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1、Yesterday Today and Tomorrow of CC 云计算的前世今生与未来 Forest Zhang 张荣典 WeiBo:forestzrd Background Who am I? Forest Zhang 张荣典 IT veteran(15 yrs), worked at SI, ISV, IT Outsourcer for Public Sector, Telco, MNC and etc. Belief: Cloud Computing is the future of IT Why are we here? BUAA, on-the-job postgraduate

2、 of CC You are Cloud Force Cadets You are to be Elite Architects of CC Today is the First Day and First Class (导论) Disclaimer The views and opinions expressed in this slide deck are those of Forest Zhang, not the views and opinions of his employer. There are pictures, diagrams and knowledge in this

3、slide deck from the Cloud. To whom may concern, please raise your concern to . Agenda Yesterday: Cloud Computing Background & Origin Cloud Computing Business Value Today: Cloud Computing Current Status Cloud Computing Market Analysis Tomorrow: Cloud Computing Trends Cloud Computing Future Analysis C

4、hapter 1: Cloud Computing Definition Cloud Computing Ref. Architecture Chapter 2: Cloud Computing Standards Cloud Computing Security Framework Chapter 3: Cloud Computing Designing Philosophy First Class Principles Open Mind Think and re-think, image and re-image Open Discussion Agree to disagree, di

5、sagree to agree CHAPTER 1: YESTERDAY OF CLOUD COMPUTING Origins from earth Cloud Chaos Cloud computing is Super Hype,is it a fad or craze? Cloud Chaos (cont.) China is Cloudy and Clouded 城市云 云数据中心 行业云 人云亦云 云里雾里 桌面云 云开发商 云传销? 晕计算 云基地 云产业园 游戏云 Cloud Chaos (cont.) Cloud computing is the Big Thing,it wa

6、s is and will continue be CC is interpreted by different people in different ways for different purposes. Cloud Question & Quest What is cloud computing? CC Origins: Computing History 1970 1980 1990 2000 Beyond 2010 Mainframe Era Big Iron Rise of PC Client/Server Era Internet Era Cloud Era The histo

7、ry of computing is the history of science computing, business computing and personal computing. CC Origins: Utility Computing (cont.) Is cloud computing utility computing? Hmmm UC was a vision practiced, faded and resurfaced UC laid the thinking foundation and enlightened grid computing & cloud comp

8、uting “computing may someday be organized as a public utility just as the telephone system is a public utility. The computer utility could become the basis of a new and important industry” - John McCarthy 1961 CC Origins: Grid Computing(cont.) Is cloud computing grid computing? Not exactly, GC may o

9、r may not be delivered as Utility Computing or Cloud Computing. GC is more Science 2.0 versus Business 2.0 The term grid computing originated as metaphor for making computer power as easy to access as an electric power grid. Ian Fosters & Carl Kesselman Early 1990s CC Origins: “Web Computing”(cont.)

10、 Is cloud computing “web computing”? Not exactly, “WC” may or may not be used to construct or delivered as cloud computing “WC” is more Big Web & Big Data Google introduced MapReduce in 2004 to support distributed computing on large data sets on clusters of computers. CC Origins: Elastic Compute Clo

11、ud (cont.) Is AWS cloud computing? Yes, but cloud computing is much much more than Amazon Web Services Amazon launched S3(Simple Storage Service) in March, EC2(Elastic Compute Cloud) in August 2006. Cloud Computing Debut Cloud Origins: All Roads Lead to CC There were many origins, converging into cl

12、oud computing. (Distributed Computing, Autonomous Computing, Middleware, SOA, Web Technologies, Web 2.0, IT Outsourcing) CC is Big Impact, Big Challenge, Big Opportunity. Open Discussion What is cloud computing? Please share your interpretation Cloud Definition: Its The Simple “Cloud”! The “cloud” r

13、epresents the telephone network in drawing, later metaphor for Internet to depict and abstract the underlying infrastructure Cloud Definitions A standardized IT capability (services, software, or infrastructure) delivered via Internet technologies in a pay-per-use, self-service way. A style of compu

14、ting where scalable and elastic IT-related capabilities are provided as a service using Internet technologies. Cloud Definition: NIST Version Cloud computing is a model for enabling convenient, on- demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g., networks, servers, s

15、torage, applications, and services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service provider interaction. Cloud Definition: NIST Version (cont.) Cloud Definition: CC Examples Open Discussion Dare you CHALLENGE NISTs CC Definition? Its all about service Cloudono

16、mics Why do we need CC? Whats the business value? Cloudonomics Analogy: Rent or Build? Say you just moved to a city, and youre looking for a place to live Note: this analogy copied from Andy Harjantos “I am cloud confused” series. Thank you, Andy. Cloudonomics Analogy: Rent or Build?(cont.) You can either Build a house or Rent an apartment Cloudonomics


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