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1、第 1 页 共 8 页商务英语函电期中考试卷商务英语函电期中考试卷(适用班级:商务英语班 考试时间:45 分钟 满分:100 分 出卷人:LDY) 班级 姓名 座号 成绩 一 . 单词英汉互译 20% 1prospective 2.current 3. advantage 4.discount 5. approve_ _ _ _ _ 6.delay mand 8.proforma 9. quadruplicate 10.quantity_ _ _ _ _ 11.有前途的 12.供应商 13. 购买 14. 大道 15.许可证_ _ _ _ _ 16.发票 17.推销 18.接受 n. 19.图

2、解 20.阿迪达斯_ _ _ _ _ 二课文练习册词组互译 30%21.in quadruplicate 22.proforma invoice 23.take pleasure in_ _ _ 24.without delay 25.for your information 26.take necessary steps _ _ _ 27.subjet to 28.purchase division 29.place a large order for sth.with sb_ _ _ 30.illustrated catalogue 31.not later than 32.20 英尺集装

3、箱_ _ _ 33.有竞争性的价格 34.长期伙伴 35.另封(另封邮寄)_ _ _ 3、句子翻译 30% 1.按你方要求,我们将把样品寄给万盛公司,供免费分发。_. 2.关于绿茶,很遗憾,我们目前不能供货_第 2 页 共 8 页3.许可证一拿到手,我们就用传真确认订货。_ 4.只要你的订货量达到 3,000 件或以上,我们就可以给你 5%的特别折扣。_ 5.你方 T 恤衫询盘已由我分公司转给了我们。_ 6.In order to increase our export business to your country, we wish to enter into direct busines

4、s relations with you._ 7.We do not deny the quality of your products is slightly better than theirs, but the price gap should not be so great. _ 8.As far as we know they are a reputable firm ,but we have no knowledge of their financial position._ 9.In compliance with your request ,we are sending her

5、ewith a pricelist and a range of pamphlets for your reference._ 10.We are sending you via e-mail our Quotation No.1357 and hope to receive your offer in the near future._四选择题(10%)1.We do not pay any commission on this kind of products_the order is large or small. A. even though B. provided that C. i

6、n case that D. no matter whether 2.The more you buy , _. A. the lower will be the price B. the price will be lower C. the lower the price will be D.will be lower the price 3.We are airmailing you some samples of our new products,_ we hope you will give a trial . A. that B. which C. so that D.therefo

7、re 4.Please note that our offer _ for a week .第 3 页 共 8 页A. works B. takes effective C. will be D. keeps open 5.As soon as the said license is granted ,we shall _ a L/C in your favor.A. supply B. mail C. pass D. establish 6.The goods enquired _ sell well in the EU countries. A. for B .about C. on D.

8、 with 7.We ask you to make us your best offer_ CFR Rangoon basis _5,000 pieces. A. on, in B. at , at C. on , for D. at , with 8.The highest commission rate we can _ is 3%. A. offer B. supply C. allow D.quote 9.The offer is firm subject to your reply _ here on or before July 31.A. reach B. reaching C

9、. reached D. reaches 10.The offer is valid subject to your reply _ here before the end of OctoberA. receive B. receipt C. receiving D.received五根据下面资料翻译(10%) At present we are interested in your linen(亚麻布)Mens Shirts and Womens Blouses, in gray ,light yellow and white colors ,Please quote us your low

10、est price on CFR Rangoon basis ,inclusive of our 5% commission, stating the earliest date of shipment. We shall be pleased if you will kindly send us by airmail some samples so as to acquaint us with the quality and workmanship of your supplies .Charges for samples and post fee are for our account . We appreciate your speedy response to our enquiry .第 4 页 共 8 页商务英语函电期中考答题卷商务英语函电期中考答题卷(适用班级:商务英语班 考试时间:45 分钟 满分:100 分 出卷人:LDY) 班级 姓名 座号 成绩 一 . 单词英汉互译 20% 1_ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _ 6. _ 7. _ 8. _ 9. _ 10. _11_ 12. _ 13. _ 14. _ 15. _ 16. _ 17. _ 18. _19. _ 20. _ 二课文练习册词组互译 30%21. _


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