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1、2015 考研英语强化班写作小作文部分补充讲义 1 小作文部分讲解 第一节:小作文总体注意事项第一节:小作文总体注意事项 一、字数一般控制在 120 字左右,因为言多耗时,言多必失。 二、 小作文的称呼根据具体要求而定,如果没有给出具体称呼,那就写“致有关人士”: To whom it may concern, 或“亲子的女士或先生”: Dear Sir or Madam。 还可以说: Dear Mr Tan, Dear Professor Li。别的表达方式,我们一概不用,只求考试正确和通过。结尾落款要严格 按照题目规定,写信人一般都是“Li Ming”。在“Li Ming”前面可以写“Yo

2、urs truly”,“Yours sincerely”,如果对上级或长辈可以说“Yours respectfully”。不要掌握得太多,太乱。 三、小作文的段落不要超过 4 段,不低于 3 段。开头和结尾的字数都要明显少于正文部 分,因为阅卷人对作文整体篇幅有一个标准,那就是:中间偏长,首段最短。 第二节:小作文各题型段落设置与解析第二节:小作文各题型段落设置与解析 一、求职信一、求职信/申请信申请信/询问信询问信 1. 求职信段落设置如下: 第一段:初步表明求职意向,说明“如何知晓这一职位”,表达意愿。 第二段:针对职位所需条件阐述自己所具备的资格。 第三段:表达得到回复的希望:希望有机会

3、面试。 考前模板:考前模板: Dear Sir or Madam, I am here writing this letter to you to express my strong interest in the post you mentioned in (报纸/网络等途径) and my sincere hope that I can get the opportunity of an interview and working for you as a (职位). The qualifications I possess are as follows. As a major in (学

4、科), born in (年份), I am very interested in (与职位相关的领域或职位本 身). The most important qualification I have, I think, is my ability to ( do sth.). It is beyond doubt the ability to (do sth.) plays an indispensable role in doing the job of (职位). In the second place, I have been accumulating experience by ( d

5、oing sth.与职位相关的事情), which is, directly or indirectly, helpful to doing the job you required well. I am very confident that, by working hard and learning under your guidance, I can be competent for the post. I am expecting your reply at your earliest convenience. I am looking forward to seeing you an

6、d getting the chance of proving myself face to face. Yours truly Li Ming 模板说明:很显然,该模板字数超过了 100 多字的要求。大家在具体写作中可以适当省 略一些内容。比如第二段的 qualifications 笔者只说了两点,同学们在写作中可以适当增加, 只是字数一定要严格控制。 2015 考研英语强化班写作小作文部分补充讲义 2 2. 求学信 如果申请某所大学的学习机会或参加某活动或组织,以上范文要稍加修改。 求学申请段落设置: 第一段:初步表达求学意愿。 第二段:说明自己的情况,阐述自己所具备的资格和背景。 第三段

7、:表达得到回复的希望。 考前模板:考前模板: Dear Sir or Madam, I am here writing this letter to you to express my sincere hope that I can get the opportunity of an interview and studying in (某学校) as a major of (专业). The qualifications I possess are as follows. As a major in (学科), born in (年份), I am very interested in (学

8、科). The most important qualification I have, I think, is my basic knowledge in (相关领域). It is beyond doubt the basic knowledge in (相关领域) plays an indispensable role in achieving success in the field of (学科). In the second place, I have been accumulating experience by ( doing sth.与学科相关的事情), which is,

9、directly or indirectly, helpful to learning (学科) well. I am very confident that, by working hard and learning under your guidance, I can be fairly successful in learning (学科). I am expecting your reply at your earliest convenience. I am looking forward to seeing you and getting the chance of proving

10、 myself face to face. Yours truly Li Ming 模板说明:本模板只是对求职模板作了很少的调整,只要同学们能稍微举一反三,就可 以写得很好。对于学科以及自己的学位,我们要掌握其中最常见的表达。如,学士 bachelor, 硕士 master,博士 doctor,博士后 postdoctor;管理学 administration,艺术 art,理学 science, 哲学 philosophy,文学 literature。管理学博士可以表达为“a doctor of administration”,以此类 推。对于申请职位,我们也要熟记相关的表达,如,志愿者 v

11、olunteer,翻译 translator,口 译员 interpreter,经理 manager 等等。 3. 活动加入申请信: 活动申请信段落设置: 第一段:初步表明参加意向,说明“如何知晓这一活动”,表达意愿。 第二段:针对申请者所需条件阐述自己所具备的资格。 第三段:表达得到回复的希望:希望有机会面试。 Dear Sir or Madam, I am here writing this letter to you to express my strong interest in (活动组织名称) you mentioned in (报纸/网络等途径) and my sincere h

12、ope that I can get the opportunity of becoming a member of (活动组织名称) The qualifications I possess are as follows. As a major in (学科), born in (年份), I am very interested in (与活动组织有关的事情或活 动本身). The most important qualification I have, I think, is my ability to ( do sth.). It is beyond doubt the ability

13、 to (do sth.) plays an indispensable role in doing the job well in (活动组织名称). In the second place, I have been accumulating experience by ( doing sth.与活动相关的事情), which is, directly or indirectly, helpful to the work in (活动组织名称) . I am very confident that, by working hard and learning under your guidan

14、ce, I can be competent. 2015 考研英语强化班写作小作文部分补充讲义 3 I am expecting your reply at your earliest convenience. I am looking forward to seeing you and getting the chance of proving myself face to face. Yours truly 模板说明: 该模板在求职基础上做了少量修改, 有些内容可以根据考试题目的具体要求 作适当增减。比如,如果“该活动”不要求面试,那就把面试的相关内容去掉。 注意:求学信、申请信本质上属于

15、询问信。询问信一般是询问对方的相关情况或自己需 要了解的情况,也有可能是询问对方的建议。 1. 询问信 对询问信我们接下来列出一个单独的版本。询问信常常跟“介绍自身情况”有关,所以我们 应该融合以上给出的句型和写法。 Dear Sir or Madam, I am here writing this letter to you to express my happiness/willingness/ sincere hope thatThe details are as follows. As a major in ( ), I am very interested in ( ). The m

16、ost important thing I want to know is In the second place, would please offer me some advice on In addition to what is mentioned above, I hope you can give me some hints about I am expecting your reply at your earliest convenience. I am looking forward to getting the information as soon as possible. Thank you very much! Yours Sincerely 二、感谢信二、感谢信/道歉信道歉信/辞职信辞职信 道歉信和感谢信在考研英语中是很常见的考查题型。 我们在书写中要尽量避免把表达感 激或歉意的原因说得太复杂太琐碎,稍


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