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1、1摘要随着网络的发展,数字阅读已经成为人们获取信息的重要方式。数字图书以成本低、传播快、携带方便、价格便宜等一系列鲜明特点,正逐渐受到人们的欢 迎,数字图书正在逐渐改变着我们的阅读方式和书籍消费方式。数字图书的价 格方面的优势成为其扩大市场的关键因素。本文把中国数字图书市场作为研究 对象,在对数字图书发展现状分析的基础上,提出数字图书不同于传统图书的 新属性,并按照数字图书现有的形态,把数字图书分为数字图书 1.0、数字图 书 2.0 和数字图书 3.0 三个种类,继而对三种形态数字图书所对应的三个数字 图书市场定价策略等进行分析,重点描述了数字图书的消费者心理分析和数字 图书定价存在的问题。

2、同时结合我国数字图书的定价现状,提出了符合数字图 书自身特点的定价策略。关键词:数字图书;价格策略; 消费者心理; 2AbstractAbstractWith the development of network, digital reading has become an important way for people to obtain information. Digital Book low cost, spread fast, portable, inexpensive and a series of distinctive characteristics, is graduall

3、y welcomed by people, digital books are progressively changing our way of reading and books consumption. Digital book price advantage to become a key factor in its expanded market. This digital book market to China as the research object, the development status of digital books based on the analysis

4、 presented books digital books Unlike traditional new property, and in accordance with the existing form of digital books, digital books into the digital book 1.0, digital Book 2.0 and 3.0 three types of digital books, digital books, and then the three forms corresponding to the three digital book m

5、arket pricing strategies were analyzed, focusing on consumer digital book describes the psychological analysis and digital book pricing problems. Combined with our digital book pricing situation, put forward its own characteristics in line digital book pricing strategy.KeywordsKeywords: digital book

6、s; pricing strategies; Consumer Psychology31 绪论.4 1.1 研究内容和研究意义.4 1.1.1 研究内容.4 1.1.2 研究意义.4 1.2 研究思路和研究框架.4 1.3 研究方法.5 2 数字图书定价概述.5 2.1 数字图书的概念及现状.5 2.1.1 数字图书的概念.5 2.1.2 数字图书的优越性分析.6 2.1.3 数字图书发展现状.6 2.2 数字图书类型分析.7 2.2.1 数字图书 1.0.7 2.2.2 数字图书 2.0.8 2.2.3 数字图书 3.0.8 2.3 影响数字图书价格的主要因素.9 2.3.1 成本因素.9 2.3.2 图书价值因素.10 2.3.3 图书价格弹性因素.10 3 数字图书现有定价策略分析.11 3.1 数字图书三个市场的定价策略.11 3.1.1 数字图书 1.0:价格歧视策略的运用.11 3.1.2 数字图书 2.0:创新的定价方式.12 3.1.3 数字图书 3.0:综合的定价策略.13 3.2 数字图书定价存在的问题.14 3.2.1 版权问题.14 3.2.2 数字图书阅读器的价格问题.14 3.2.3.网络图书购买的支付手段问题.14 3.3 数字图书的消费者心理分析.15 3.3.1 消费者需求与数字图书出版的关系.



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