英语:Unit 4《Where’s my backpack》测试(1)(人教新目标七年级上)

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《英语:Unit 4《Where’s my backpack》测试(1)(人教新目标七年级上)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《英语:Unit 4《Where’s my backpack》测试(1)(人教新目标七年级上)(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、英语:英语:Unit 4Wheres my backpack测试(测试(1) (人教新目标七年级上)(人教新目标七年级上)Section AI. 英汉互译。1. 在沙发上 _2. 在桌子下 _3. 在抽屉里 _4. 我不知道 _5. a set of keys _6. under the dresser _7. on the desk _8. in the backpack _II. 根据句意和首字母提示完成单词。1 Where is my baseball?Its u_ the sofa.2. My book is in the b_.3. Is the C_ in the drawer?Y

2、es, it is.4. Where is my bag?Sorry, I dont k_.5. Is the pencil i_ his bookcase?No, it isnt.III. 连词成句,并翻译成汉语。1. where, it, is _2. do, I, not, know _3. on, they, the, are, dresser_4. ball, under, is, the, bed, the_5. is, desk, my, on, computer, the _IV. 从 II 栏中找出 I 栏的正确答语。I( ) 1. Are your bags under t

3、he sofa? ( ) 2. Wheres your book? ( ) 3. Whats on the bed? ( ) 4. Is your ID card in the drawer? ( ) 5. Where are your pencils? IIA. My pen.B. Yes, they are.C. No, it isnt.D. Its on the dresser.E. Theyre on the desk.Section BI. 词(短)语翻译。1. 你的激光唱片_2. 她的数学书_3. 电子游戏_4. 录像带_5. 在地板上_6. 闹钟_II. 按要求写出下列单词的相应

4、形式。1. bring (反义词)_2. no (同音词)_3. picture (同义词)_4. desk (复数)_5. his (人称代词主格)_6. do not (缩写)_III. 根据汉语提示完成句子。 (每空一词)1 我的字典在沙发上。_ dictionary is _ the sofa.2. 他的英语书在哪里?在梳妆台上。_ his _ book?_ on the _.3. 他的背包在桌子底下。His _ is _ the table.4. 她的钥匙在抽屉里吗?不,不在。_ her keys in the drawer?No, _ _.5. 请把这块表带给你的姐姐。Please

5、 _ the watch _ your sister.IV. 补全对话。A: Excuse me, is that your key?B: _(1), it isnt. Its Bills.A: OK. Bill, is this your _(2)?C: Let _(3) see. No, it _(4). It is Bobs.A: But _(5) Bob?C: Hes _(6) home now. You can _(7) him at 839-0742.A: _(8) you.C:You are welcome.V. 阅读短文,选择最佳答案。This is a picture of

6、my bedroom. Its a nice room. A football is behind the door. My desk is near the window. You can see a chair behind the desk. You can see some books and flowers on it. My English books are in my backpack. The bag is behind the chair.( ) 1. Its a picture of _.A. my family B. my bedroom C. my school (

7、) 2. My football is _.A. behind the door B. near the door C. behind the desk( ) 3. The desk is _.A. on the bed B. behind the chairC. near the window( ) 4. We can see some _ on the desk. A. English books B. books and flowers C. schoolbags( ) 5. The English books are _.A. on my desk B. on the floorC. in my backpack


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