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1、智 课 网 S A T 备 考 资 料SATOG6阅读填空解析(二)-智课教育出国考试SAT备考是一个漫长的过程中,考生也要采取一定的策略,下面我 们来看下SATOG6阅读填空解析,仅供大家参考。 下面为大家分享的是SATOG6阅读填空解析,希望对考生的SAT备 考有一定的参考借鉴作用,仅供大家参考。 Section 7 1. OLeary tolerates worms and snakes but is _ about insects: he has an exaggerated fear of them. (A) agnostic adj. 不可知论的 (B) eclectic adj.

2、 折中主义的 (C) empiric adj. 经验主义的 (D) phobic adj. 病态性恐惧的 (E) quixotic adj. 不切实际的 答案:D 解析:此题考查解释关系, 句意:奥利能容忍蠕虫和蛇,但是对于昆虫却很恐惧:他对昆虫有 着放大的恐惧感。2. The challenge facing public health officials is to _an outbreak of disease and then _ that school-children are immunized. (A)foster v. 培养,促进.provide v. 提供 (B) predi

3、ct v. 预言.allege v. 断言,宣称 (C) sustain v. 承受.question v. 怀疑,审问 (D) effect v. 产生,达到目的.ascertain v. 确定 (E) anticipate v. 期望.ensure v. 确保,担保 答案:E 解析:此题考查并列关系, 句意:公共卫生官员所面临的挑战是预期疾病的爆发,然后确保在 校学生都已经有免疫。 3. Guests at the party found the general merriment infectious and were won over by the partys _.(A) presu

4、mption n. 推测,放肆 (B) gaiety n. 快乐 (C) conspicuousness n. 显眼 (D) unexpectedness n. 意外 (E) brevity n. 短暂,简洁 答案:B 解析:此题考查同义解释关系, 句意:派对里的客人觉得派对的气氛很愉快和很认可派对的快乐。 4. Demagogues do not deserve full blame for last summers public hysteria: although they turned the mood to their political advantage, they did no

5、t actually _ it. (A) oppose v. 反对 (B) subdue v. 征服 (C) create v. 创造 (D) postpone v. 延期 (E) confirm v. 证实 答案:C 解析:此题考查递进关系, 句意:煽动者为了去年暑假公众暴乱被无辜的责备:虽然他们利用民 众的情绪来达到自己的私人目的,但他们事实上并没成功。5. Orangutans are _ apes: they typically conduct most of their lives up in the trees of tropical rain forests. (A)indige

6、nous adj. 土生土长的 (B) transitory adj. 短暂的 (C) inhibiting adj. 阻止 (D) elusive adj. 难以捉摸的 (E) antagonistic adj. 敌对的 答案:E 解析:此题考查解释关系 句意:猩猩是敌对的猿类:他们生命的绝大部分都是在热带雨林里 的树上过的。6. Since establishing the Childrens Defense Fund in 1973, Marian Wright Edelman has been an _ advocate, steadfast and constant. (A)unwi

7、tting adj. 不知情的 (B) unswerving adj. 坚定不移的 (C) inhibiting adj. 阻止,仰制 (D) elusive adj. 难以捉摸的 (E) antagonistic adj. 敌对的 答案:B 解析:此题考查解释关系, 句意:自从1973年儿童保护基金的建立以来,Marian Wright Edelman 一直是一个坚定的拥护者。 7. The author _ the last act of her play to appease those critics who _ the work for its brevity. (A)elimina

8、ted v. 删除.extolled v. 颂扬 (B) condensed v. 浓缩的.censured v. 责备 (C) expanded v. 扩大.disparaged v. 蔑视 (D) intensified v. 增强,强化.glorified v. 美化 (E) rearranged v. 重新排列.endorsed v. 支持,批注 答案:C解析:此题考查并列关系, 句意:公共卫生官员所面临的挑战是预期疾病的爆发,然后确保在 校学生都已经有免疫。 8. The editorial claimed that the gubernatorial candidate lacke

9、d worldly wisdom and that his _ would likely be his undoing. (A) naivete n. 天真 (B) furtiveness n. 偷偷摸摸 (C) venality n. 唯利是图,受贿 (D) indecisiveness n. 犹豫不定 (E) sarcasm n. 讽刺 答案:A解析:此题考查并列关系, 句意:编辑者声称州长竞选人对社会不够了解还有他的天真很有可 能会使他失败。 以上便是百利名师为大家整理的SATOG6阅读填空解析的相关介绍 ,希望对大家有所帮助。更多SAT考试相关资料尽在SAT考试站,小编 祝大家都能取得理想的SAT考试成绩。



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