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1、八年级英语集体备课教学设计:Unit 4 How do you get to school?科目科目八年级 (上)英 语课时课时第 1 课时主备课人主备课人Nancy再设计再设计 者者Tom日期日期2009.9.15课题:课题:UnitUnit 4 4 HowHow dodo youyou getget toto schoolschool?课程标准课程标准本单元以谈论、描述交通方式为话题,通过谈论交通方式、询问两地间距离的句型等。, 学习新句型 How do you get to school? I usually walk but sometimes I take the busHow lo

2、ng does it take? It takes about 10 minutes to walk and 15 minutes by bus 谈论自己、家人和朋友去某地的交通方式。学习者特征分析(学习者特征分析(已有的知识、技能、情感水 平和心理发展等)我我 的的 再再 设设 计计经过七年级一年的学习,学生对学习英语还保 持着一定的浓厚兴趣。有了初步的自主、合作、 探究的能力。八年级学生已经有了一定的英语基础知识 和听说能力,正逐步向读、写过度,同时, 激起学生学习英语的兴趣是非常关键的。教学目标、重、难点教学目标、重、难点知识与技能:知识与技能:学习单词:names of transpo

3、rtation掌握句子:A:How do you get to school?B:I ride my bikeA:How long does it take?B:It takes around twenty-five minutes过程与方法:过程与方法:通过对本单元内容的学习,提高学 生听、说、读、写及知识自学的综合能力。情感态度与价值观:情感态度与价值观:使学生掌握如何同别人 交流,并从中学会谈论交通工具、交通方式, 欣赏别人,享受与不同的人交往的乐趣。培养学生学习英语的强烈兴趣,乐于参加各 种活动的积极情感。重点重点:词汇的掌握和习惯用语的熟练运用难点:难点:1、Listening fo

4、r the names of transportation情感态度与价值观:情感态度与价值观:描述交通工具、交通 方式,欣赏别人,享受与不同的人交往的 乐趣。 注意在活动中培养学生善于与其 他同学合作的意识。学会用所学知识来描 述生活中情境难点:难点:引导学生探究谈论交通工具、交通2、Read the articles of transportation. Learn something about transportation.方式,能够写出自己和熟人去上学的交通 方式。教学资源教学资源多媒体、交通图片、磁带、录音机教师准备:教师准备:多媒体课件、交通工具图片学生准备:学生准备:玩具汽车、摩

5、托等交通或图片教学过程教学过程教学过程再设计教学过程再设计教师活动学生活动StepStep 1.1. GreetGreet thethe classclass andand checkcheck thethe homeworkhomeworkAsk some students to report how their parents go to workLearn the new words:subway n地铁; 地下火车take the subway 乘坐地铁train n火车take the train乘坐火车板书:Unit 4 How do you get to school?StepS

6、tep 2.2. SectionSection A A 1a1aFirst ask students to look at the pictureHey,DaveHow ReviewteachIntroductiondiscussOral practicerepeatThen let students say how StepStep 1 1 LeadLead ininAsk one student to report how he or she goes to schoolShow some nice pictures to the students then asks them, “Do

7、you want to go there?” Possible answer is “Yes”T: (teacher) Most of students want to go there. But how do you get there?Possible answer: take the plane; take the bus; ride the bike and so onT: Yes, we need bus, bike, plane and so on. They are all transportation. They are important for us. So, today,

8、 lets talk about the transportation.StepStep 2.2. SectionSection A A 1a1ado you get to school?I walkHow about you,Sally?I ride my bikeRead the phrases to them and ask them to repeatThen ask them to write them in the box and add other ways to get to schoolThen check the answersSample Answers :take th

9、e subway,ride a kike take the bus,take the train, walk,take a taxi,go in a parents carStepStep 3.3. 1b1bFirst ask students to say what each person is doingThen tell students to hear This activity introduces the key vocabulary(This activity gives students practice in understanding the target language

10、 in spoken conversation )other students in the picture get to schoolStudentswrite the numberof thename in thewhite box Read the sample sentences to themAsk them to repeat学生活动一:Give them some help if necessaryFor example,take the bustake the traintake the subwayStepStep 3.3. 1b1bWrite the phrases on

11、the boardWalkingriding a biketaking the traina recordingTwo people are talking about how some students get to schoolNow listen to the conversationPlease write the number of the name in the white box next to the studentOne of them has already been doneThen play the recording for the first timeStudent

12、s only listenPlay the recording a second timeThis time ask students to write the number of the name next to the correct studentsAsk students to complete the activity individuallyThen check the answersStepStep 4.4. 1c1c This activity provides guided oral practice using the target languagenext tothest

13、udentStudents listen carefully and put a checkmark to show the kinds of transportat ion they talk abouttaking the subwaytaking the busListening:Point out the names of the students in the boxRead the names to the classPairworkPairworkAsk two students to read the dialogue in the speech bubbles to the

14、classSa:How does Bob get to school?Sb:He takes the trainLet them make their own conversations about how the people in the picture get to schoolThen ask students to work in pairsAsk and answer how students get to school in the pictureAs they talk,move around the room,offering language or pronunciatio

15、n support as neededStepStep 5 5 SectionSection A-2aA-2aNow open your books at page StepStep 4.4. 1c1c PairworkPairworkAsk two students to read the dialogue in the speech bubbles to the classHave students work with a partnerStep 5: Make a surveyNameHowHow farHow longAsk students to work in group of eightFirst, ask these questions each other, and then write down the answers in the chart. Finally, ask 20Look at the transportation picturesIll ask a student to identify each picturePicture 1 a trainPicture 2 a busPicture 3 walkPicture 4



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