沙茶牛肉片(10 人份)

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《沙茶牛肉片(10 人份)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《沙茶牛肉片(10 人份)(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 1沙茶牛肉片(沙茶牛肉片(10 人份) 人份) 材料材料 Weight Frozen beef (thigh, sliced) 冰冻牛腿肉(切片) 800 g Celery or radish (sliced) 西芹或白萝卜(切片) 600 g Onion (grinded finely) 洋葱末 15 g Garlic (grinded finely) 蒜茸末 15 g Ginger (grinded finely) 姜末 15 g Red chili (grinded finely) 红辣椒末 15 g 调味料 Sha cha sauce 沙茶酱 1 tablespoon Light s

2、oy sauce 生抽 1 tablespoon Sugar 糖 1 Teaspoon Vinegar (a little, for tasting)醋(少许) Cooking wine 酒 2 Teaspoon Corn Starch 生粉(少许) Stock 鲜汤 bowl Method: 1. Heat the wok, add in an adequate amount of cooking oil and add in the sliced beef then some light soy sauce and corn starch. When the beef is medium

3、well cooked, take out and remove excess oil 2. leave some cooking oil in the wok, add in the celery (or radish), onion, garlic, ginger and red chili (all grinded finely) to fry until the celery is cooked thoroughly. Add in seasonings; add in the sliced beef to fry. Thicken the sauce and pour over so

4、me fragrant oil to serve 做法: 做法: 1. 先将锅烧热下油,牛肉片放入再加入少许生抽、生粉拌匀。入六成热油中拉 油至八分熟后倒出 2. 原锅留油少许,投入西芹(或白萝卜)、洋葱末、蒜茸末、姜末红和辣椒末 等食材炒均匀至西芹熟后,先入调味料,调解均匀后倒入牛肉片炒片刻,然 后勾芡淋香油即可 *沙茶酱味香,牛肉也可以切丝炒。除了西芹、白萝卜之外,也可用久黄、久菜 花、蒜花。都是很美味的搭配。 2红麴南乳骨(10 人份)红麴南乳骨(10 人份) Ingredients 材料材料 Weight Frozen pork ribs 冰冻南排 2 kg Red yeast ric

5、e 红麴米 30 g Rock sugar 冰糖 100 g Fermented red bean curd 南乳 2 pieces Garlic (fried) 蒜头 (炸香) 10 Pieces Onion (sliced up) 洋葱 (切开) 1 Piece Carrot (sliced) 红萝卜 (切片) 1 Stalk celery 西芹 200 g 调味料 Hua diao wine (rice wine) 花雕酒 1/2 Bowl Light soy sauce 生抽 1/2 Bowl Tomato sauce 茄汁 3 Tablespoon Vinegar 醋 (少许) 1

6、Teaspoon Ok sauce Ok 汁 1/3 bottle Oyster sauce 蚝油 1/2 Bowl Fermented broad bean sauce 豆瓣酱 3 Tablespoon Method: 1. cut the pork ribs into strips, add into the hot oil to deep-fry 2. add garlic (fried), onion, carrots and celery into a pot. Add in the pork ribs along with the seasonings and add water

7、to soak the ribs in. 3. add in the fermented red bean curd and rock sugar; red yeast rice should be placed in a small filter bag and added into the pot 4. cook at high heat until it boils and change to a medium heat; cook until the ribs turn soft before placing on plate 5. abstract the sauce from th

8、e pot, thicken and pour over the ribs to serve 做法: 做法: 1. 排骨切条入热油中炸过待用 2. 取一大锅,底部投入炸香的蒜头、洋葱、红萝卜和西芹;再把排骨放入,然 后入调味料,加水浸过排骨 3. 南乳,冰糖也投入,红麴用一布包住投入 4. 开大火烧开后,改中火焖煮至排骨软爛后取出入碟 5. 取焖的汁勾芡淋在排骨上即可 3*此菜乃水浒传名菜,红麴有降血质的食疗。味香浓。 *OK 汁是一种酸甜味型的调料,属复合型果味调味料,一般用作炸制品和酸甜菜品的烧汁。OK 汁原是西方的一种复合型调料。由于中餐厨师的不断挖掘、创新,在 西方 ok汁的基础上调制

9、出了 近年来比较受欢迎的中式 ok 汁。中式 OK 汁的味道有别于鲁菜的传统调味料,对于制作胶东海鲜 系列、肉制品系列等有很大的帮助, 为鲁菜的调味方法和制作工艺再上台阶做出了较大的贡献。 原料:番茄 500 克,洋葱 250 克,蒜头 50 克,苹果酱 250 克,瓶装柠檬汁 75克,橙汁 25克,蚝 油 100克,茄汁 100克,高汤 1500 克,白糖 200 克,精盐 150 克,花生油 100 克。 制法:1、将番茄、洋葱切碎,蒜头剁成末备用。2、将锅烧热,放入花生油,将蒜头末和洋葱、番 茄下锅炒香,装入大煲中,下入提前熬制好的高汤,用 慢火熬制半小时后滤出洋葱、番茄和蒜头 末;将高

10、汤倒回煲中,加入苹果酱、柠檬汁、橙汁、蚝油、茄汁、白糖、精盐等调料,上炉烧开调 匀即成。 OK 汁的风味特点:色泽棕黑,具有多种蔬菜和水果的清香,味道酸甜可口,是比较高级的调味 品。 4软炸鸡肉丸软炸鸡肉丸 Ingredients 材料材料 Weight Frozen chicken (minced) 冰冻鸡肉 (绞碎) 1 kg Water chestnut (chopped finely) 马蹄肉 (切碎) 250 g Onion (chopped finely) 洋葱(切碎) 250 g Mushroom (chopped finely) 香菇(切碎) 60 g Coriander le

11、aves (chopped finely) 香菜(切碎) 30 g carrots (chopped finely)) 红萝卜(切碎) 60 g 调味料 Five spice powder 五香粉 2 Teaspoon Light soy sauce 生抽 1 Tablespoon Pepper 胡椒粉 (少许) 2 Teaspoon Eggs 鸡蛋 2 Sugar 白糖 2 Teaspoon Salt 盐 (少许) Fragrant oil 香油(少许) Corn starch 生粉 1 Tablespoon Method: 1. remove the skin and mince the

12、chicken. Put into a mixing bowl and add in other ingredients and seasonings to mix. 2. heat the wok, add in a larger amount cooking oil; wait till the oil is relatively hot, mould the mixture into balls and add into the wok to deep-fry 做法: 做法: 1. 把鸡肉去皮绞碎,放入一个大碗。再投入其他材料,再加入调味料一起拌均 匀待用 2. 锅热下油大量,待六成热时,把拌好的鸡肉揉成丸子,投入油中炸熟即可 *此菜味道脆嫩爽口,可沾茄汁酱或其它沙律酱



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