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1、 优盟优盟优盟优盟名师课程内部讲义名师课程内部讲义名师课程内部讲义名师课程内部讲义 上海优盟教育中心上海优盟教育中心上海优盟教育中心上海优盟教育中心 版权所有 严禁复制 电话 021-50396388 www.bestedu.org 1 语法讲座语法讲座语法讲座语法讲座:情态动词情态动词情态动词情态动词 一一一一、can, may, must 根据意思与习惯用法,我们可以把 can, may, must 分成以下两组用法,方便学习与掌握。 1第一组用法见下表(主要在初中的时候我们所掌握的) : 词义 肯定 否定 疑问 过去式 can 能、会 can cant Can.? could may 可

2、以 may mustnt/may not May.? might must 必须 must neednt Must.? must/had to A) can a) can 的肯定、否定、疑问及过去式的例句: eg. Computers can do a lot of things for us. Money cannot buy everything. Can you speak French? I could run very fast when I was young. b) can 与 be able to can 与 be able to 的意思相近,经常可以互换使用。 但在用过去式的

3、时候,could 与 was able to 的意思不同。 试比较: Einstein was able to flee Germany when Hitler came into power. I could pass the examination, but I was too careless. c) could 在疑问句时用意表示请求,意义同 can,是一种比较客气的表达方式。 B) may a) may 的肯定、否定、疑问及过去式的例句: eg. You may choose anyone here you like. May I leave now? Yes, of course/

4、Sure. Go ahead. No, you mustnt. (注:口语中也能用 cannot。 ) I was told that the boss might come to the office before 9. b)mustnt 与 may not You mustnt leave the bike here. The sign on the wall reads, “Visitors may not feed the animals in the zoo.” c) may 可放在句首,表示“祝愿” 。 d) might 有时用在疑问句中,只是一种比 may 更客气一点,而非过去式

5、。 C) must a) must 的肯定、否定、疑问及过去式的例句: eg. Everyone must obey the rules. Must I finish the work today? Yes, you must. No, you neednt/dont have to. He told me he must/had to see a doctor tomorrow morning. b) must 与 have to c) must 有时可以表示“偏偏” “非.不可”的意思。 eg. Why must you make such a mess when the visitors

6、 are coming? 2第二组用法见下表: 词义 肯定 否定 疑问 过去式 进行式 can 可能/一定 / cannot Can.? cant have done cant be doing may 可能 may may not / may have done may be doing must 一定 must / / must have done must be doing a) can, may, must 的第二种用法,是用来表示说话人的一种推测。 优盟优盟优盟优盟名师课程内部讲义名师课程内部讲义名师课程内部讲义名师课程内部讲义 上海优盟教育中心上海优盟教育中心上海优盟教育中心上海优

7、盟教育中心 版权所有 严禁复制 电话 021-50396388 www.bestedu.org 2 现在时举例: Can Tom be in the classroom? Yes, he must be there. 或Yes, he may be there, but Im not quite sure. 或No, he cant be there, because he hasnt come to school today. 过去时举例: I must have been asleep. I didnt hear your footsteps. David became angry at

8、the meeting. He may have misunderstood what I meant. James cant have forgotten the examination yesterday. There must have been something wrong with him, I believe. b)表示可能性的否定句中有时也可用 may,但意思与 cannot 有所不同。 eg. Can he know the secret? I am not sure. He may not know it yet. 或: No, he cannot know it. c)

9、用 might 和 could 表示可能性 eg. Could it be Susan at the door? Yes, it might be her.(现在口语中也可用 could be 回答) *d) could have done 也可以用在肯定句枠。 eg. It was dangerous to do so. You could have killed yourself! 二二二二、shall, will, would 1用在一般疑问句中,表示征求对方的意见。 2shall 与第二、第三人称连用,用在肯定、否定句中,表示“命令” 、 “允诺” 、 “警告” 、 “威胁” , 及说

10、话人的意愿和决心。 3will 在陈述句中可用于任何人称,表示“意愿、意志、决心”等。有时也可用在条件句中。 4will 和 would 可以表示习惯性反复发生的动作,或在某一条件下,一定会发生的动作。这时, will 一般指“现在” ,would 一般指“过去” 。 三三三三、should/ought to 1可以表示一种必要性、义务,解为“应当、应该” 。可以与任何人称连用,并用在肯定、否 定、疑问句中。但疑问句时用 should 更多一些。 2可以表示一种推测,解为“应该是” 。用于任何人称的肯定、否定、疑问句。它还有进行和 完成两种形式: should/ought to be doin

11、g (对现在正在进行的动作的推测) 和 should/ought to have done(表示与过去的事实相反, “本来应该”的意思) 。 3should 有时可以表示说话人惊讶的感觉,解为“竟然” 。 四四四四、need 和和和和 dare need 和 dare 两词,都既可作为情态动词,又可作为实意动词,所以复习的重点是分清在句 子中它们分别是哪种动词。 1need 解为“总要、必须” 。 A) 作为情态动词时,多用于疑问句和否定句。 B) 作为实意动词,可用于各种句型,是及物动词,可以跟名词做宾语。 C) neednt have done 与 didnt need to do 的区别

12、 试比较:She was too nervous to reply, but fortunately she didnt need to say anything. 她紧张得无法答复,但幸运的是,她那时什么也不必说。 You neednt have mentioned it to him, because he had been told everything before. 你本来不必跟他提这件事的,之前已经有人把一切都讲给他听了。 2dare 解为“敢” 。 A) 作为情态动词时,多用于疑问句和否定句。 但是 dare 的固定词组“I dare say.” ,用在肯定句中。 注意:dare

13、 作为情态动词时,它的过去式是 dared。 B)作为实意动词,dare 可以用在各种句型枠。 但是注意在否定句枠,有时后面的不定式的 to 可以省略。 优盟优盟优盟优盟名师课程内部讲义名师课程内部讲义名师课程内部讲义名师课程内部讲义 上海优盟教育中心上海优盟教育中心上海优盟教育中心上海优盟教育中心 版权所有 严禁复制 电话 021-50396388 www.bestedu.org 3 高考真题试析高考真题试析高考真题试析高考真题试析: 01 年 34 题 You cant imagine that a well-behaved gentleman _ be so rude to a lady

14、. A. might B. need C. should D. would 01 年(春)27 题 Mr. Bush is on time for everything. How _ it be that he was late for the opening ceremony? A. can B. should C. may D. must 02 年(春)28 题 Oh, Im not feeling well in the stomach. I _ so much fried chicken just now. A. shouldnt eat B. mustnt have eaten C.

15、 shouldnt have eaten D. mustnt eat 03 年(春)24 题 My English-Chinese dictionary has disappeared. Who _ have taken it? A. should B. must C. could D. would 04 年 28 题 Children under 12 years of age in that country _ be under adult supervision when in a public library. A. must B. may C. can D. need 04 年(春)29 题 You might just as well tell the manufacturer that male customers _ not like the design of the furniture. A. must B. shall C. may D. need 05 年 27 题 There _ be any difficulty about passing the r



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