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1、摘要本设计说明书是关于 PN2.5DN600 浮头式换热器的设计,主要是进行了换热器的工艺计算、换热器的结构和强度设计。设计的前半部分是工艺计算部分,主要是根据给定的设计条件估算换热面积,从而进行换热器的选型,校核传热系数,计算出实际的换热面积,最后进行压力降和壁温的计算。设计的后半部分则是关于结构和强度的设计,主要是根据已经选定的换热器型式进行设备内各零部件(如接管、折流板、定距管、钩圈、管箱等)的设计,包括:材料的选择、具体尺寸确定、确定具体位置、管板厚度的计算、浮头盖和浮头法兰厚度的计算、开孔补强计算等。最后设计结果可通过 6 张图表现出来。关于浮头式换热器设计的各个环节,设计说明书中都

2、有详细的说明。关键词:管壳式换热器 浮头式换热器 管板 浮头盖 浮头法兰AbstractThe design manual is about the PN2.5DN600 floating head heat exchanger, which included technology calculate of heat exchanger, the structure and intensity of heat exchanger.The first part of design is the technology calculation process. Mainly, the process

3、 of technology calculate is according to the given design conditions to estimate the heat exchanger area, and then, select a suitable heat exchanger to check heat transfer coefficient ,just for the actual heat transfer area .Meanwhile the process above still include the pressure drop and wall temper

4、ature calculation . The second half of the design is about the structure and intensity of the design. This part is just on the selected type of heat exchanger to design the heat exchangers components and parts ,such as vesting ,baffled plates, the distance control tube, circle hook, tube boxes. This

5、 part of design mainly include:the choice of materials,identify specific size, identify specific location, the thickness calculation of tube sheet, the thickness calculation of floating head planting and floating head flange, the opening reinforcement calculation etc. In the end, the final design re

6、sults through six maps to display.The each aspects of the floating head heat exchanger has detailed instructions in the design manual.Key words: Shell-Tube heat exchanger, floating head heat exchanger, tube sheet, floating head planting, floating head flange.本科生毕业论文III目录前言.1第 1 章 换热器概述.21.1 换热器的应用.2

7、1.2 换热器的主要分类.21.3 管壳式换热器特殊结构.71.4 换热管简介.8第 2 章 工艺计算.92.1 设计条件.92.2 核算换热器传热面积.92.3 压力降的计算.132.4 换热器壁温计算.15第 3 章 换热器结构设计与强度计算.173.1 壳体与管箱厚度的确定.173.2 开孔补强计算.193.3 水压试验.243.4 换热管.243.5 管板设计.263.5 管板设计.273.6 折流板.333.7 拉杆与定距管.353.8 防冲板.363.9 保温层.363.10 法兰与垫片.363.11 钩圈式浮头.403.12 分程隔板.463.13 鞍座.463.14 接管的最小位置.47第 4 章 换热器的腐蚀、制造与检验.494.1 换热器的腐蚀.



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