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1、Unit 4 Wildlife protection.语境填词 1This kind of animal is _ (decrease) rapidly,so the _ (protect) of the animals is necessary. 2It is _ (确定的) that the heavy rain will do _(损害) to the crops. 3On the hill,we could see the forest _ (保护区) in the _ (distant) 4To my surprise,when I approached the fierce (凶猛

2、的) dog,it didnt _ (反应) 5We should make sure that the foreign guests are _ (安全的) when they _ (视察) our company. .选词填空 burst into laughter,in peace,in danger of, protect.from,get dressed,in relief 1The old prefer to live _ in the countryside. 2Tom,its time for school.Get up and _ quickly! 3In order to

3、_ his men _ hunger and desease,Captain Cook loaded his ship with everything necessary. 4Why are these animals _ disappearing? 5When he saw the child was not injured,he sighed _. 6The children _ when they heard the funny story. .完成句子 1学生们一直都渴望举行一次音乐会。 The students _ a concert. 2我不知道将来会发生什么事。 _ will h

4、appen in the future. 3没有共产党,就没有新中国,也就没有今天的幸福生活。 _ the CCP,_ New China,_ the happy life today. 4我们钦佩他解决那个问题的方法。 We admired _ he solved the problem. .单项填空 1What made us satisfied is that the car _ well to the controls. Aresponds Bcorresponds Creplies Dreflects 2If he can _ this speed,it is _ that he w

5、ill get the first place in the race. Akeep up;certain Bkeep with;certain Ckeep to;sure Dkeep out;sure 3With three goals in the first period they had a _ victory,but somehow they lost. Asecure Buncertain Cunsure Ddoubtful 4Youd better _ the money for future use. Areceive Breserve Creward Dreduce 5It

6、is raining.Use the umbrella to _ yourself from the rain. Aprevent Bprotect Cdefend Dstop 6I will do it _ your instructions. Adue to Bowing to Caccording to Dthanks to7The baby burst _ crying at the sight of the nurse. Aoff Binto Cout Dwith 8I wonder _ they will come to help us. Awhat Bthat Cwhich Di

7、f 9I wondered _ he had been absent from school. Aif Bwhere Cwhy Dwhile 10Do it _I told you to. Athat Bwhich Cwhether Dthe way1contain vt.vt.包含;容纳;含有;克制(感情);抑制 _ n容器;货柜 【归纳拓展】 contain oneself 克制自己 注意:contain 表示“容纳”时,不用于进行时。 (1)What I need is a book that contains the ABC of oil painting.(2009全国,14) 我需

8、要的是一本里面有油画基础知识的书。 (2)The drink doesnt contain any alcohol. 这种饮料不含任何酒精。 【活学活用】 (1)I was so angry that _. 我非常气愤,简直无法克制自己。 (2)用 contain,include 的适当形式填空 The plane can _ about 300 people,_ the pilot. (3)The house_ six rooms altogether,_ the study.(2011遵义市调研) Acontains;containing Bcontains;including Cincl

9、udes;including Dincludes;containing 2affect vt.vt.影响;感动;(疾病)侵袭 【归纳拓展】 be affected by heat 中暑 the effect on 对的影响 come into effect 实施,生效 take effect 见效,起作用 (1)In 2010,most southern parts of China were affected by the flood.2010 年,中国南部的 大部分地区受到了洪水灾害的影响。 (2)Her kidneys had been affected. 她的肾脏受到了感染。 【活学活

10、用】 (1)用 affect,effect,influence 的适当形式填空 Modern farming methods have greatly _ agriculture,the _ of which will have a(n) _ on the environment. (2)We pay much attention to the changes in the weather just because it _ us so directly in what we wear,what we do and how we feel. Aaffects Battracts Cbenefi

11、ts Dcontacts 3appreciate vt.vt.欣赏;感激;意识到 _ n欣赏;感激 【归纳拓展】 appreciate doing 感激做 I would appreciate it if.假如我将不胜感激 in appreciation of/for 欣赏;感激;认可 Bruce,I really appreciate your handwriting. Thank you very much.(2009福建,21) 布鲁斯,我很欣赏你的书写。 多谢! 【活学活用】 (1)I dont think you _ this will cause. 我认为你不完全了解这件事情会造成

12、怎样的困难。 (2)_ you would turn the radio down. 如果你把收音机的声音调小一点,我将非常感激。 (3)I would appreciate _ if you would let me know in advance whether you will be coming or not. Athat Bit Cyou Dthis 4succeed vi.vi.成功;继承;办成 _ n成功;成功的人(或事) _ adj.成功的;有成效的 【归纳拓展】 succeed in (doing) sth.成功做某事 be successful in doing 做成功 O

13、ur plan succeeded/was successful,and soon we were in complete control.我们的计划顺利 完成了,于是我们很快就完全控制了局面。 【活学活用】 (1)I am confident you will _. 我有信心你会成为一名成功的律师。 (2)Scientists claim they have succeeded_ a cure for cancer.(2011承德联考) Ain finding Bof finding Cto finding Dfor finding 5.harm n n& & vt.vt.伤害;损害;危害 _ adj.有害的 _ adj.无害的(to);无恶意的 【归纳拓展】 do harm to.对造成伤害 do sb.harmdo har


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