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1、管道支架抗震做法指导管道支架抗震做法指导 (第二版(第二版 2006-11-14) 本文用来指导 AMAT 项目的管道支架的抗震做法,其中的内容是基于美国规范UBC1997 关于非结构构件的抗震设计条文进行计算的。对于单根管道(包括风管、水管、电缆等)的吊架,要求不大于 12m 做一对水平拉杆,不大于 24m 做一对垂直拉杆。对于此种吊挂形式,无论管道长短,要至少有两对水平拉杆和一对垂直拉杆。对于用槽钢或者角钢做成的用来放置多根管道的支架,当其中管道直径都小于100mm 时,每隔 12m 做一对水平和垂直的拉杆,当其中的管道直径在100mm200mm 时,每隔 6m 做一对水平和垂直的拉杆。而

2、且对于此种支架要求在端部必须加水平和垂直的拉杆。下表给出对应的管道重量(包括支架重量),按照公式计算出来的拉杆的拉力,和推荐的吊杆形式。其中连接拉杆和支架及结构构件的五金件选用时要求要能满足表中所列出的拉力值,必须有相应的资料和报告证明其设计承载力大于相应的拉力值方可使用。下表中的拉杆安装的角度要求在 35 度到 55 度之间。单根管道的拉杆的抗震设计值管道重量 Wp (kg/m)杆 1 拉力 (kN)杆 2 拉力 (kN)强度为 890Mpa 的 不锈钢吊杆Q235 圆钢吊 杆8.8 级 A 级普通螺栓10204866,8M102050101968,12M10,M125010019386,8

3、12,16M12,M1610020037748,1216,22M16,M20(2M16)支架形式的拉杆抗震设计值(用于 12m 一对拉杆)管道重量 Wp (kg/m)杆 1 拉力 (kN)杆 2 拉力 (kN)强度为 890Mpa 的 不锈钢吊杆Q235 圆钢吊 杆8.8 级 A 级普通螺栓10204466M10 2050101068M10 501001919612M12 1002003737816M16支架形式的拉杆抗震设计值(用于 6m 一对拉杆)管道重量 Wp (kg/m)杆 1 拉力 (kN)杆 2 拉力 (kN)强度为 890Mpa 的不 锈钢吊杆Q235 圆钢吊杆8.8 级 A 级

4、普通 螺栓10202266M10 20505566M10 50100101068M10 1002001919612M12符合下列要求的管道可不做抗震措施。1重量小于 180kg 的悬挂设备。2内径小于 25mm 的煤气管道和内径小于 60mm 的电气配管。3矩形面积小于 0.38m2和圆形直径小于 0.70m 的风管。4吊杆计算长度不超过 300mm 的吊杆悬挂管道。5直径小于 55mm 的水管。6对于易燃易爆和有毒性的气体或者液体管道,需要按照相关的规范确定。此版本提供了抗震支撑安装时,此版本提供了抗震支撑安装时,8.8 级级 A 级普通螺栓的选型型式。如果采用膨胀级普通螺栓的选型型式。如果

5、采用膨胀螺栓,必需保证使用的膨胀螺栓(一个或者一组)的抗拉力大于表中所列的拉力。其螺栓,必需保证使用的膨胀螺栓(一个或者一组)的抗拉力大于表中所列的拉力。其中需要注意的是在五金件和连接件的采购中,要根据现场管道的型式和重量,采用对中需要注意的是在五金件和连接件的采购中,要根据现场管道的型式和重量,采用对应螺栓孔大小的五金件和连接件,避免因为采购的五金件和连接件上预留的螺栓孔直应螺栓孔大小的五金件和连接件,避免因为采购的五金件和连接件上预留的螺栓孔直径不够,导致螺栓无法安装。径不够,导致螺栓无法安装。万骏万骏2006-11-14GUIDE OF SEISMIC BRACE FOR PIPE RA

6、CK(REV.2 2006.11.14)The guide is used to restraint seismic for pipe and duct racks in AMAT project. The guide follow the UBC1997 regarding non-structural seismic design section.For single pipe including pipe /duct /conduit, the brace space must be not more than 12m in latitudinal way, and not more t

7、han 24m in longitudinal way.For pipe rack that composed with angle or channel, if the entire pipes diameter is less than 100mm, the brace space must be not more than 12m in latitudinal and longitudinal way. If the entire pipes diameter is between 100mm to 200mm, the brace space must be not more than

8、 6m in latitudinal and longitudinal way. And the latitudinal and longitudinal brace need be installed at the each end of the pipe run.You can find the tension of brace and member size of the brace that I recommendate per pipes weight in the table below. Before the installation of the brace, the subc

9、ontractor need get the material report to testify the load-carrying capacity of member and connection are more than the tension of brace that show in the table below. The angel of the brace should be between 350 to 550.Seismic force of brace for single pipe:Pipe weight Wp (kg/m)Tension of brace 1 (k

10、N)Tension of brace 2 (kN)Stainless steel rod (fy= 890Mpa)Q235 rod (fy= 210Mpa)Grade 8.8 bolt (ft= 400Mpa)10204866,8M102050101968,12M10,M125010019386,812,16M12,M1610020037748,1216,22M16,M20(2M16) Seismic force of brace for pipe rack (applicable to brace space 12m):Pipe weight Wp (kg/m)Tension of brac

11、e 1 (kN)Tension of brace 2 (kN)Stainless steel rod (fy= 890Mpa)Q235 rod (fy= 210Mpa)Grade 8.8 bolt (ft= 400Mpa)10204466M10 2050101068M10 501001919612M12 1002003737816M16Seismic force of brace for pipe rack (applicable to brace space 6m):Pipe weight Wp (kg/m)Tension of brace 1 (kN)Tension of brace 2

12、(kN)Stainless steel rod (fy= 890Mpa)Q235 rod (fy= 210Mpa)Grade 8.8 bolt (ft= 400Mpa)10202266M10 20505566M10 50100101068M10 1002001919612M12The pipes and ducts without anti-seismic requirement are below:A. Utility that weight is less than 180kg.B. 25mm coal gas pipe and 60 mm electrical conduit C. Area 0.38 m2 rectangular and D 0.70m circular ductD. suspending pipe that hanger length 300mmE. 55 mm water pipes.F. Brace all fuel oil, gas (such as fuel gas), medical gas, and compressed air piping in accordance with special code or local code.Wan Jun2006.11.14



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