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1、 2数词练习题数词练习题四、根据句子意思填空。四、根据句子意思填空。 1.1. ChildrensChildrens DayDay(儿童节)(儿童节) isis onon thethe ofof JuneJune(六月)(六月). . 2.2. ThereThere areare monthsmonths(月)(月)inin a a year(year(年年).). 3.3. TeachersTeachers Day(Day(教师节教师节) ) isis onon thethe ofof SeptemberSeptember(九月)(九月). . 4.4. TheThe Mid-autumnM

2、id-autumn FestivalFestival isis onon ( (八月十五八月十五) ) inin lunarlunar calendarcalendar 5.National5.National dayday isis onon ( (十月一日十月一日).). 五、选择填空五、选择填空 ( ( )1.)1. MyMy cousinscousins birthdaybirthday inin onon thethe ofof October.October. A.A. threethree B.B. firstfirst C.C. thethe secondsecond ( (

3、)2.)2. WhatWhat datedate isis itit today?today? ItsIts ofof April.April. A.A. twelfthtwelfth B.B. thethe 12th12th C.C. 12th12th ( ( )3.)3. ThereThere areare daysdays inin a a week.week. A.A. thethe sevenseven B.B. seventhseventh C.C. thethe seventhseventh D.D. sevenseven ( ( )4.Sunday)4.Sunday isis

4、thethe dayday ofof a a week.week. A.A. oneone B.B. firstfirst C.C. secondsecond ( ( )5.)5. Twenty-eightTwenty-eight minus(minus(减减)six)six isis . . A.A. thethe twenty-twenty- secondsecond B.B. twenty-twotwenty-two C.C. twenty-twenty- secondsecond基数词规律:基数词规律:1,1, 1 1 至至 1212 各不同各不同 2,132,13 至至 1919 都

5、以都以 teenteen 结尾结尾 3,203,20 至至 9090 的整十数都以的整十数都以 tyty 结尾结尾4,214,21 至至 9191 的非整数:整数与个数间加的非整数:整数与个数间加 “一一” 5 5,百是,百是 hundred,hundred, 千是千是 thousandthousand 序数词规律:序数词规律:1 1,第一至第三有独立式,第一至第三有独立式 2 2,第四至第十二加,第四至第十二加 thth ( (除除 fifth,fifth, eighth,eighth, ninth,ninth, twelfthtwelfth 外外) )3,3, 整十数:整十数: y y 改

6、改 I I 加加 etheth 4,4, 2121 至至 9999 间的非整十数:在整数基数词后加间的非整十数:在整数基数词后加“一一” ,然后加上个位序数词。,然后加上个位序数词。 基数词变序数词口诀:基数词变序数词口诀: 基变序,有规律。基变序,有规律。 一、二、三、特殊记,词尾字母一、二、三、特殊记,词尾字母 t,d,d.(first,t,d,d.(first, second,second, third)third)。 八减八减 t,t,九去九去 e,e,(eighth,eighth, ninthninth), , f f 来把来把 veve 替。替。 (twelfthtwelfth).

7、 . 单词单词 tyty 作结尾,作结尾,tyty 变成变成 tie(twentieth).tie(twentieth). 若是碰到几十几,只变个位就可以。 (twenty-first)( )2Danny lives in _Aroom 404 BRoom 404 C404 room D404 Room ( )3Jim is in _Aclass one,grade six Bgrade one,class six CClass One,Grade Six DGrade One, Class Six ( )6Is there any food for us _? Aten Btenth Cth

8、e tenth Dthe ten ( )7Mary is _ girl A. an 8 year old B8 一 yearsold Cthe 8 years old Dan 8 一 yearold 一、单项选择 1.The tree is tall. A. fourteen foots B. fourteen feet C. fourteen foot D. forty foot32.Fifty plus . A. fourty is ninety B. forty is ninety C. thirty is ninety D. fifty is ninety 5.December is

9、and last month in a year. A.the twelveth B.twelve C.the twelfth D.twelfth 7.There were two world wars during century. A.the twenties B.the twentieth C.twenties D.twentieth 8.In the forties, his father served in the New Army(),while his mother worked in the Route Army(八路军).A. Fourth; Eighth B.Four; E

10、ighth C.Fourth; eight D.Fourth; eighth 9.We are learning now. A.the twenty-first lesson B.Lesson Twenty-first C.the 21 th lesson D.Lesson 21 st 11.Whats the date today?Its . A.nine B.Monday C.June 5 D.11:00 12.Would you like to eat apples? No, thank you. A.more two B.two more C.two another D.two els

11、e 13.He said he would come back in . A.one or two days B.o or two days C.one and two days D.a day and two 18.September is TeachersDay. A.the ten B.tenth C.the tenth D.the tens 19.There are children in the country school.A.two thousand five hundred and sixty B.two thousands five hundred and sixty C.t

12、wo thousands five hundreds and sixty D.two thousand five hundreds and sixty 一、15BBCCC 610ABAAD 1115CBAAB 1620BBCAB 五、选择填空 ( )1. My cousins birthday in on the of October. A. three B. first C. the second ( )2. What date is it today? Its of April. A. twelfth B. the 12th C. 12th ( )3. There are days in

13、a week. A. the seven B. seventh C. the seventh D. seven ( )4.Sunday is the day of a week. A. one B. first C. second ( )5. Twenty-eight minus(减)six is .A. the twenty- second B. twenty-two C. twenty- second ( )6. Four plus(加) is twelve. A. seven B. eight C. nine 基数词序数词练习题 I. Choose the best answer 1. Please turn to _. A. Page 11 B. the 11 st page C. page 11 D. page the 11 th 2. At night we can see _ stars in the sky.A. thousands and thousands of B. thousand and thousands of C. a thousand and thousands D. thousand and thousand 3. There



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