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1、Making the news,Unit 4,Section Using Language,高二英语,人教版 必修5,.下面是本部分的重点词汇,你能准确填出内容吗?1根据提示写出下列单词(1)_ (n.)罪行;犯罪(2)_ (n.)版(本);版次(3)_ (n.)部门;部;处;系(4)_ (vt.)擦亮;磨光;润色(5)_ (adj.)主要的;首席的(n.)首领;长官(6)_ (vt.)加工;处理(n.)过程;程序;步骤,crimeeditiondepartmentpolishchiefprocess,(7)accurate (adj.)精确的;正确的_ (adv.)精确地_ (n.)精确(8

2、)senior (adj.)年长的;高年级的_ (adj.)年轻的;低年级的(9)approve (vt.)赞成;认可;批准_ (n.)许可(10)appointment (n.)约会;任命_ (vt.)委派;任命,accurately,accuracy,junior,approval,appoint,2补全短语(1)get absorbed _ 致力于(2)refer._. 把提交给(3)begin _ 以开始(4)ahead _ 在的前面(5)pass sth. _ to 把传递给(6)last _ all 最后(7)be happy _ 对满意(8)be supposed _ 应该,in

3、,to,with,of,on,of,with,to,.阅读文章GETTING THE “SCOOP”,把下面一份报纸的制作流程补充完整。1Journalists _ people and write stories.2Photographers take _ of important people.3Photos are _ quickly.4Editors _ the report carefully.5Copyeditors _ the headline.6Chief editors _ the report and _ it.7The newspapers are _.8The news

4、papers are delivered _ trains and trucks.,interview,photos,developed,check,design,read,approve,printed,by,1.edition nC版(本),版,版次;某版的发行册数His book went through five editions.他的书印了5版。The edition was very small.此版发行册数很少。,常用于以下短语:a pocket edition袖珍版a paperback edition平装版a revised edition修订版同根词:edit vt.编辑,

5、剪辑;editor n编者,主编,知识拓展,活学活用用所给单词的正确形式填空He is the _ of the publishing house; he may have a paperback _ of the book.(edit)答案:editor;edition,2department n. 部,局,司,处,系;(医院的)科,部门Professor Jenkins is the head of the English Department. 詹金斯教授是英语系主任。He works in the sales department of the company. 他任职于该公司的销售部

6、。,departmental adj.部门的;分部的department store百货公司,大百货商店be sb.s department某人的职责范围(或知识范围),知识拓展,活学活用完成句子他是这个大学的历史系教授。He is a professor in_ _ _ _the university.答案:the History Department of,3accurate adj.(1)正确无误的His description was accurate.他的叙述很正确。He is accurate in what he says and does.他言行一致。(2)精确的,能提供精确信

7、息的My watch is not very accurate.我的表不准了。 Journalists are not always accurate (in what they write)新闻工作者(的报道)并非一贯准确。,accuracy n精确,准确accurately adv.准确地,精确地,正确无误地inaccurate adj.不正确的,不精确的,知识拓展,活学活用用词语的恰当形式填空(1)I have been convinced that the print media are usually_(accurate)and more reliable than televisi

8、on.答案:more accurate句意:我一直都确信纸质媒体通常比电视要更加准确,更加可靠。考查形容词比较级。后有than,故用比较级。,(2)There is a need to check the_(accurate)of these figures.答案:accuracy句意:有必要核对一下这些数字的准确性。设空处作宾语,故用名词形式。accuracy n精确;准确(性)。,4senior1) adj. (1)(to sb.)级别(或地位)高的There are separate rooms for senior and junior officers.高级军官和下级军官的房间是分着

9、的。(2)成人的;高级水平的He won the senior mens 400 metres.他赢得了男子甲组400米冠军。(3)(父子同名时,加在父亲的名字前)老,大John Parker, Senior is the father of John Parker, Junior.老约翰派克是小约翰派克的父亲。,(4)(招收1113岁以上学生的)中等学校,中学部Lying north of the church is a girls senior high school.位于这座教堂以北的是一所女子高中。2) n.(1)较年长的人Paul is my senior by two years.

10、 保罗长我两岁。(2)级别(或地位)较高者;上级,上司He was my senior.他过去是我的上级。,活学活用(1)用恰当词语填空Lisa is senior_Judy because Lisa has been working here for two years, while Judy is a newcomer.答案:to句意:丽萨比朱迪资格老,因为丽萨已经在这儿工作了两年,而朱迪只是个新人。be senior to“比资格老;比年长”。,(2)同义句改写She ranks higher than anyone else in the company.She_ _ _anyone

11、else in the company.答案:is senior to,5polish1) v.(1)sth.(up)(with sth.)擦亮;磨光Silver polishes easily with this special cloth.用这块特殊的布能很容易把银擦亮。Polish shoes regularly to protect the leather.要经常擦鞋,以保护皮革。,图解助记,(2)sth.(up)修改;润色;润饰Four years of prep school should polish those children.四年的预科学习应该让这些孩子变得温文尔雅。The

12、 hotel has polished up its act (improved its service) since last year.这家酒店自去年以来已经改善了服务水平。,2) n.(1)sing磨光,擦亮I give it a polish now and again.我不时地把它擦亮。(2)U (表演的)完美,娴熟,精湛She played the piano with the polish of a much old musician.她弹奏钢琴颇有资深音乐家的风格。(3)U文雅,优雅;品味;礼貌She thought it that her husbands family la

13、cked polish.她认为她丈夫的家人缺乏品味。,活学活用(1)用恰当形式填空Finally,my thanks go to my tutor,who has offered a lot of suggestions and comments on my paper and _(polish)every page of my draft.答案:polished句意:最后,我要感谢我的导师,他给我的论文提供了很多建议和评论,并且对我初稿的每一页都做了修改。根据语境可知此处应该用现在完成时态,此处省略了has,填polished。,(2)用恰当词语填空I havent seen you for

14、 a long time.What are you busy doing?I have been polishing_my French because I will go to work in France this summer.答案:up句意:我好久没见你了。你在忙什么呢?我正在提高我的法语水平,因为我今年夏天要去法国工作。考查动词短语,polish up改善,提高,符合语境。,6chief1) adj.(1)最重要的,首要的,主要的What is the chief town in China?中国的主要城市是哪一个? The chief reason Im not taking a

15、holiday is that I have too much work to do.我不休假的主要原因是我有太多的工作要做。,(2)最高级别的,为首的,首要的Li Hua was appointed chief engineer of the project.李华被委任为该项工程的总工程师。Li Hua acts as the chief financial officer of the company.李华是公司的首席财务官。,2) n.(1)(公司或机构的)首领、头目、最高领导人The chief of the police department demanded severe punishments for criminals.警察局长要求严惩罪犯。(2)部落首领,部落酋长He is the chief of this tribe.他是该部落的首领。,



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