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1、毕毕业业设设计计说说明明书书旅游信息网的设计与实现旅游信息网的设计与实现专业专业计算机科学与技术学生姓名学生姓名赵润班级班级BU 计算机 062学号学号指导教师指导教师刘元珍完成日期完成日期2010 年 6 月 4 日盐城工学院本科生毕业设计说明书(2010)摘摘 要要Internet 技术的应用给人们生活工作的各个层面带来了深刻的影响,随着经济的 发展,旅游也逐渐成为人们生活的一部分,越来越多的人通过网络获取景点线路等 旅游信息,从而选择合适的景点出游。旅游信息网则是为满足人们对旅游信息的需 求而建立的,网站能过发布信息,并满足用户对旅游信息的查询的要求,有一定的 实用性。 本课题是基于 B

2、/S 模式的网站设计,利用 ASP.NET 技术,以 C#为编程语言, 基于 Visual Studio 2005 开发平台,并以 SQL Server 2005 作为后台数据库开发的。 网站分为前台界面和管理后台两部分,前台界面主要包括用户注册登录、新闻发布、 景区信息浏览、景点信息浏览、景点查找、旅行社信息浏览、路线信息浏览等功能; 管理后台主要包括用户管理、新闻管理、景区管理、景点管理、旅行社信息管理、 路线信息管理等。建立后旅游信息网界面友好,实现了信息浏览查询等功能,操作 方便。 本文首先论述了旅游信息网的开发背景及开发的相关技术,接着论述了系统概 要设计,包括需求分析、功能模块划分

3、及数据库设计,最后详细论述了系统用到的 关键技术及各个模块具体的设计实现过程。关键词:ASP.NET;B/S 模式;旅游信息网;Microsoft Visual Studio 2005;SQL Server 2005盐城工学院本科生毕业设计说明书(2010)The Design and Implement of Tourism Information Network Abstract:The application of Internet technology to people living and working in all levels of Yingxiang brought pro

4、found, as the economys developing, traveling gradually become a part of life, more and more people through the network access lines and other travel information sites, to choose the right travel sites.Travel Information Network is to meet the information needs of the people on the tour established,

5、the Site to release information over and meet the users query on the tourist information requirements, there is a certain practicality. This issue is based on B / S model website design, using ASP.NET technology to C # as the programming language, based on Visual Studio 2005 development platform and

6、 to SQL Server 2005 database development as a background.Web interface is divided into front and back of two parts management, front-end interface includes user login and register, press releases, scenic information here, attractions information browsing, to find spots, travel agencies, information

7、browsing, route information browsing; management background includes user management,news management, scenic area management, management, and travel agents information management, route information management.The system example of some tourist sites in accordance with the graduation of siting design

8、 ideas and create a mission statement.After the establishment of tourism information network interface is friendly, browsing, and information inquiry function, easy operation. This article discusses the development of the tourism information network of the background and development of related techn

9、ology, then discusses the system level design, including needs analysis, functional module division and the database design, and finally detail the system used in key technology and the specific design of each moduleimplementation process.Key words:ASP.NET; B / S mode; tourism information network; M

10、icrosoft Visual Studio 2005; SQL Server 2005盐城工学院本科生毕业设计说明书(2010)目目 录录1 概述.1 1.1 系统开发背景与意义.1 1.2 课题来源.1 1.3 总体设计.1 2 网站建设的技术及工具.2 2.1 B/S 模式简介.2 2.2 ASP.NET 技术.2 2.3 C#语言简介.3 2.4 ADO.NET 简介 .4 2.5 VS 2005 开发平台.4 2.6 SQL Server 2005 简介.5 3 系统概要设计.6 3.1 系统需求分析.6 3.2 系统功能模块简介.6 3.3 数据库设计.7 3.3.1 数据库逻辑结构设计.7 3.3.2 数据库表设计.9 4 系统详细设计.11 4.1 关键技术.11 4.1.1 母版页



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