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1、想获得更多托福机经,可在豆丁网搜索我的用户名:三十有一2014 年 3 月 2 日托福独立写作都会考到哪些题目?国内某知名出国语言培训机构带来 2014 年 3 月 2 日托福独立口语预测,希望对托福考生有所帮助。20142014 年年 3 3 月大陆地区托福预测月大陆地区托福预测2010.10.09Do you think success is important, or it is more important to remain happy and optimistic when you fail2012.12.08Patience is not a good strategy;we s

2、hould take action now rather than later2010.09.26Do you agreeor disagree:Technologyhelps to make peoples lives simpler or make peoples lives more complicated.2012.11.18Some people think that the important role of university professors is to do research , others think the main role of them is to educ

3、ate students.想获得更多托福机经,可在豆丁网搜索我的用户名:三十有一2011.12.11improvement of school isthe most important factor for development of nation2008.12.13spend money on long last thing or spend on short-term pleasure; e.g. buying jewerly or taking vacations.NA2012.11.16government should support artist or artist ahould

4、 support themselvesNA2012.06.08Should company use public recognition to reward hard working, not to use moneyNA2012.12.07teaching is a harder work in the past than today2010.09.12Agree or disagree: people should not have to pay for the public transportation想获得更多托福机经,可在豆丁网搜索我的用户名:三十有一2011.05.29Is it

5、easier to be a success in the past than it is today2010.12.12Being creative,rathar than carefully planning,is more often results in the best solution.NA2012.10.27现在的年轻人比以前更愿意自己做决定了,不会太依赖家长。NA2012.05.25Is there a good reason to be impolite(rude) to another person?2012.10.28The government and corporat

6、ion should share all their scientific discoveries with other countries in the world?2012.02.11do you agree or disagree the follow statement: one can not learn to be a leader.想获得更多托福机经,可在豆丁网搜索我的用户名:三十有一2012.03.04是完全按照领导指示行事的员工对公司更有价值还是一直寻找新的途径解决问题的员工对公司更有利?NA2012.08.04Do you think teachers have great

7、er influence on young children in the past than today?2010.06.13it is better to spend money on traveling and vacation than save money for the future.2008.06.22是不是最重要的提高 health care 的措施是治理环境问题2009.12.20The ability to read and write is more important now than in the past.2011.08.27People who develop m

8、any different skills are more successful than people who focus on one skill only.想获得更多托福机经,可在豆丁网搜索我的用户名:三十有一2011.12.11improvement of school isthe most important factor for development of nation 同意么2014 年 3 月 2 日托福独立口语都会考到哪些题目?中国某知名出国语言培训机构给您带来 2014 年 3 月 2 日托福独立口语预测,希望对托福考生有所帮助。2014 年 3 月大陆地区托福预测:20

9、12.09.081. Do you agree students to have pet in dorm2. it is an essential part to let children go to outside such as museum and zoo to study 而不只是在教室学。2013.05.261. 2013.07.21 已考2. Do you agree or disagree that teachers should encourage students to have class discussions during class?NA2012.05.051 如果学

10、校图书馆里面所有的纸质的书换成电子书好不好?2 Government 该不该 spend money on encouraging citizens to lead a healthy lifestyleNA2012.11.161 是否喜欢和长辈(叔叔阿姨爷爷奶奶)聊天2 家具或小家电坏了是自己修还是拿到店里修想获得更多托福机经,可在豆丁网搜索我的用户名:三十有一2010.09.261 decribe a charater in a book,film , poem, explain why you like it.2 2013.09.01 已考2012.12.081.如果一个外国朋友要来你的

11、国家读大学你会给神马建议。2. 2014.02.22 已考2008.12.131. 2014.02.22 已考2.part-time job/ summer employment 是否对选择职业有帮助。2010.10.091 描述一个你国家的 interesting cloth and explain why it is interesting2 would you like to spend time with family or friends rather than alone2009.08.021 describe your first time to go to school whe

12、n you were young, you like it or not 之类的云云。2 popular celebrities,like singers, actors,athletes are good examples for the young to learn?2009.09.261,小时候 enjoy 什么 activity2,旅游的时候是否喜欢照很多相片和保留机票门票做纪念想获得更多托福机经,可在豆丁网搜索我的用户名:三十有一When on a trip,some people like to keep a journal and take pictures. Others ju

13、st look. Which do you prefer and why?2009.11.081 if you could do one thing for your community, what will you do and why2 Some students like to regularly review their notes, others like to review their notes just before test, state your choice and explain why2010.09.121 While choosing a friend, which

14、 of the following characteristics do you care about most: honesty; loyalty or sense of humor?2 Some people prefer reading newspaper or magazine to get news; others prefer watching television or listening to radio to get news. Which way do you prefer and why?2011.05.291 描述一下你的 MODEL 人物2.小孩应不应该学习 draw

15、 or paint2009.05.161.重要决定 Important Decision2.高中要不要开艺术和音乐课 Should school ask students learn music and art.2010.12.121.你和家人/朋友的一次 special event想获得更多托福机经,可在豆丁网搜索我的用户名:三十有一2.去没去过的地方旅游,还是去去过的地方旅游。2009.02.281 介绍一项你想要学习的技艺并且说明原因(运用细节和例子)2 同不同意学生在上大学之前先休息一年做准备?2009.09.201.describe a subject that you enjoy

16、studying2.should children be required to do household tasks as soon as they are old enough2012.10.281 What are the advantages and disadvantages of allowing students to watch television at school?2 通过电子邮件留作业还是当堂留2012.02.111 你的一个朋友想要养个宠物,问你的建议2 fictional 和 nonfictional,喜欢哪个?2012.03.041 为了让学生更好的了解营养和保健,学校开设厨艺课,你觉得这个决策合理吗?2 是否认为老师和蔼可亲学生可以学到更多?2010.06.131 Your favorite place in the city.2 When you have problems, you will ask advisor for help or search 想获得更多托福机经,可在豆丁网搜索我的用户名:三十有一it through internet


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