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1、1七年级上册第一单元七年级上册第一单元 1.你/他/她叫什么名字?Whats your/his/her name? 2.我/他/她叫。 。 。My/his/her names. Im/he/she is . 3.见到你很高兴 Nice to meet you!(回答)Nice to meet you, too! 4.名 first name 5.姓 last name, family name 6.他姓什么?Whats his family name? 7.他叫什么名字?What his first name? 8.你的电话号码是多少?Whats your telephone number ?

2、 9.回答我的问题 answer my questions 10.这个问题的答案 the answer to the question 11.我的身份证 my ID card 12.她的学生证 her school ID card 13.许多家庭 many families 14.一个答案 an answer 第二单元第二单元 1.这是我的铅笔。This is my pencil. 2.那是他的尺子。 That is his ruler. 3.这是她的钢笔吗?Is this her pen ?是的,它是。 Yes, it is . 不,它不是。No, it isnt 4.这个用英语怎么说?Wh

3、ats this in English?它是一本词典。Its a dictionary.用英语/汉语 in English/Chinese 5.你如何拼写它?How do you spell it? 请拼写它。Please spell it. 你会拼写它吗? Can you spell it? 是的, 我会。Yes, I can. 不, 我不会。No, I cant. 6.这是什么?Whats this ? 它是一块手表。Its a watch. 7.拨打 495-3539,给吉姆打电话。Call Jim at 495-3539. 8.请拨打 685-6034. please call 685

4、-6034. 9.在失物招领处。in the lost and found case 10.一块橡皮 an eraser 11.打扰了 excuse me. 12.一串钥匙 a set of keys 第三单元第三单元 1.这是你的姐姐吗?Is this your sister?是的,她是。Yes, it is. 2.那是你的弟弟吗?Is that your brother? 不,他不是。No, it isnt. 3.这是我父亲。This is my father. 4.这是我母亲。This is my mother. 5.你的全家福 your family photo=a photo of

5、my family 6.这是我的全家福 This is my family photo. 7.一位姨母 an aunt 8.一位叔叔 an uncle9.为。 。 。而感谢 Thank you for = Thanks for 10.这里是他的全家福 Here is his family photo. 11.她是你的妹妹吗?Is she your sister? 12.他是你的哥哥吗?Is he your brother? 第四单元第四单元 1.我的双肩背包在哪里?Where is my backpack? 2.在桌子下面 under the desk 3.在沙发上 on the sofa 4

6、.在门后面 behind the door 5.在教室里面 in the classroom 6.邮局在学校前面 The post office is in front of the school.在学校对面 be across from the school 7.我不知道。I dont know.= I have no idea. 8.它在梳妆台上面吗?Is it on the dresser?是的,它在。Yes, it is . 不,它不在。No, it isnt. 9.找到区别 find the difference 10.他的鞋在床下面吗?Are his shoes under the

7、 bed?是的,他们在。Yes, they are. 不,他们不在。No, they arent. 11.课桌上面的书 the book on the desk 12.树上的风筝 the kite on the tree 13.把某物带去给某人 take sth. to sb.带那里去 take there 带家去 take home 14.把某物带到某处来 bring sth. to sp.带这里来 bring here 带回家来 bring home 15.她的钥匙不在卧室。Her key is not in the bedroom. 16.一只闹钟 an alarm clock 17.需

8、要我的笔记本 need my notebook 18.在地板上 on the floor 19.住在二楼 live on the second floor 20.多少层 how many floors 21.看图片 look at the picture 看我 look at me 看!树上有很多苹果。Look!There are many apples on the tree. 第五单元第五单元 1.我/他们有一台电脑。I /They have a computer.我/他们没有一台电脑。I / they dont have a computer.你/他们有一台电脑吗?Do you/they

9、 have a computer? 是的,我/他们有。Yes, I /they do . 不,我/他们没有。No, I /they dont. 2.他有一个朋友。He has a friend.他没有一个朋友。He doesnt have a friend. 他有一个朋友吗?Does he have a friend? 是的,他有。Yes, he does. 不,他没有。No, he doesnt. 3.打篮球 play basketball24.我们踢足球吧。Lets play soccer. 5.我们不要说话了。Lets not talk. 6.那听起来好。That sounds good

10、. 7.这部电影好。The movie is good. 8.唱得好 sing well 英语说得好 speak English well 9.通过电视 on TV 10.做运动 do /play sports 11.一本有意思的书 an interesting book对这本书感兴趣 be interested in the book 12.许多人/俱乐部/班级 many people/clubs/class多少年/女孩/教师 how many years /girls/teachers 13.许多钱/水/冰 much money/water/ice多少牛奶/调料 how much milk

11、/relish 14.这件衬衫多少钱? How much is the shirt? 第六单元第六单元 1.我喜欢橘子。I like oranges.我不喜欢苹果。I dont like apples.你喜欢沙拉吗?Do you like salad?是的, 我喜欢。Yes, I do . 不, 我不喜欢。No, I dont. 2.他喜欢梨。He likes pears.他不喜欢香蕉。He doesnt like bananas.他喜欢薯条吗?Does he like French fries?是的,他喜欢。Yes , he does. 不,他不喜欢。No , he doesnt. 3.两个

12、西红柿 two tomatoes 五个土豆 five potatoes 三位英雄 three heroes 十个黑人 ten Negroes 七座火山 seven volcanoes (两人两菜一火山) 5 一些鸡肉 some chicken 一些鸡蛋 some eggs 6.大量的健康食品 lots of healthy food 7.他早餐喜欢吃面条。He likes noodles for breakfast. 8.午餐他们喜欢吃什吗?What do they have for lunch? 9.一位长跑明星 a running star 10.在清单上 on the list 11.一

13、个苹果/鸡蛋/橘子 an apple /egg/orange 12.吃早饭 have/eat breakfast 吃晚饭 have/eat supper 13.大量的沙拉 a lot of / lots of/ much salad 14.大量的椅子 a lot of /lots of / many chairs 第七单元第七单元 1.这条裙子多少钱?How much is the skirt?十美元。 Its ten dollars. 2.这些袜子多少钱?How much are the socks?两美元。They are two dollars. 3.我可以帮你吗?(你有什么需要) Ca

14、n I help you?=What can I do for you? 4.给你 Here you are. 5.我将买它。I ll take /get /buy it.6.谢谢。Thank you . thanks . 7.不用谢。Youre welcome. Thats all right. Not at all. Thats OK. 8.价格好的书包 bags at a good price 9.运动包 sports bags 10.我们有卖十八元的 CD We have CDs for 18 yuan 11.白色的袜子 white socks = socks in white 12.

15、这些短裤以 20 美元廉价销售。The shorts are on sale for 20 dollars. 13.看一看 have a look , 看 look 14.看一看。 。 。have a look at , look at 15.想要某物 want sth. 想要做某事 want to do sth 想要某人做某事 want sb. to do sth. 17.欢迎某人到某处 welcome sb. to sp. 18.一个例子 an example 19.比如,例如 for example 20.帮助别人 help others , help other people 互相帮助

16、 help each other 21.花多少钱买什么 buy sth. for some money 22.从。 。 。买。 。 。 buy sth. from 23.把。 。 。卖给。 。 。sell sth. to 24.卖。 。 。卖了多少钱 sell sth. for some money 25.每个学生 each/every student 26.支付得起某物,买得起某物 afford sth., afford to buy sth. 27.有能力做某事 afford to do sth. 28.廉价出售,出售 be on sale 29.某人 somebody /someone 某物 something任何人 anybody / anyone 任何事物 anything 30.请随便吃/喝。 。 。Help yourself to sth. 31.对于男孩子来说 for boys 32.我很抱歉/难过 Im sorry



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