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1、1装 订 线学校_班级_姓名_考号_六年级上册英语第二次单元测评(时间:(时间:9090 分钟分钟 分值:分值:120120 分分 ) 题号选择题非选择题总分得分选择题选择题( (共共 6565 分)分)(请同学们把答案填在题后的答题栏内)(请同学们把答案填在题后的答题栏内)(一)选出不同类的单词,(一)选出不同类的单词, (找出划线部分读音不同的一项)将其序号填入题前括(找出划线部分读音不同的一项)将其序号填入题前括 号内(号内(1010 分)分) ( )1.A. plane B.ship C.bus D.park ( )2.A.turn lefe B.turn right C.go str

2、aight D.zoo ( )3.A.hospital B.bookstore C.cinema D.red ( )4. A. bus B. foot C. plane D. subway ( )5.A.traffic light B.red light C.green light D.yellow light ( )6.A.get B.very C.seven D.see ( )7.A.accountant B.actor C.again D.always ( )8.A.cinema B.cieaner C.collect D.come ( )9.A.east B. west C.strai

3、ght D.south ( )10.A.cioud B. rain C.sun D.seed ( (二二).).从所给的选项中选择正确的将其序号填入题前括号内从所给的选项中选择正确的将其序号填入题前括号内( (每题每题 1 1 分共分共 2525 分)分) ( )11. You can go there _ , its not far from here .A. on foot B. by bus C.by subway D.by plane ( )12.-_ do you go to Australia?- I go by plane .A. What B. How C.Where D.Ca

4、n ( )13.-_ is the school ?- Its near the post office .A. What B. How C.Where D.Can ( )14. Usually I go to school foot.A.by B.at C.on D.to ( )15.- can I go to Shang hai -You can go by plane.A.Where B.What C.How ( )16. She sells things, she is a/an ( )A. salesperson. B. artist. C. teacher. ( )17.My ho

5、me is near the school .I can go by. A.plane B.train C.ship D.bike ( )18. You can go there by the NO.3 bus, then _ left. A at B turn C get ( )19. Where are you going _ the weekend? A this B on C at ( )20. - Is it far? Yes, so I am going by on_. A bike B train C foot ( )21. -_ are you going to buy? -I

6、 am going to buy a pair of shoes. A What B Where C Who ( )22. _ are you going? Im going at 8 oclock. A Where B When C What ( )23. The bike _ the right is mine(我的). A at B on C in ( )24. Im going to buy a dictionary in the _. A cinema B bookstore C post office ( )25. _ are you going this afternoon ?

7、Im going to the bookstore. A Where B What C When ( )26. In the evening ,I often _ TV at home. A look B watch C read ( )27. -Excuse me , how can I _ the nature park?A get to B get off C go ( )28.The post office is near the hospital the right. A. of B. to C. on D. at ( )29. What does your father . ( )

8、 A. does. B. do C. doing.( )30.Where is the cinema ,please?-Its to the hospital.A.near B. next C.in front of ( )31. She is engineer. ( ) A. a B. an C.the ( )32. does your brother work? In a hospital. ( ) A. Where B who C. What. ( )33. He in a bank. ( )2A. works B. work. C. working ( )34. What does y

9、our mother do? ( ) A. She is a teacher. B. I am a teacher. C. He is a teacher. ( )35. Does your father work in a factory? ( ) A. Yes, he does. B No, he does. C Yes, he doesnt. (三三).选词填空,从所给的选项中选择正确的将其序号填入题前括号内(选词填空,从所给的选项中选择正确的将其序号填入题前括号内(5 分)分)A. get B. next C. go D. by E. near ( )36.I go to Englan

10、d plane. ( )37.My home is the liarbry. ( )38.You can to the park on foot. ( )39.The cinema is to the hospital. ( )40.You can to school by bike (四四)、请在、请在 B 栏中找出栏中找出 A 栏句子的答语,将其字母代号填在括号中。栏句子的答语,将其字母代号填在括号中。(10)A B ( )41 How do you go to school? A 、You can go by the No.5 bus. ( )42 Can I go on foot? B

11、 、No, its not far. ( )43 How can I go to the zoo? C 、Sure, if you like. ( )44 Is it far from here? D 、Youre welcome. ( )45 Thank you very much. E 、Usually I go on foot. ( )46 Where is the bookstore? F 、My home is near the cinema. ( )47 What are you going to do? G 、I am going at 3 oclock. ( )48 Lets

12、go to the zoo? H、 Im going to play football. ( )49 When are you going? I 、Its east of the cinema. ( )50 Where is your home? J 、Great. (五)(五) 、Look and choose. (根据图片选择句子根据图片选择句子)(5)51. ( ) A. What does your mother do? She is a TV reporter. B. What does your father do? He is a policeman. 52. ( ) A. Ho

13、w does she go to work? She goes to work on foot. B. How does he go to school? He goes to school by bike. 53( ) A. Where does your aunt work? In the hospital. B. Where does your uncle work?In the cinema.54. ( ) A. She teaches Chinese. She is a Chinese teacher. B. She likes drawing pictures. She is an artist. 55. ( ) A. I like playing the violin.B. I like collecting stamps. (六)(六) 、阅读理解,根据短文的意思,选择最合适的



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