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1、湖 北 工 业 大 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文 I摘 要 故障录波装置称为电力系统的“黑匣子”,是电力监测必不可少的安全自动装置,它可以在电力系统故障时自动记录故障前后的系统状况和运行参数,为故障诊断和排查提供重要依据。现今运行于电力系统的故障录波装置多为微机型结构,自上世纪 80 年代至今,屡有改进,但整体架构不变。随着 2009 年国家电网提出“坚强智能电网”,国内智能电网建设已是发轫之时,2009 年与 2010 年是试点阶段,电网建设已然如火如荼,未来十年的智能电网全面建设阶段必是电网与电力设备更新换代的重要机遇期。作为必备的电力监测设备,故障录波装置必然面对更高更苛刻的要求,技术创新

2、势在必行。 嵌入式技术方兴未艾,微电子技术及芯片性能的不断提高,给故障录波装置的创新设计带来了机遇与曙光。更高的采样速率、更高的采样精度,可以保存故障及故障前后更多信息,是故障录波装置不断改进、努力达到的一个目标;中小型电力监控设备、工业现场用电监测,也对故障录波装置提出了便携式的要求。本文在详查国内外对故障录波装置的研究现状基础上,认为需要突破“微机型”的架构,才能有真正的便携录波设备;顺应发展趋势,提出“嵌入式便携故障录波装置”的设计思路。将 FPGA 技术引入故障录波设备,摒弃“多层结构”,采用单一 FPGA 芯片及内嵌 CPU 核完成主要功能。所设计“嵌入式便携故障录波装置”,可脱离微

3、机独立运行,且体积小重量轻,集成度更高,从而在录波设备设计的结构、性能和技术三方面取得进展。 本文将故障录波装置的主要功能划分为控制协调、数据采集、数据处理三大模块,重点阐述了后两者的具体实现,分别对应论文中第 2 章、第 3 章。数据采集与存储模块,针对模拟量输入、开关量输入、频率测量、数据存储与时钟系统五个方面进行了阐述;在数据处理模块,数据处理围绕故障录波启动判据展开,进行了谐波分析和数字滤波的设计。上述各个功能模块均已经过实验验证,基本得以实现,装置的编程和调试结果在第 4 章予以介绍,嵌入式便携故障录波装置的研究取得阶段性成果。最后,第 5 章进行了总结,并在目前已完成的研究之上,提

4、出了进一步改进措施。 关键词:关键词: 故障录波装置,FPGA,启动判据,数据采集,数据存储 湖 北 工 业 大 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文 IIAbstract The fault recorder, to be called “the black box” in electrical system,is the essential automatic equipment in electrical supervising. When the electrical system breaks down, this device can record the system condition

5、and operational factor automatically, to provide the important basis for fault diagnosis and investigation. Nowadays, the most of fault recorder in electrical system are the “computer structure”, and although they have been mended since 1980s,their whole configuration still remains. Along with the p

6、lan of “Strengthening Smart Grid” proposed by the State Grid Corporation of China in 2009, the building of the domestic smart grid has already begun. The year of 2009 and 2010 is the stage of attempting, but the constructing of the smart grid has very developed. It is estimated that in the future te

7、n years smart grid will make great progress and it will get the important opportunity for the renewal of electrical system and equipment. As a kind of necessary electrical monitoring equipment, fault recorder will face more demand and its technological innovation will be more imperative as well. The

8、 embedded technology is on the rise, and the continuous improving of the microelectronic technology and chips performance brings the opportunity and the dawn to the innovative design in fault recorder. The higher sampling speed and the higher sampling precision can keep more information during the p

9、eriod of fault happening, which is the goal of improving the device of fault recorder. The application of small scale monitoring equipment and industry electricity scene monitor also need the portable fault recorder. Based on the research of domestic and oversea fault recorder, the article thinks th

10、at we will have real portable fault recorder only if we break through the “computer structure”. This paper proposed the design approach of “the portable fault recorder based on embedded technology”. Through putting the sole FPGA chip introduce the device of fault recorder, it gives up the “multilaye

11、r structure”, and uses the sole FPGA chip and CPU to finish control function instead. This kind of fault recorder can work without computer, and it is small scale and light weight, therefore it makes progress in the innovation of structure, performance and technology. This paper divided fault record

12、ers major function into three parts: the module of control harmonizing, the module of the data acquisition and the module of the data processing, introduce the concrete realization of the latter two, which correspond respectively to chapter 2 and chapter 3. In the module of the data acquisition, dis

13、cussed the part of analog/switch acquisition, frequency measurement, data storage, clock system and so on. In the module of the data processing, discussed the part of start-up criterion, the part of parameter calculation, the part of harmonic analysis and the design of digital filter. Above of each

14、function has passed through the experimental validating and has been realized basically, the debugging results is introduced in chapter 4. The research and design of portable fault recorder based on embedded technology, makes 湖 北 工 业 大 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文 IIIthe gradual progress. In the end, in chapter 5,

15、 the paper summarizes all of the ideas and proposes the further corrective measure based on the finished designing. Keywords: fault recorder, FPGA, start-up criterion, data acquisition, data storage 学位论文原创性声明和使用授权说明 原创性声明原创性声明 本人郑重声明:所呈交的学位论文,是本人在导师指导下,独立进行研究工作所取得的研究成果。除文中已经标明引用的内容外,本论文不包含任何其他个人或集体已

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