中国石油大学 北京 大学英语2013年第一学期第一次在线作业与答案

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中国石油大学 北京 大学英语2013年第一学期第一次在线作业与答案_第1页
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《中国石油大学 北京 大学英语2013年第一学期第一次在线作业与答案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《中国石油大学 北京 大学英语2013年第一学期第一次在线作业与答案(11页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、第一次在线作业 单项选择题 第 1 题 Its our great pleasure to have you visit our company. -_ A、Thank you. B、Nice to meet you. C、Its our pleasure, too. D、Wonderful. 第 2 题 Would you mind giving me an introduction of your company? -_ A、Of course not. B、Thank you. C、Im fine. D、Youre welcome. 第 3 题 Are there any morning

2、 flights to Wuhan? -_A、Which one do you like? B、Yes, there are two. C、Not at all. D、Thank you. 第 4 题 How much is the air ticket? - _ A、Its 150 dollars. B、Which flight do you like? C、Nice talking with you. D、See you. 第 5 题 Which flight do you want? - _ A、I like flying. B、May I book a ticket? C、Im sor

3、ry. D、The morning flight. 第 6 题 Excuse me, how long can the taxi get here? - _ A、Twenty meter long. B、Thank you. C、In ten minutes. D、Its all right. 第 7 题 How much do I owe you? - _ A、Thirty dollars. B、I dont know. C、Excuse me? D、Thanks a lot. 第 8 题 I saw them _in the river. A、swam B、to swim C、swim D

4、、were swimming第 9 题 She pretended _ me when I passed by. A、not to see B、not seeing C、to not see D、having not seen 第 10 题 She reached the top of the hill and stopped _ on a big rock by the side of the path. A、to have rested B、resting C、to rest D、rest 第 11 题 He was too excited _. A、speak B、to speak C、

5、not to speak D、speaking 第 12 题 The problem _ at tomorrows meeting is a very difficult one. A、being discussed B、discussed C、to be discussed D、to discuss 第 13 题 The teacher told them _ make so much noise. A、dont B、not C、will not D、not to 第 14 题 Not until his father was out of prison_ to school. A、can

6、John go B、John can go C、could John go D、John could go 第 15 题 Little _ about his own health though he was very ill. A、he cared B、did he care C、does he care D、he cares 第 16 题 No sooner _asleep than she heard a knock at the door. A、she had fallen B、had she fallen C、she had fell D、had she fell 第 17 题 It

7、 was hot yesterday. _. A、It was so. B、So was it.C、So it was. D、So it did 第 18 题 -Whos that? -_ our boss.A、Thats B、Its C、Hes D、Thiss 第 19 题 Mary speaks in a low voice; _ is difficult to know what she is saying. A、it B、that C、so D、she 第 20 题 _ is not everybody _ can draw so well. A、It, all B、It, that

8、C、There, who D、There, that 第 21 题 If you _ to see Mary,what would you tell her? A、are B、will be going C、must D、were 第 22 题 But for his help, I _ . A、should not have succeeded B、had not succeeded C、did not succeed D、have not succeeded 第 23 题 But that he came to help me, I _ . A、could not have succeed

9、ed B、did not succeed C、could not succeed D、cant but succeed 第 24 题 If the United States had built more homes for poor people in 1955,the housing problems now in some parts of this country _ so serious.A、wouldnt be B、will not have been C、wouldnt have been D、would have not been 第 25 题 If you had not s

10、tudied the problem carefully until recently, _ . A、you will find any difficulty nowB、you would have found any difficulty now C、you would find any difficulty now D、you have find any difficulty now 第 26 题 _ today, he would get there by Thursday. A、He is starting out B、If he starts out C、Would he start

11、 out D、Were he to start out 第 27 题 _ ,John would not have failed. A、If he has listened to me B、Had he listened to me C、If he listened to me D、As soon as he listened to me 第 28 题 _ I known it,I should have told him. A、Have B、Had C、Having D、If 第 29 题 I like _ in the autumn when the weather is clear an

12、d bright. A、this B、that C、it D、one 第 30 题 I forgot to ring up Mr. Wang yesterday, so I _ today. A、can do it B、must do it C、had to do it D、must have to do it 第 31 题 “ The days are getting longer.“ “ Spring_.“ A、must come B、must be come C、is having to come D、must be coming 第 32 题 Erna Hart _ a good sw

13、immer; she swam across the English Channel when she was only fourteen years old!A、must be B、must have been C、could be D、should have been 第 33 题 Lao Lin has been working in the countryside for a long time, so he _ farm work. A、used to B、is used to C、use D、use to第 34 题 I_ to get up late, but now I get

14、 up early every morningl. A、used to B、is used to C、use D、use to 第 35 题 This morning Jack came to school late_. A、than usual B、as usual C、like usual D、like usually 第 36 题 The news quickly spread through the village _ the war had ended. A、which B、what C、that D、where 第 37 题 We live in a time _, more th

15、an ever before in history, people are moving A、what B、when C、which D、where 第 38 题 1. He took the medicine, but it didnt have any_.A、answer B、cause C、effect D、affect 第 39 题 His illness accounts _ his absence from class. A、to B、for C、over D、after 第 40 题 I hadnt seen him for years, but I_ his voice on the telephone. A、realized B、discovered C、recognized D、heard第 1 题 Its our great pleasure to have you visit our company. -_ 您的答案:C 题目分数:0.5 此题得分:0.5 批注:外宾来本单位参观时的常用语



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