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1、智 课 网 托 福 备 考 资 料考托达人原创:解析托福句子阅读障碍从整体上来说,托福阅读中的句子难度远逊于SAT、GRE和GMAT ,但是对于刚刚接触托福的同学而言,托福文章的句子依然是个不大不 小的难题。上一次讲到应对托福词汇的基本方法。在此基础上,我们来 看看如何应对托福的句子的阅读。 托福句子的阅读障碍无非分为以下几种问题: 1.词汇 2.句子长度 3.逻辑关系比较复杂 而同学们在考试当中的主要错误做法有以下几种: 1.尝试把每一个单词读懂,但却不得其意; 2. 把句子翻译成中文; 其实,要在托福考试中克服句子阅读这个问题,关键在于读少 ,而不在于读多 我们先看看这个句子:(来自OG的

2、第一篇文章第一段) It should be obvious that cetaceans-whales, porpoises, and dolphins-are mammals. 还有这个However, unlike the cases of sea otters and pinnipeds (seals, sea lions, and walruses, whose limbs are functional both on land and at sea), it is not easy to envision what the first whales looked like. 这两句

3、话乍眼看过去,就出现了cetacean, porpoise, sea otter, pinniped, walruses, limb这些丧心病狂的词汇。但是按照上一篇文章 中介绍的方法,其实这些词汇根本没有必要读。 第一句当中cetacean 身后是一个破折号,身后有三个东西作为子 概念排比在一起,因此,根据举例原则和排比的同类原则,只要读懂这 三个子概念中的一个,就可以知道cetacean的含义。当然,如果这三个 whales, porpoises, and dolphins你一个都不认识的话,就要回家补课了。第二句中see otter和pinniped的呈现手段和第一句类似,所以根 本不用

4、知道他们什么意思,只要读懂括号内第一个词 seals, 括号内剩下的文字就可以直接跳过了。 因此,要解决句子中的词汇问题,除了平时多背词汇以外,还要利 用上下文关系把自己的阅读量降到最低。这就是所谓的读“少” 但是考试当中真的只是读懂每一个单词就够了吗?当然不是。 其实刚才的两句话出题者都在其中设计了考点。我们一起来看看是 怎么考的,就会明白考试中的句子阅读的真正目的是什么。 It should be obvious that cetaceans-whales, porpoises, and dolphins-are mammals. They breathe through lungs, n

5、ot through gills, and give birth to live young. Their streamlined bodies, the absence of hind legs, and the presence of a fluke3 and blowhole4 cannot disguise their affinities with land-dwelling mammals. However, unlike the cases of sea otters and pinnipeds (seals, sea lions, and walruses, whose lim

6、bs are functional both on land and at sea), it is not easy to envision what the first whales looked like. Extinct but, already fully marine cetaceans are known from the fossil record. How was the gap between a walking mammal and a swimming whale bridged? Missing until recently were fossils clearly i

7、ntermediate, or transitional, between land mammals and cetaceans. 1. In paragraph 1, what does the author say about the presence of a blowhole in cetaceans? It clearly indicates that cetaceans are mammals. It cannot conceal the fact that cetaceans are mammals. It is the main difference between cetac

8、eans and land-dwelling mammals. It cannot yield clues about the origins of cetaceans. 2. Which of the following can be inferred from paragraph 1 about early sea otters? It is not difficult to imagine what they looked like There were great numbers of them.They lived in the sea only. They did not leav

9、e many fossil remains. 第一题选B, 我们不难发现其实答案出处在 Their streamlined bodies, the absence of hind legs, and the presence of a fluke3 and blowhole4 cannot disguise their affinities with land-dwelling mammals. 出题者只是在disguise和conceal以及 affinities和facts之间做了个 替换。但是眼尖的同学可能会发现,文中的affinities是“关系”,而答 案却直接说两者就是一码事。为何

10、这里的同义替换有点牵强?其实B选项 的后半截恰好来自第一句It should be obvious that cetaceans-whales, porpoises, and dolphins-are mammals. 那这是否意味着只要多读几句就可以把题目做对呢?不尽然。 我们来思考一下,为什么一道出在第三句的题目,答案会在第一句 出现? 这个问题的答案,只要我们再来读一遍前三句,这一回,我们一边 读,一边要问自己,“作者为什么要说这句话”? 第一句,作者为什么要说It should be obvious that cetaceans-whales, porpoises, and dolph

11、ins-are mammals.看到这个问题有同学可能会晕倒,“我咋知道作者为什么说第一句 啊?”。不好意思,忘了告诉大家,这篇文章的标题是 Origins of Ceta ceans。同学们这辈子长这么大,如果不是读到这本该死的OG,都是没 见过这个变态词Cetacean吧?所以作者的第一句话,就是为了解释这个 标题。不然我们根本没法往下读。 好,到了第二句:作者为啥说They breathe through lungs, not through gills, and give birth to live young. 有的同学可能又开始抓 狂了。这个问题其实不难。你想想,第一句告诉我们,w

12、hales这帮动物 居然是mammal,可能颠覆了某些土人的知识体系,所以作者在第二句 里面就给出了具体的证据:用肺呼吸和胎生。所以第二句其实是第一句 的具体化。 第三句:为啥说呢?很明显,为了预防某些土人实在不开窍,就告 诉他们现象掩盖不了本质。综上所述,这三句话的关系就是:第一句抽象介绍,第二句正面具 体,第三句反面具体。 而第一题的出题方法,其实就是通过第三句的细节变相的考察其服 务对象。读懂了这三句话间的关系,这道题目就超级简单了。 以上的阅读就是所谓的读”多“,即不仅要读懂单个句子的含义,还 要读懂句子间的关系及其写作意图。当然,有同学可能会认为这样做很 耗时间,但只要我们在平时练习

13、中加强这方面的锻炼,就完全可以形成 一种阅读的本能反应,有人称之为语感。而我更喜欢把这种思维称之为 ”结构化思维“。托福考试中的句子阅读,最终的目的是为了读懂句子 在段落中的结构关系,为解题而服务。 这种结构化的思维方式,不仅存在与句子之间,就算单个句子的阅 读,也应该这样操作。 我们来看看第二题: However, unlike the cases of sea otters and pinnipeds (seals, sea lions, and walruses, whose limbs are functional both on land and at sea), it is not

14、 easy to envision what the first whales looked like. 出题点在这句话中,句子有点长。但是如果我们把这句话简化一下 ,则变成这个样子: Unlike A, B was XXXXX.出题者问A如何,原文告诉我们B是XXX,而A与之相反,答案就是X XXXX的反面。 还有另外一道题目 But the movies differed significantly from these other forms of entertainment, which depended on either live performance or (in the ca

15、se of the slide-and-lantern shows) the active involvement of a master of ceremonies who assembled the final program. According to paragraph 4, how did the early movies differ from previous spectacles that were presented to large audiences? They were a more expensive form of entertainment.They were v

16、iewed by larger audiences. They were more educational. They did not require live entertainers. 我们把原文简化一下:剩下 A differed from B, which XXXXXX. 和刚才那句话Unlike A, B was XXXXX 是没有本质区别的,而题目还是 问A咋样,而原文告诉我们A和B不同,B是XXX, 答案就是XXXX的否定。 以上两道题目的句子阅读,如果我们都拘泥于词汇,那么阅读工作 将变得非常繁琐。但是如果我们跳出具体的概念,先关注句中表达关系 的字眼 Unlike, differed,那么句子的结构立马简单,表象中的迷惑元 素马上被清楚,而解题思路也马上清晰,这也是读“少“。而如果我们在 做完题目之后,能够把同类题目进行横向对比,则可以进一步提升对于 考试规律的认知,此谓读“多” 总结:所谓读“少”,是轻概念,重关系;所谓读“多”,是将阅读 视野从一句提升至句间关系的解读,从一题的个体现象拓宽至题目间的 横向联系。



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