QPR04 品质记录程序

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《QPR04 品质记录程序》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《QPR04 品质记录程序(7页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、中山立達金屬制品有限公司中山立達金屬制品有限公司文件編號 / File No.QPR04版本/次 / Version:1.0品质记录程序书 (Quality Records Control Procedure)文件管制章文件编号文件编号QPR04 File版版No.本本 Version1.0页页 Page数数7制订部门制订部门 Preparation/Date制订制订/日期日期 Preparation/Date审核审核/ /日期日期 Review/Date批准批准/ /日期日期 Approval/DateQARobert.Luo/2009.4.20Richard.Luo/2009.4.20Ri

2、chard.Luo/2009.4.20LeighLeigh Pallett/2009.5.1Pallett/2009.5.1PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version 頁次7-1中山立達金屬制品有限公司中山立達金屬制品有限公司文件編號 / File No.QPR04版本/次 / Version:1.0品质记录程序书 (Quality Records Control Procedure)1.01.0 PurposePurposeIn order to ensure the completeness and traceability of all q

3、uality records and maintain relevant recordsto verify the effective quality achievement and the effective operation of the quality system.1.01.0 目的:为了确保本公司之各项品质记录具有完整性与可追溯性,保持相关记录以证明所需品质之达成、品质系统之有效运作。2.0 Scope2.02.0 范围:All quality records related to products, operation from contract reviewing to the

4、 end of after-sales serviceand records in relation to the implementation of the quality system.凡与产品有关之各品质记录,从合约审查始至售后服务止一连串作业,其与品质体系运作有关的记录皆属于此程序书管制范围。3.0 Definition: None3.03.0 定义:无。4.0 Duties and Responsibilities4.0 权责:4.1 Various Departments: to be responsible for establishing, verifying, collect

5、ing,index preparing, filing, keeping, maintaining and handling all quality records.4.1 各单位:负责各项品质记录之建立、鉴定、收集、编制索引、建档、保管、维护PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version 頁次7-2中山立達金屬制品有限公司中山立達金屬制品有限公司文件編號 / File No.QPR04版本/次 / Version:1.0品质记录程序书 (Quality Records Control Procedure)与处理。4.2 QC Department:

6、 to be responsible for audit on other departments quality record management in addition to the establishment, verification, collection, index preparation, filing, custody, maintenance and handling of its own quality records4.2 品管部:除负责本单位各项品质记录之建立、鉴定、收集、编制索引、建档、保管、维护与处理外,还负责各单位品质记录管理事项之稽核5.0 Contents

7、5.0 内容:5.1 All quality records shall be designed by the procedure document writer and numbered in accordance with the Methods for Preparation and Numbering of Document. All records shall be completed at the date when records are required. The overall requirements are as follows: 5.1.1 Regardless of

8、electronic files or paper files, all quality records shall be completed in standard format. For standard formats, please refer to the Table of Quality Records (Appendix 1) .5.1 各项品质记录由各程序文件拟案单位自行设计,并依据”文件制作与编码办法”相关要求对其进行编号,依照各文件要求产生记录的时间填写,其总体要求如下:5.1.1 不管是电子档案还是书面档案,各项品质记录在正式使用时均须采用规范格式,各种记录的规范格式见品

9、质记录一览表(附件一)。5.12 According to the working conditions, the user can apply for amendment to any old quality record format when it is not applicable, according to the Methods for Document Management.5.1.2 当依据实际作业需要,旧有品质记录格式已不适用时,合用单位可依据(文件管理作业办法”中文件修订作业程序申请对其进行修订。5.1.3 When any quality record format is

10、 revised, the document controller shall make remarks in the document revision record and send it to the applicant and the drafting unit for approval. After the change of the format, the quality record sample shall be cancelled shown as Appendix 1 by affixing the Cancellation SealPDF created with pdf

11、Factory Pro trial version 頁次7-3中山立達金屬制品有限公司中山立達金屬制品有限公司文件編號 / File No.QPR04版本/次 / Version:1.0品质记录程序书 (Quality Records Control Procedure)(Appendix 2) and the date seal (Appendix 2). The old record shall be destroyed after one year.5.1.3 品质记录规范格式变更时,由文管员在对应的文件修订履历上进行登记后传申请单位及拟案单位签核。品质记录规范格式正式变更后,存档于品质

12、记录一览(附件一)中之品质记录样表由品管部加盖作废章(附件二)及正式废止日期章(附件二)后保存一年销毁。5.1.4 In order to identify the difference between the old and new versions of quality record formats. The first version number is fixed at 1.0, and for any change to the version, please refer to the Methods for Change of Version/Edition.5.1.4 为区分各项

13、记录规范格式之新旧版,以版本/次对其格式进行标示,每一份记录在第一次制作时其版本/次项设置为 1.0,以后修改一次则其版本/次变更一次,其变更方式参照版本/次变更方式作业。5.1.5 All records shall be true, correct, clear and complete and it is not allowed to alter any data without authorization. In the event that it has to alter the data, the person who altered the data shall sign his

14、 name and specify the data for future tracking and verification5.1.5 在日常工作中,各种记录之填写必须保证真实、准确、清晰、完整,各种记录数据也不得随意修改,若因实际需要必须修改记录数据时,修改人完成修改后必须在修改处签名确认并注明修改日期,以便在必要进行追溯、查证。5.1.6 In order to track and inquire the data if necessary, the preparing unit shall provide the period of record maintenance and the

15、 name who is responsible for the data maintenance. The keeper shall specify the period of maintenance for all kinds of quality records in accordance with the Table of Quality Records 9 in Appendix 为便 于在必要时可进行追溯查询,各拟案单位必须在品质记录一览表(附件一)中设置各品质记录之保存年限及保存单位,各保管单位必须依据品管PDF created with pdfFactory P

16、ro trial version 頁次7-4中山立達金屬制品有限公司中山立達金屬制品有限公司文件編號 / File No.QPR04版本/次 / Version:1.0品质记录程序书 (Quality Records Control Procedure)记录一览表 9 附件一)规定保存年限保存各项品质记录。5.1.7 When any customer has special requirements for the maintenance period of quality records, the responsible department shall maintain the records according to customer requirements, and revise the Table of Quality Records (Appendix 1) if necessary to fac



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