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1、六年级下期英语教学计划六年级下期英语教学计划一、 学生情况分析:截止到上学期,学生已完成湘少版小学英语五年级下册一至四单元的学习。具有基本的听说读写能力,随着四会单词量的逐步加大,由于学生还未完全掌握单词记忆的规律,大部分学生感到对此有困难,部分学生兴趣有所下降,本期将在以上方面进行加强。二、教材分析:Unit5Unit6Unit5Unit6Teaching aims:1.Help the Ss to develop their writing skills and memories of the word one and the four-skill sentences in these t

2、wo units.2.Help the Ss to have a conversation using the learnt sentences: Who was frist? Was it in the wardrobe?3.Encourage the Ss interest to learn English.Teaching main points and difficult points:1.The mastery of the four-skill words.2.How to use the sentence patterns skillfully.Unit7Unit7 Unit8U

3、nit8Teaching aims:1. Help the Ss to develop their writing skills and memories of the word five and row and the four-skill sentences in these two units.2. Help the Ss to have a conversation using the learnt sentences: When is your birthday? When is your countrys National Day?3.Encourage the Ss intere

4、st to learn English.Teaching main points and difficult points:1.The months of years.2.How to use the sentence patterns skillfully.Unit9Unit9 Unit10Unit10Teaching aims:1. Help the Ss to develop their writing skills and memories of the four-skill words and the four-skill sentences in these two units.2

5、.Help the Ss to have a conversation using the learnt sentences: Thats not mine. Benny took my ball.3.Encourage the Ss interest to learn English.Teaching main points and difficult points:1. The mastery of the words:mine theirs his hers its yours2. How to have a conversation using the new words and se

6、ntences.Unit11Unit11 Unit12Unit12Teaching aims:1. Help the Ss to develop their writing skills and memories of the four-skill words and the four-skill sentences inthese two units.2. Help the Ss to have a conversation using the learnt sentences: Where did you go? What time did you see you?3. Encourage

7、 the Ss interest to learn English.Teaching main points and difficult points:1. Say something about places in Hunan .2. How to have a conversation using the new words and sentences.Unit13Unit14Unit13Unit14 Unit1Unit1Teaching aims:1.Help the Ss to develop their writing skills and memories of the four-

8、skill words and the four-skill sentences in these three units.3. Help the Ss to have a conversation using the learnt sentences: I came by plane. Somebody is doing sth .3.Encourage the Ss interest to learn English.Teaching main points and difficult points:4. 1. The mastery of the sentences: Somebody

9、is doing sth. I came by bus. Someone made sth with sth.2. How to have a conversation using the new words and sentences.三、 教学措施:1. 教会学生正确使用英汉辞典,指导学生通过查辞典自主阅读课外书籍,养成自主阅读的好习惯。2. 根据学生实际学习情况,将已学教材知识进行归类总结,有计划地在新授的同时进行复习,加强对已学知识的复习与巩固。3. 根据学生学习实际情况,精选四个 topic,对学生进行口头作文训练,培养学生活学活用能力。并将在期末进行看图说话和口头作文相结合的综合测试。4. 利用现代通讯手段(电话,e-mail),密切与家长的联系,指导家长配合培养学生的自觉学习习惯。教学进度:1-3 周- Unit5 Unit64-6 周- Unit7 Unit87-9 周- Unit9 Unit1010 周- Revision and Mid-Term check11-13 周- Unit11 Unit1214-16 周- Unit13 Unit1417 周- Unit1 18 周- General Revision and Test



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