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1、趁还没有改革成机考的最后几次机会,赶紧把四六级过了吧。趁还没有改革成机考的最后几次机会,赶紧把四六级过了吧。1.练好口语,顺便考试拿高分.这是李阳老师的名言。2.笔者认为,书店里有这么多词汇书的原因绝不是因为词汇书对英语学习有多 大帮助,而是因为有人买,有很多人买,说白了,是因为有市场。那些商家才不管你能 不能过四六级,他们只关心他们的书有多少人买。在中国,大部分英语学习者把背单词在中国,大部分英语学习者把背单词 等同于学英等同于学英语,这种误区直接造成了一种超级尴尬的局面:中国学生的口语在全球排在倒语,这种误区直接造成了一种超级尴尬的局面:中国学生的口语在全球排在倒 数的位数的位置,中国学生

2、的雅思成绩排在全球倒数第二。置,中国学生的雅思成绩排在全球倒数第二。背单词不如背句子,背句子不如 背句型,背文章。3.有没有想过朗读和背诵四级听力原文?有没有想过如果你能把听力对话脱口 而出?有没有想过,如果你能脱口而出了,那么自然也就听懂了。如果你能脱口而出了,那么自然也就听懂了。4.所以,高分通过四六级的方法就是:朗读,背诵,模仿四六级真题(请把这 个方法分享给你的朋友)。把自己的声音录下来,和标准录音对照,发音从一个一个单词 开始改,从一个一个语调开始改。模仿三个月,你的发音就会变的超级地道!模仿三个月,你的发音就会变的超级地道!你的听力分数就能拿 200 以上!第 4 天-第 6 天的

3、计划请点击下面的链接http:/ the automobile is losing its emotional appeal, particularlyparticularly among the young ,who prefer to spend their money on the latest electronic devices. whilewhile mini-cars and luxury foreign brands are still popular ,everything in between is shakingshaking.Last years sales fell

4、6.7 percent, 7.6 percent ifif you dont count the mini-car market . There have been largerlarger one-year drops in other nations :sales in Germany fell 9 percent in 2007 inin viewview ofof a tax increase . But experts say Japan isuniqueunique in that sales have been decreasing steadily overover time.

5、 Since 1990, yearly new-car sales have fallen from 7.8 million to 5.4 million units in 2007.Alarmed by this state of decaydecay, the Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association (JAMA) proceededproceeded a comprehensive study of the market in 2006. It found that a wideningwidening wealth gap, demograp

6、hic(人口结构的) changes and massivemassive lack of interest in cars led Japanese to hold their vehiclesvehicles longer , replace their cars with smaller ones oror give up car ownership altogether .JAMA predictpredict a further sales decline of 1.2 percent this year. Some experts believe that if the trend

7、 continues for much longer , further consolidation (合并) in the automotive sector is likelylikely8787 HavingHaving spentspent somesome timetime inin thethe city,city, hehe hadhad nono troubletrouble findingfinding thethe wayway toto thethe historyhistory museummuseum8888 toto paypay forfor mymy educa

8、tion/toeducation/to paypay mymy tuitiontuition feesfees MotherMother oftenoften takestakes onon moremore workwork thanthan isis goodgood forfor her.her. 8989 TheThe professorprofessor requiredrequired thatthat we(should)we(should) handhand inin our/theour/the researchresearch report(s)report(s)9090

9、TheThe moremore youyou explain,explain, thethe moremore confusedconfused I I amam 9191 ThoughThough a a skilledskilled worker,worker, hehe waswas firedfired byby thethe companycompany lastlast weekweek becausebecause ofof thethe economiceconomic crisis.crisis.作文分六天背诵 话题:大学生就业1.With the policy of exp

10、anding recruitment of higher education and fierce competition of job-hunting market, the unemployment of college graduates is becoming the hot issue of the whole society. The college graduates constantly complain about being rejected by some promising company in the job-hunting market. 2.Even most j

11、obs provided in the job-hunting declaredly excluded the graduates, only welcoming the experienced employees. Even worse, entering for the post graduate examination is becoming an approach to escaping the problem of unemployment.3.Is that really difficult for college graduates to hunt jobs? In fact,

12、the answer might be “no” . There are three reasons for unemployment of college graduates. The first one is the deficiency of practical vocational skills and academic knowledge.4.The second is the inappropriate evaluation of his own value in job market. The third is the actually fierce competition re

13、sulting from the policy of expanding recruitment of higher education.5.To successfully compete in the job market as a college graduate, you must work hard to master the academic and vocational skills during your college life. Of course, consciously training your practical skills by taking part-time

14、job will be advisable.6.lot of college graduates desire to work at governmental institutions in big cities, and they all want to sign up for the public servants examination.Besides, many employers only want to take on those students who have good knowledge and practical skills. But many graduates on

15、ly have theoretical knowledge, but no practical experiences.其实我们都不愿意把大把时间花在四六级考试上,但是,谁让我们生在了这样其实我们都不愿意把大把时间花在四六级考试上,但是,谁让我们生在了这样的时代呢。的时代呢。别抱怨了,开始吧别抱怨了,开始吧.顺便晒一晒我的六级成绩单哈顺便晒一晒我的六级成绩单哈.多谢大家捧场多谢大家捧场兄弟姐妹们,由于人数众多,小弟实在是没有能力再挨个给大家发了。10 月 6 日上午 6 点之前留言的朋友我已经全部发送过去了,在这个时间之后留言的朋友请多多包涵。我申请了几个公共邮箱,复习计划的压缩包就在收件箱里面,请大家到邮箱下载。如果下载不了,请换一个邮箱试试。复习计划只有一份,四六级复习都可以用这个,内容是历年四级真题。六级同学也可以放心使用,我就是用这份四级真题材料拿到六级 610分的。1 号邮箱地址:密码:123456782 号邮箱箱地址:密码:密码:12345678123456783 号邮箱箱地址: target=“_blank“B密码:密码:12345678123456784 号邮箱箱地


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