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1、1八年级英语下辅导资料八年级英语下辅导资料Unit 3 What were you doing when the UFO arrived?话 题Talk about past events.Tell a story.必记单词(Section A) experience imagine strange follow amazing(Section B) scared shout anywhere happen(Self Check) accident(Reading) kill bright close silence meaning必背短语(Section A) barber shop 理发店

2、 get out 出去;离开 take off 起飞 sleep late 睡懒觉,起得晚in front of在前面(Section B) in a tree 在树上 think about 考虑到,想到 train station 火车站 run away 逃跑;跑掉 come in 进来(Self Check) Beijing International Airport 北京国际机场 at the doctors 在(医生的)诊所(Reading)hear about 听说 take place 发生 World Trade Center 世界贸易中心 asas 像(一样)日常用语Wha

3、t were you doing at nine oclock last Sunday morning?上周日早晨九点钟你在做什么?I was sleeping. How about you?我正在睡觉。你呢?What was he doing when the UFO arrived?当飞碟到达时他正在做什么?He was sleeping late when it arrived.当它到达时他正在睡懒觉。语 法过去进行时一、课文重点、难点、考点详解一、课文重点、难点、考点详解 1、what were you doing when the UFO arrived? 分析:arrive 到达,

4、后面接地点名词或是代词时,需要加上介词 in 或 at ,in 用于比较大 的地方,at 用于比较小的地方; 注意:如果后面接 here, there, home 等副词时,不加介词。如: My pen pal arrived in Wuhan yesterday afternoon. When did you arrive at Beijing airport? He arrived home ten minutes ago.2辨析:get to, arrive and reach. get to 常用于口语,后面直接接名词或代词作宾语,如是副词,则省掉 to .如: Will you ge

5、t to Shanghai by air? How did she get there? reach 多用于书面语,直接接表示地点的名词或代词。如: when you reach the end of the street, you will see it.2、getting out of the shouer 分析:get out of 从.出来,如果不强调地点则用 get out, 对应的反义词组为 get into.如: He got out of his car, then went into the building. 注意:英语中上下车的习惯表达。 get into a car/t

6、axi get out of a car/taxi get on a bus/train/plane get off a bus/train/plane3、what was the girl doing when the UFO took off? 分析:take off 起飞,动身,反义词:land. 如: Could you tell me when our flight will take off? 此外,take off 还作脱衣服,取下眼镜。反义词为:put on. 还口语表示休息、休假。 Its warm today, you had better take off your sw

7、eater. I would like to take three days off.4、I had a very unusual experience on Sunday. 分析:experience n. 经历、阅历,可数名词,常用于词组:have /be a experience 有是一次 经历。如: He had many interesting experiences while traveling in North America. experience n. 经验、体验,不可数名词,对应的形容词为 experienced 有经验的。如: She is a teacher with

8、 rich experience of teaching. experience vt. 经历、感受。如: My father experienced great difficulty in giving up smoking.5、I was walking down the street when a UFO landed right in front of me. 分析:in front of 在.前面。如: The car is in front of the house. 辨析:in front of and in the front of in front of 表示某范围外部的前面

9、,对应的反义词为 behind.如: There is a tall tree in front of the classroom in the front of 表示某范围内部的前面,对应的反义词为 at the back of .如: There is a big blackboard in the front of the classroom.6、She is shouting 分析:shout v. 喊,高呼,朝某人大喊。n. 呼喊、叫喊声。如: He shouted his order.3Its not polite to shout to people. 辨析:shout to a

10、nd shout at. shout to. 指距离相隔很远而高声喊叫让人听见,无训斥之意。如: She shouted to me to come over. shout at. 表示生气时对某人大喊大叫,含责备、警告之意。如: He tried to talk to the men, but they shouted at him.7、While John was walking to school, he saw a cat in a tree. 辨析:in the tree and on the tree. in the tree. 指外来的东西在树上,如人、动物等。如: A boy

11、is standing in the tree. on the tree. 指树上本身长的东西,如花、果实等。如: There are many apples on the tree.8、While she was talking on the phone, Davy met another dog outside the station. 分析:another adj. 指(三者或三者以上)另一、又一,常表示在原来的基础上增加,表泛 指,直接接可数名词单数;如果与数词连用,后面接可数名词的复数。another + 数词+n. = 数词+more +n.如: I dont like this

12、sweater, please show me another one. Another three days passed= three more days passed. 辨析:辨析:another, other, others, the other, and the others. other, adj. 别的,修饰名词。如: if you jump the queue, other people will not be pleased. others, pron. 别的人,别的东西。相当于 other + n.如: it is not polite to laugh at others

13、. the others, pron./adj. 作代词时,the other 意为总数为两个中的另外一个;作形容词时,the other 为其余的,剩下的,后面接名词。如: He has two brothers, one is a teacher, the other is an engineer. Six students are doing their homework, the other students are playing games outside. the others, pron. 相当于 the other +n, 表示某一范围内除去一部分后,余下的那部分。如: Th

14、ere are only several students in the classroom, where are the others?9、visited aunt in hospital 分析:in hospital 生病住院,而 in the hospital 表示在医院里。比较: He was badly ill, he must be in hospital. She is a nurse. She works in the hospital.10、While He Yan was at the doctors, I was going to the class. 分析:at the

15、 doctors 在诊所。英语中习惯用名词的所有格表示该名词生活或工作的地方, 像店铺、医院、教堂或某人的家等。省略掉 office, store, house,shop etc. 如: He is at the dentists I am going to the barbers He stayed at his uncles in his childhood.411、This was one of the most important events in modern American history. 分析:one of the +adj(最高级)+n(复数)表示最.之一。 注意:one

16、 of +n.pl 做主语的时候,谓语用单数。如: One of us was late. She is one of the most popular teachers in our school.12、It was difficult to get out of bed. 辨析:辨析:its + adj. of sb. to do sth. and its + adj. for sb to do sth. its + adj. for sb to do sth. 其中的形容词常为说明事物事情性质的词,像 difficult, easy, important, useful, impossible.etc. 如: its hard for me to work out the problem. its + adj. of sb. to do sth 其中的形容词常为说明人的性格特征或品质的词,像 nice, good, kind, foolish, poli



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