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1、八年级英语上册八年级英语上册 unit7-8unit7-8测试题测试题一、单项选择一、单项选择(15(15分分) )( )1.-_juice do you want ?- A cup .A. How B. How many C. What D. How much( ) 2. You must _the TV when you leave the house .A. turn off B. to turn off C. turn on D. to turn on( )3. -How much bread did you eat this morning ?-Not too much ,two _

2、of bread.A teaspoons B. cups C. slices D. bags( ) 4.- How many _do we need ?-I dont know .A. yogurt B. honey .C .relish D. watermelons( )5. _ you go to the zoo last Sunday ?Yes ,I _ some animals .A.Do .see B. Did, saw C. Did , see D. Do , saw( )6. How many _ are there on the table?A. water B. cups o

3、f waters C. bottles of water( )7. There is _ chicken in the cupboard. Go and buy some.A. little B. a little C. few( )8. That book is really interesting but I have to return it _this week.A. at the end of B. in the end of C. in the end( )9. -Wei Hua played football all the afternoon and then _.A. go

4、home B. went home C. arrive home( ) 10.- _was you school trip ?- It was really great .A. What B. When C. How D. Where( )11.- Did you see _seals ? -Yes, I saw _seals .A. some , some B. any, any C. some ,any D. any ,some( )12. I helped my mom _ the room .A. cleaned B. cleans C. cleaning D. clean( )13.

5、Im sorry you _ have fun on your day off .A. didnt B. dont C. not D. not to( ) 14. - How was the weekend with the children?- They had fun _ the mountains.A. climbed B. climbing C. climb( )15.Please add some relish _the chicken .A. of B. for C. to D. at二、二、 完形填空完形填空(10(10分分) )Class 9 had a great time

6、_1_the school trip .They went to the aquarium _2_the day ._3_ they went to the Visitors Center and watched a movie about sharks ._4_they watched a dophin show .After that ,they went to the Outdoor Pool and _5_ a big octopus .After lunch ,they went to a Gift Shop and _6_ lots of _7_.Finally ,tired _8

7、_ happy ,they took bus back to school ._9_the end of the day ,the science teacher was very happy _10_the students cleaned the bus after the trip .( )1. A. to B. for C. on D. at( )2. A.on B for C. in D. of( )3. .A. Then B. Finally C. First D. Next( )4. A. Second B. Then C. Finally D. So( )5. A. watch

8、 B. sees C . look D. saw( )6. A. bought B. buy C. buys D.buied( )7. A. gift B. souvenir C. gifts D. thing( )8.A. and B. but C. or D . as( )9.A In B. At C. On D. To( )10.A. so B. why C. because D.and三、阅读理解三、阅读理解(20(20分分) )A.Dear Mary ,How are you and your parents ? Are you planning to visit us anytim

9、e soon ?We finally had a day off from school this week ,but I had an awful day. .I got up early but the weather was bad ,so I stayed at home and helped my parents clean the house .Then I went shopping and bought some food .Then I read a boring book and watched TV.My parents wanted to go for a drive

10、,so I went with them .But that wasnt interesting ,either .Then I went to a movie .It was “Shark “.But is wasnt an interesting movie .Yours,Lily根据短文判断根据短文判断, , 对的写对的写 T T 错的写错的写 F F( ) 1.Mary had an awful day off( )2.Lily got up early that day .( )3. Lily went shopping and bought some gifts .( )4. Th

11、e movie isnt interesting .( )5. The weather wasnt bad .B.Jim is eight and a half years tad. He goes to a school on foot. Its near his bouse, and he usually gets back home early. But last Friday he came back home late from school“Why are you late today?“Wben he got home. his mother asked him.“My teac

12、ber Wasnt happy and let me go to her office.“ He answered. “Why do you go there?“ his mother asked. because she asked a question in class Jim said ,and I could answer, only I.“ His mother was angry . “Why was she not happy?“Because her question was who put ink on my chair?“ Jim said.( ) 6. Jim was _

13、A. eight years old B. more than eight years old C less than eight years old( ) 7. His school is _his house .A. not far from B. far from C. next to( ) 8. He usually goes to school _and always comes back _.A. by bike ,early b. by bus ,late C. on foot , early( ) 9. Last Friday he came back home _.A. early B. late C. at six oclock( )10. Did he do anything wrong or good ?_A. He did something wrong B. He did something good . C. I dont know 四、从四、从 B B 栏中找出与栏中找出与 A A 栏相对应的部分栏相对应的部分, ,将其序号填入题前的括号内将其序号填入题前的括号内. .(5(5分分) )A


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