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1、智课网TOEFL备考资料托福阅读机经背景:4岁男孩当选小镇镇长This pint-sized politician may not speak softly but he sure does carry a big stick. Mayor Robert Tufts is calling the shots in Dorset, Minn., a small community near Park Rapids.这位小小政治家可能不会温柔地跟镇上的居民沟通,但他还是会拄个大拐杖在镇上巡视。小镇长罗伯特塔夫斯目前管理着明尼苏达州的小镇多西特,该镇位于帕克拉皮兹附近。The four-year-o

2、ld might not have the academic credentials for the job (he hasnt passed kindergarten). But residents say hes got the chops-and the mouth-to run the town.4岁的小镇长可能没有不满足这项工作的学历资历要求(因为他幼儿园还没毕业),不过镇上的居民们都说他管理小镇来还真有两把刷子。“Hes amazing. Hes just completely amazing,” said Kathy Schmidt, whose family has lived

3、 in the area for four generations. “Hes right in your face and well-spoken. You cant imagine what a ball of fire he is.” The mayor can sing and dance with the best of them, WCCO reports.家族四代人都住在小镇上的凯西施密特表示:“他很棒,真的非常棒。他站在你面前,说话头头是道。你可能想不到,但他真的是个才智过人精力充沛的孩子。” 根据WCCO网站的报道, 塔夫斯才艺多多,能唱会跳。He guides his ci

4、tizens safely across the street, big stick in hand. Hes also an expert fisherman and knows how to dole out advice about the best bait to use.小镇长常手里拄个拐杖,引导着镇上居民安全地过马路。他还是钓鱼方面的专家,经常给出意见,教大家如何使用最好的鱼饵。And hes not ashamed to talk about his love life. He says he has just one girlfriend for now-a girl name

5、d Sophia. Its unclear whether the towns first lady knows that shes captured the mayors heart.谈起自己的恋爱生活他也落落大方,表示自己现在有一个女朋友小姑娘叫苏菲。不过我们还不清楚,这位小镇第一夫人知不知道自己已经俘获了小镇长的心。Mayor Tufts was chosen at last years “Taste of Dorset” festival. The small town selects its leader in a drawing during the popular event.

6、Campaigns dont cost much in Dorset-just $1 will get your name in the hat.塔夫斯是在去年的“体验多西特” 节上当选的镇长,小镇会在这项全民参与的活动中通过抓阄选择领导人。多西特的竞选活动花费不多,只要一美元,你的名字就可以放到帽子里去啦。Robert is not the first young leader of Dorset, with the town having previously had a 5-year-old from Chicago in charge. The town boasts a population of 22.塔夫斯也不是多西特小镇第一任年轻领导人,该镇曾有过一个来自芝加哥的五岁孩子当选镇长。小镇上只有22位居民。相关推荐:托福阅读机经背景:世界种族宽容度地图(2)托福阅读机经背景:世界种族宽容度地图(1)托福阅读机经背景:美国总统奥巴马神机托福阅读机经背景:巴马高中舞会照片托福阅读机经背景:去西班牙买个村相关字搜索: 小马托福


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