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1、音乐之声音乐之声The sound of musicThe hills are alive 大地新象 With the sound of music 只因这天籁之声 With songs they have sung 清歌传唱 For a thousand years 千年万年 The hills fill my heart 云岭送翠 With the sound of music 只为这天籁之声 My heart wants to sing Every song it hears 我心雀跃不已 只因它拾得片音短曲 My heart wants to beat like the wings O

2、f the birds that rise 我心澎湃狂喜 宛如鸟生新羽展翅飞去 From the lake to the trees 自湖滨遥向枝头高栖 My heart wants to sigh Like a chime that flies 我心呢喃低语仿佛钟铃 From a church on a breeze 自教堂乘风徐徐而来 To laugh like a brook When it trips and falls 欢笑一如小溪清清 蜿蜒宛转 Over stones on its way 川流石头间 To sing through the night 彻夜高歌 Like a la

3、rk who is learning to pray 就像云雀习祷,喜悦轻盈 I go to the hills 我总会来这山巅 When my heart is lonely 每当我心抑郁 I know I will hear 我知道定能听见 What Ive heard before 昔日歌声 My heart will be blessed 我心将被赐福 With the sound of music只因这天籁之音 And Ill sing 我也愿 Once more 再次高歌 Hallelujah, hallelujah 哈利路亚,哈利路亚 Hallelujah, hallelujah

4、 哈利路亚,哈利路亚 -Reverend Mother. -Sister Bernice. -院长 -柏尼丝修女 -I simply cannot find her. -Maria? -我找不到她 -玛丽亚 Shes missing again. 她又不见了 We shouldve put a cowbell around her neck. 也许我们该在她脖子上挂个牛铃 Have you tried the barn? You know how much she adores the animals. 你找过杂仓了吗? 她很喜欢动物 I have looked everywhere. In

5、all of the usual places. 我到处都找过了 Sister, considering its Maria. 我建议你 .I suggest you look in someplace unusual. 找不寻常的地方 Well, Reverend Mother. 院长 .I hope this new infraction ends whatever doubts. 我希望这次违规 .you may still have about Marias future here. 会结束你对她在这里会有未来的疑虑 I always try to keep faith in my d

6、oubts, Sister Berthe. 我对疑虑仍常保持信心 After all, the wool of a black sheep is just as warm. 毕竟黑羊的毛也是会温暖 We are not talking about sheep, black or white, Sister Margaretta. 我们不是争论绵羊颜色 Of all the candidates for the novitiate, Maria is the least- 所有修女的候选人中她最糟Children, children. 各位 We were speculating about t

7、he qualifications of our postulants. 我们想了解在修道院的人表现如何 The Mistress of Novices and the Mistress of Postulants. 见习修女和修道院修女的主管 .were trying to help me by expressing opposite points of view. 表达了不同的意见来协助我 Tell me, Sister Catherine, what do you think of Maria? 凯萨琳修女,告诉我 你认为玛丽亚如何? Shes a wonderful girl, som

8、e of the time. 她是个好女孩,有的时候 -Sister Agatha? -Its very easy to like Maria. -阿葛莎修女? -玛丽亚讨人喜欢 .except when its difficult. 除了不讨人喜欢的时候 -And you, Sister Sophia? -Oh, I love her very dearIy. -苏菲亚修女,你呢? -我喜欢她 But she always seems to be in trouble, doesnt she? 但她爱惹麻烦 Exactly what I say. 这就是我要说的 She climbs a t

9、ree and scrapes her knee 她会爬树伤膝盖 Her dress has got a tear 衣服裂开 She waltzes on her way to Mass And whistles on the stair 在作弥撒的路上吹口哨 And underneath her wimple She has curlers in her hair 帽巾下,头发内会有发卷 Ive even heard her singing In the abbey 她常常在修道院内唱歌 Shes always late for chapel 她总是迟到作祷告 But her peniten

10、ce is real 可是后悔却出自真心 Shes always late for everything 她做什么都迟到 Except for every meal 但每餐饭从不迟到 I hate to have to say it But I very firmly feel 我不愿说,但我深深觉得Marias not an asset to the abbey 玛丽亚不适合修道院 Id like to say a word in her behalf 我愿为她说句好话 Say it, Sister Margaretta. 请说,玛格丽特修女 Maria makes me laugh 玛丽亚

11、令我发笑 How do you solve a problem like Maria? 你要如何解决像玛丽亚的问题 How do you catch a cloud And pin it down? 如何将浮云摘下后钉牢 How do you find a word That means Maria? 你要如何用言语形容她 A flibbertigibbet 心浮气躁 -A will-o-the-wisp -A clown -骗子 -小丑 Many a thing you know Youd like to tell her 许多事你们想告诉她 Many a thing she ought t

12、o understand 许多事她该明了 But how do you make her stay And listen to all you say? 但如何使她停下,听你说完 How do you keep a wave Upon the sand? 如何使海浪停留在沙滩上 How do you solve a problem like Maria? 如何解决像玛丽亚的问题 How do you hold a moonbeam 如何使月光 In your hand? 在掌中停留 When Im with her Im confused Out of focus and bemused 当我

13、和她同处就糊涂 And I never know exactly where I am 茫然不知身在何处 -Unpredictable as weather -Shes as flighty as a feather -如天候难测 -像羽毛飘忽 -Shes a darling -Shes a demon -她很可人 -恶魔 Shes a lamb 羔羊 Shell out pester any pest Drive a hornet from its nest她让瘟神烦恼,把黄蜂赶出巢 She can throw a whirling dervish Out of whirl 她能使僧侣昏头转

14、向 -She is gentle, she is wild -Shes a riddle, shes a child 她本性善良却又狂野 她是谜一般的孩子 -Shes a headache -Shes an angel -她令人头痛 -她是天使 Shes a girl 她只是个女孩 How do you solve a problem like Maria? 你要如何解决她的问题 How do you catch a cloud And pin it down? 如何摘下浮云钉牢 How do you find a word That means Maria? 要如何用字眼来形容她 -A fl

15、ibbertigibbet -A will-o-the-wisp 捣蛋鬼,戏人精 A clown 小丑 Many a thing you know Youd like to tell her 许多事你觉得要告诉她 Many a thing she ought to understand 许多事她应该明明白 -But how do you make her stay? -And listen to all you say? 但如何使她停下,听你说完话 How do you keep a wave Upon the sand? 如何使海浪停留在沙滩上 How do you solve a prob

16、lem like Maria? 如何解决像玛丽亚的问题 How do you hold a moonbeam 如何使月光 In your hand? 在掌中停留 You may go in now, Maria. 你可以进去了,玛丽亚 Come here, my chiId. 过来吧,孩子 Now sit down. 坐下吧 Reverend Mother, Im sorry. I couIdnt heIp myseIf. 院长,我真抱歉 我只是无法自制 -The hiIIs were beckoning and before- -Dear. 门开着,山峦在呼唤我 I havent summoned you for apoIogies. 我不是要你来此道歉的PIease Iet me ask for forgiveness. 院长,请让我后悔吧 If youII feeI better. 如果会让你好过些的话 Yes, you see, the


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