键事实条目设置为只读模式, 这样就没有人可以修改了。 这样可以保证你相信条目里的关键事实是可以信赖的。 另一个策略师设置专门的编辑来审查对于条目的修改,并删除那些恶意篡改的内容。Third,whatsworthknowingabout?Theproblemfortraditionalencyclopedias is that they have limitedlimitedlimitedlimited spacespacespacespace, so they have to decide whatsimportant and whats not. And in prac

129、tice, the judgments of the group ofacademics that make these decisions dondondondon t t t t reflectreflectreflectreflect the great range of interestthat people really have. But space is definitely not an issue for onlineencyclopedias.Theacademicarticlesarestillrepresentedinonlineencyclopedias, but t

130、here can be a great varietyvarietyvarietyvariety of articles and topics thataccurately reflect the great diversity of users interests. The diversity of use intopics that online encyclopedias offer is one of their strongest advantages.第三,关于内容价值。传统百科全书由于受到空间的局限不得不决定哪些事重要的, 哪些是次要的。然而,在实践中,是由学术团队的判断来决定的

131、。这导致百科全书不能全部反应读者的兴趣和需求。但是对于在线百科来说,空间就不是问题。学术类条目在百科中存在的同时, 还有很多种类的条目和内容用来满足用户多样性的偏好。 在线百科在内容上的多样性是他们最大的优点。听力笔记内容:Main point: prejudiceprejudiceprejudiceprejudiceSub point one: never, accurate, correctedSub point two: read-only, monitor, eliminateSub point three: limited space, dont reflect, varietyTO

132、EFL 群:243745114;GRE 群:243745709;GMAT:243745864综合写作综合写作综合写作综合写作 TPOTPOTPOTPO 解析七解析七解析七解析七【阅读材料】In an effort to encourage ecologically sustainable forestry practices, aninternational organization started issuing certifications to wood companies thatmeet high ecological standards by conserving resource

133、s and recycling materials.Companies that receive this certification can attract customers by advertisingtheir product as ecocertified. Around the world, many wood companies haveadopted new, ecologically friendly practices in order to receive ecocertification.However, it is unlikely that wood compani

134、es in the United Stated will do thesame, for several reasons.为了能过促进林业的可持续发展, 有个国际组织开始着手给那些达到了环保和再生利用要求的木材公司颁发认证。 获得认证的公司可以在广告商宣传自己是环保的, 进而吸引消费者。在全球范围内来看,为了能得到环保认证,很多木材公司已经开始采用了环保策略。 然而,就美国的公司来讲不太会采取同样的措施,原因如下。First, American consumers are exposed to so much advertising that theywould not value or ev

135、en pay attention to the ecocertification label. Because somany mediocre products are labeled “new” or “improved,” American consumersdo not place much trust in advertising claims in general.首先,由于每天接受大量广告的轰炸,美国消费者对于环保标签并不是很在意。由于很多的普通产品都标榜“创新”或者“升级”, 美国消费者对于广告上生成的东西基本上不怎么信任。Second, ecocertified wood wi

136、ll be more expensive than uncertified woodbecause in order to earn ecocertification, a wood company must pay to have itsbusiness examined by a certification agency. This additional cost gets passed onto consumers American consumers tend to be strongly motivated by price,and therefore they are likely

137、 to choose cheaper uncertified wood products.Accordingly, American wood companies will prefer to keep their prices lowrather than obtain ecocertification.第二, 环保认证后的木材会比普通木材价格昂过, 因为木材公司必须向认证机构支付审核费用才能得到相关的认证。 这份额外的支出将会转嫁给消费者, 而美国的消费者对于价格非常敏感。因而,他们将倾向于选择便宜的没有认证的产品。因而,美国的木材公司还是会选择低价格而非环保认证。Third, altho

138、ugh some people claim that it always makes good businesssense for American companies to keep up with the developments in the rest ofthe world, this argument is not convincing. Pursuing certification would makeTOEFL 群:243745114;GRE 群:243745709;GMAT:243745864sense for American wood companies only if t

139、hey marketed most of theirproducts abroad. But that is not the case American wood businesses sell mostof their products in the United States, catering to a very large customer basethat is satisfied with the merchandise.第三, 尽管有人声称这样可以使美国的公司保持敏锐的商业触觉, 跟上世界发展的脚步。但是,这样的说法是站不住脚的。只有当美国的木材公司主要市场是针对海外的时候,追求

140、环保认证才变得有意义。但事实却并非如此。美国木材公司的产品主要在美国销售,而满足了主要消费者的需求就可以保证商业运行顺畅。阅读部分需要提取的观点是:Main point: 环保认证对于美国木材公司意义不大Sub point 1:美国消费者对于广告上的环保认证并不信任Sub point 2:环保认证会提高产品价格,而美国的消费者对于价格敏感Sub point 3:这项认证只对海外市场有效,而美国木材公司的市场主要在国内【听力部分】Well, despite what many people say, there is good reason to think that manyAmerican

141、wood companies will eventually seek ecocertification for their woodproducts.尽管有很多人那么说, 但是还是有很充分的理由来促使美国木材公司逐渐为他们的产品寻求环保认证的。First of all, consumers in the United States dont treat all advertising thesame. They distinguish between advertising clams that companies make abouttheir won products and claim

142、s made by independent certification agencies.Americans have a lot of confidence in independent consumer agencies. Thusecologically-minded Americans are likely to react very favorable to woodproductsecologicallycertifiedbyanindependentorganizationwithaninternational reputation for trustworthiness.首先,

143、 美国消费者对于不同广告的态度也是不一样的。 他们可以区分哪些是公司企图宣传产品的广告说辞, 哪些是来自独立认证机构的评价。 美国人对于独立消费机构的评判还是很有信心的。美国人很有环保理念。因而,拥有来自于国际声望独立组织认证的木材产品还是很有兴趣的。Second point, of course its true that American consumers care a lot aboutprice. Who doesnt? but studies of how consumers make decisions show thatprice alone determines consum

144、ers decisions only when the price of onecompeting product is much higher or lower than another. When the pricedifference between two products is small, say, less than five percent as is theTOEFL 群:243745114;GRE 群:243745709;GMAT:243745864case with certified wood, Americans often do choose on factors

145、other than price.And Americans are becoming increasingly convinced of the value of preservingand protecting the environment.第二, 诚然美国消费者对价格很敏感。 可是谁不是这样的呢?但是消费选择的研究发现只有当价格差很大的时候价格才会成为唯一的决定因素。 当两个产品的价格差很小, 比如小于百分之五的时候, 其他因素就会影响美国消费者的选择。 而认证木材的价格差恰好在这个范围。而且美国人越来越重视环境保护了。And third, US wood companies shou

146、ld definitely pay attention to whatsgoing on in the wood business internationally, not because of foreign consumersbut because of foreign competition. As I just told you, theres a good chancethat many American consumers will be interested in ecocertified products. Andguess what? If American companie

147、s are slow capturing those customers, youcan be sure that foreign companies will soon start crowing into the Americanmarket, offering ecocertified wood that domestic companies dont.第三,美国木材公司必须要关注国际木柴行业的趋势。这不是因为国外的消费者,而是因为国外的同行。我可以告诉大家,美国的消费者会对环保产品越来越感兴趣,而这是一个极佳的机会。 为什么呢?这是因为如果美国的公司没有及时地抓住消费者, 那么当国外的

148、公司提供美国所没有的环保产品,他们可以很快递占领美国市场。听力笔记内容:Main point: prejudiceSub point one: dont, the same, independent certification, ecologicallycertifiedSub point two: much higher or lower, less than five percent, value,environmentSub point three: foreign competition, interested, offering ecocertified woodTOEFL 群:24

149、3745114;GRE 群:243745709;GMAT:243745864综合写作综合写作综合写作综合写作 TPOTPOTPOTPO 解析八解析八解析八解析八【阅读材料】Toward the end of his life, the Chevalier de Seingalt (1725-1798) wrote along memoir recounting his life and adventures. The Chevalier was a somewhatcontroversial figure, but since he met many famous people, includ

150、ing kings andwriters, his memoir has become a valuable historical source about Europeansociety in the eighteenth century. However, some critics have raised doubtsabout the accuracy of the memoir. They claim that the Chevalier distorted orinvented many events in the memoir to make his life seem more

151、exciting andglamorous than it really was.塞恩加尔骑士在晚年写了一部长篇回忆录以描写他冒险的一生。 骑士先生是一个充满争议的人物。 但是由于他同很多包括国王和作家在内的很多名人都有交集, 所以他的这本回忆录对于研究十八世纪欧洲历史有一定价值。 然而, 一些评论家对这本回忆的准确性提出了质疑。他们认为骑士先生为了让他的一生显得更富有传奇性,他虚构和编撰了很多事件。For example, in his memoir the Chevalier claims that while living inSwitzerland, ha was very wealt

152、hy, and it is known that he spent a great deal ofmoney there on parties on gambling. However, evidence has recently surfacedthat the Chevalier borrowed considerable sums of money from a Swissmerchant. Critics thus argue that if the Chevalier had really been very rich, hewould not have needed to borr

153、ow money.比如说, 骑士想生在回忆录中说当他在瑞士居住的时候是非常富有的, 而且在各种派对和赌局上挥金如土。 然而最近揭示的证据却表明当时骑士先生曾跟一个瑞士商人借了一大笔钱。批评家因此声称,如果骑士先生真的非常有钱,他就不会需要举债度日。Critics are also skeptical about the accuracy of the conversations that theChevalier records in the memoir between himself and the famous writer Voltaire.No one doubts that the

154、 Chevalier and Voltaire met and conversed. However,critics complain that the memoir cannot possibly capture these conversationsaccurately, because it was written many years after the conversations occurred.Critics point out that it is impossible to remember exact phrases from extendedconversations h

155、eld many years earlier.同时, 批评家们还对他跟著名作家伏尔泰之间过于精确的对话。 骑士先生和伏尔泰曾经会面和交谈是确信无疑的。但是,批评家们回忆录是不可能把对话记录的这么精确的,因为这本回忆录是对话发生多年之后才写的。 批评家们指出人是不可能记住话题广泛对话的具体用词的,尤其事情发生多年。Critics have also questioned the memoirs account of the Chevaliers escapeTOEFL 群:243745114;GRE 群:243745709;GMAT:243745864from a notorious priso

156、n in Venice, Italy. He claims to have escaped the Venetianprison by using a piece of metal to make a hole in the ceiling and climbingthrough the roof. Critics claim that while such a daring escape makes forenjoyable reading, it is more likely that the Chevaliers jailers were bribed to freehim.Theypo

157、intoutthattheChevalierhadanumberofpoliticallywell-connected friends in Venice who could have offered a bribe.批评家还对回忆录中的一个细节提出了质疑, 就是骑士先生对于自己从意大利威尼斯一个臭名昭著的监狱逃出的情节。 骑士自己声场他是越狱逃出的, 用一块铁片在天花板上弄出洞,然后从屋顶翻出来。批评家说尽管这种冒险的越狱行为让这本书更具有可读性,但是事实上是骑士先生通过贿赂狱卒的方式获得自由的。 批评家们指出, 骑士先生在威尼斯政界有不少朋友,而这些朋友可以帮他贿赂狱卒。阅读部分需要提取的

158、观点是:Main point: 塞恩加尔骑士的回忆录不够精确Sub point 1:回忆录声称自己很有钱,但是事实上不是Sub point 2:回忆录上对于他跟伏尔泰交谈记录得过于详细,不合常理Sub point 3:他声称自己在威尼斯越狱,但实际上他是政界朋友帮忙行贿才获得自由的【听力部分】No memoir can possibly be correct in every detail, but still, the Chevaliersmemoir is pretty accurate overall, and is, by and large, a reliable historica

159、lsource. Lets look at the accuracy of the three episodes mentioned in thereading.所有的回忆录在细节上都会有瑕疵。 但是尽管如此, 塞恩加尔骑士的回忆录总体上看还是相当精确的, 而且总体上说是具有史料价值的。 我们看一下阅读部分质疑细节的精确性吧。First, the loan from the merchant. Well, that doesnt mean that theChevalier waspoor.Let me explain. We know that in Switzerland, the Che

160、valierspent huge amounts of money on parties and gambling, and he had wealth. Butit was a kind of property you have to sell first to get money. So it usually took afew days to convert his assets into actual money. So when he ran out of cash, hehad to borrow some while he was waiting for his money to

161、 arrive, but thats notbeingpoor.首先,是向商人借债的问题。当然,这不能就说明骑士先生是平穷的。我来解释一下。我们都知道骑士先生生活在瑞士的时候把大把的钱都花在了派对和赌博上了。 他是非常富有的,但是他所拥有的财产都不是现金,是需要变卖的。所以,当他的钱花光了之后,他就需TOEFL 群:243745114;GRE 群:243745709;GMAT:243745864要暂时借钱周转。他是在等着现金到位,而不是因为穷。Second, the conversations with Voltaire. The Chevalier states in his memoirt

162、hat each night immediately after conversing with Voltaire, he wrote downeverything he could remember about that particular nights conversation.Evidently the Chevalier kept his notes of these conversations for many yearsand referred to them when writing the memoir. Witnesses who lived with theChevali

163、er in his later life confirmed that he regularly consulted notes andjournals when composing the memoir.第二,是跟伏尔泰的对话。骑士先生在他的回忆录中曾说,每次同伏尔泰交夜间交谈之后,他就会迅速记录下能记住的谈话细节。很明显,骑士先生连续几年记录着他跟伏尔泰的谈话,并在撰写回忆录的时候用到了记载的细节。有在其实先生晚年伴随其左右的人证明,在骑士先生撰写回忆录的时候会常常查找笔记和期刊。Third, the Chevaliers escape from a prison in Venice. O

164、ther prisoners in thatprison had even more powerful friends than he did, and none of them were everable to bribe their way to freedom. so bribery hardly seems likely in his case.The best evidence, though, comes from some old Venetian governmentdocuments. They indicate that soon after the Chevalier e

165、scaped from the prison,the ceiling of his old prison room had to be repaired. Why would they need torepair a ceiling unless he had escaped exactly as he said he did.第三,是关于骑士先生在威尼斯越狱的事情。监狱里其他人拥有比他有权有势的朋友,但是也没有以贿赂的方式获取自由。所以,他应该不是采取了贿赂的方法。然后,有一个来自于威尼斯政府文件的记载很有利地支持了骑士先生的记录。 文件上说当其实先生离开监狱不久,监狱就进行了修缮。如果真想

166、不是如他所说,那么为什么监狱要修缮屋顶呢?听力笔记内容:Main point: accurateSub point one: property, sell first, a few days, waiting for his moneySub point two: wrote down everything, kept his notes, Witnesses, consultednotes and journalsSub point three: more powerful friends, none, bribe, government document,repairedTOEFL 群:2

167、43745114;GRE 群:243745709;GMAT:243745864综合写作综合写作综合写作综合写作 TPOTPOTPOTPO 解析九解析九解析九解析九【阅读材料】Carmanufacturersandgovernmentshavebeeneagerlyseekingareplacementfortheautomobilesmainsourceofpower,theinternal-combustion engine. Byfar,the most promising alternative source ofenergy for cars is the hydrogen-based

168、 fuel-cell engine, which uses hydrogen tocreate electricity that, in turn, powers thecar.Fuel-cell engines have severaladvantages over internal-combustion engines and will probably soon replacethem.汽车制造商和政府都在积极地寻找内燃机的代替品,而目前内燃机是汽车主要的动力源。目前为止,氢燃料电池发动机是最有竞争力的汽车动力代替品。氢燃料电池发动机是用氢作燃料产生电能以充当汽车的动力。鉴于燃料电池发动

169、机相对于内燃机发动机优点多多,因而可以很快替代内燃机。One of the main problems with the internal-combustion engine is that itrelies on petroleum, either in the form of gasoline or diesel fuel. Petroleum is afinite resource, someday; we will run out of oil. The hydrogen needed forfuel-cell engines cannot easily be depleted. Hy

170、drogen can be derived fromvarious plentiful sources, including natural gas and even water. The fact thatfuel-cell engines utilize easily available, renewable resources makes themparticularly attractive.内燃机发动机的问题之一就是对于石油的依赖,而石油具体的形式是汽油或者柴油。 石油是不可再生资源, 总有一天会用尽的。 而燃料电池发动机所使用的氢则不是那么容易消耗完的。氢有多种来源,比如天然气和水

171、。燃料电池发动机很容易得到,而这种能源的可再生性使其特别具有吸引力。Second, hydrogen-based fuel cells are attractive because they will solvemany of the worlds pollution problems. An unavoidable by-product of burningoil is carbon dioxide, and carbon dioxide harms the environment. On the otherhand, the only byproduct of fuel-cell engi

172、nes is water.第二, 氢燃料电池发动机还可以在全球范围内解决污染问题, 这也是其具有吸引力的原因。使用石油不可避免的副产品就是二氧化碳,这是对环境有害的气体。而与此同时,燃料电池发动机唯一的副产品就是水。Third, fuel-cell engines will soon be economically competitive becausepeople will spend less money to operate a fuel-cell engine than they will tooperate an internal-combustion engine. This is

173、 true for one simple reason. Afuel-cell automobile is nearly twice as efficient in using its fuel as an automobileTOEFL 群:243745114;GRE 群:243745709;GMAT:243745864powered by an internal-combustion engine is. In other words, the fuel-cellpowered car requires only half the fuel energy that the internal

174、-combustionpowered car does to go the same distance.第三, 因为燃料电池发动机的使用费用比内燃机发动机低, 燃料电池发动机很快就会在价格上很有竞争力了。 这个道理是很简单的。 燃料电池汽车的能量利用率几乎是使用内燃机发动机的汽车的两倍。换句话说,行驶相同的距离,使用燃料电池发动机汽车只需要消耗内燃机汽车的一半能量。阅读部分需要提取的观点是:Main point: 氢燃料电池发动机将替代内燃机发动机Sub point 1:氢燃料来源丰富,不会用尽Sub point 2:氢燃料电池发动机不会污染环境Sub point 3:氢燃料电池发动机能量利用

175、率高,更为经济【听力部分】The reading is correct in pointing out the problems associated withoil-powered cars. Yes, oil is a finite resource, and yes, burning oil harms theenvironment. However, the reading is way too optimistic in its assessment ofhydrogen-based fuel-cell engines. Hydrogen is not the solution to

176、 theseproblems.阅读部分对于石油动力车的问题描述是站得住脚的。 是的, 石油是不可再生资源; 是的,使用石油会造成环境污染。然而,阅读部分对于氢燃料电池内燃机的评论却过于乐观。氢燃料并不能解决这些问题。First, hydrogen is not as easily available as the passage indicates. Althoughits present in common substances like water, its not directly useable in thatform. For using a fuel-cell engine, hy

177、drogen must first be obtained in a pureliquid state. This pure liquid hydrogen is a highly artificial substance. Itstechnologically very difficult to produce and store liquid hydrogen. For example,it must be kept very very cold at minus 253 degrees Celsius. Imagine theelaborate cooling technology th

178、ats required for that! So, hydrogen is not such apractical and easily available substance, is it?首先,氢并不是像阅读部分说的那么容易得到。尽管氢就像水一样普遍存在,但是并不是以一种可以直接使用的形态存在的。如果想在燃料电池中使用氢,那么必须是液态纯氢。而这种液态纯氢是一种极难获取的物质。在技术上很难制造,同时很难储存。比如,液态纯氢必须保存在摄氏零下 253 度的超低温下。可以想象一下液态纯氢所要求的技术条件有多苛刻。由此可见,氢并不是一种很容易得到和使用的物质,是不是?TOEFL 群:24374

179、5114;GRE 群:243745709;GMAT:243745864Second, using hydrogen would not solve the pollution problems associatedwith cars. Why? Producing pure hydrogen creates a lot of pollution.Toget purehydrogen from water or natural gas, you have to use a purification process thatrequires lots of energy thats obtaine

180、d by burning coal or oil. And burning coaland oil creates lots of pollution. So although the cars would not pollute, thefactories that generated the hydrogen for the cars would pollute.第二, 使用氢燃料并不能解决汽车造成的环境污染。 为什么?这是因为生产氢燃料的过程是会造成很多环境污染的。 如果要从水或者天然气中获取纯氢, 那么你就必须警醒能量消耗巨大的提纯。这种提纯过程所使用的能量则是来自于燃烧煤或者石油。众

181、所周知,燃烧煤和石油是会造成很多污染的。所以,虽然汽车不会造成环境污染,但是那些为汽车生产氢燃料的工厂却会造成环境污染。Third, there wont necessarily be any cost savings when you consider howexpensive it is to manufacture the fuel-cell engine. Thats because fuel-cellengines require components made of platinum, a very rare and expensive metal.Without the plat

182、inum components in the engine, the hydrogen doesnt undergothe chemical reaction that produces the electricity to power the automobile. Allthe efforts to replace platinum with a cheaper material have so far beenunsuccessful.第三,当你知道制造燃料电池发动机有多贵的时候,你就不会认为使用它省钱了。价格昂贵是因为燃料电池发动机的原件是铂金的, 而铂金是一种非常稀有而昂贵的金属。

183、如果发动机不用铂金制造的话, 氢就不能进行可以生产电能的化学反应, 也就不能为汽车提供能量了。所有关于寻找成本低廉的铂金替代品的研究都还没有取得成功。听力笔记内容:Main point: not the solutionSub point one: not as easily available, pure liquid state, minus 253 degreesSub point two: not solve, creates a lot of pollution, factories, hydrogen,polluteSub point three: wont, platinum,

184、doesnt undergo, unsuccessfulTOEFL 群:243745114;GRE 群:243745709;GMAT:243745864综合写作综合写作综合写作综合写作 TPOTPOTPOTPO 解析十解析十解析十解析十【阅读材料】The sea otter is a small mammal that lives in waters along the western coastof North America from California to Alaska. When some sea otter populations offthe Alaskan coast sta

185、rted rapidly declining a few years ago, it caused muchconcern because sea otters play an important ecological role in the coastalecosystem. Experts started investigating the cause of the decline and quicklyrealized that there were two possible explanations: environmental pollution orattacks by preda

186、tors. Initially, the pollution hypothesis seemed the more likelyof the two.海獭是一种生活在北美西海岸从加州到阿拉斯加沿线的小型海洋哺乳动物。几年前, 阿拉斯加海岸的海獭数量急剧减少。由于海獭对于维持海岸沿线生态平衡有非常重要的作用,所以其数量下降引起了广泛的关注。 专家开始研究海獭数量下降的原因, 并且很快发现了两个可能的原因,分别是环境污染和天敌捕食。最初,环境污染说看起来更为可信。The first reason why pollution seemed the more likely cause was that

187、 therewere known sources of it along the Alaskan coast, such as oil rings and othersources of industrial chemical pollution. Water samples from the area revealedincreased levels of chemicals that could decrease the otters resistance tolife-threatening infections and thus could indirectly cause their

188、 deaths.为什么污染说更为可信呢?这是因为阿拉斯加海岸确实有污染源, 比如石油带或者其他的工业污染物。 该地的水样显示水中化学物的含量增加, 其数量可以导致海獭对于对于一些致命感染丧失抵抗力,进而间接导致数量下降。Second, other sea mammals such as seals and sea lions along the Alaskancoast were also declining; indicating that whatever had endangered the otterswasaffectingotherseamammalsaswell.Thisfact

189、againpointedtoenvironmental pollution, since it usually affect the entire ecosystem rather thana single species. Only widely occurring predators, such as the orca (a largepredatory whale), could have the same effect, but orcas prefer to hunt muchlarger prey, such as other whales.第二,在阿拉斯加海域,包括海豹和海狮在内

190、的其他海洋哺乳动物的数量也有所下降。这表明造成海獭数量下降的原因也对其他海洋哺乳动物造成了影响。 原因再次指向了环境污染,这是因为环境污染问题常常不是仅仅影响某个特定物种,而是影响整个生态系统。除此之外, 只有像逆戟鲸 (一种大型肉食鲸) 那种食性广泛的动物才能通过捕食呈现相同的效果。但是,逆戟鲸更喜欢捕食像鲸类这种的大型猎物。Third, scientists believed that the pollution hypothesis could also explain theTOEFL 群:243745114;GRE 群:243745709;GMAT:243745864uneven p

191、attern of otter decline: at some Alaskan locations the otter populationsdeclined greatly, while at others they remained stable. Some experts explainedthese observations by suggesting that ocean currents or other environmentalfactors may have created uneven concentrations of pollutants along the coas

192、t.第三, 科学家认为污染说同时可以解释海獭数量变化的不均衡性。 所谓不均衡性是指在阿拉斯加某些区域海獭数量下降明显, 而在其他地方海獭的数量保持未定。 一些专家指出这样的观察结果表明洋流和其他环境因素导致了海岸线上污染物的不均衡聚集。阅读部分需要提取的观点是:Main point: 海獭数量下降的原因是环境污染Sub point 1:阿拉斯加海域确有污染源Sub point 2:除海獭外,还有其他哺乳动物的数量下降Sub point 3:不同区域海獭数量下降情况不同,可以解释为污染物聚集情况不同导致的。【听力材料】Well, ongoing investigations have revea

193、led that predation is the most likelycause of sea otter decline after all.目前的研究表明天敌捕食是最可能导致海獭数量减少的原因。First, the pollution theory is weakened by the fact that no one can really findany Dead Sea otters washing off on Alaskan beaches. Thats not what you wouldexpect if infections caused by pollution sta

194、rted killing a lot of otters. On theother hand, the fact that its so hard to find dead otters is consistent with thepredator hypothesis. If an otter is killed by a predator, its eaten immediately soit cant wash up on shore.首先, 由于没有人发现有海獭尸体被冲上阿拉斯加海滩, 所以污染理论捕食那么站得住脚的。如果污染造成的疾病感染导致了海獭数量的剧减,那么情况不该如此。而且,

195、很少发现海獭尸体也恰恰说明了天敌捕食假说。捕食者杀死了海獭后,会很快地吃掉它,那么我们也就不会再岸上发现海獭尸体了。Second, although orcas may prefer to hunt whales, whales have essentiallydisappeared from the area because of human hunters. That means that orcashave had to change their diet to survive and since only smaller sea mammalsare now available, or

196、cas have probably started hunting those. So, it probably isthe orcas that are causing the decline of all the smaller sea mammals mentionedin the passage - the seals, the sea lions, and the sea otters.第二,尽管逆戟鲸喜欢捕食鲸类,但是鲸类的数量却由于人类的捕猎活动而剧烈减少。TOEFL 群:243745114;GRE 群:243745709;GMAT:243745864这意味着逆戟鲸不得不为了生存

197、而更改捕食习惯。 目前来看只有一些小型海洋哺乳动物还可以捕捉,逆戟鲸很可能开始以它们为食了。所以,很可能是逆戟鲸的捕食导致了文中提到的诸如海豹、海狮和海獭等小型哺乳动物的数量减少。And third, the uneven pattern of otter decline is better explained by the orcapredation theory than by the pollution theory. What happens to otters seems todepend on whether the location where they live is acce

198、ssible to orcas or not. Inthose locations that orcas can access easily, the number of sea otters hasdeclined greatly. However, because orcas are so large, they cant access shallowor rocky locations. And shallow and rocky locations are precisely the types oflocations where sea otter populations have

199、not declined.第三, 海獭数量变化的不均衡性恰好表明了逆戟鲸捕食理论比污染理论更合理。 海獭数量的增减取决于它们生存的地方逆戟鲸是不是可以进入。在那些逆戟鲸很容易进入的海域,海獭的数量急剧减少。然而,因为逆戟鲸个头很大,所以他们不能进入那些过浅或者充满岩石的海域。而那些过浅和充满岩石的海域,恰恰是海獭数量保持稳定的地区。听力笔记内容:Main point: 天敌说更为可信Sub point one: 没有发现海獭的尸体Sub point two: 多种小型海洋哺乳动物的减少是因为逆戟鲸捕食Sub point three: 逆戟鲸个头很大,有的海域不能进入,解释了为何数量变化不均衡提

200、示:在阅读部分出现的陌生的名词(包括专有名词)要记下来,因为听力出现的时候我们要根据读音判断出现位置和大致含义。TOEFL 群:243745114;GRE 群:243745709;GMAT:243745864综合写作综合写作综合写作综合写作 TPOTPOTPOTPO 解析十一解析十一解析十一解析十一【阅读材料】A recent study reveals that people especially young people are reading farless literature novels, plays, and poems than they used to. This is tr

201、oublingbecause the trend has unfortunate effects for the reading public, for culture ingeneral, and for the future of literature itself.最近的研究显示人们, 尤其是年轻人不再像以前那样爱读想小说、 喜剧或者诗歌这类文学作品了。这个现象是令人担忧的。这是因为这对广大读者受众、对广义文化以及对于文学本身未来的发展都是非常不幸的。While there has been a decline in book reading generally, the decline

202、 hasbeen especially sharp for literature. This is unfortunate because nothing elseprovides the intellectual stimulation that literature does. Literature encouragesus to exercise our imaginations, empathize with others, and expand ourunderstanding of language. So, by reading less literature, the read

203、ing public ismissing out on important benefits.在书籍阅读量下降的大气候下,文学类书籍阅读量下降更为明显。这是令人遗憾的, 因为在启迪心智方面,没有什么可以替代文学作品的作用。文学让我们发挥我们的想象力; 让我们同他人心灵相通;让我们体味语言的魅力。文学阅读量的下降,让很多公众错失了这些文学的益处。Unfortunately, missing out on the benefits of literature is not the onlyproblem. What are people reading instead? Consider the

204、prevalence of self-helpbooks on lists of best seller. These are usually superficial poorly written, andintellectuallyundemanding.Additionally,insteadofsittingdownwithachallenging novel, many persons are now more likely to turn on the television,watch a music video, or read a Web page. Clearly, diver

205、ting time previouslyspent in reading literature to trivial forms of entertainment has lowered the levelof culture in general.不幸的是, 公众失去的不仅仅是文学本身的益处。 人们用什么取代阅读呢?想想畅销书排行榜上那些颇为流行的自主类图书吧。这些书往往是内容肤浅、文笔粗糙的。而且,相对于坐在那里饶有兴趣地看一部小说, 现在的很多人都倾向于看电视节目、 音乐录影带或者上网看看网页。 显然, 把那些本该用在阅读文学作品的时间消耗在琐碎的娱乐将降低大众的文化水平。The tre

206、nd of reading less literature is all the more regrettable because it istaking place during a period when good literature is being written. There aremany talented writers today, but they lack an audience. This fact is bound toTOEFL 群:243745114;GRE 群:243745709;GMAT:243745864lead publishers to invest l

207、ess in literature and so support fewer serious writers.Thus, the writing as well as the reading of literature is likely to decline becauseof the poor standards of todays readers.当想到这是一个不乏好作品的时候, 文学作品阅读量的减少更显得令人遗憾了。 有很多天才的作家,但是他们却鲜有读者。这会导致出版商不再投资于文学作品,而转而支持那些不够严谨的作家。因而,当今读者的水平不高导致了文学作品的创作跟阅读量同时下降。阅读部

208、分需要提取的观点是:Main point: 文学作品阅读量的减少对于读者、文化和文学的发展都是有害的Sub point 1: 文学作品阅读量减少对于读者是有害的Sub point 2: 文学作品阅读量降低文化水平Sub point 3: 文学作品阅读量减少导致文学创作减少【听力部分】It is often said that people are reading less literature today than they usedto. What should we make of this?现在常有人说人们不像以前那样多的阅读文学作品了。我们应该如何应对呢?Well first, a b

209、ook doesnt have to be literature to be intellectually stimulating.Science writing, history, political analysis and so forth arent literature perhaps,but they are often of high quality and these kinds of books can be just ascreative and well-written as a novel or a play. They can stimulate theimagina

210、tion. So dont assume that someone who isnt reading literature isntreading a good book.首先,启迪人只会的不一定必须是文学作品。学科书籍、历史、政治分析等基本上都不是文学作品, 但是它们的质量往往很高, 而且它们也想小说和喜剧那样的充满创造力和文采。它们也可以启发人的想象力。所以不要认为不读文学作品的人就不读书。But lets say that people arent just spending less time with literature, theyare also spending less ti

211、me with books in general. Does that mean that theculture is in decline? No, theres plenty of culturally valuable material that isntwritten music and movies, for example. Are people wasting their time whenthey listen to a brilliant song or watch a good movie? Do these non-literaryactivities lower cul

212、tural standards? Of course not. Culture has changed. Intodays culture, there are many forms of expression available other than novelsand poems. And some of these forms speak more directly to contemporaryconcerns than literature does.我们假设那些很少读文学作品的人同时也很少读各种书。 这就意味着文化水平下降吗?TOEFL 群:243745114;GRE 群:2437

213、45709;GMAT:243745864不是的,因为除了写作之外还有很多文化形式,比如音乐和电影。当人们聆听美妙的音乐或者看一部好电影的时候, 我们能说这是在浪费时间吗?非文字类的行为会降低文化水平吗?显然不是。 文化已经不同了。 在今天, 除了小说和诗歌之外, 我们有了更多的形式表达文化。而且,它们中的很多比文学作品更直接地表达当代社会的关注点。Finally, its probably true that theres less support for literature today than inearlier generation. But dont be too quick to

214、blame the readers. Sometimes itsthe authors faults. Lets be honest. A lot of modern literature is intended to bedifficult to understand. Here is not much reason to suppose that earliergeneration of readers would have read a lot of todays literature either.最后,或许现在对于文学作品的支持不如以前的。但是不要过于草率地去责备读者。 有时,这是作

215、者的问题。说实话,很多当代的文学作品刻意地写得很难以理解。我们没理由相信以前的读者会青睐现在的文学作品。听力笔记内容:Main point: 阅读部分的说法不成立Sub point one: 人们虽然读文学书少,但是可以在其他类型的书籍中获益Sub point two: 除了文学作品之外,音乐和电影也是很好的文化传播方式Sub point three: 文学作品的支持减少不是因为读者阅读减少,而是因为作者的问题。提示:这篇文章阅读部分的分论点集中于每段段尾。尽管在独立写作中我们不推荐这种写法,但是这是完全符合 essay 的写作要求的。选择分论点的时候不可以想当然地选择段首句,而是要仔细阅读,

216、筛选分析。方法呢,看以前的解析吧。在反驳的过程中,前两点是直接反驳缺点,陈述说缺点并不存在。而第三点,这是“另寻他因”:文学出版减少的原因不是因为读者不读书,而是作者的问题。反驳角度不同,不可以想当然。TOEFL 群:243745114;GRE 群:243745709;GMAT:243745864综合写作综合写作综合写作综合写作 TPOTPOTPOTPO 解析十二解析十二解析十二解析十二【阅读材料】Jane Austen (1775-1817) is one of the most famous of all English novelists,and today her novels are

217、 more popular thanever,with several recently adaptedas Hollywood movies. But we do not have many records of what she looked like.For a long time, the only accepted image of Austen was an amateur sketch of anadult Austen made by her sister Cassandra. However, recently a professionallypainted, full-le

218、ngth portrait of a teenage girl owned by a member of the Austenfamily has come up for sale. Although the professional painting is not titled JaneAusten, there are good reasons to believe she is the subject.简奥斯汀是最有名的英国小说家之一。时至今日,她的作品变得更受欢迎了,有数部被好莱坞改编成电影了。但是对于她的长相却没有太多的记录。很长一段时间以来,唯一被认可的奥斯汀的画像是她妹妹卡桑德拉

219、画的。 但是这幅成年奥斯汀素描并不是出自于专业画家。然而,最近一副奥斯汀家族成员持有的画像想要出售。这幅出自专业画家之手的全身画像上面是一个少女奥斯汀。尽管这幅专业画作上并没有写有简奥斯汀,但是我们还是有足够的理由相信画上的人就是她。First, in 1882, several decades after Austens death, Austens family gavepermission to use the portrait as an illustration in an edition of her letters.Austens family clearly recognize

220、d it as a portrait of the author. So, for over acentury now, the Austen family itself has endorsed the claim that the girl in theportrait is Jane Austen.首先,在 1882 年,在奥斯汀去世几十年后,奥斯汀家族曾经授权这幅画作为她出版的书信集上本人画像。奥斯汀家族当然能够确认这幅画就是作者。所以,一个多世纪过去了,奥斯汀家族还是为这幅画背书,认为这个女孩就是简奥斯汀本人。Second, the face in the portrait clea

221、rly resembles the one in Cassandrassketch, which we know depicts Austen. Though somewhat amateurish, thesketch communicates definite details about Austens face. Even though theCassandra sketch is of an adult Jane Austen, the features are still similar tothose of the teenage girl in the painting. The

222、 eyebrows, nose, mouth, andoverall shape of the face are very much like those in the full-length portrait.第二, 这幅画上人物的面容和卡桑德拉画的那幅画很相似, 而卡桑德拉的画作上的人物确定是奥斯汀。 尽管卡桑德拉的画作略显业余, 但是还是很好地描绘了奥斯汀面部的细节的。尽管卡桑德拉的画描绘的是成年简奥斯汀,但是面部细节还是同这幅画上少女奥斯汀非常相似的。眉毛、鼻子、嘴和整个轮廓都跟这幅全身画作非常相似。Third, although the painting is unsigned an

223、d undated, there is evidence thatTOEFL 群:243745114;GRE 群:243745709;GMAT:243745864it was painted when Austen was a teenager. The style links it to Ozias Humphrey,a society portrait painter who was the kind of professional the wealthy Austenfamily would hire. Humphrey was active in the late 1780s and

224、early 1790s,exactly the period when Jane Austen was the age of the girl in the painting.第三, 机关这幅画没有署名也没有日期, 但是确信这幅画的绘制时间是奥斯汀少女时期。这幅画从风格上看是奥扎厄斯汉弗里的作品。他是一个专门受雇于奥斯汀这样富有家族的上流社会肖像画家。汉弗里活跃时期是 1780 末到 170 年初,而这个时期恰好正是简奥斯汀十几岁的时期。阅读部分需要提取的观点是:Main point: 有一副画上面的人物是简奥斯汀Sub point 1: 这幅画得到了奥斯汀家族的认可Sub point 2:

225、面容同简奥斯汀的另一幅画很像Sub point 3: 风格上看是奥扎厄斯汉弗里的作品,此人活跃时期简奥斯汀的年龄同画作相符【听力材料】The evidence linking this portrait to Jane Austen is not at all convincing.Sure, the painting has long been somewhat loosely connected to Austensextended family and their descendents, but this hardly proves its a portrait ofJane Aust

226、en as a teenager. The readings arguments that the portrait is ofAusten are questionable at best.所有证明这幅画上人物是简奥斯汀的证据都是不足信的。当然,这幅画长期以来同奥斯汀家族极其后代保持着某种意义上的联系。但是,这都不足以证明画中问人是少女简奥斯汀。First, when the portrait was authorized for use in the 1882 publication of herletters, Jane Austen had been dead for almost 7

227、0 years. So, the family memberswho asserted that the painting was Jane had never actually seen her themselves.They couldnt have known for certain if the portrait was of Austen or not.首先,当奥斯汀家族在 1882 年授权在她书信集中使用这幅肖像画的时候,简奥斯汀已经过时差不多 70 年了。所以,声称画中人物是简奥斯汀的家庭成员其实从来没有见过她本人。他们其实不能确信这幅画是不是奥斯汀。Second, the po

228、rtrait could very well be that of a relative of Austens, a factthat would explain the resemblance between its subject and that of Cassandrassketch. The extended Austen family was very large and many of Jane Austensfemale cousins were teenagers in the relevant period or had children who wereTOEFL 群:2

229、43745114;GRE 群:243745709;GMAT:243745864teenagers. And some of these teenage girls could have resembled Jane Austen.In fact, many experts believe that the true subject of the portrait was one ofthose relatives, Marianne Kempian, who was a distant niece of Austens.第二, 至于为什么这幅画上人物同卡桑德拉画的那副长得很像, 可以解释为这幅

230、上上的任务是简奥斯汀的一个亲人。奥斯汀家族非常庞大,在画作成画时期,很多简奥斯汀的堂姐妹还是十几岁的年纪,或者她堂姐妹的孩子是十几岁。这些女孩子们很多跟简奥斯汀长得很像。 事实上, 很多专家认为这幅画中的人物实际上是这些人之一。 她叫玛丽安 凯佩恩,是简奥斯汀的一个远方侄女。Third, the painting has been attributed to Humphrey only because of thestyle. But other evidence points to a later date. A stamp on the back of thepicture indicat

231、es that the blank canvas, you know the actual piece of cloth onwhich the picture was painted, was sold by a man named William Legg. Recordshowed that William Legg did not sell canvases in London when Jane Austen wasa teenager. He only started selling canvases when she was 27 years old. So, itlooks l

232、ike the canvas was used for the painting at a time when Austen wasclearly older than the girl in the portrait.第三,认为这幅画是汉弗里作品的根据仅仅是风格。但是,有其他证据证明这幅画的成画时间实际要稍晚一些。画布背面的印章表明这幅画的空白画布是一个叫威廉姆莱格卖出的。 记录表明简奥斯汀少女时期, 威廉姆莱格并没有在伦敦卖画布。 他开始卖画布的时候,简奥斯汀已经 27 岁了。所以,这幅画完成的时候,简奥斯汀本人的年纪是大于画中人物的。听力笔记内容:Main point: 这幅画中人物不是

233、简奥斯汀Sub point one: 虽有家族人的背书,但是这些人都没有见过简奥斯汀本人Sub point two: 同简奥斯汀面容相似的原因可能是画中人物是简奥斯汀的亲人Sub point three: 画布背面的印章表明这幅画成画时,简奥斯汀年龄大于画中人物问题提示:- endorse 背书。本意是指在支票后面签字,引申为赞同,认可,支持(意见,活动,某人等)。TOEFL 群:243745114;GRE 群:243745709;GMAT:243745864综合写作综合写作综合写作综合写作 TPOTPOTPOTPO 解析十三解析十三解析十三解析十三【阅读材料】Private collecto

234、rs have been selling and buying fossils, the petrified remainsof ancient organisms, ever since the eighteen century. In recent years, however,the sale of fossils, particularly of dinosaurs and other large vertebrates hasgrown into a big business. Rare and important fossils are now being sold topriva

235、te ownership for millions of dollars. This is an unfortunate development forboth scientists and the general public.私人化石收藏家们从十八世纪就开始涉足化石买卖。 所谓化石是指那些古代有机体的石化物。然而最近几年,化石买卖,尤其是恐龙和其他大型脊椎动物的化石的买卖变得繁荣起来了。 稀有而重要的化石现在以百万计的价格在私人搜藏家之间流通。 这种现象无论对于科学家还是对于公众来说,都不是一件好事情。The public suffers because fossils that woul

236、d otherwise be donated tomuseums where everyone can see them are sold to private collectors who donot allow the public to view their collections. Making it harder for the public tosee fossils can lead to a decline in public interest in fossils, which would be apity.化石不在捐赠给博物馆而是由私人收藏家持有, 而不是像过去那样捐赠给博

237、物馆。 私人收藏家不会让公众看他的藏品, 而博物馆里的展品却是人人有机会看到的。 这样对于公众来说是受损的。 接触化石的机会变少会让大众失去对化石的兴趣的, 而这一点显然是令人遗憾的。More importantly, scientists are likely to lose access to some of the mostimportant fossils and thereby miss out on potentially crucial discoveries aboutextinct life forms. Wealthy fossil buyers with a desire

238、 to own the rarest and mostimportant fossils can spend virtually limitless amounts of money to acquirethem. Scientists and the museums and universities they work for often cannotcompete successfully for fossils against millionaire fossil buyers.更重要的是, 科学家将错失很多研究珍贵化石的机会, 进而可能同一些关于灭绝生物的重大发现失之交臂。 富有的化石

239、购买者因为对稀有而重要化石的强烈渴望, 将会不计成本地想得到这些化石。 科学家和他们所服务的博物馆和大学都无力同那些身价百万的化石购买者竞争,也只能坐视失去化石。Moreover, commercial fossil collectors often destroy valuable scientificevidence associated with the fossils they unearth. Most commercial fossilcollectors are untrained or uninterested in carrying out the careful field

240、 workand documentation that reveal the most about animal life in the past. ForTOEFL 群:243745114;GRE 群:243745709;GMAT:243745864example, scientists have learned about the biology of nest-building dinosaurscalled oviraptors by carefully observing the exact position of oviraptors fossils inthe ground an

241、d the presence of other fossils in the immediate surroundings.Commercial fossil collectors typically pay no attention to how fossils lie in theground or to the smaller fossils that may surround bigger ones.而且, 商业化石收藏家常常会破坏他们挖掘出的化石中有科学价值的部分。 多数商业化石收藏家常常没有接受过专业的训练, 同时对谨慎研究记录化石没有兴趣。 而这些研究和记录可以揭示过去生活在地球

242、上的生命最重要的信息。 科学家就是通过对筑巢的偷蛋龙的研究就是这种方法: 通过对偷蛋龙化石的埋在地下的精确位置以及邻近的其他化石的状态来获知其生物特性的。 私人化石搜藏家万网不关注化石埋藏的唯一以及大型化石边上那些小型的化石。阅读部分需要提取的观点是:Main point: 私人化石买卖无论对科学家还是对公众都是一件坏事情Sub point 1: 公众将失去接触化石的机会,进而失去兴趣Sub point 2: 科学家也将失去接触化石的机会Sub point 3: 化石包含的珍贵数据可能遭到破坏【听力材料】Of course, there are some negative consequenc

243、es of selling fossils in thecommercial market, but they have been greatly exaggerated. The benefits ofcommercial fossil trade greatly outweigh the disadvantages.当然, 在商业市场上买卖化石是有一些负面影响, 但是这些负面影响在阅读部分被夸大了。化石买卖的优点大大的超过其缺点。First of all, the public is likely to have greater exposure to fossils as a resul

244、tof commercial fossil trade, not less exposure. Commercial fossil hunting makesa lot of fossils available for purchase, and as a result, even low-level publicinstitutions like public schools and libraries can now routinely buy interestingfossils and display them for the public.首先,私人化石买卖合法之后,公众接触化石的机

245、会不是变少了,而是增加了。私人化石买卖让更多的化石进入流通领域。这样,甚至等级较低的公共机构,比如公立学校和图书馆也有能力通过正规渠道购买化石,并向公众展示了。As for the idea that scientists will lose access to really important fossils,thats not realistic either. Before anyone can put a value on a fossil, it needs tobe scientifically identified, right? Well, the only people wh

246、o can identify, who canreally tell what a given fossil is or isnt, are scientists, by performing detailedTOEFL 群:243745114;GRE 群:243745709;GMAT:243745864examinations and tests on the fossils themselves. So, even if a fossil is destinedto go to a private collector, it has to pass through the hands of

247、 scientific expertsfirst. This way, the scientific community is not going to miss out on anythingimportant thats out there.至于说科学家将错失接触重要化石机会的说法,也是站不住脚的。不论是谁,在给一组化石定价之前,都一定是需要科学家来鉴定的,是不是?那么,唯一能够鉴定化石,唯一能够说出化石是否有价值的人是科学家。 是科学家通过对细节的检查和测试来决定化石的价值的。所以,即使化石最终归于私人收藏家,但是还是要首先经过科学家的手的。这样,科学团体就不会错过化石上的任何重要信息了

248、。Finally, whatever damage commercial fossil collectors sometimes do, if itwerent for them, many fossils would simply go undiscovered because therearent that many fossil collecting operations that are run by universities andother scientific institutions. Isnt it better for science to at least have mo

249、refossils being found even if we dont have all the scientific data wed like to haveabout their location and surroundings than it is to have many fossils gocompletely undiscovered?最后,私人化石收藏者的确会损坏化石,但是如果没有他们,很多化石就会永远埋在地下了。这是因为大学和其他科学研究机构没有足够多的化石采集项目。对于科学发展来说,能够发现更多的化石比让化石长眠于地下要好, 不是吗?尽管我们可能确实一些诸如化石位置其

250、周围伴生化石的信息。听力部分需要提取的观点是:Main point: 私人化石买卖利大于弊Sub point 1: 公众不会失去接触化石的机会,反而更多Sub point 2: 科学家也不会失去接触化石的机会Sub point 3: 尽管化石的珍贵数据可能遭到破坏,但是要好过让大量化石长眠于地下TOEFL 群:243745114;GRE 群:243745709;GMAT:243745864综合写作综合写作综合写作综合写作 TPOTPOTPOTPO 解析十四解析十四解析十四解析十四【阅读材料】Everyyear,forest fires and severe storms cause a gre

251、at deal of damage toforests in the northwestern United States. One way of dealing with theaftermath of these disasters is called salvage logging, which is the practice ofremoving dead trees from affected areas and using the wood for lumber,plywood, and other wood products. There are several reasons

252、why salvagelogging is beneficial both to a damaged forest and to the economy.每年,在美国西北部,森林火灾和一些严重的暴风雨会给森林造成严重的损害。而处理这些灾难造成的损害的方法之一被称为回收性砍伐。 回收性砍伐是指把受损地区的已经死亡的树木一走,用作制作木料、胶合板或者其他木材产品。有一些理由让我们相信回收性砍伐无论对于受损的森林还是对于经济发展都是有好处的。First, after a devastating fire, forests are choked with dead trees. If thetrees

253、 are not removed, they will take years to decompose; in the meantime, nonew trees can grow in the cramped spaces. Salvage logging, however, removesthe remains of dead trees and makes room for fresh growth immediately, whichis likely to help forest areas recover from the disaster.首先,每次森林火灾之后,森林都被死树堵住

254、了。如果不把这些树移走,那么它们需要数年的时间才会腐化。 在这个时间里, 就不会有新的树木能够在这些狭窄的空间发芽生长了。然而,回收性砍伐则可以把这些死树移走,迅速地位新生的树木提供生长的空间。这样做,有助于帮助森林从火灾中恢复。Also, dead trees do more than just take up space. Decaying wood is a highlysuitable habitat for insects such as the spruce bark beetle, which in largenumbers can damage live, healthy sp

255、ruce trees. So, by removing totting wood,salvagelogginghelpsminimizethedangersofinsectinfestation,thuscontributing to the health of the forest.同时, 已死的树对森林的损害不仅仅是占用空间。 腐烂的木头同时也是昆虫很好的栖息地,比如杉皮甲虫。大量的杉皮甲虫会对健康生长的杉树造成损害。所以,通过移走这些腐烂的木头,回收性砍伐可以降低虫害侵袭的危险,进而保护森林的健康。Third and last, salvage logging has economic

256、benefits. Many industriesdepend upon the forests for their production, and because of this a fire can havea very harmful effect on the economy. Often, however, the trees that have beendamaged by natural disasters still can provide much wood that is usable byindustries. Furthermore, salvage logging r

257、equires more workers than traditionallogging operations do, and so it helps create additional jobs for local residents.TOEFL 群:243745114;GRE 群:243745709;GMAT:243745864最后,回收性砍伐是有经济收益的。很多的产业的产品生产都依赖森林,因而森林大火对于经济的发展是非常有害的。 但是, 很多时候这些因为自然灾害死亡的树木还是可以能够为工业生产提供很多木材的。而且,回收性砍伐比传统的砍伐活动需要更多的人力,所以这可以为当地居民提供更多的就

258、业机会。阅读部分需要提取的观点是:- Main point: 回收性砍伐对于森林和经济发展都好处- Sub point 1: 可以为新生树木提供生长空间- Sub point 2: 可以避免虫害伤害森林- Sub point 3: 有助于经济发展【听力材料】Salvage logging may appear to be an effective way of helping forestsrecover after a destructive fire or storm, but it can actually result in seriousloner-term environmenta

259、l damage. Its economic benefits are also questionable.回收性砍伐看起来似乎是个帮助森林从破坏性大火或者暴风雨中的损害中恢复的有效方法,但是事实上却会带来长期的环境损失。而它的经济利益也是存疑的。First, cleaning up a forest after a fire or storm does not necessarily createthe right conditions for tree growth. In fact, the natural process of wooddecompositionenrichesthes

260、oilandmakesitmoresuitableforfuturegenerations of tree. The rapid removal of dead trees can result in soil that lacksthe nutrients necessary for growth.首先, 在大火或者暴风雨之后的清理并不一定会给树的生长提供合适的生长环境。 事实上,树木腐烂的自然过程可以使土壤变得肥沃,更适合以后树木的生长。迅速地移除死去的树木可能会导致土壤确实树木生长所必须的营养物质。Second, its true that rotting wood can increa

261、se insect population, but is thisreally bad for the forest? In fact, spruce bark beetles have lived in Alaskan forestfor nearly hundred years without causing major damage. And of course deadtrees do not provide habitats only for harmful insects. They are also used bybirds and other insects that are

262、important contributors to the long-term healthof forests. In the long run, therefore, salvage logging may end up doing moreharm to forests than harmful insects do.第二, 的确那些腐烂的树木会让昆虫的数量增加, 但是这就一定对森林不好吗?事实上,杉皮甲虫已经在阿拉斯加森林里生活了近百年,但是从来没有造成严重的灾害。而且,死树不是仅仅为害虫提供栖息地, 鸟类和其他昆虫也会居于与此, 这些鸟类和昆虫对于森林的长期健康是有利的。因而,从长远

263、看,回收性砍伐最终给森林带来的危害要大于害虫。TOEFL 群:243745114;GRE 群:243745709;GMAT:243745864And third, the economic benefits of salvage logging are small and dont lastvery long. In severely damaged forests, much of the lumber can be recoveredonly by using helicopters and other vehicles that are expensive to use andmaint

264、ain. Furthermore, jobs created by salvage logging are only temporary andare often filled by outsiders with more experience or training than localresidents have.第三,回收性砍伐的经济利益是很微小的而且不具有持久性。在严重受损的森林里, 木材必须使用直升飞机或者其他交通工具才能回收,而这些的使用和保养费用都非常昂贵。 而且, 回收性砍伐提供的工作岗位都是临时的, 同时这些工作岗位往往都被受过训练而且富有经验的外地人获得,本地人并不具有竞争

265、力。听力部分需要提取的观点是:Main point: 回收性砍伐弊大于利Sub point 1: 回收性砍伐会使森林土壤失去营养Sub point 2: 回收性砍伐会使鸟类和有益的昆虫失去栖息地,长久看来对森林无益Sub point 3: 回收性砍伐经济利益很小。TOEFL 群:243745114;GRE 群:243745709;GMAT:243745864综合写作综合写作综合写作综合写作 TPOTPOTPOTPO 解析十五解析十五解析十五解析十五【阅读材料】The cane toad is a large (1.8 kg) amphibian species native to Centra

266、l andSouth America. It was deliberately introduced to Australia in 1935 with theexpectation that it would protect farmers crops by eating harmful insects.Unfortunately, the toad multiplied rapidly, and a large cane toad population nowthreatens small native animals that are not pest. Several measures

267、 have beenproposed to stop the spread of the cane toad in Australia.蔗蜍是一种原产于中南美洲的两栖动物,个头很大,重大 1.8 公斤。蔗蜍是在 1935年由人工引进至澳大利亚的。因为它们可以吃害虫,所以希望借由它们保护农作物。不幸的是,蔗蜍繁殖迅速。而且,数量巨大的蔗蜍群体已经开始威胁一些对农业无害的小型本土生物。现在提出了几个解决蔗蜍在澳大利亚蔓延的方法。One way to prevent the spread of the toad would be to build a national fence.A fence t

268、hat blocks the advance of the toads will prevent them from moving intothose parts of Australia that they have not yet colonized. This approach hasbeen used before: a national fence was erected in the early part of the twentiethcentury to prevent the spread of rabbits, another animal species that was

269、introduced in Australia from abroad and had a harmful impact on its nativeecosystems.第一个阻止蔗蜍蔓延的方法是建立一个全国范围的围栏。 用围栏控制蔗蜍增长的方式是通过阻止它们迁徙实现的, 这样它们就不会聚集到那些尚未被它们控制的地区了。 这种方法以前就用过。在二十世界初期,澳大利亚就从用这种围栏阻止兔子的过度增长。兔子由澳大利亚从他国引进后,给当地的生态平衡造成了巨大的灾难。Second, the toads could be captured and destroyed by volunteers. Can

270、etoads can easily be caught in simple traps and can even be captured by hand.Young toads and cane toad eggs are even easier to gather and destroy, sincethey are restricted to the water. If the Australian government were to organizea campaign among Australian citizens to join forces to destroy the to

271、ads, thecollective effort might stop the toad from spreading.第二,可以招募志愿者抓蔗蜍。简单的陷阱就可以抓到蔗蜍,甚至徒手都可以抓到。 至于蝌蚪和卵因为是生活在水里的, 更是容易抓到和消灭。 如果澳大利亚政府组织一个由澳大利亚公民参与的运动去消灭蔗蜍,那么可能会达到阻碍其蔓延的目的。Third, researchers are developing a disease-causing virus to control thecane toad populations. This virus will be specially des

272、igned: although it will beable to infect a number of reptile and amphibian species, it will not harm mostTOEFL 群:243745114;GRE 群:243745709;GMAT:243745864of the infected species; it will specifically harm only the cane toads. The viruswill control the population of cane toads by preventing them from

273、maturing andreproducing.第三, 研究人员正在研究一种用于控制蔗蜍数量的致病病毒。 这种病毒是专门为控制蔗蜍研制的。 尽管这种病毒也可以感染相当多数量的爬行动物和两栖动物, 但是这种感染基本是无害的。 它只会影响蔗蜍。 这种病毒通过阻碍蔗蜍的蔗蜍的成熟和繁殖实现控制其数量的目的。阅读部分需要提取的观点是:Main point: 提供了三个控制蔗蜍数量的方法Sub point 1: 建立全国范围性的围栏Sub point 2: 组织志愿者抓Sub point 3: 研制某种特殊病毒,阻碍蔗蜍的成熟和繁殖【听力材料】The cane toad wont be as easy

274、to get rid of as the reading suggests. Themeasures proposed by the reading are likely either to be unsuccessful or tocause unwanted environmental damage.蔗蜍不会像阅读部分说的那么容易除去的。 阅读部分提供的观点不但是不会奏效, 甚至会对环境造成损害。First of all, a national fence probably wont stop the spread of the toad.Thats because young toads

275、 and toad eggs are found in rivers and streams. Nomatter where the fence is located, at some point there will be rivers or steamsflowing from one side to the other. These waterways will be able to carry theyoung toads and their eggs to the other side. Since its only necessary for a fewyoung toads or

276、 eggs to get though the fence in order to establish population onthe other side, the fence is unlikely to be effective.首先, 一个全国范围内的围栏不会阻止蔗蜍的蔓延。 这是因为蝌蚪和蔗蜍卵是生活在河水和溪流中的。不管围栏怎么安排,总会有跨过河流和小溪的地方。在这些地方,流水可以越过围栏。 蝌蚪和蔗蜍卵可以通过这些水流穿过围栏。 只要有很小数量的蝌蚪和蔗蜍穿过围栏,它们就可以建立起一个种群。所以,这种围栏的方法是无效的。Secondly, a massive group of

277、volunteers could have success trapping anddestroyingtoads.Butitslikelythattheseuntrainedvolunteerswouldinadvertently destroy many of Australias native frogs some of which areendangered. Its not always easy to tell the cane toad apart from native frogsespecially when its young.TOEFL 群:243745114;GRE 群

278、:243745709;GMAT:243745864第二, 人数众多的志愿者队伍的确可以抓住和消灭蔗蜍。 但是这些没有经过训练的志愿者很可能会无意间杀死很多澳大利亚原产的青蛙, 而其中的一些已经是濒危物种的。 蔗蜍和澳大利亚原产青蛙并不容易区分,尤其是在它们都是幼体的时候。Third, using the virus is a bad idea because it could have terribleconsequences for cane toads in their original habitat in Central and SouthAmerica. You might be w

279、ondering how can virus released in Australia causeharm in the Americas. Well, Australian reptiles and amphibians are oftentransported to other continents by researchers or pet collectors for example.Once the animals infected by the virus reach Central and South American, thevirus will attack the nat

280、ive cane toads and devastate their populations. Thatwould be an ecological disaster because in the Americans cane toads are anative species and a vital part of the ecosystem. So if they are eliminated thewhole ecosystem will suffer.第三, 病毒可能会对蔗蜍原产的中南美洲的生态环境造成严重的破坏, 所以使用病毒也是一个坏主意。你们可能很好奇为什么投放在澳大利亚的病毒会

281、破换美洲的环境。恩,研究者或者宠物饲养者常常会被澳大利亚的爬行动物和两栖类动物带到其他的大洲。 一旦感染此病毒的动物被带到了中南美洲,那么这种病毒就会感染当地的蔗蜍,使得其数量锐减。因为蔗蜍在美洲是原生物种,是生态系统的重要组成部分,所以其数量锐减将会是生态灾难。 所以,如果蔗蜍灭绝了,那么美洲的生态系统也会受到破坏。听力部分需要提取的观点是:Main point: 三个方法是无效甚至只有害的Sub point 1: 蔗蜍的蝌蚪和卵可以通过流水穿过围栏,方法无效Sub point 2: 尽管志愿者可以抓到蔗蜍,但是可能会错抓当地濒危的原产青蛙Sub point 3: 使用病毒可能会破坏蔗蜍原产

282、地中南美洲的生态平衡TOEFL 群:243745114;GRE 群:243745709;GMAT:243745864综合写作综合写作综合写作综合写作 TPOTPOTPOTPO 解析十六解析十六解析十六解析十六【阅读材料】The United Kingdom (sometimes referred to as Britain) has a long and richhistory of human settlement. Traces of buildings, tools, and art can be foundfrom periods going back many thousands o

283、f years: from the Stone Age, throughthe Bronze Age, the Iron Age, the time of the Roman colonization, the MiddleAges, up to the beginnings of the industrial age. Yet from most of the twentiethcentury, the science of archaeology dedicated to uncovering and studying oldcultural artifacts was faced wit

284、h serious problems and limitations in Britain.英国(有的时候被称为不列颠)在人类居住建筑方面有久远丰富的历史。建筑、建筑工具以及建筑艺术的遗迹的历史可以追溯到数千年。从石器时代开始,历经青铜时代、铁器时代、罗马殖民时代、中世纪,一直到工业时代的初期。但是在 20 世纪的大部分时间里的英国,致力于挖掘和研究古代文化遗迹的考古学面临着严峻的问题和局限性。First, many valuable artifacts were lost to construction projects. The growthof Britains population,

285、especially from the 1950s on, spurred a lot of newconstruction in British cities, towns, and villages. While digging foundations fornew buildings, the builders often uncovered archaeologically valuable sites.Usually, however, they proceeded with the construction and did not preserve theartifacts. Ma

286、ny archaeologically precious artifacts were therefore destroyed.首先, 建筑工程破坏了很多有价值的估计。 从 1950 年以来愈加明显的人口增加导致了英国建筑业的迅猛发展,无论是在城市、乡镇还是村庄。在给新建筑打地基的时候,建筑者常常会挖掘到一些有价值的文物遗迹。然而,常常建筑工人会继续进行工作,而不是保护这些文物。很多很多珍贵的考古文物就因此遭到了破坏。Second,manyarchaeologistsfeltthatthefinancialsupportforarchaeological research are inadeq

287、uate. For most of the twentieth century,archaeology was funded mostly through government funds and grants, whichallowed archaeologists to investigate a handful of the most important sites butwhich left hundreds of other interesting projects without support. Furthermore,changing government priorities

288、 brought about periodic reductions in funding.第二,很多考古学家都感觉到考古学研究的经费不足。在二十世纪的大部分时间里, 考古的经费大多来自于政府的基金和拨款。 经费的不足导致考古学家只能研究很少了的最重要的遗迹,而数以千计的其他有意义的项目都缺乏经费。而且,政府预算优先权的改变也导致了经费的周期性减少。Third, it was difficult to have a career in archaeology. Archaeology jobs wereto be found at universities or with a few gove

289、rnment agencies, but there wereTOEFL 群:243745114;GRE 群:243745709;GMAT:243745864nevermanypositionsavailable.Manypeoplewhowantedtobecomearchaeologistsendeduppursuingothercareersandcontributingtoarchaeological research only as unpaid amateurs.第三, 考古事业难以为继。 只有在大学和很少数的政府部门才能找到考古学相关的工作。但是职位总是供不应求。很多想成为考古学

290、家的人都放弃了,选择了其他的领域,仅仅把考古学研究当做一个没有收益的业余爱好。阅读部分需要提取的观点是:Main point: 英国考古学的发展面临着严峻的问题和局限性Sub point 1: 建筑工程破坏考古遗迹Sub point 2: 考公项目缺乏资金支持Sub point 3: 考古学家的考古事业发展困难【听力材料】In 1990, new rules and guidelines were adopted in the United Kingdom thathas changed the whole field of Archaeology in that country. The n

291、ew guidelinesimproved the situation in all there areas discussed in the passage.在 1990 年,英国颁布了新的法规和指南,从而改变了英国整过考古学领域。新的指南改善了阅读部分提到的所有领域出现的问题。First, the new guidelines state that before any construction project can start,the construction site has to be examined by archaeologists to see whether thesit

292、e is of archaeological interest or value. If the site is of archaeological interest,the next step is for the builders, archaeologists and local government officials toget together and make a plan for preserving the archaeological artifacts, eitherby building around them or by excavating and document

293、ing them properlybefore the construction is allowed to proceed.首先, 新的指南要求所有建筑工程开工之前都要经由考古学家检查以确定该地是否有考古价值的遗迹。如果有考古价值,那么下一步就是建筑者、考古学家和当地政府的联合行都了。他们要在一起制定一个保护考古遗迹的计划。要么在周围的地方建房子,要么在开工之前把文物妥善地挖掘保存起来。Second, an important part of the new guidelines is a rule that anyarchaeological work done on the constr

294、uction site will be paid for by theconstruction company not by the government. The construction company has topay for the initial examination of the site, and then for all the work carried outunder the preservation plan. This is a whole new source of financial support. Thefunding from construction c

295、ompanies has allowed researchers to study a farTOEFL 群:243745114;GRE 群:243745709;GMAT:243745864greater range of archaeological sites than they could in the past.第二, 新指南很重要的一部分就是规定对于建筑工地的考古学检查的费用由建筑公司而不是政府支付。 建筑公司要为工地最初的检查付费, 同时随之而来的全部保存计划都由建筑公司付费。 这是一个全新的资金来源。 来自建筑公司的资金保证研究人员可以进行逼以往更为深入的考古研究。Last, t

296、he new guidelines provide a lot of paid work for archaeologists, workthat didnt exist before. Expert archaeologists are now hired at all stages of theprocess to examine the site for archaeological value, then to help draw up thepreservation plan to do the research in a professional scientific manner

297、 andfinally to process the date and write reports and articles. The increased job andcareer opportunities in Archaeology have increased the number of professionalarchaeologists in Britain, which is now the highest its ever been.最后,新的指南为考古学家提供了很多新的就业机会,而这在以前是不可能的。整过的考古研究过程都需要雇佣考古专家。 从检查地基的考古学价值, 然后帮助

298、制定符合专业科学研究的保护机会,到最后处理数据、撰写报告和文章,这些都需要考古学家。增加的考古类工作岗位和事业发展机会使得现在英国有了更多的专业考古学家, 而这是有史以来最多的时候。听力部分需要提取的观点是:Main point: 阅读中提到的所有问题都可以通过新的法规和指南加以解决Sub point 1: 开工之前让考古学家进行检查,可以避免建筑工程破坏考古遗迹Sub point 2: 考古费用由建筑公司承担Sub point 3: 整个考古过程会提供很多新的工作机会TOEFL 群:243745114;GRE 群:243745709;GMAT:243745864综合写作综合写作综合写作综合写

299、作 TPOTPOTPOTPO 解析十七解析十七解析十七解析十七【阅读材料】In the past century, the steady growth of the human population and thecorresponding increasing in agriculture and pesticide use have caused muchharm to wildlife in the United States birds in particular. Unfortunately for birds,these trends are likely to continue,

300、 with the result that the number of birds inthe United States will necessarily decline.在过去的一个世界, 人类数量的增加以及随之而来的农业生产的发展和杀虫剂的增加使得很多美国的野生动物受到了影响,而这种问题在鸟类上表现得更为明显。更加不幸的是,由于人口数量、 农业生产和杀虫剂使用的趋势不会改变, 美国的鸟类数量将会必然地随之下降。First, as human populations and settlements continue to expand, birdsnatural habitats will

301、 continue to disappear. Forests, wetlands, and grasslandswill give way to ever more homes, malls, and offices. As the traditional areassuitable for birds keep decreasing, so will the size of the birds populations thatdepend on those vanishing habitats.首先,随着人口数量和居住面积的不断扩张,鸟类天然的栖息地持续地减少。森林、 湿地和草原都变成的住

302、宅、商场和写字楼。随着那些传统的适宜鸟类栖息的地方持续减少, 失去赖以生存栖息地的鸟类,数量自然是减少的。Second, agricultural activities must increase to keep pace with the growinghuman population. The growth of agriculture will also result in the furtherdestruction of bird habitats as more and more wilderness areas are converted toagricultural use.

303、As a result, bird populations in rural areas will continue todecline.第二,为了能够满足增长的人口数量,农业活动也必须随之增加。农业的增加的代价是进一步破坏鸟类的栖息地,越来越多的荒地变成了农业用地。因而,鸟类在乡村的数量也随之持续减少。Third, as human settlements expand and agriculture increases, the use ofchemical pesticides will also increase. Pesticides are poisons designed to

304、killagricultural and home garden pests, such as insects, but inevitable, pesticidesget into the water and into the food chain for birds where they can harm birds.Birds that eat the poisoned insects or drink contaminated water can die as aresult, and even if pesticides do not kill birds outright, the

305、y can prevent themfrom reproducing successfully. So, pesticides have significantly contributed todeclines in bird population, and because there will continue to be a need toTOEFL 群:243745114;GRE 群:243745709;GMAT:243745864control agricultural pests in the future, this decline will continue.第三,随着人类居住地

306、的扩展和农业的发展,化学农药的使用也增加了。农药是用来杀死诸如昆虫之类的生长在农田或者菜园的害虫的有毒物质。 不可避免的是, 这些农药会进入水系和食物链,进而伤害鸟类。鸟类会吃被毒死的昆虫或者喝污染了的水。这样会导致鸟类的死亡,即便不会不会导致鸟类的立刻死亡,也会影响鸟类的繁殖。所以,杀虫剂会对鸟类的数量有非常严重的影响。同时,因为即便是在将来,还是需要杀虫剂来控制农业害虫, 所以,鸟类数量减少的趋势难以改变。阅读部分需要提取的观点是:Main point: 三个原因导致鸟类数量减少Sub point 1: 人类居住地的增加Sub point 2: 农业用地的增加Sub point 3: 杀虫

307、剂的使用【听力材料】The passage claims that there will be fewer and fewer birds, but thearguments used to support this claim are unconvincing.阅读文章声称鸟类的数量会越来越小,但是所使用的理由都是没有说服力的。First, its true that urban growth has been bad for some types of birds, buturban development actually provides better and larger habit

308、ats for other types.So much so, that city and suburban dwellers often complain about increasedbird populations seagulls at landfills, pigeons on the streets and so on. Evenbirds like hawks and falcons can now be found in cities, where they prey on theincreasing populations of pigeons and rodents. So

309、, its not going to be a story ofuniform decline of bird populations in the future. Some populations may shrink,but others will grow.首先, 确实城市的发展对于一些鸟类是不利的, 但是城市的发展事实上也为其他的鸟类提供了更大更好的栖息地。这样发展,城市的居民常常抱怨鸟类数量过多:堆填区的海鸥,大街上的鸽子,等等等等。甚至那些不常出现在城市里的鸟类,比如鹰类也出现在城市, 这是因为他们可以捕捉数量不断增加的鸽子和啮齿类动物。 所以, 将来不会是所有鸟类的数量都在减少。

310、有一些的数量在减少,但是其他的在增加。As for agriculture, its true that it too will increase in the future, but not inthe way assumed by the reading passage. The truth is, in the United States, lessand less land is being used for agriculture everyyear.Increases in agriculturalproduction have resulted from and will con

311、tinue to result from the introductionof new, more productive varieties of crops. These new crops produce more foodTOEFL 群:243745114;GRE 群:243745709;GMAT:243745864per unit of land, and as a result, theres no need to destroy wilderness areas.对于农业来说, 确实需求会越来越大, 但是农业的增长并不是以阅读所提及的方式实现的。在美国,实际上用在农业领域的土地每年

312、都在减少。农产品产量的增加是因为引进了新的、 产量更高的农作物品种, 而这种趋势将会持续。 这些新的农作物有更高的亩产量, 因而,就没有必要破坏原有荒地用作农耕了。And third, while its certainly true that traditional pesticides have beendestructive to birds, its incorrect to project this history into the future. Now that,people are aware of the possible consequences of traditiona

313、l pesticides, twochanges have occurred. First, new and much less toxic pesticides have beendeveloped, and thats important. Second, and perhaps more importantly, thereis a growing trend to develop more pest resistant crops, crops that aregenetically designed to be unattractive to pests. Pest resistan

314、t crops greatlyreduce the need for chemical pesticides, and best of all, pest resistant cropsdont harm birds at all.第三, 尽管传统的杀虫剂的确会给鸟类带来损害, 但是用过去推测未来的想法是站不住脚的。现在人们已经意识到了传统杀虫剂可能带来的危害,因而采取了两个措施。首先, 已经研究出了新型的、毒性更小的杀虫剂,这是很重要的一个改变。而第二点可能是更为重要的,就是现在正在研究能够抵抗虫害的作物。通过设计,使得农作物在基因上具有不吸引害虫的能力。抗虫害作物能够极大的减少对化学杀虫剂

315、的需求。更为重要的是,抗虫害作物对鸟类是完全无害的。听力部分需要提取的观点是:Main point: 阅读部分的主张是站不住脚的Sub point 1: 人类的居住地的扩张不会导致所有鸟类数量的下降,有的会增加Sub point 2: 因为新品种作物的种植,农业用地会越来越少Sub point 3: 新型杀虫剂的毒性变小,并且正在研制新型抗虫害作物,将来杀虫剂不会继续伤害鸟类TOEFL 群:243745114;GRE 群:243745709;GMAT:243745864综合写作综合写作综合写作综合写作 TPOTPOTPOTPO 解析十八解析十八解析十八解析十八【阅读材料】In the 1950

316、s TorreyaTaxifolia, a type of evergreen tree once very commonin the state of Florida started to die out. No one is sure exactly what caused thedecline, but chances are good that if nothing is done, Torreya will soon becomeextinct. Experts are considering three ways to address the decline of Torreya.

317、在佛罗里达州,佛罗里达香榧是一种非常常见的常绿乔木。从 1950 年代开始,佛罗里达香榧数量开始减少,并濒于灭绝。目前尚不清楚导致其濒危的确切原因,但是如果不采取任何行动的话,香榧很可能会灭绝。目前,专家们提出了三个方式去解决香榧数量下降。The first option is to reestablish Torreya in the same location in which itthrived for thousands of years. Torreya used to be found in abundance in thenorthern part of Florida, whi

318、ch has a specific microclimate. A microclimateexists when weather conditions inside a relatively small area differs from theregion of which that area is a part. Northern Floridas microclimate is veryfavorable to Torreyas growth. This microclimate is wetter and cooler than thesurrounding regions rela

319、tively dry, warm climate. Scientists have been workingto plant Torreya seeds in the coolest, dampest areas of the microclimate.第一个选择是把香榧重新种植在它们已经茂盛生长数千年的原生长地。 在拥有特殊微气候的北佛罗里达,香榧树曾经数量众多。所谓微气候是指在一片独立区域内,内部一小部分地区的气候状况同该区域有区别。 而被佛罗里达的微气候非常时候香榧的生长。 该地区同周围干热的气候不同, 是非常潮湿和凉爽的。 科学家计划在拥有最冷和最潮湿微气候的地区种植香榧。The se

320、cond option is to move Torreya to an entirely different location, farfrom its Florida microclimate. Torrey seeds and saplings have been successfullyplatedandgrowthinforestsfurthernorth,wherethetemperatureissignificantly cooler. Some scientists believe that Torreya probably thrived inareas much furth

321、er north in the distant past, so by relocating it now, in a processknown as assisted migration, humans would simply be helping Torreya return toan environment that is more suited to its survival.第二个选择是把香榧移植到完全不同的地区,该地区远离其原生的微气候。目前,香榧的种子和幼苗在佛罗里达州北部很远的地方可以生长, 那里相对来说冷很多。 有些科学家相信在离原生地很远的北方,香榧或许可以茂盛生长。所以

322、,如果现在进行辅助迁移,也就是说把香榧移到北方,那么人们可能就这么简单地帮助香榧重新找到适合它们生存的环境。The third option is to preserve Torreya in research centers. Seeds andsaplings can be moved from the wild and preserved in a closely monitoredTOEFL 群:243745114;GRE 群:243745709;GMAT:243745864environment where it will be easier for scientists both

323、to protect the species andconduct research on Torreya. This research can then be used to ensure thecontinued survival of the species.第三个选择是把香榧保存在研究中心。 把种子和幼苗从野外移植并保护在研究中心这样一个严格人工监视的环境里。这样,既方便科学家的保护该物种,同时也方便研究香榧。 而所进行的研究可以有助于该物种持续的存活发展。阅读部分需要提取的观点是:- Main point: 专家提出三种方法来解决香榧树数量减少、濒于灭绝的问题- Sub point

324、1: 在原地种植香榧树- Sub point 2: 把香榧移到比原生地往北的地方- Sub point 3: 把香榧移到研究中心【听力材料】Youve just read about three ways to save TorreyaTaxifolia. Unfortunately,none of these three options provides a satisfactory solution.你们刚刚听到了三种保护佛罗里达香榧树的方法。 很遗憾, 这三个方法都不能解决这个问题。About the first solution reestablishing Torreya in th

325、e same location thatsunlikely to be successful, because of whats happening to the coolest dampestareas withinTorreyas micro-climate. These areas are being strongly affected bychanges in the climate of the larger region. This could be because globalwarming has contributed to an increase in overall te

326、mperatures in the region orbecause wetlands throughout Florida have been drained. Either way, manyareas across the region are becoming dries, so its unlikely that Torrey wouldhave the conditions it needs to survive anywhere within its original Floridamicro-climate.先说第一个方法。 在原地种植香榧树是不可行的。 这是因为原来适合香榧生

327、长的湿冷微气候已经发生了变化。 这些地方的微气候受到了整个大区域气候变化的严重影响。 这可能是因为全球变暖导致了该地区整体温度的上升,也可能是因为整个佛罗里达地区的湿地变干。无论是那种原因, 该区域的很多地方都变得很干旱, 同原来香榧树生长的佛罗里达微气候已经不同。Now about the second solution, relocating Torreya far from where itcurrently grows. Well, lets look at what happened when humans helped anothertree, the black locust t

328、ree, move north to a new environment. When they didthis, some of these plants and trees were themselves already in danger ofTOEFL 群:243745114;GRE 群:243745709;GMAT:243745864becoming extinct.现在说一下第二个方法,就是把香榧种在远离它们原来生长地的区域。恩,让我们看看人类帮助另一种树的。人们把洋槐树向北移,移到了一个全新的环境。这么做了之后,当地一些本来已经濒危的植物或者树木因而灭绝了。Third, resea

329、rch centers are probably not a solution either. Thats becausethe population of Torreya trees that can be kept in the centers will probably notbe able to resist diseases. For a population of trees to survive a disease, it needsto be relatively large and it needs to be genetically diverse. Tree popula

330、tions inthe wild usually satisfy those criteria, but research centers would simply nothave enough capacity to keep a large and diverse population of Torreya trees.So, trees in such centers will not be capable of surviving diseases in the longterm.第三, 移到研究中心也不是一个有效的方法。 这是因为研究中心能够保护的香榧的数量不足以帮助香榧抵御病虫害。

331、 如果一种树木想要抵御病虫害, 就需要它的数量达到一定规模,并且具有基因多样性。 在野外生长的树木一般可以满足这些要求, 但是研究中心没有能力保护数量足够多,基因足够多样化的香榧树。所以,长期看来,这样的研究中心是不能保证香榧树抵抗病虫害的。听力部分需要提取的观点是:Main point: 三种方法都不能解决问题Sub point 1: 原有气候已经不适合香榧生长Sub point 2: 往北迁移可能会因生态入侵造成其他物种灭绝Sub point 3: 研究中心承载能力有限,不能确保香榧能抵抗病虫害。TOEFL 群:243745114;GRE 群:243745709;GMAT:24374586

332、4综合写作综合写作综合写作综合写作 TPOTPOTPOTPO 解析十九解析十九解析十九解析十九【阅读材料】Manyconsumersignorecommercialadvertisements.Inresponse,advertising companies have started using a new tactic, calling “buzzing.” Theadvertisers hire people buzzers who personally promote (buzz) products topeople they know or meet. The key part is

333、that the buzzers do not reveal thatthey are being paid to promote anything. They behave as though they were justspontaneously praising a product during normal conversation. Buzzing hasgenerated a lot of controversy, and many critics would like to see it banned.很多消费者都无视商业广告。为了应对这种情况,广告公司开始采取一种名为“托儿”的

334、新策略。广告公司雇佣托儿,让他们向他们认识的或者遇见的人推荐产品。这种策略的关键是托儿是会隐藏他们受雇佣来推荐产品这一事实的。 他们表现出他们只是在日常的交流中无意地推荐某种产品。 这种营销方式引来了很多争议, 而许多批评家希望能够禁止这种方式。First, the critics complain that consumers should know whether a personpraising a product is being paid to praise the product. Knowing this makes a bigdifference: we expect the

335、truth from people who we believe do not have anymotive for misleading us. But with buzzing what you hear is just paid advertising,which may well give a person incorrect information about the buzzed product.首先, 批评家认为消费者有权利知道向他推荐产品的人是否是有报酬的。 知道真相是很重要的。 我们预期真相的来源是那些我们相信他不会为任何原因误导我们的人。 但是你从托儿口里听到的宣传是付费的

336、广告,而这些宣传可能会给人提供错误的消息。Second, since buzzers pretend they are just private individuals, consumerslisten to their endorsement less critically than they should. With advertisementsin print or onTV,the consumer is on guard for questionable claims or emptydescriptions such as “new and improved.” But when

337、consumers do not knowthey are being lobbied, they may accept claims they would otherwise besuspicious of. This may suit the manufacturers, but it could really harmconsumers.第二,鉴于 托儿假装他们只是个人,消费者听到他们推荐的时候就不会像平常那样有辨别力了。 对于印刷品或者电视上的广告, 消费者会提防里面令人生疑的说法和诸如 “新款、升级”之类的空洞描述。但是当消费者不知道他们是被人游说的,他们可能会接受本来他们不会相信的

338、说法。这样可能满足了制造商的需求,但是却会对消费者带来伤害。And worst of all is the harmful effect that buzzing is likely to have on socialrelationships. Once we become aware that people we meet socially may bebuzzers with a hidden agenda, we will become less trustful of people in general.TOEFL 群:243745114;GRE 群:243745709;GMAT:2

339、43745864So, buzzing will result in the spread of mistrust and the expectation ofdishonesty.而最糟糕的是这种口碑营销的方式会破坏社会关系。 一旦我们知道了我们在社交中遇到的人是有这隐秘目的的托儿,我们会不在那么信任别人的。所以,口碑营销对导致不信任和不忠诚的蔓延。阅读部分需要提取的观点是:Main point: 口碑营销的方法问题种种,批评家希望取缔。Sub point 1: 口碑营销可能会提供错误的信息Sub point 2: 消费者容易信任口碑营销Sub point 3: 口碑营销可能会破坏社会关系【

340、听力材料】Hi, my name is Bill. I was talking your professor in the subway about thegreatest phone service I used. And it turned out we both interested in marketing,so he asked me to talk to the marketing class. You see I am a buzzer, part timeyou know. During the day, I am a student just like you. Now I

341、had read thatpiece of tacking buzzing, it is really misleading. How it described buzzing leadsout a lot and gives the wrong impression大家好,我是比尔。我刚才在地铁上跟你们教授谈论我用过的最好的电话服务,然后他让我来市场营销课堂上讲一讲。 大家知道我是一个兼职托儿。 在白天我跟你们一样是个学生。我看到了这个关于口碑营销的偏见的文章, 这是一种误导。 里面对于口碑营销的描述是错误的。First, it makes a sound that buzzing do n

342、ot tell the truth about the productsthey are buzzing. That is not true. How buzzing work is this:companies findpeople who use the product and who really think the product is good. So,buzzing is not like ordinary advertisement when an actress is paid to read somelines.Yes, I get pay for telling what

343、I think, but you get the truth from buzzers.I really do think my phone service is great. That is why the company hired me.首先, 文章中说口碑营销的过程中, 托儿对他们推销的产品的性能说谎。 这是不正确的。口碑营销的过程是这样的: 公司招募那些真的使用了他们产品, 并且真的觉得这些产品好的人。所以,口碑影响不像是传统广告那样,一个收受代言的女一人说出一些台词。是的, 我因为说出自己的真实想法而获得报酬, 但是你们也从托儿的口里得到了真实的信息。 我是真的认为我选择的电话服务

344、是非常棒的。而这,正是公司雇佣我的原因。Second, the reading makes it seem that when a buzzer talks to someone,the person believes whatever he hear from the buzzer. Not true. In fact, theTOEFL 群:243745114;GRE 群:243745709;GMAT:243745864opposite is true. People I talk to ask a lot of questions about the product I buzz,tha

345、ts about the price, service and how long I used the product. If I dont havethe answers, they wont buy the product.第二点,读者认为当一个托儿向别人推销的时候,这个人会相信托儿所说的一切。这也不是真的。事实与之恰恰相反。我所交谈过的人都会问很多关于我推销的产品的问题,比如价格、服务还有我使用的时间。如果我不能回答,他们就不会买这种产品。Finally, if you believe what you read, buzzing will destroy civilization. T

346、hatsstupid. If a product is bad, the company cannot recruit buzzers. So, what youget from a buzzer is not only sincere, it is likely to be about a good product. Ifyou try the phone service I use, you will get love it. So, people who try buzzedproducts are going to have good experience, so they will

347、end up being moretrustful and open to people.最后,如果你们相信您们读的这个材料,那么口碑营销是会破坏社会文明的。但是这种说法是愚蠢的。如果一个产品不好,那么公司就雇不到托儿。这样,你们从托儿口里听到的都是真的。他推销的却是是好产品。如果你们也试一试我用的电话舒服,你们也会喜欢的。所以,那些接受口碑营销建议的人都会有很好的用于体验,那么他们就会变得更信任别人,胸怀也更开放了。听力部分需要提取的观点是:Main point: 阅读部分对口碑营销的观点是错误的Sub point 1: 托儿在推销产品的时候不会说谎Sub point 2: 人们不会盲目信任

348、口碑营销Sub point 3: 口碑营销可以促进人与人之间的信任TOEFL 群:243745114;GRE 群:243745709;GMAT:243745864综合写作综合写作综合写作综合写作 TPOTPOTPOTPO 解析二十解析二十解析二十解析二十【阅读材料】In the United States, it had been common practice since the late 1960s notto suppress natural forest fires. The “let it burn” policy assumed that forest fireswould bur

349、n themselves out quickly, without causing much damage. However, inthe summer of 1988, forest fires in Yellowstone, the most famous national parkin the country, burned for more than two months and spread over a huge area,encompassing more than 800,000 acres. Because of the large scale of thedamage, m

350、any people called for replacing the “let it burn” policy with a policy ofextinguishing forest fires as soon as they appeared. Three kinds of damagecaused by the “let it burn” policy were emphasized by critics of the policy.在美国,从 1960 年代末开始就非常普遍地对森林大火采取不扑灭的策略。这种“随它燃烧”的策略认为森林大火可以在不造成太多损失的情况下迅速燃烧完。然后,1

351、988 年发生在美国最出名的黄石国家公园的森林大火却整整燃烧了两个月,蔓延了 80 万英亩。鉴于这次造成的巨大损失,很多人主张取消“随它燃烧”的策略,转而开始全力扑灭森林大火的策略。评论家们提供了三个由“随它燃烧”策略造成的损害来支持自己的观点。First, Yellowstone fires cause tremendous damage to the parks trees andothervegetation.Whenthefiresfinallydiedout,nearlyonethirdofYellowstones land had been scorched. Trees were

352、 charred and blackened fromflames and smoke. Smaller plants were entirely incinerated. What had been anational treasure now seemed like a devastated wasteland.首先,黄石大火给公园里的树木以及其他植物造成了巨大的损失。当火燃尽的时候, 黄石公园接近三分之一的面积已成焦土。火焰烧焦树木,浓烟熏黑树木。小型植物则被彻底烧成灰烬。当看到宝贵的国家财富成为一片荒地的时候,会是何种感觉?Second, the park wildlife was a

353、ffected as well. Large animals like deer andelk were seen fleeing the fire. Many smaller species were probably unable toescape. There was also concern than the destruction of habitats and thedisruption of food chains would make it impossible for the animals that survivedthe fire to return.第二,公园的野生动物

354、也遭到了伤害。像鹿或者麋鹿这些大型动物在火灾中都逃脱了,但是很多小型动物却不能逃脱。同时,大火还破坏了动物的栖息地并打乱了食物链,这使得当或在结束之后,逃离的动物也无法回来栖息于此。Third, the fires compromised the value of the park as a tourist attraction,which in turn had negative consequences for the local economy. With severalthousand acres of the park engulfed in flames, the tourist

355、season was cut short,TOEFL 群:243745114;GRE 群:243745709;GMAT:243745864and a large number of visitors decided to stay away. Of course, local businessesthat depended on park visitors suffered as a result.第三,火灾会降低公园对游客的吸引力,进而对当地的经济造成不良的影响。由于数千英亩的土地被火焰吞没,旅游旺季缩短了,而很多游客都会选择放弃游览黄石公园。当地的经济对于旅游业依赖很大,自然会受到负面影响

356、。阅读部分需要提取的观点是:Main point: 专家主张废除“随它燃烧”的策略Sub point 1: 会对国家公园的植物造成伤害Sub point 2: 会对国家公园的动物造成伤害Sub point 3: 火灾会降低公园对游客的吸引力【听力材料】Actually, fires are natural part of ecological cycle and their role is not justdestructive but also creative. That is why the “let it burn” policy is fundamentallya good one,

357、 even if it sometimes causes fires of the 1988 Yellowstone fire. Letslook at what happened after 1988 fire.事实上,森林大火是生态系统的组成部分,而且大火的角色不仅仅是破坏性的,同时也是建设性的。这就是为什么“随它燃烧”政策基本上是正确的,尽管它导致了 1988 年黄石大火。让我们看看 1988 大火之后发生了什么。First, vegetation. As you might imagine, scorched areas were in timecolonized by new pla

358、nts. As a matter of fact, the plants in Yellowstone becamemore diverse because the fire created an opportunity for certain plants thatcould not grow otherwise. For example, areas where the trees have beendestroyed by the fire could now be taken over by smaller plants that neededopen and shaded space

359、 to grow. And another example, seeds of certain plantsspecies wont germinate unless theyre exposed to very high levels of heat. So,those plants started appearing after the fire as well.首先,对于植物来说。你们可以想到,那些烧焦的地方随着时间的发展都会被新的植物覆盖。而且事实上,因为大火给一些本来难以生长的种类得以发芽,黄石的植物因此变得更具多样性。比如,原来长满树木的地方因为火灾遭到破坏,但现在那里长满了需要开

360、阔而阴凉空间的小型植物。 另一个例子是, 一些植物的种子只有经受过非常高的温度之后才能够发芽。所以,这些植物会在大火之后开始生长。Its a similar story with the animals. Not only did their populations recover,but the fire also created new opportunities. For instance, the small plants thatreplaced trees after the fire created an ideal habitat for certain small anima

361、lsTOEFL 群:243745114;GRE 群:243745709;GMAT:243745864like rabbits and hares. And when rabbits and hares started thriving, so did somepredators that depended on them for food. So, certain food chains actuallybecame stronger after the fire than they were before.动物的情况也类似。 不但动物的数量会逐步回复, 而且大火会给动物的生长带来新的机会。比

362、如,那些在火灾之后取代原有树木的小型植物给一些小型动物提供了极佳的栖息地,比如兔子。当兔子的数量开始变多,那么以它们为食的捕食者的数量也会增加。所以,大火过后,相应的食物链会变得比之前更加稳定。And last, fires like 1988 Yellowstone fire would be a problem for tourism ifthey happened everyyear.But they dont. It was a very unusual combination offactors thatyear,low rainfall, unusually strong wind

363、s, accumulation of dryundergrowth that caused fire to be so massive. This combination has notoccurred since and Yellowstone has not seen such a fire since 1988. Visitorscame back to the park next year and each year after that.最后,只要 1988 年的黄石大火不是每年都发生,那么就不会对旅游业造成巨大问题。而事实上, 也确实不会每年发生。 大火的发生是在那一年诸多因素和偶

364、然的相互作用。 比如,降水少、罕见的大风,以及干燥的低层植被的聚集导致了那次大火规模空前。但是这些因素没有再次聚合, 而黄石公园自 1988 年开始也没有出现过这样规模的火灾。 游客在大火第二年的时候就会恢复,而且这种趋势会保持下去。听力部分需要提取的观点是:Main point: “随它燃烧”政策基本上是正确的Sub point 1: 植物会在大火之后恢复而且生长的更好Sub point 2: 动物也会在大火之后恢复,食物链会更加稳定Sub point 3: 只有每年都发生火灾才会影响当地旅游业,但是从 1988 年后再也没有发生TOEFL 群:243745114;GRE 群:2437457

365、09;GMAT:243745864综合写作综合写作综合写作综合写作 TPOTPOTPOTPO 解析二十一解析二十一解析二十一解析二十一【阅读材料】Genetic modification, a process used to change an organisms genes andhence its characteristics, is not being used to improve trees. Through geneticmodification, it is possible to create trees that produce more fruit, grow faste

366、r,or withstand adverse conditions. Planting genetically modified trees on a largescale promises to bring a number of benefits.基因改良是通过改变有机体的基因, 进而改变其性状的过程。 目前还没有用来改良树木。通过基因改良,可能创造出具有产量高、生长快、抗逆强特点的树木。很大程度上,种植基因改良树木可以带来诸多益处。First, genetically modified trees are designed to be hardier than nature trees;

367、that it, they are more likely to survive than their unmodified counterparts. InHawaii, for example, a new pest-resistant species of papaya tree has beendeveloped in response to ring-spot virus infections that have repeatedlydamaged the native papaya-tree population. Planting the genetically modified

368、papayas has largely put an end to the ring-spot problem.首先,基因改良树木设计得比天然树木更能承受不良环境。也就是说,相对于它们没有改良的同类,它们更易存活。比如,在夏威夷有一种新的抗虫害的番木瓜树。这种树可以抵抗环斑病毒的感染, 而正是这种环斑病毒常常会降低当地番木瓜树的数量。 种植这种基因改良的番木瓜可以很大程度上解决环斑病毒的问题。Moreover, genetically modified trees promise to bring a number of economicbenefits to those who grow t

369、hem. Genetically modified trees tend to grow faster,give greater yields of food, fruit, or other products and be hardier. Thisallows tree farmers to get faster and greater returns on their farminginvestment and save on pesticides as well.而且, 基因改良的树木据信可以给种植者带来巨大的经济利益。 基因改良的树木基因改良更快。同时,产量更高,也就是说可以获得更多

370、的粮食、水果以及其他产品。而且,这些树木抗逆性更好。 这样就能是的弄明可以更多而且更多地收回投资, 同时节约杀虫剂的花费。Finally, the use of genetically modified trees can prevent overexploitation ofwild trees. Because of the growing demand for firewood or building timber,many forests around the world are being cut down faster than they can bereplaced. Intro

371、ducing genetically modified trees designed for fast growth andhigh yield in given geographic conditions would satisfy the demand for wood inmany of those areas and save the endangered native trees, which often includeunique or rare species.TOEFL 群:243745114;GRE 群:243745709;GMAT:243745864最后, 种植基因改良树木

372、可以减少对野生树木的过度开发。 由于对于木柴和建筑木材的越来越大,世界上森林砍伐的速度超过了再生速度。引入在相同地里条件下生长更快、产量更大的改良树木可以很多地方对于木材的需求, 这样可以保护那些独特而稀少的濒危野生树种。阅读部分需要提取的观点是:Main point: 基因改良树木优点很多Sub point 1: 可以抵御病虫害Sub point 2: 可以提高农民的收入Sub point 3: 可以保护天然森林【听力材料】Sure, there is benefit to planting genetically modified trees, but are thesetrees rea

373、lly as great as they first sound? When you examine the subjects closely,there are some serious problems and causes associated with the using ofgenetic modified trees.当然, 种植基因改良树木是有好处的, 但是真的有利到可以作为首选作物吗?当你仔细审视这些理由的时候,就会发现基因改良树木会带来一些严重的问题。First, genetically modified trees may be resistant to one parti

374、cular condition,but it doesnt necessarily ensure their survival. You see: a typical non-modifiedtree population is genetically diverse. That means that for most threateningconditions, for climate, insects, and pests, whatever, there will be at least someindividual trees of any given species tree tha

375、t are resistant. So, even if the mostof one kind of tree were killed, those few resistant ones will survive and ensurethe survival of that species of tree. But, genetically modified trees aregenetically much more uniform, so if there is supposed to an environmentalchallenge they have not been design

376、edfor,they will all die. So, if the climatechanges or new pest engages in, the genetically modified trees will likely becompletely wagged out.首先,基因改良树木可能对某种特定问题有抵抗力,但是这却不足以保证它们的生存。你看,非基因改良的树木种群是具有基因多样性的。这就意味着无论何种树木,即便是在遭遇极端气候灾害或者虫害的情况下,都至少有部分个体对灾害有抵抗能力。所以,即便种群中的大多数都死亡了, 那么少数有抵抗力的存活下来也能保证这个种群的延续。 但是对

377、于基因改良树木基因是一直的, 所以当他们受到他们基因设计里不能低于的环境挑战时, 他们会全部死亡。所以,当气候发生变化或者有新的害虫出现,那么基因改良树木就将全部死亡。That is the second point. There are hidden causes associated with theTOEFL 群:243745114;GRE 群:243745709;GMAT:243745864growing genetically modified trees. You see, the company that geneticallymodified tree can charge t

378、ree farmers much more for its seeds than unmodifiedtree seeds would cost. Also, after youve grown the tree, you can not just collectthe seeds and plant the new tree for free. By law, you have to pay the companyevery time you plant.现在说第二点。在基因改良树木的生长过程中伴随着一些隐含问题。你看,公司都是以高于天然种子很多的价格向农民出售基因改良树木种子的。 同时,

379、你现在不能再每年收获之后收集种子, 然后来年免费再种了。 因为根据法律规定, 你每年都必须向种子公司支付费用。And finally, genetically modified trees might actually cause even moredamage to the local wild trees. You see, genetically modified trees often growmore aggressively than natural trees do. And genetically modified trees aretypically planted amon

380、g natural trees. As a result, the genetically modified treesout compete the native trees for resources: sunlight, soil nutrition and water.Eventually, crowd out the nature trees.最后,基因改良树木可能会对本土野生树木造成更多的损害。你看,基因改良树木相对于天然树木生长的更为迅猛。而且,基因改良树木一般来说跟天然树木是共同生长的。那么结果就是,基因改良树木会抢占天然树木的资源,诸如阳光、土壤和水等。慢慢地,基因改良树木就

381、会挤走天然树木。听力笔记内容:Main point: 优点之中都存在问题Sub point one: 如果遇到不能抵御的病虫害,可能会全部死亡Sub point two: 会增加农民的成本,因为种子公司有权每年收费Sub point three: 会损害天然森林,因为会争夺自然资源TOEFL 群:243745114;GRE 群:243745709;GMAT:243745864综合写作综合写作综合写作综合写作 TPOTPOTPOTPO 解析二十二解析二十二解析二十二解析二十二【阅读材料】Ethanol fuel, made from plants such as corn and sugar c

382、ane, has beenadvocated by some people as an alternative to gasoline in the United States.However, many critics argue that ethanol is not a good replacement for gasolinefor several reasons.乙醇燃料是从玉米或者甘蔗之类的植物中提取的。 在美国, 一些人提倡使用乙醇燃料来代替汽油。然而,很多评论家认为一些原因使得乙醇燃料不是良好的汽油替代品。First, the increased use of ethanol

383、fuel would not help to solve one of thebiggest environmental problems caused by gasoline use: global warming. Likegasoline, ethanol releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere when it is burnedfor fuel, and carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas: it helps trap heat in theatmosphere. Thus, ethanol offers

384、 no environmental advantage over gasoline.首先, 使用汽油带来的最大的问题之一是全球变暖, 而对于乙醇燃料使用的增加并不能解决这个问题。同汽油一样,乙醇燃烧后向大气释放二氧化碳,而二氧化碳是温室气体。 它会保持大气层内的温度。因而,相对于汽油来说,乙醇并没有环保优势。Second, the production of significant amounts of ethanol would dramaticallyreduce the amount of plants available for uses other than fuel. For ex

385、ample,much of the corn now grown in the United States is used to feed farm animalssuch as cows and chickens. It is estimated that if ethanol were used to satisfyjust 10 percent of the fuel needs in the United States, more than 60 percent ofthe corn currently grown in the United States would have to

386、be used to produceethanol. If most of the corn were used to produce ethanol, a substantial sourceof food for animals would disappear.第二,乙醇产品的大量增加会导致用于其他目的作物数量减少。比如,在美国很多的玉米都是用来作动物饲料来喂养牛和鸡。 可以推测, 如果乙醇只满足美国对燃料需要的 10%,那么美国就要用现在玉米产量的 60%用来制造乙醇燃料。如果把玉米产量的大部分用来生产乙醇燃料的话,那么家畜主要的食物来源就不复存在了。Third, ethanol fue

387、l will never be able to compete with gasoline on price.Although the prices of ethanol and gasoline for the consumer are currentlyabout the same, this is only because of the help in the form of tax subsidiesgiven to ethanol producers by the United States government. These taxsubsidies have cost the U

388、nited States government over $11 billion in the past 30years. If the United States government were to stop helping the producers inthis way, the price of ethanol would increase greatly.TOEFL 群:243745114;GRE 群:243745709;GMAT:243745864第三,乙醇燃料燃料在价格上永远无法与汽油竞争。虽然目前对消费者来说,乙醇燃料和汽油的相差无几, 但是只是因为美国政府以税收补贴的形式补

389、助乙醇燃料制造商。 这个税收补贴在过去的三十年花掉了美国政府 110 亿美元。如果美国政府停止以这种形式帮助制造商,那么乙醇燃料的价格会大幅升高。阅读部分需要提取的观点是:Main point: 乙醇燃料无法替代汽油Sub point 1: 燃烧乙醇燃料会排放二氧化碳,造成全球变暖Sub point 2: 制造乙醇燃料导致畜牧业缺乏饲料Sub point 3: 乙醇价格过高,依赖政府补贴【听力材料】Ethanol actually is a good alternative to gasoline although you just readthree reasons why it is no

390、t a good alternative. Not one of these three reasons isconvincing.虽然阅读部分说乙醇燃料不是汽油很好的代替品,但是事实上是可以很好代替汽油的。阅读部分给出的三个理由都是没有说服力的。First, the increased use of ethanol will not add to global warming. It is truethat when ethanol is burned, it releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Butas you read, ethan

391、ol was often made from plants such as corn. Well, the processof growing the plants counteracts this release of carbon dioxide. Let me explain.Every growing plant absorbs carbon dioxide from the air as a part of its nutrition.So, growing plants for ethanol production actually removes carbon dioxide f

392、romthe atmosphere.首先,提高对乙醇燃料的使用不会导致全球变暖。诚然,燃烧乙醇燃料的时候是会向空气中排放二氧化碳。但是,就像在阅读部分看到的,通常来说乙醇燃料是由玉米之类的作物制造的。恩,这些作物生长的过程中可以抵消掉乙醇燃料燃烧所释放的二氧化碳的。我来解释一下。所有作物在生长的过程中都会吸收空气中的二氧化碳作为养料。所以,为制造乙醇燃料而种植的作物事实上可以吸收乙醇燃料排放到空气中的二氧化碳。Second, large scale production of ethanol does not have to reduce thesource of food for anima

393、ls. That is because we can produce ethanol usingcellulose. Cellulose is the main component of plants cell walls, and you findmost cellulose in those parts of plants that are not eaten by animals. So, sincewe can produce ethanol from the plant parts that are not eaten, the amount ofanimals feed that

394、is available will not be reduced.第二, 大量生产乙醇燃料不会减少畜牧业的饲料供应。 这是因为我们用纤维素制造乙醇TOEFL 群:243745114;GRE 群:243745709;GMAT:243745864燃料。 纤维素是植物细胞壁的主要组成成分, 而且多数作物富含纤维素的部分都是家畜不食用的。所以,鉴于我们是使用家畜不食用的部分来制造乙醇燃料的,那么家畜可使用的饲料不会减少。Third, in the future, ethanol will be able to compete with gasoline in term ofprice. It is t

395、rue that the government subsidies make up ethanol is cheaper thanit would normally be, but this support would not always be needed. Onceenough people start buying ethanol, ethanol producers will increase theirproduction of ethanol. Generally, increased production of a product leads to adrop in its p

396、rice, so the price of ethanol will go down as more of it becomesavailable. Study shows that if ethanol production could be three times greaterthan it is now, the cost of producing a unit of ethanol would drop by fortypercent.第三,在未来,乙醇燃料可以在价格上同汽油竞争的。确实,现在政府的补贴政策使得乙醇燃料的价格比实际要低, 但是这样的补贴政策不需要一直存在。 一点有足够

397、多的人购买乙醇燃料燃料,那么乙醇燃料燃料的制造商将会更多地生产。一般来说,对某产品的生产增多会导致价格下降,所以当乙醇燃料燃料的产量增加之后,价格也会随之下降。研究表明如果乙醇燃料燃料产品的产量增加三倍,那么每个单位乙醇燃料燃料的价格将会下降 40%。听力笔记内容:Main point: 三个理由都没有说服力Sub point one: 乙醇燃料虽然会产生二氧化碳, 但是制造乙醇燃料的作物在生长的过程中会吸收二氧化碳Sub point two: 生产乙醇燃料使用的是动物不食用的部分,不会影响动物的饲料供应Sub point three: 乙醇燃料的价格会在使用量增大后下降TOEFL 群:243

398、745114;GRE 群:243745709;GMAT:243745864综合写作综合写作综合写作综合写作 TPOTPOTPOTPO 解析二十三解析二十三解析二十三解析二十三【阅读材料】Populations of the yellow cedar, a species of tree that is common innorthwestern North America, have been steadily declining for more than acentury now, since about 1880. Scientists have advanced several hyp

399、otheses toexplain this decline.黄杉是北美西北部常见的树木。 但是从 1880 年开始的一个多世纪以来, 黄杉的数量在逐渐减少。目前,科学家提出了几个假说来解释黄杉数量的下降。One hypothesis is that the yellow cedar decline may be caused by insectparasites, specifically the cedar bark beetle. This beetle is known to attack cedartrees; the beetle larvae eat the wood. Ther

400、e have been recorded instances ofsustained beetle attacks overwhelming and killing yellow cedars, so this insectis a good candidate for the cause of the trees decline.其中一个假说认为黄杉数量下降是由以衫皮甲虫为代表的寄生害虫导致。 这种甲虫据了解是以杉树皮为食, 而其幼虫则以木质部分为食。 史上不乏对于甲虫侵蚀和导致黄杉大量死亡的记录。因为,这种甲虫很可能是黄杉数量减少的原因。Asecondhypothesisattribute

401、sthedeclinetobrownbears.Bearssometimes claw at the cedars in order to eat the tree bark, which has a highsugar content. In fact, the cedar bark can contain as much sugar as the wildberries that are a staple of the bears diet. Although the bears clawing isunlikely to destroy trees by itself, their ag

402、gressive feeding habits may criticallyweaken enough trees to be responsible for the decline.第二种假说认为是棕熊导致了黄杉数量的减少。熊有时会扒下黄杉的树皮用以食用, 因为黄杉树皮还有很高的糖分。 事实上, 黄杉树皮的含糖量同棕熊主要使用的野生浆果相差无几。 虽然棕熊扒树皮的行为不会直接导致黄杉的死亡, 但是它们这种破坏性的觅食行为却因为降低了树木的生命力,而间接导致黄杉数量的减少。The third hypothesis states that gradual changes of climate m

403、ay be toblame. Over the last hundred years, the patterns of seasonal as well asday-to-day temperatures have changed in northwestern North America. Thesechanges have affected the root systems of the yellow cedar trees: the finesurface roots now start growing in the late winter rather than in the earl

404、y spring.The change in the timing of root growth may have significant consequences.Growing roots are sensitive and are therefore likely to suffer damage frompartial freezing on cold winter nights. This frozen root damage may be capableof undermining the health of the whole tree, eventually killing i

405、t.TOEFL 群:243745114;GRE 群:243745709;GMAT:243745864第三个假说是气候的缓慢变化导致了黄杉数量的减少。 在过去的一百年里, 在北美西北部, 无论是季节性的气候更替还是每天的气温调节都发生了变化。 这些变化对黄杉根系产生了影响。以前,黄杉的表面细根是初春开始生长的;而现在却在晚冬就开始生长。根系生长时间的变化可能会造成非常严重的后果。 新生的根系都非常敏感, 因而非常容易因为冬季夜晚部分结冰的温度受到损害。 这种根系冻伤现象可能会导致整个树木健康状况下降, 并逐渐导致死亡。阅读部分需要提取的观点是:Main point: 有三个假说解释黄杉数量减少S

406、ub point 1: 杉皮甲虫的侵蚀Sub point 2: 棕熊的破坏Sub point 3: 气候变化对根系的影响【听力材料】Unfortunately,we still do not know what is killing the yellow cedar. None ofthe explanations discussed in the reading is adequate.很遗憾, 我们还是不知道是什么导致了黄杉的死亡。 阅读部分没有一个假说可以解释其数量减少。First, the cedar bark beetle. Well, the problem with this e

407、xplanation is thesehealthy yellow cedars are generally much more resistant to insect infection thanother tree species. For example, the bark and leaves of the yellow cedars areconcentrated with powerful chemicals that are poisonous to insects. So, healthycedars are unlikely to suffer from the insect

408、 damage. So, how can we explainthose dead cedars that were infected with beetles? In those cases, the beetlesattacked trees that were already damaged or sick and what probably dead anyway. So, the beetles are not the fundamental cause responsible for the declineof the yellow cedars.首先是杉皮甲虫假说。 这个解释的问

409、题在于黄杉相对于其他树种来说其实有更强的抵御害虫侵袭的能力。 比如, 黄杉的树皮和叶子上聚集着一些对于昆虫来说有毒的的强力化学物质。所以,健康的黄杉是不会受到害虫损害的。那么,我们该如何解释那些因为甲虫侵袭而死亡的黄杉呢?这种情况是因为甲虫侵袭的是已经受损或者患病的黄杉, 这些黄杉没有甲虫也会死去。所以,甲虫的入侵不是黄杉数量下降的重要因素。Second, although bears damage some trees, they are not the cause of theover all population decline. Yellow cedars population has

410、 been declining allacross the northwestern coast of North America, both on the mainland and onthe islands just off the coast. There are no bears on the islands, yet the islandsTOEFL 群:243745114;GRE 群:243745709;GMAT:243745864cedars are still in decline. Since the decline occurs with and without bears

411、, thebears can not be responsible.第二,虽然熊破坏一些树木,但是他们却不是整个黄杉种群数量下降的原因。在北美西北部整个海岸线上的黄杉数量都在下降, 不管是在大陆还是在离岸的岛屿上。 而在那些岛屿上是没有熊的,而黄杉的数量却依然减少。因为无论有无熊黄杉数量都在减少,所以熊不回事数量减少的原因。And finally, the theory about root suffering from frozen damage. Well, thereading passage forgot to take one fact into account. Many more

412、 trees are dyingin the lower elevations where it is warmer than in the higher elevations where itis cold. If freezing damage were responsible for the decline, we would expect tosee more trees die in the cold weather of the high elevations. Instead, moretrees die in the relative warm of the low eleva

413、tions. So, although the climatechange may have made the cedar roots more sensitive then they used to be,this is not what killed them.最后是根系因低温损害假说。 恩, 阅读部分忘掉了一个事实, 那就是在温暖的海拔低处,黄杉死亡数量比相对寒冷的高海拔地区要多。 如果低温损害是数量减少的原因, 那么我们可以推理在寒冷的高海拔地区树木死亡的要多。 然而事实相反, 温暖的低海拔地区死亡的数量更多。 所以, 虽然气候的改变让黄杉根系变得比过去更加铭感, 但是这不是他们死亡的

414、原因。听力笔记内容:Main point: 三个假说都不成立Sub point one: 杉皮甲虫不能侵蚀健康树木,可以侵害的树木本身就已经有问题Sub point two: 在没有棕熊的岛屿上黄杉数量也减少了,所以不是棕熊造成的Sub point three: 因为气温高的地海拔地区死亡的多,气温低的高海拔地区死亡的少,因此低温损害说不成立。TOEFL 群:243745114;GRE 群:243745709;GMAT:243745864综合写作综合写作综合写作综合写作 TPOTPOTPOTPO 解析二十四解析二十四解析二十四解析二十四【阅读材料】Animal fossils usually

415、provide very little opportunity to study the actualanimal tissues because in fossils the animals living tissues have been largelyreplaced by minerals. Thus, scientists were very excited recently when itappeared that a 70-million-year-old fossil of Tyrannosaurus rex(T.rex), adinosaur, might still con

416、tain remains of the actual tissues of the animal. Thediscovery was made when researchers deliberately broke open theT.rexs legbone, thereby exposing its insides to reveal materials that seem to be remainsof blood vessels, red blood cells, and collagen matrix.动物化石很难帮助人们研究动物的软组织, 这是因为化石里面的动物活性组织大部分都被矿

417、物质代替了。最近,发现一个 7 千万年前的霸王龙化石中可能存在真正的动物软组织。这令科学家们非常兴奋。 科学家小心翼翼地打开了霸王龙腿骨的时候, 发现里面存在着可能为血管、血红细胞和胶原蛋白基质的物质。First, the breaking of the fossilized leg bone revealed many small branchingchannels inside, which probably correspond to hollows in the bones where bloodvessels were once located. The exciting findi

418、ng was the presence of a soft,flexible organic substance inside the channels. This soft substance may verywell represent the remains of the actual blood vessels ofT.rex.首先,打开腿骨化石之后,科学家发现了内部有一些管状分支,这些管状分支可能是骨内血管存在的地方。 令人兴奋的是在这些管状分支中存在着柔软的有机物质。 这些柔软的物质可能是霸王龙真正血管的遗留痕迹。Second, microscopic examination of

419、 the various parts of the inner bonerevealed the presence of spheres that could be the remains of red blood cells.Tests showed that the spheres contained iron a material vital to the role of redblood cells in transporting oxygen to tissues. Moreover, the spheres had darkred centers (substances with

420、iron tend to be reddish in color) and were alsoabout the size of red blood cells.第二, 通过显微镜对骨内部多处进行详细检查之后发现了一些可能是血红细胞化石的球状体。 检测发现这些球状体里面还有铁, 而铁在血红细胞往组织内输送氧气的过程中扮演重要角色。而且,这些球状体中间呈红色,而含有铁元素的物质往往是红色的,同时这些球状体的大小也符合血红细胞。Third, scientists performed a test on the dinosaur leg bone that showed thatit contain

421、ed collagen. Collagen is a fibrous protein that is a main component ofliving bone tissue, in which it forms a so-called collagen matrix. Collagen (or itsTOEFL 群:243745114;GRE 群:243745709;GMAT:243745864chemical derivatives) is exactly the kind of biochemical material that one wouldexpect to find in a

422、ssociation with bone tissue.第三, 科学家的测试发现这个恐龙腿骨化石中还有胶原蛋白。 胶原蛋白是一种纤维化蛋白质,是生物骨组织的重要组成部分,以胶原蛋白基质的形式存在。胶原蛋白或者其衍生物是一种存在于骨骼软组织中的生化物质。阅读部分需要提取的观点是:Main point: 科学家在研究霸王龙腿骨化石的时候,发现里面存在着可能为血管、血红细胞和胶原蛋白基质的物质。Sub point 1: 化石中有血管Sub point 2: 化石中有血红细胞Sub point 3: 化石中有胶原蛋白【听力材料】As much as we would like to have the

423、remains of actual dinosaur tissue,there are sound reasons for being skeptical of the identifications made in thereading.尽管我们都希望这些化石是真正的恐龙组织, 但是还是有一些很有说服力的理由让我们怀疑阅读部分的发现。First, the soft, flexible substance inside the bone channels isnt necessarilythe remains of blood vessels. It is much more likely t

424、o be something else. Likewhat? You might say. Well, long after an organism is died, bacteria sometimescolonize hollows, empty areas in bones, like the channels that once held bloodvessels. When bacteria lived inside bones, they often leave behind traces oforganic material. What the researchers in th

425、e reading are identifying as bloodvessels might just be traces of soft and moist residue left by bacteria colonies.首先, 骨管内柔软而有延展性的物质不一定就是血管的化石。 它更大的可能性是别的东西。那是什么呢?你们可能会问。恩,在有机体死亡很久之后,细菌可能会聚集在骨骼里的空洞的地方,比如那些曾经是血管存在的地方。当细菌在骨骼内部繁殖后,细菌常常会留下有机物质的痕迹。 在阅读部分, 研究人员鉴定为血管的物质很可能就是细菌繁殖后留下的湿软残渣的痕迹。All right. What

426、about the iron-filled spheres? Well, the problem is thatscientists found identical reddish spheres in fossils of other animals found in thesame place. That includes fossils of primitive animals that did not have any redblood cells when they were alive. Clearly, if these spheres appear in organismsth

427、at did not have any red blood cells, then the spheres cannot be the remains ofTOEFL 群:243745114;GRE 群:243745709;GMAT:243745864red blood cells. The spheres probably have a very different origin. They areprobably just pieces of reddish mineral.恩, 那么那些含铁的球状体呢?问题在于科学家们在同一个地方发现了其他还有动物的还有红色球状体的化石。 这些化石中有的

428、是属于一些活着的时候没有任何血红细胞的低等动物。显然,如果这些球状体出现在那些没有任何血红细胞的动物化石组织里的话,那么这些球状物就不可能是血红细胞的残留物。 这些球状体可能有完全不同的来源。 它们可能只是一些红色矿物质颗粒。Third, the collagen. The problem is that we have never found collagen inanimal remains that are older than one hundred thousand years. Collagenprobably cannot last longer than that. Findi

429、ng collagen from an animal that livedseventy million years ago would really contradict our ideas about how longcollagen can last. It is just too improbable. The most likely explanation for thepresence of collagen is that it doesnt come from the T.rex, but from anothermuch more recent source. For exa

430、mple, human skin contains collagen, so thecollagen may have come from the skin of the researchers who are handling thebone.第三,胶原蛋白。问题在于我们从来没有在超过十万年的动物化石中发现胶原蛋白。 胶原蛋白可能不能存在超过一万年。 在生活在七千万年前的动物化石里发现胶原蛋白是同我们对于胶原蛋白存在时间的认识相矛盾的。 这种可能性太低了。 最为合理的解释是这些胶原蛋白不是来自于霸王龙, 而是来自于其他的, 更近的来源。 比如, 人类的皮肤中还有胶原蛋白,所以这些胶原蛋白可能来自于那些处理化石的研究人员的皮肤。听力部分需要提取的观点是:Main point: 阅读部分的发现是值得怀疑的Sub point 1: 细菌会侵袭死亡有机体,研究人员鉴定为血管的部分可能是细菌的遗迹Sub point 2: 含铁红色球状物在其他没有血红细胞的动物化石中也有发现,可能是矿物颗粒Sub point 3: 胶原蛋白不可能存在那么长时间,很可能来自于研究人员



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