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1、高考资源网( ) ,您身边的高考专家欢迎广大教师踊跃来稿,稿酬丰厚。 2012 高考英语总复习:词汇大总结高考英语总复习:词汇大总结一、根据句意或首字母提示填入单词或短语。一、根据句意或首字母提示填入单词或短语。1. As far as _, I am not much of a footballer, but when _ playing chess, no one can _me in my class. 就我来说,我不太会踢足球,但 是谈到下棋,我们班里没有谁是我的对手。2. The man, having done his best in a_, will easily get a h

2、igh position and p_ it successfully. 努力获取知识的人容易位列高职而且会成功地履行 职责。3. _ you will pass the exam. 只要用功,就能考及格。 (并列结构)4. I was _ my computer _I received an email from John. 我正 准备关电脑,这时收到了 John 的电子邮件。5. Across the world, 1.1 billion people _ to clean drinking water. 全世界有 11 亿人无法获取干净的饮用水。6. The police asked h

3、im to _ of what had happened. 警察让 他简单描述一下发生的事情。(account)7. _.事实胜于雄辩。8. The trip will _ our knowledge. 这次旅行将会大大增长我们的知 识。9. _ to his salary, he has a bonus of 300 yuan per month. 除工资外,他每月还 有300 元奖金。10. If you arrive late I may not _ to the exam. 如果你迟到我可以不让你 参加考试。11. The date of the meeting _. 会议从七月十日提

4、早到七月 一日。12. Its a very important exam so I cant _. 这是非常重要的考试, 我不可以失败。13. His ideas did not _ in the Bible. 他的观点与圣 经里所写的不符。14. For example, Anakin caused the death of his wife while _. 比如 Anakin在给妻子进行救护时导致其死亡。15. Lets _ the long vacation and _ a trip to Hong Kong. 让我们利用这次长假去香港旅游吧。二、用适当介词填空二、用适当介词填空1.

5、 Do you happen to have the letter _ you?高考资源网( ) ,您身边的高考专家欢迎广大教师踊跃来稿,稿酬丰厚。 2. Every time after a long absence _ school, I feel really stupid because I am a bit behind the others.3. The fact is that I earned my passage by working as an unpaid hand, which accounts _ my appearance.4. The police accused

6、 him _ theft.5. She felt an ache _ her chest. 6. At the front door stood a five-year-old boy _ the street. (来自对面)7. He suddenly saw Sue _ the room; he pushed his way_ the crowd of people to get to her.8. The troops advanced _ the city (= approached it, ready to attack).9. The picture looks good _ th

7、e white wall.10. We have agreed _ how to solve the problem.三、根据中文和所给首字母写出空缺的动词三、根据中文和所给首字母写出空缺的动词1. _ an account 开个账户 2. a_ success/ones aim 取得成功 /实现目标3. d_ an address 发表演说 4. _ to do sth. 安排某人做某事5. _ the necessary adjustment to the new situation 做必要的调整以适应新环境6 _ your courage 钦佩你的勇气 7. _ sbs advice 接

8、受某人的意见8. _ an agreement with 与达成协议9. _ first aid 进行急救 10. _ the alarm 发出警报四、根据中文写出词组四、根据中文写出词组1. 在国内外2. 全神贯注于,一心从事于 (absorb)3. 决不 (account)4. 考虑到5. 攒钱防老6. 在户外7. 一生8. 瞄准;目的在于9. 使行动起来10. 对(做)某事入迷、上瘾五、根据句意选择恰当的词语(词语辨析)五、根据句意选择恰当的词语(词语辨析)1. Children as young as seven have the ability _ their way around.

9、 (to find; at finding)2. The fire spread through the hotel very quickly but everyone _ get out. (could; was able to)3. We must take _ to fight pollution. (action; actions; act; acts)4. He _ an old car engine _ his boat. (adapted; adopted. from; for)高考资源网( ) ,您身边的高考专家欢迎广大教师踊跃来稿,稿酬丰厚。 5. _ your score

10、and see how many points you get. (Add up; Add up to)6. She wanted the celebration to be a simple family _. (matter, event; affair)7. It wont be easy to put changes into _. (affect; effect)8. The money is not _ enough for my journey. (almost; nearly)9. Dont talk so _; youll wake the whole street. (al

11、oud; loud)10. At the same time, small amounts of _ started disappearing from students lockers. (banknotes; money)高考词汇复习(高考词汇复习(2)一、根据句意或首字母提示填入单词或短语一、根据句意或首字母提示填入单词或短语1. 他们航行了三天三夜才见到陆地。_2. 他还有四年时间就毕业了。/再过四年他才毕业呢。_3. _ solar energy is _. 我们对太阳能的利用还远远不够。4. _. 说是一回事,做是另一回 事。5. His anger would _ when th

12、ings _ as hed expected.当事情不像他所希望的那样,他就会发怒。6. I want something to eat; _.我想吃点儿东西;随便什么都行。7. _ surprised me. 他的突然出现使我感到惊讶。8. A man _, _ has some information about how to do it well.一个人只有懂得了如何能做好事情才有可能把它做好。9. _, we began to work immediately.一到目的地,我们马上就开始工作。10. 我将如何申请在线课程?_11. I really appreciate _.我非常乐意与工作如此出色的人共事。12. The job market has changed and _must change as well.就业市场变了,我们找工作的途径也要改变。(approach)13. I must _ not going to his party.没有参加他的聚会,我得向他道歉。14. It _ 800 square kilometers.它占地面积为 800 平方公里。15.Be PoliteEveryone should be polite. Polite people show good m


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