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1、智课网TOEFL备考资料托福写作185题库之第137题范文您当前的位置 智课教育官网 托福 托福写作 文章正文出国英语考试有哪些 雅思6.5是什么水平 雅思阅读评分标准 托福阅读评分标准 雅思和托福的区别137. Should high schools allow students to study the courses that students wantto study?Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? High schools should allow students to study thecourses

2、that students want to study. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.分析倾向于认为高中生应该服从学校安排。 依据教育的课程安排是有一定科学道理的,学一些没必要的课程占用太多时间,对学生未来考大学可能不利。 相应地,学校也有责任随着时代发展,不停地改进课程安排。让学生们可以得到真正有用的教育。 最根本的原因在于大多数高中生仍然不具备可信的判断能力相关题目:14范文High school is a very important time in a persons educational car

3、eer. During this period, they will learn manyof the skills necessary to be successful in university and the work world. There are both advantages anddisadvantages of students picking their own courses in high school. The disadvantages are that high schoolstudents are too young to have good judgment

4、about what they really require and also, its very important for ayoung person to get a rounded education. The advantage of adolescents picking their own courses is that peopleshould be able to start exploring their aptitudes at a young age.If children are able to pick all of their own courses in hig

5、h school, it is more than likely that they will pick all“easy“ courses, such as arts or music courses. Children do not necessarily know what is best for them, andtherefore, could end up lacking later in life because of the poor, uninformed decisions they made as adolescents.Young people need a well-

6、rounded, balanced education. A good education should include everything fromlanguages to mathematics to science, etc. Many children would avoid their most disliked courses if given theopportunity. A well-rounded education leads to well-balanced people, which in turn leads to a tolerant,knowledgeable

7、 society. It is important to have a wide basis of knowledge concerning how the world works.As mentioned above, there is also an advantage of allowing children to pick their own courses in high school.Picking ones own courses means that one will be able to focus on subject areas that are particularly

8、 interesting tothe individual. Adolescents should be able to hone in on their likes and dislikes at a young age, as this will give thema better understanding of where their aptitude lies.In conclusion, I think that students in high school should be able to choose some of their own courses. Thereshould definitely be a required curriculum, but it should leave room for students to take electives that they aretruly interested in.



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